git for-each-ref --format "%(refname)" | sed 's/^refs\///g'
Output Directory Format
Each version will be built into a seperate subdirectory of the Sphinx output directory.
The ``smv_outputdir_format`` setting determines the directory structure for the subdirectories. It is a new-style Python formatting string with two parameters - ``ref`` and ``config``.
Here are some examples:
..code-block:: python
smv_outputdir_format = '{}' # Use the branch/tag name
smv_outputdir_format = '{ref.commit}' # Use the commit hash
smv_outputdir_format = '{ref.commit:.7s}' # Use the commit hash truncated to 7 characters
smv_outputdir_format = '{ref.refname}' # Use the full refname
smv_outputdir_format = '{ref.source}/{}' # Equivalent to the previous example
smv_outputdir_format = 'versions/{config.release}' # Use "versions" as parent directory and the "release" variable from
smv_outputdir_format = '{config.version}/{}' # Use the version from as parent directory and the branch/tag name as subdirectory
Have a look at `PyFormat <python_format_>`_ for information how to use new-stye Python formatting.