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2020-09-11 02:44:32 +02:00
assets First prototype 2020-05-01 21:50:08 +01:00
src Auto Add of Host keys is now opt in 2020-07-17 15:50:18 +02:00
.gitignore First prototype 2020-05-01 21:50:08 +01:00
example.json Better explanation of config 2020-09-11 02:12:08 +02:00
LICENSE First prototype 2020-05-01 21:50:08 +01:00
lz4.arm.static First prototype 2020-05-01 21:50:08 +01:00 Better explanation of config 2020-09-11 02:12:08 +02:00
resources.qrc First prototype 2020-05-01 21:50:08 +01:00
screenshot.png Screenshot 2020-05-03 22:04:44 +01:00

rMview: a fast live viewer for reMarkable


Choose your flavour

There are two versions of rMview, presenting the same interface but using different back-ends (thus requiring different setups on the reMarkable):

  • The "reStreamer-like" version, in the master branch
  • The "VNC-based" version, in the vnc branch

In my tests, the VNC version is a clear winner, but it has different requirements, so I am keeping both alive for the moment.

Volunteers wanted: if you have experience with build systems/packaging for python, and/or experience in producing bundles with pyQt, and feel like contributing to the project, drop me a line!


To run the program you need python with pyqt5 installed. Before running the program the first time, generate the resource file with

pyrcc5 -o src/ resources.qrc 

Then you can invoke the program with

python src/ [config]

the optional config parameter is the filename of a json configuration file. If the parameter is not found, the program will look for a rmview.json file in the current directory, or, if not found, for the path stored in the environment variable RMVIEW_CONF. If none are found, or if the configuration is underspecified, the tool is going to prompt for address/password.

The supported configuration settings are below. Look in file example.json for an example configuration. All the settings are optional.

Setting key Values Default
ssh Connection parameters (see below) {}
orientation "landscape", "portrait", "auto" "landscape"
pen_size diameter of pointer in px 15
pen_color color of pointer or trail "red"
pen_trail persistence of trail in ms 200
background_color color of window "white"
fetch_frame_delay delay in sec after each frame fetch to throttle refresh 0
lz4_path_on_remarkable absolute path on the reMarkable "$HOME/lz4"
hide_pen_on_press bool true

Connection parameters are provided as a dictionary with the following keys (all optional):

Parameter Values Comments
address IP of remarkable tool prompts for it if missing
username username for ssh access on reMarkable default: "root"
key Local path to key for ssh not needed if password provided
password Password provide by reMarkable not needed if key provided
timeout connection timeout in seconds default: 1

Tested with Python 3.8.2, PyQt 5.14.2, MacOs 10.15.4, reMarkable firmware


On your computer:

  • Python 3
  • PyQt5
  • Paramiko
  • lz4framed for master branch
  • Twisted for vnc branch

They can be installed via pip install pyqt5 paramiko py-lz4framed. If you use Anaconda, please install the dependencies via conda (and not pip).

On the reMarkable:

"reStreamer-like" version:

  • LZ4, installed by running scp lz4.arm.static <REMARKABLE>:lz4. Make sure lz4 is executable by running ssh <REMARKABLE> chmod +x lz4.

"VNC-based" version:

To Do

  • Settings dialog
  • About dialog
  • Pause stream of screen/pen
  • Build system
  • Bundle
  • Add interaction for Lamy button? (1 331 1 down, 1 331 0 up)
  • Remove dependency to Twisted in vnc branch


I took inspiration from the following projects:

Icons adapted from designs by Freepik, xnimrodx from


This project is not affiliated to, nor endorsed by, reMarkable AS. I assume no responsibility for any damage done to your device due to the use of this software.
