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synced 2025-03-06 02:01:41 -05:00
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424 lines
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import six
from spec import Spec, skip, eq_, raises
from mock import Mock
from releases import (
from docutils.nodes import (
reference, bullet_list, list_item, title, raw, paragraph, Text
def _app(**kwargs):
# Fake app obj
app = Mock('app')
config = Mock('config')
config.releases_release_uri = 'foo_%s'
config.releases_issue_uri = 'bar_%s'
config.releases_debug = False
# Allow overrides
for name, value in kwargs.iteritems():
setattr(config, 'releases_{0}'.format(name), value)
app.config = config
return app
def _inliner():
return Mock(document=Mock(settings=Mock(env=Mock(app=_app()))))
# Obtain issue() object w/o wrapping all parse steps
def _issue(type_, number, **kwargs):
text = str(number)
if kwargs.get('backported', False):
text += " backported"
if kwargs.get('major', False):
text += " major"
if kwargs.get('line', None):
text += " (%s+)" % kwargs['line']
return issues_role(
def _entry(i):
Easy wrapper for issue/release objects.
Default is to give eg an issue/release object that gets wrapped in a LI->P.
May give your own (non-issue/release) object to skip auto wrapping. (Useful
since _entry() is often called a few levels deep.)
if not isinstance(i, (issue, release)):
return i
return list_item('', paragraph('', '', i))
def _release(number, **kwargs):
nodes = release_role(
text='%s <2013-11-20>' % number,
return list_item('', paragraph('', '', *nodes))
def _release_list(*entries):
entries = list(entries) # lol tuples
# Translate simple objs into changelog-friendly ones
for index, item in enumerate(entries):
if isinstance(item, six.string_types):
entries[index] = _release(item)
entries[index] = _entry(item)
# Insert initial/empty 1st release to start timeline
return entries
def _changelog2dict(changelog):
d = {}
for r in changelog:
d[r['obj'].number] = r['entries']
return d
def _releases(*entries, **kwargs):
app = kwargs.get('app', None) or _app()
return construct_releases(_release_list(*entries), app)
def _setup_issues(self):
self.f = _issue('feature', '12')
self.s = _issue('support', '5')
self.b = _issue('bug', '15')
self.mb = _issue('bug', '200', major=True)
self.bf = _issue('feature', '27', backported=True)
self.bs = _issue('support', '29', backported=True)
class releases(Spec):
Organization of issues into releases (parsing)
def setup(self):
def _expect_entries(self, all_entries, in_, not_in):
# Grab 2nd release as 1st is the empty 'beginning of time' one
entries = _releases(*all_entries)[1]['entries']
eq_(len(entries), len(in_))
for x in in_:
assert x in entries
for x in not_in:
assert x not in entries
def feature_releases_include_features_and_support_not_bugs(self):
['1.1.0', self.f, self.b, self.s],
[self.f, self.s],
def feature_releases_include_major_bugs(self):
['1.1.0', self.f, self.b, self.mb],
[self.f, self.mb],
def bugfix_releases_include_bugs(self):
['1.0.2', self.f, self.b, self.mb],
[self.mb, self.f],
def bugfix_releases_include_backported_features(self):
['1.0.2', self.bf, self.b, self.s],
[self.b, self.bf],
def bugfix_releases_include_backported_support(self):
['1.0.2', self.f, self.b, self.s, self.bs],
[self.b, self.bs],
[self.s, self.f]
def unmarked_bullet_list_items_treated_as_bugs(self):
fake = list_item('', paragraph('', '', raw('', 'whatever')))
releases = _releases('1.0.2', self.f, fake)
entries = releases[1]['entries']
eq_(len(entries), 1)
assert self.f not in entries
assert isinstance(entries[0], issue)
eq_(entries[0].number, None)
def unreleased_items_go_in_unreleased_releases(self):
releases = _releases(self.f, self.b)
# Should have two unreleased lists, one feature w/ feature, one bugfix
# w/ bugfix.
bugfix, feature = releases[1:]
eq_(len(feature['entries']), 1)
eq_(len(bugfix['entries']), 1)
assert self.f in feature['entries']
assert self.b in bugfix['entries']
eq_(feature['obj'].number, 'unreleased_feature')
eq_(bugfix['obj'].number, 'unreleased_bugfix')
def issues_consumed_by_releases_are_not_in_unreleased(self):
releases = _releases('1.0.2', self.f, self.b, self.s, self.bs)
release = releases[1]['entries']
unreleased = releases[-1]['entries']
assert self.b in release
assert self.b not in unreleased
def oddly_ordered_bugfix_releases_and_unreleased_list(self):
# Release set up w/ non-contiguous feature+bugfix releases; catches
# funky problems with 'unreleased' buckets
b2 = _issue('bug', '2')
f3 = _issue('feature', '3')
changelog = _releases(
'1.1.1', '1.0.2', self.f, b2, '1.1.0', f3, self.b
assert f3 in changelog[1]['entries']
assert b2 in changelog[2]['entries']
assert b2 in changelog[3]['entries']
def release_line_bugfix_specifier(self):
b50 = _issue('bug', '50')
b42 = _issue('bug', '42', line='1.1')
f25 = _issue('feature', '25')
b35 = _issue('bug', '35')
b34 = _issue('bug', '34')
f22 = _issue('feature', '22')
b20 = _issue('bug', '20')
c = _changelog2dict(_releases(
'1.2.1', '1.1.2', '1.0.3',
b50, b42,
'1.2.0', '1.1.1', '1.0.2',
f25, b35, b34,
'1.1.0', '1.0.1',
f22, b20
for rel, issues in (
('1.0.1', [b20]),
('1.1.0', [f22]),
('1.0.2', [b34, b35]),
('1.1.1', [b34, b35]),
('1.2.0', [f25]),
('1.0.3', [b50]), # the crux - is not b50 + b42
('1.1.2', [b50, b42]),
('1.2.1', [b50, b42]),
eq_(set(c[rel]), set(issues))
def releases_can_specify_issues_explicitly(self):
# Build regular list-o-entries
b2 = _issue('bug', '2')
b3 = _issue('bug', '3')
changelog = _release_list(
'1.0.1', '1.1.1', b3, b2, self.b, '1.1.0', self.f
# Modify 1.0.1 release to be speshul
changelog[0][0].append(Text("2, 3"))
rendered = construct_releases(changelog, _app())
# 1.0.1 includes just 2 and 3, not bug 1
one_0_1 = rendered[3]['entries']
one_1_1 = rendered[2]['entries']
