docs: Add documentation

This commit is contained in:
Jan Holthuis 2020-02-23 23:51:22 +01:00
parent c5af0add43
commit fcf6342a9a
8 changed files with 582 additions and 0 deletions

docs/changelog.rst Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
.. _changelog:
Version 1.0
Version 1.0.0
* Initial release

docs/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Sphinx configuration file."""
import time
author = "Jan Holthuis"
project = "sphinx-multiversion"
release = "1.0.0"
version = "1.0"
copyright = '{}, {}'.format(time.strftime('%Y'), author)
html_last_updated_fmt = '%c'
master_doc = 'index'
pygments_style = 'friendly'
templates_path = ['_templates']
extensions = []

docs/configuration.rst Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
.. _configuration:
``sphinx-multiversion`` reads your Sphinx :file:`` file for configuration.
As usual, you can also override certain options by using ``-D var=value`` on the command line.
This is what the default configuration looks like:
.. code-block:: python
# Whitelist pattern for tags (set to None to ignore all tags)
smv_tag_whitelist = r'^.*$'
# Whitelist pattern for branches (set to None to ignore all branches)
smv_branch_whitelist = r'^.*$'
# Whitelist pattern for remotes (set to None to use local branches only)
smv_remote_whitelist = None
# Pattern for released versions
smv_released_pattern = r'^tags/.*$'
# Format for versioned output directories inside the build directory
smv_outputdir_format = '{}'
You an override all of these values inside you :file:``.
.. note::
You can check which tags/branches are matched by running ``sphinx-multiversion`` with the ``--dump-metadata`` flag.
Tag/Branch/Remote whitelists
Tags, Branches and Remotes are included by `Regular Expressions <python_regex_>`_.
Here are some examples:
.. code-block:: python
smv_tag_whitelist = r'^.*$' # Include all tags
smv_tag_whitelist = r'^v\d+\.\d+$' # Include tags like "v2.1"
smv_branch_whitelist = r'^.*$' # Include all branches
smv_branch_whitelist = r'^(?!master).*$' # Include all branches except "master"
smv_remote_whitelist = None # Only use local branches
smv_remote_whitelist = r'^.*$' # Use branches from all remotes
smv_remote_whitelist = r'^(origin|upstream)$' # Use branches from origin and upstream
.. note::
To list values to match, you can use ``git branch``, ``git tag`` and ``git remote``.
Release Pattern
A Regular Expression is used to determine if a version of the documentation has been released or if it's a development version.
To allow more flexibility, the regex is evaluated over the full refname.
Here are some examples:
.. code-block:: python
smv_released_pattern = r'^tags/.*$' # Tags only
smv_released_pattern = r'^heads/\d+\.\d+$' # Branches like "2.1"
smv_released_pattern = r'^(tags/.*|heads/\d+\.\d+)$' # Branches like "2.1" and all tags
smv_released_pattern = r'^(heads|remotes/[^/]+)/(?!:master).*$' # Everything except master branch
.. note::
To list all refnames , you can use:
.. code-block:: bash
git for-each-ref --format "%(refname)" | sed 's/^refs\///g'
Output Directory Format
Each version will be built into a seperate subdirectory of the Sphinx output directory.
The ``smv_outputdir_format`` setting determines the directory structure for the subdirectories. It is a new-style Python formatting string with two parameters - ``ref`` and ``config``.
Here are some examples:
.. code-block:: python
smv_outputdir_format = '{}' # Use the branch/tag name
smv_outputdir_format = '{ref.commit}' # Use the commit hash
smv_outputdir_format = '{ref.commit:.7s}' # Use the commit hash truncated to 7 characters
smv_outputdir_format = '{ref.refname}' # Use the full refname
smv_outputdir_format = '{ref.source}/{}' # Equivalent to the previous example
smv_outputdir_format = 'versions/{config.release}' # Use "versions" as parent directory and the "release" variable from
smv_outputdir_format = '{config.version}/{}' # Use the version from as parent directory and the branch/tag name as subdirectory
.. seealso::
Have a look at `PyFormat <python_format_>`_ for information how to use new-stye Python formatting.
.. _python_regex:
.. _python_format:

docs/context.rst Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
.. _context:
HTML Context
The following variables and functions are exposed to the `Sphinx HTML builder context <sphinx_context_>`_ in all versions.
``Version`` Objects
All versions will be exposed to the HTML context as ``Version`` objects with the following attributes:
.. attribute:: name
The branch or tag name.
.. attribute:: url
The URL to the current page in this version.
.. attribute:: version
The value of the ``version`` variable in ````.
.. attribute:: release
The value of the ``release`` variable in ````.
.. attribute:: is_released
``True`` if this version matches the :ref:`configured <configuration>` ``smv_released_pattern`` regular expression, else ``False``.
The most important variable is ``versions``, which can be used to iterate over all found (and whitelisted) versions.
.. attribute:: versions
An iterable that yields all ``Version`` objects.
.. code-block:: jinja
{%- for item in versions %}
<li><a href="{{ item.url }}">{{ }}</a></li>
{%- endfor %}
.. attribute:: versions.branches
You can use the ``branches`` property of the ``versions`` iterable to get the ``Version`` objects for all branches.
.. code-block:: jinja
{%- for item in versions.branches %}
<li><a href="{{ item.url }}">{{ }}</a></li>
{%- endfor %}
.. attribute:: versions.tags
You can use the ``tags`` property of the ``versions`` iterable to get the ``Version`` objects for all tags.
.. code-block:: jinja
{%- for item in versions.tags %}
<li><a href="{{ item.url }}">{{ }}</a></li>
{%- endfor %}
.. attribute:: versions.releases
You can use the ``releases`` property of the ``versions`` iterable to get all ``Version`` objects where the ``ìs_released`` attribute is ``True``.
This is determined by the ``smv_released_pattern`` in the :ref:`Configuration <configuration>`.
.. code-block:: jinja
{%- for item in versions.releases %}
<li><a href="{{ item.url }}">{{ }}</a></li>
{%- endfor %}
.. attribute:: versions.in_development
You can use the ``in_development`` property of the ``versions`` iterable to get all ``Version`` objects where the ``ìs_released`` attribute is ``False``.
This is determined by the ``smv_released_pattern`` in the :ref:`Configuration <configuration>`.
.. code-block:: jinja
<h3>In Development</h3>
{%- for item in versions.in_development %}
<li><a href="{{ item.url }}">{{ }}</a></li>
{%- endfor %}
Similar to Sphinx's `hasdoc() <sphinx_hasdoc_>`_ function.
.. function:: vhasdoc(other_version)
This function is Similar to Sphinx's `hasdoc() <sphinx_hasdoc_>`_ function.
It takes ``other_version`` as string and returns ``True`` if the current document exists in another version.
.. code-block:: jinja
{% if vhasdoc('master') %}
This page is available in <a href="../master/index.html">master</a>.
{% endif %}
.. function:: vpathto(other_version)
This function is Similar to Sphinx's `pathto() <sphinx_pathto_>`_ function.
It takes ``other_version`` as string and returns the relative URL to the current page in the other version.
If the current page does not exist in that version, the relative URL to its `master_doc <sphinx_master_doc_>`_ is returned instead.
.. code-block:: jinja
{% if vhasdoc('master') %}
This page is also available in <a href="{{ vpathto('master') }}">master</a>.
{% else %}
Go to <a href="{{ vpathto('master') }}">master</a> for the latest docs.
{% endif %}
Other Variables
.. attribute:: current_version
A ``Version`` object for of the current version being built.
.. code-block:: jinja
<h3>Current Version: {{ }}</h3>
.. attribute:: latest_version
A ``Version`` object of the latest released version being built.
.. code-block:: jinja
<h3>Latest Version: {{ }}</h3>
.. _sphinx_context:
.. _sphinx_master_doc:
.. _sphinx_hasdoc:
.. _sphinx_pathto:

docs/index.rst Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
sphinx-multiversion |version|
A Sphinx extension for building self-hosted versioned documentation.
Project Links
* Source code:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 3
:caption: General
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
:caption: Appendix

docs/install.rst Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
.. _install:
You can install ``sphinx-multiversion`` via `pip <pip_>`_ or directly from :file:``.
.. note::
Since ``sphinx-multiversion`` is still under heavy development, it is not available on `PyPI <pypi_>`_ yet.
Install from GitHub
You can install the latest development version using pip to install directly from the GitHub
.. code-block:: bash
pip install git+
Install via :file:``
It's also possible to clone the Git repository and install the extension using its :file:``:
.. code-block:: bash
git clone
cd sphinx-multiversion
python install
.. _pip:
.. _pypi:

