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<font color="#ff40ff">SCROTWM(1) OpenBSD Reference Manual SCROTWM(1)</font><br>
<font color="#ffff00">NAME</font><br>
scrotwm - window manager for X11<br>
<font color="#ffff00">SYNOPSIS</font><br>
<font color="#ffff00">DESCRIPTION</font><br>
scrotwm is a minimalistic window manager that tries to stay out of the<br>
way so that valuable screen real estate can be used for much more impor-<br>
tant stuff. It has sane defaults and does not require one to learn a<br>
language to do any configuration. It was written by hackers for hackers<br>
and it strives to be small, compact and fast.<br>
When scrotwm starts up, it reads settings from its configuration file,<br>
scrotwm.conf. See the CONFIGURATION FILES section below.<br>
The following notation is used throughout this page:<br>
M Meta<br>
S Shift<br>
<Name> Named key<br>
M1 Mouse button 1<br>
M3 Mouse button 3<br>
scrotwm is very simple in its use. Most of the actions are initiated via<br>
key or mouse bindings. See the BINDINGS section below for defaults and<br>
<font color="#ffff00">CONFIGURATION FILES</font><br>
scrotwm first tries to open the user specific file, ~/.scrotwm.conf. If<br>
that file is unavailable, it then tries to open the global configuration<br>
file /etc/scrotwm.conf.<br>
The format of the file is <keyword> = <setting>. For example:<br>
color_focus = red<br>
Enabling or disabling an option is done by using 1 or 0 respectively.<br>
The file supports the following keywords:<br>
color_focus Border color of the currently focussed win-<br>
color_unfocus Border color of unfocussed windows.<br>
bar_enabled Enable or disable status bar.<br>
bar_border[x] Color of the status bar border in screen x.<br>
bar_color[x] Color of the status bar window in screen x.<br>
bar_font_color[x] Color of the font in status bar in screen<br>
bar_font Status bar font.<br>
bar_action External script that populates additional<br>
information in the status bar, such as bat-<br>
tery life.<br>
bar_delay Update frequency, in seconds, of external<br>
script that populates the status bar.<br>
stack_enabled Enable or disable displaying the current<br>
stacking algorithm in the status bar.<br>
clock_enabled Enable or disable displaying the clock in<br>
the status bar. Disable by setting to 0 so<br>
a custom clock could be used in the bar_ac-<br>
tion script.<br>
dialog_ratio Some applications have dialogue windows<br>
that are too small to be useful. This ra-<br>
tio is the screen size to what they will be<br>
resized. For example, 0.6 is 60% of the<br>
physical screen size.<br>
region Allocates a custom region, removing any au-<br>
todetected regions which occupy the same<br>
space on the screen. Defined in the format<br>
screen[<idx>]:WIDTHxHEIGHT+X+Y, e.g.<br>
term_width Set a preferred minimum width for the ter-<br>
minal If this value is greater than 0,<br>
scrotwm will attempt to adjust the font<br>
sizes in the terminal to keep the terminal<br>
width above this number as the window is<br>
resized. Only <font color="#ff40ff">xterm(1)</font> is currently sup-<br>
ported. The <font color="#ff40ff">xterm(1)</font> binary must not be<br>
setuid or setgid, which it is by default on<br>
most systems. Users may need to set pro-<br>
gram[term] (see the PROGRAMS section) to<br>
use an alternate copy of the <font color="#ff40ff">xterm(1)</font> bina-<br>
ry without the setgid bit set.<br>
title_class_enabled Enable or disable displaying the window<br>
class in the status bar. Enable by setting<br>
to 1<br>
title_name_enabled Enable or disable displaying the window ti-<br>
tle in the status bar. Enable by setting<br>
to 1<br>
