Darrin Chandler a1937a73b7 Add key binding capabilities to the configuration file. Some minor

"Sure, go ahead" mcbride, "ok get it in" marco
2009-03-10 01:32:06 +00:00

89 lines
2.3 KiB

# $scrotwm$
# colors for focussed and unfocussed window borders
color_focus = red
color_unfocus = rgb:88/88/88
# bar settings
bar_enabled = 1
bar_border[1] = rgb:00/80/80
bar_color[1] = black
bar_font_color[1] = rgb:a0/a0/a0
bar_font = -*-terminus-medium-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
#bar_action = baraction.sh
#bar_delay = 1
clock_enabled = 1
# spawn app
spawn_term = xterm
# dialog box size ratio .3 >= r < 1
dialog_ratio = 0.6
# screen shots
# screenshot_enabled = 1
# screenshot_app = screenshot.sh
# Split a non-Xrandr dual head setup into one region per monitor
# (non-standard driver-based multihead is not seen by scrotwm)
# region = screen[1]:1280x1024+0+0
# region = screen[1]:1280x1024+1280+0
# mod key, (windows key is Mod4)
# modkey = Mod1
# key bindings
# unbind with: bind[] = <keys>
#bind[cycle_layout] = MOD+space
#bind[stack_reset] = MOD+Shift+space
#bind[master_shrink] = MOD+h
#bind[master_grow] = MOD+l
#bind[master_add] = MOD+comma
#bind[master_del] = MOD+period
#bind[stack_inc] = MOD+Shift+comma
#bind[stack_dec] = MOD+Shift+period
#bind[swap_main] = MOD+Return
#bind[focus_next] = MOD+j
#bind[focus_prev] = MOD+k
#bind[swap_next] = MOD+Shift+j
#bind[swap_prev] = MOD+Shift+k
#bind[spawn_term] = MOD+Shift+Return
#bind[spawn_menu] = MOD+p
#bind[quit] = MOD+Shift+q
#bind[restart] = MOD+q
#bind[focus_main] = MOD+m
#bind[ws_1] = MOD+1
#bind[ws_2] = MOD+2
#bind[ws_3] = MOD+3
#bind[ws_4] = MOD+4
#bind[ws_5] = MOD+5
#bind[ws_6] = MOD+6
#bind[ws_7] = MOD+7
#bind[ws_8] = MOD+8
#bind[ws_9] = MOD+9
#bind[ws_10] = MOD+0
#bind[ws_next] = MOD+Right
#bind[ws_prev] = MOD+Left
#bind[screen_next] = MOD+Shift+Right
#bind[screen_prev] = MOD+Shift+Left
#bind[mvws_1] = MOD+Shift+1
#bind[mvws_2] = MOD+Shift+2
#bind[mvws_3] = MOD+Shift+3
#bind[mvws_4] = MOD+Shift+4
#bind[mvws_5] = MOD+Shift+5
#bind[mvws_6] = MOD+Shift+6
#bind[mvws_7] = MOD+Shift+7
#bind[mvws_8] = MOD+Shift+8
#bind[mvws_9] = MOD+Shift+9
#bind[mvws_10] = MOD+Shift+0
#bind[bar_toggle] = MOD+b
#bind[focus_next] = MOD+Tab
#bind[focus_prev] = MOD+Shift+Tab
#bind[wind_kill] = MOD+Shift+x
#bind[wind_del] = MOD+x
#bind[screenshot_all] = MOD+s
#bind[screenshot_wind] = MOD+Shift+s
#bind[float_toggle] = MOD+t
#bind[version] = MOD+Shift+v
#bind[spawn_lock] = MOD+Shift+Delete
#bind[spawn_initscr] = MOD+Shift+i