docs/quickstart.rst Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
.. _quickstart:
After :ref:`installation <install>`, using ``sphinx-multiversion`` should be fairly straightforward.
To be able to build multiple versions of Sphinx documentation, ``sphinx-multiversion`` acts as wrapper for ``sphinx-build``.
If you're already using Sphinx documentation for your project, you can now use ``sphinx-multiversion`` to build the HTML documentation.
You can check if it works by running:
.. code-block:: bash
# Without sphinx-multiversion
sphinx-build docs build/html
# With sphinx-multiversion
sphinx-multiversion docs build/html
Don't worry - no version picker will show up in the generated HTML yet.
You need to :ref:`configure <configuration>` the extension first.
.. seealso::
If you're not using Sphinx yet, have a look at the `tutorial <sphinx_tutorial_>`_.
Next, you need to add the extension to the :file:`` file.
.. code-block:: python
extensions = [
To make the different versions show up in the HTML, you also need to add a custom template. For example, you could create a new template named :file:`versioning.html` with the following content:
.. code-block:: html
{% if versions %}
<h3>{{ _('Versions') }}</h3>
{%- for item in versions %}
<li><a href="{{ item.url }}">{{ }}</a></li>
{%- endfor %}
{% endif %}
.. seealso::
You can also list branches, tags, released versions and development branches separately.
See :ref:`Templates <templates>` for details.
Assuming that you're using a theme with sidebar widget support, you just need to make sure that the file is inside the ``templates_path`` and add it to the `html_sidebars <sphinx_html_sidebars_>`_ variable.
.. code-block:: python
templates_path = [
html_sidebars = [
Now rebuild the documentation:
.. code-block:: bash
sphinx-multiversion docs build/html
.. seealso::
By default, all local branches and tags will be included. If you only want to include certain branches/tags or also include remote branches, see :ref:`Configuration <configuration>`.
.. _sphinx_tutorial:
.. _sphinx_html_sidebars:

docs/templates.rst Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
.. _templates:
``sphinx-multiversion`` does not change the look of your HTML output by default.
Instead, you can customize the template to cater to your needs.
Version Listings
To add version listings to your template, you need to add a custom template to your theme.
You can take one of the snippets below, put it into :file:`_templates/versioning.html` and add it to your theme's sidebar:
.. code-block:: html
templates_path = [
html_sidebars = [
List all branches/tags
.. code-block:: html
{% if versions %}
<h3>{{ _('Versions') }}</h3>
{%- for item in versions %}
<li><a href="{{ item.url }}">{{ }}</a></li>
{%- endfor %}
{% endif %}
List branches and tags separately
.. code-block:: html
{% if versions %}
<h3>{{ _('Branches') }}</h3>
{%- for item in versions.branches %}
<li><a href="{{ item.url }}">{{ }}</a></li>
{%- endfor %}
<h3>{{ _('Tags') }}</h3>
{%- for item in versions.tags %}
<li><a href="{{ item.url }}">{{ }}</a></li>
{%- endfor %}
{% endif %}
List releases and development versions separately
.. code-block:: html
{% if versions %}
<h3>{{ _('Releases') }}</h3>
{%- for item in versions.releases %}
<li><a href="{{ item.url }}">{{ }}</a></li>
{%- endfor %}
<h3>{{ _('Tags') }}</h3>
{%- for item in versions.in_development %}
<li><a href="{{ item.url }}">{{ }}</a></li>
{%- endfor %}
{% endif %}
Version Banners
You can also add version banners to your theme, for example:
.. code-block:: html
{% extends "page.html" %}
{% block body %}
{% if current_version and latest_version and current_version != latest_version %}
{% if current_version.is_released %}
You're reading an old version of this documentation.
If you want up-to-date information, please have a look at <a href="{{ vpathto( }}">{{}}</a>.
{% else %}
You're reading the documentation for a development version.
For the latest released version, please have a look at <a href="{{ vpathto( }}">{{}}</a>.
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{{ super() }}
{% endblock %}%
ReadTheDocs Theme
As of version 0.4.3, the `Read the Docs theme <sphinx_rtd_theme_>`_ does not support sidebar widgets.
So instead of adding a custom template to ``html_sidebars``, you need to create a template file named :file:`versions.html` with the following content:
.. code-block:: html
<div class="rst-versions" data-toggle="rst-versions" role="note" aria-label="versions">
<span class="rst-current-version" data-toggle="rst-current-version">
<span class="fa fa-book"> Other Versions</span>
v: {{ }}
<span class="fa fa-caret-down"></span>
<div class="rst-other-versions">
{%- if versions.tags %}
{%- for item in versions.tags %}
<dd><a href="{{ item.url }}">{{ }}</a></dd>
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if versions.branches %}
{%- for item in versions.branches %}
<dd><a href="{{ item.url }}">{{ }}</a></dd>
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
.. _sphinx_rtd_theme: