#!/bin/sh # # Prepares a release: # - Bumps version according to specified level (major, minor, or patch) # - Updates all necessary headers with new version # - Commits the changes # - Tags the release # - Creates a release tarball PROJECT=spectrwm PROJECT_UC=$(echo $PROJECT | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') SCRIPT=$(basename $0) HEADER=version.h # verify params if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then echo "usage: $SCRIPT {major | minor | patch}" exit 1 fi report_err() { echo "$SCRIPT: error: $1" 1>&2 exit 1 } cd "$(dirname $0)" # verify header exists if [ ! -f "$HEADER" ]; then report_err "$HEADER does not exist" fi # verify valid release type RTYPE="$1" if [ "$RTYPE" != "major" -a "$RTYPE" != "minor" -a "$RTYPE" != "patch" ]; then report_err "release type must be major, minor, or patch" fi # verify git is available if ! type git >/dev/null 2>&1; then report_err "unable to find 'git' in the system path" fi # verify the git repository is on the master branch BRANCH=$(git branch | grep '\*' | cut -c3-) if [ "$BRANCH" != "master" ]; then report_err "git repository must be on the master branch" fi # verify there are no uncommitted modifications prior to release modifications NUM_MODIFIED=$(git diff 2>/dev/null | wc -l | sed 's/^[ \t]*//') NUM_STAGED=$(git diff --cached 2>/dev/null | wc -l | sed 's/^[ \t]*//') if [ "$NUM_MODIFIED" != "0" -o "$NUM_STAGED" != "0" ]; then report_err "the working directory contains uncommitted modifications" fi # get version PAT_PREFIX="(^#define[[:space:]]+${PROJECT_UC}" PAT_SUFFIX='[[:space:]]+)[0-9]+$' MAJOR=$(egrep "${PAT_PREFIX}_MAJOR${PAT_SUFFIX}" $HEADER | awk '{print $3}') MINOR=$(egrep "${PAT_PREFIX}_MINOR${PAT_SUFFIX}" $HEADER | awk '{print $3}') PATCH=$(egrep "${PAT_PREFIX}_PATCH${PAT_SUFFIX}" $HEADER | awk '{print $3}') if [ -z "$MAJOR" -o -z "$MINOR" -o -z "$PATCH" ]; then report_err "unable to get version from $HEADER" fi # bump version according to level if [ "$RTYPE" = "major" ]; then MAJOR=$(expr $MAJOR + 1) MINOR=0 PATCH=0 elif [ "$RTYPE" = "minor" ]; then MINOR=$(expr $MINOR + 1) PATCH=0 elif [ "$RTYPE" = "patch" ]; then PATCH=$(expr $PATCH + 1) fi PROJ_VER="$MAJOR.$MINOR.$PATCH" # update header with new version sed -E " s/${PAT_PREFIX}_MAJOR${PAT_SUFFIX}/\1${MAJOR}/; s/${PAT_PREFIX}_MINOR${PAT_SUFFIX}/\1${MINOR}/; s/${PAT_PREFIX}_PATCH${PAT_SUFFIX}/\1${PATCH}/; " <"$HEADER" >"${HEADER}.tmp" # apply changes mv "${HEADER}.tmp" "$HEADER" # commit and tag TAG="${PROJECT_UC}_${MAJOR}_${MINOR}_${PATCH}" git commit -am "Prepare for release ${PROJ_VER}." || report_err "unable to commit changes" git tag -a "$TAG" -m "Release ${PROJ_VER}" || report_err "unable to create tag" # create temp working space and copy repo over TD=$(mktemp -d /tmp/release.XXXXXXXXXX) if [ ! -d "$TD" ]; then report_err "unable to create temp directory" fi RELEASE_DIR="$PROJECT-$PROJ_VER" RELEASE_TAR="$PROJECT-$PROJ_VER.tgz" git clone . "$TD/$RELEASE_DIR" || report_err "unable to copy to $TD/$RELEASE_DIR" # cleanup repository files cd "$TD" if [ -d "$RELEASE_DIR" -a -d "$RELEASE_DIR/.git" ]; then rm -rf "$RELEASE_DIR/.git" fi if [ -d "$RELEASE_DIR" -a -f "$RELEASE_DIR/.gitignore" ]; then rm -f "$RELEASE_DIR/.gitignore" fi # make snap tar -zcf "$RELEASE_TAR" "$RELEASE_DIR" || report_err "unable to create $RELEASE_TAR" echo "Release tarball:" echo " $TD/$RELEASE_TAR" echo "" echo "If everything is accurate, use the following command to push the changes:" echo " git push --tags origin master"