modkey Change mod key. Mod1 is generally the ALT<br>
key and Mod4 is the windows key on a PC.<br>
program[p] Define new action to spawn a program p.<br>
See the PROGRAMS section below.<br>
bind[x] Bind key combo to action x. See the<br>
BINDINGS section below.<br>
quirk[c:n] Add "quirk" for windows with class c and<br>
name n. See the QUIRKS section below.<br>
Colors need to be specified per the <font color="#ff40ff">XQueryColor(3)</font> specification and<br>
fonts need to be specified per the <font color="#ff40ff">XQueryFont(3)</font> specification.<br>
<font color="#ffff00">PROGRAMS</font><br>
scrotwm allows you to define custom actions to launch programs of your<br>
choice and then bind them the same as with built-in actions. See the<br>
BINDINGS section below.<br>
The default programs are described below:<br>
term xterm<br>
screenshot_all screenshot.sh full<br>
screenshot_wind screenshot.sh window<br>
lock xlock<br>
initscr initscreen.sh<br>
menu dmenu_run -fn $bar_font -nb $bar_color -nf<br>
$bar_font_color -sb $bar_border -sf $bar_color<br>
Custom programs in the configuration file are specified as follows:<br>
program[<name>] = <progpath> [<arg> [... <arg>]]<br>
<name> is any identifier that does not conflict with a built-in action or<br>
keyword, <progpath> is the desired program, and <arg> is zero or more ar-<br>
guments to the program.<br>
The following variables represent settable values in scrotwm (see the<br>
CONFIGURATION FILES section above), and may be used in the <arg> fields<br>
and will be substituted for values at the time the program is spawned:<br>
program[ff] = /usr/local/bin/firefox <a href="http://scrotwm.org/">http://scrotwm.org/</a><br>
bind[ff] = Mod+f # Now Mod+F launched firefox<br>
To undo the previous:<br>
bind[] = Mod+f<br>
program[ff] =<br>
<font color="#ffff00">BINDINGS</font><br>
scrotwm provides many functions (or actions) accessed via key or mouse<br>
The current mouse bindings are described below:<br>
M1 Focus window<br>
M-M1 Move window<br>
M-M3 Resize window<br>
M-S-M3 Resize window while maintaining it centered<br>
The default key bindings are described below:<br>
M-S-<Return> term<br>
M-p menu<br>
M-S-q quit<br>
M-q restart scrotwm<br>
M-<Space> cycle_layout<br>
M-S-<Space> reset_layout<br>
M-h master_shrink<br>
M-l master_grow<br>
M-, master_add<br>
M-. master_del<br>
M-S-, stack_inc<br>
M-S-. stack_del<br>
M-<Return> swap_main<br>
M-j, M-<TAB> focus_next<br>
M-k, M-S-<TAB> focus_prev<br>
M-m focus_main<br>
M-S-j swap_next<br>
M-S-k swap_prev<br>
M-b bar_toggle<br>
M-x wind_del<br>
M-S-x wind_kill<br>
M-<n> ws_n<br>
M-S-<n> mvws_n<br>
M-<Right> ws_next<br>
M-<Left> ws_prev<br>
M-S-<Right> screen_next<br>
M-S-<Left> screen_prev<br>
M-s screenshot_all<br>
M-S-s screenshot_wind<br>
M-S-v version<br>
M-t float_toggle<br>
M-S <Delete> lock<br>
M-S-i initscr<br>
The action names and descriptions are listed below:<br>
term Spawn a new terminal (see PROGRAMS above)<br>
menu Menu (see PROGRAMS above)<br>
quit Quit scrotwm<br>
restart Restart scrotwm<br>
cycle_layout Cycle layout<br>
reset_layout Reset layout<br>
master_shrink Shrink master area<br>
master_grow Grow master area<br>
master_add Add windows to master area<br>
master_del Remove windows from master area<br>
stack_inc Add columns/rows to stacking area<br>
stack_del Remove columns/rows from stacking area<br>
swap_main Move current window to master area<br>
focus_next Focus next window in workspace<br>
focus_prev Focus previous window in workspace<br>
focus_main Focus on main window in workspace<br>
swap_next Swap with next window in workspace<br>
swap_prev Swap with previous window in workspace<br>
bar_toggle Toggle status bar in all workspaces<br>
wind_del Delete current window in workspace<br>
wind_kill Destroy current window in workspace<br>
ws_n Switch to workspace n, where n is 1 through 10<br>
mvws_n Move current window to workspace n, where n is 1<br>
through 10<br>
ws_next Switch to next workspace with a window in it<br>
ws_prev Switch to previous workspace with a window in it<br>
screen_next Move pointer to next region<br>
screen_prev Move pointer to previous region<br>
screenshot_all Take screenshot of entire screen (if enabled) (see<br>
PROGRAMS above)<br>
screenshot_wind Take screenshot of selected window (if enabled)<br>
(see PROGRAMS above)<br>
version Toggle version in status bar<br>
float_toggle Toggle focused window between tiled and floating<br>
lock Lock screen (see PROGRAMS above)<br>
initscr Reinitialize physical screens (see PROGRAMS above)<br>
Custom bindings in the configuration file are specified as follows:<br>
bind[<action>] = <keys><br>
<action> is one of the actions listed above (or empty) and <keys> is in<br>
the form of zero or more modifier keys (MOD, Mod1, Shift, etc.) and one<br>
or more normal keys (b, space, etc.), separated by "+". For example:<br>
bind[reset] = Mod4+q # bind Windows-key + q to reset<br>
bind[] = Mod1+q # unbind Alt + q<br>
Multiple key combinations may be bound to the same action.<br>
<font color="#ffff00">QUIRKS</font><br>
scrotwm provides "quirks" which handle windows that must be treated spe-<br>
cially in a tiling window manager, such as some dialogs and fullscreen<br>
The default quirks are described below:<br>
Firefox-bin:firefox-bin TRANSSZ<br>
Firefox:Dialog FLOAT<br>
Gimp:gimp FLOAT + ANYWHERE<br>
OpenOffice.org 2.4:VCLSalFrame FLOAT<br>
OpenOffice.org 3.1:VCLSalFrame FLOAT<br>
pcb:pcb FLOAT<br>
xine:Xine Window FLOAT + ANYWHERE<br>
xine:xine Panel FLOAT + ANYWHERE<br>
xine:xine Video Fullscreen Window FULLSCREEN + FLOAT<br>
Xitk:Xitk Combo FLOAT + ANYWHERE<br>
Xitk:Xine Window FLOAT + ANYWHERE<br>
XTerm:xterm XTERM_FONTADJ<br>
The quirks themselves are described below:<br>
FLOAT This window should not be tiled, but allowed<br>
to float freely.<br>
TRANSSZ Adjusts size on transient windows that are<br>
too small using dialog_ratio (see<br>
ANYWHERE Allow window to position itself, uncentered.<br>
XTERM_FONTADJ Adjust xterm fonts when resizing.<br>
FULLSCREEN Remove border to allow window to use full<br>
screen size.<br>
Custom quirks in the configuration file are specified as follows:<br>
quirk[<class>:<name>] = <quirk> [+ <quirk> ...]<br>
<class> and <name> specify the window to which the quirk(s) apply, and<br>
<quirk> is one of the quirks from the list above. For example:<br>
quirk[MPlayer:xv] = FLOAT + FULLSCREEN # let mplayer play<br>
quirk[pcb:pcb] = NONE # remove existing quirk<br>
You can obtain <class> and <name> by running <font color="#ff40ff">xprop(1)</font> and then clicking<br>
on the desired window. In the following example the main window of Fire-<br>
fox was clicked:<br>
$ xprop | grep WM_CLASS<br>
WM_CLASS(STRING) = "Navigator", "Firefox"<br>
Note that grepping for WM_CLASS flips class and name. In the example<br>
above the quirk entry would be:<br>
quirk[Firefox:Navigator] = FLOAT<br>
<font color="#ffff00">FILES</font><br>
~/.scrotwm.conf scrotwm user specific settings.<br>
/etc/scrotwm.conf scrotwm global settings.<br>
<font color="#ffff00">HISTORY</font><br>
scrotwm was inspired by xmonad & dwm.<br>
<font color="#ffff00">AUTHORS</font><br>
scrotwm was written by Marco Peereboom <marco@peereboom.us>, Ryan Thomas<br>
McBride <mcbride@countersiege.com> and Darrin Chandler<br>
<font color="#ffff00">BUGS</font><br>
Currently the menu, invoked with M-p, depends on dmenu.<br>
OpenBSD 4.6 October 2, 2009 5<br>