#!/bin/sh # print_date() { # The date is printed to the status bar by default. # To print the date through this script, set clock_enabled to 0 # in spectrwm.conf. Uncomment "print_date" below. FORMAT="%a %b %d %R %Z %Y" DATE=`date "+${FORMAT}"` echo -n "${DATE} " } print_mem() { MEM=$($(which top) -bcn1 | grep Mem: | grep -v grep | cut -d " " -f11) echo -n "Free mem: $MEM " } _print_cpu() { typeset -R4 _1=${1} _2=${2} _3=${3} _4=${4} _5=${5} echo -n "CPU:${_1}% User${_2}% Nice${_3}% Sys${_4}% Int${_5}% Idle " } print_cpu() { OUT="" # iostat prints each column justified to 3 chars, so if one counter # is 100, it jams up agains the preceeding one. sort this out. while [ "${1}x" != "x" ]; do if [ ${1} -gt 99 ]; then OUT="$OUT ${1%100} 100" else OUT="$OUT ${1}" fi shift; done _print_cpu $OUT } print_apm() { BAT_STATUS=$1 BAT_LEVEL=$2 AC_STATUS=$3 if [ $AC_STATUS -ne 255 -o $BAT_STATUS -lt 4 ]; then if [ $AC_STATUS -eq 0 ]; then echo -n "on battery (${BAT_LEVEL}%)" else case $AC_STATUS in 1) AC_STRING="on AC: " ;; 2) AC_STRING="on backup AC: " ;; *) AC_STRING="" ;; esac; case $BAT_STATUS in 4) BAT_STRING="(no battery)" ;; [0-3]) BAT_STRING="(battery ${BAT_LEVEL}%)" ;; *) BAT_STRING="(battery unknown)" ;; esac; FULL="${AC_STRING}${BAT_STRING}" if [ "$FULL" != "" ]; then echo -n "$FULL" fi fi fi } print_cpuspeed() { CPU_SPEED=$($(which sysctl) hw.cpuspeed | cut -d "=" -f2) echo -n "CPU speed: $CPU_SPEED MHz " } while :; do # instead of sleeping, use iostat as the update timer. # cache the output of apm(8), no need to call that every second. $(which iostat) -C -c 3600 |& # wish infinity was an option PID="$!" APM_DATA="" I=0 trap "kill $PID; exit" TERM while read -p; do if [ $(( ${I} % 1 )) -eq 0 ]; then APM_DATA=$($(which apm) -alb) fi if [ $I -ge 2 ]; then # print_date print_mem print_cpu print_cpuspeed print_apm $APM_DATA echo "" fi I=$(( ( ${I} + 1 ) % 22 )); done done