Marco Peereboom aaee1e4644 Add portugese from Alicornio <alicornio@ig.com.br>
Update engrish man page while at it.
2010-09-16 02:00:51 +00:00

123 lines
4.9 KiB

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
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Welcome to Scrotwm's website.<p>
<a href="scrotwm_es.html">En Español</a>
<a href="scrotwm_it.html">In Italiano</a>
<a href="scrotwm_pt.html">Em portugês</a>
<a href="scrotwm_ru.html">In Russian</a>
Scrotwm is a small dynamic tiling window manager for X11.
It tries to stay out of the way so that valuable screen real estate can
be used for much more important stuff.
It has sane defaults and does not require one to learn a language to do
any configuration.
It was written by hackers for hackers and it strives to be small, compact and
It was largely inspired by
<a href="http://xmonad.org/">xmonad</a>
<a href="http://www.suckless.org/dwm/">dwm</a>.
Both are fine products but suffer from things like:
crazy-unportable-language-syndrome, silly defaults, asymmetrical window
layout, "how hard can it be?" and good old NIH.
Nevertheless dwm was a phenomenal resource and many good ideas and code
was borrowed from it.
On the other hand xmonad has great defaults, key bindings and xinerama
support but is crippled by not being written in C.
Scrotwm is a beautiful pearl!
For it too, was created by grinding irritation.
Nothing is a bigger waste of time than moving windows around until they are the
right size-ish or having just about any relevant key combination being eaten
for some task one never needs.
The path of agony is too long to quote and in classical
<a href="http://www.openbsd.org">OpenBSD</a>
fashion (put up, or hack up) a brand new window manager was whooped up to serve
no other purpose than to obey its masters.
It was written by Marco Peereboom, Ryan Thomas McBride &amp; Darrin Chandler and it
is released under the ISC
<a href="license.html">license</a>.
Patches can be accepted provided they are ISC licensed as well.<br>
Following are a few screenshots of scrotwm in action.
<a href="scrotwm.jpg"><img border=0 src="scrotwm_small.jpg" alt="[scrotwm]"></a><br>
Vertical stack.
<a href="scrotwm2.jpg"><img border=0 src="scrotwm2_small.jpg" alt="[scrotwm2]"></a><br>
Horizontal stack.
<a href="scrotwm3.jpg"><img border=0 src="scrotwm3_small.jpg" alt="[scrotwm3]"></a><br>
Horizontal stack with gvim &amp;Firefox.
<a href="scrotwm4.jpg"><img border=0 src="scrotwm4_small.jpg" alt="[scrotwm4]"></a><br>
Vertical stack with floater and extra window in master area.
<a href="scrotwm5.jpg"><img border=0 src="scrotwm5_small.jpg" alt="[scrotwm5]"></a><br>
Mplayer, resized and moved.
<body bgcolor="#101010" text="#ffffff"> <font face="monospace">
Major features:<br>
- Dynamic xrandr &amp; xinerama support (multi screen)<br>
- Navigation anywhere on all screens with either the keyboard or mouse<br>
- Customizable status bar<br>
- Human readable configuration file<br>
- Screenshots<br>
- Restartable without losing state<br>
- Quick launch menu<br>
- Many screen layouts possible with a few simple key strokes<br>
- Windows can be added or removed from master area<br>
- Windows can be moved to any workspace or within a region<br>
- Resizable master area<br>
- Move/resize floating windows<br>
- drag-to-float<br>
- User definable regions<br>
- User definable modkey &amp; key bindings<br>
- User definable quirk bindings<br>
- User definable key bindings to launch applications<br>
- Multi OS support (*BSD, Linux, <a href="osx.html">OSX</a>, <a href="cygwin.html">Windows/cygwin</a>)
- add switch between 2 windows (like alt-tab)<br>
- add search for window function<br>
- add identify window function<br>
- switch scrotwm from Xlib to <a href="http://xcb.freedesktop.org">XCB</a><br>
- make a floating stack mechanism<br>
Please read the
<a href="man.html">man pages</a>
for a more detailed explanation.
All community resources are hosted by
<a href="http://opensource.conformal.com">Conformal Systems</a>
and can be found at:
<li><a href="http://opensource.conformal.com/fluxbb/viewforum.php?id=10">Forum</a>
<li><a href="http://opensource.conformal.com/flyspray/index.php?project=8">Bug tracker</a>
<li><a href="http://opensource.conformal.com/cgi-bin/cvsweb/scrotwm/scrotwm/">CVS web</a>
<li><a href="http://opensource.conformal.com/snapshots/scrotwm/">Snapshots</a>
<li><a href="http://opensource.conformal.com/mailman/listinfo/scrotwm-commits">CVS subscription</a>
<li><a href="http://opensource.conformal.com/wiki/Scrotwm">Wiki</a>
<li>Source via anoncvs CVSROOT=anoncvs@opensource.conformal.com:/anoncvs/scrotwm
Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Marco Peereboom &lt;marco@peereboom.us&gt;,
Ryan Thomas McBride &lt;mcbride@countersiege.com&gt; &amp;
Darrin Chandler &lt;dwchandler@stilyagin.com&gt;<br>