A minimal, monospaced blogging theme for Hugo that respects your privacy and is easy on your bandwidth. A demo can be found at https://smol-demo.morph.sh.
Lastly, add the following lines to your `config.toml` to set site parameters and make use of all the menu entries in the header and footer sections if you need them.
Add `copyright = "Your text here"` - in the config.toml to change the copyright notice in the footer.
### Image captions
You can add captions to images (technically using `<figcaption>` HTML tags) by adding titles, like so: ``
Have you found a bug or got an idea for a new feature? Feel free to use the [issue tracker](https://github.com/colorchestra/smol/issues) to let me know. Or make directly a [pull request](https://github.com/colorchestra/smol/pulls).