assert self.b not in one_0_1
assert b2 in one_0_1
assert b3 in one_0_1
# 1.1.1 includes all 3 (i.e. the explicitness of 1.0.1 didn't affect
# the 1.1 line bucket.)
assert self.b in one_1_1
assert b2 in one_1_1
assert b3 in one_1_1
def explicit_release_list_split_works_with_unicode(self):
b = _issue('bug', '17')
changelog = _release_list('1.0.1', b)
# When using naive method calls, this explodes
construct_releases(changelog, _app())
def explicit_feature_release_features_are_removed_from_unreleased(self):
f1 = _issue('feature', '1')
f2 = _issue('feature', '2')
changelog = _release_list('1.1.0', f1, f2)
# Ensure that 1.1.0 specifies feature 2
rendered = _changelog2dict(construct_releases(changelog, _app()))
# 1.1.0 should have feature 2 only
assert f2 in rendered['1.1.0']
assert f1 not in rendered['1.1.0']
# unreleased feature list should still get/see feature 1
assert f1 in rendered['unreleased_feature']
# now-released feature 2 should not be in unreleased_feature
assert f2 not in rendered['unreleased_feature']
def explicit_bugfix_releases_get_removed_from_unreleased(self):
b1 = _issue('bug', '1')
b2 = _issue('bug', '2')
changelog = _release_list('1.0.1', b1, b2)
# Ensure that 1.0.1 specifies bug 2
rendered = construct_releases(changelog, _app())
# 1.0.1 should have bug 2 only
assert b2 in rendered[1]['entries']
assert b1 not in rendered[1]['entries']
# unreleased bug list should still get/see bug 1
assert b1 in rendered[2]['entries']
def explicit_releases_error_on_unfound_issues(self):
# Just a release - result will have 1.0.0, 1.0.1, and unreleased
changelog = _release_list('1.0.1')
# No issues listed -> this clearly doesn't exist in any buckets
# This should asplode
construct_releases(changelog, _app())
def duplicate_issue_numbers_raises_error(self):
_releases('1.0.1', self.b, self.b)
def duplicate_zeroes_dont_error(self):
cl = _releases('1.0.1', _issue('bug', '0'), _issue('bug', '0'))
cl = _changelog2dict(cl)
assert len(cl['1.0.1']) == 2
def _obj2name(obj):
cls = obj if isinstance(obj, type) else obj.__class__
return cls.__name__.split('.')[-1]
def _expect_type(node, cls):
type_ = _obj2name(node)
name = _obj2name(cls)
msg = "Expected %r to be a %s, but it's a %s" % (node, name, type_)
assert isinstance(node, cls), msg
class nodes(Spec):
Expansion/extension of docutils nodes (rendering)
def setup(self):
def _generate(self, *entries, **kwargs):
app = kwargs.get('app', None)
nodes = construct_nodes(_releases(*entries, app=app))
# By default, yield the contents of the bullet list.
return nodes if kwargs.get('raw', False) else nodes[0][1][0]
def issues_with_numbers_appear_as_number_links(self):
nodes = self._generate('1.0.2', self.b)
link = nodes[0][2]
_expect_type(link, reference)
assert link['refuri'] == 'bar_15'
def links_will_use_github_option_if_defined(self):
def issue_links_prefer_explicit_setting_over_github_setting(self):
def release_links_prefer_explicit_setting_over_github_setting(self):
def _assert_prefix(self, entries, expectation):
assert expectation in self._generate(*entries)[0][0][0]
def bugs_marked_as_bugs(self):
self._assert_prefix(['1.0.2', self.b], 'Bug')
def features_marked_as_features(self):
self._assert_prefix(['1.1.0', self.f], 'Feature')
def support_marked_as_support(self):
self._assert_prefix(['1.1.0', self.s], 'Support')
def dashed_issues_appear_as_unlinked_issues(self):
node = self._generate('1.0.2', _issue('bug', '-'))
assert not isinstance(node[0][2], reference)
def zeroed_issues_appear_as_unlinked_issues(self):
node = self._generate('1.0.2', _issue('bug', '0'))
assert not isinstance(node[0][2], reference)
def un_prefixed_list_items_appear_as_unlinked_bugs(self):
fake = list_item('', paragraph('', '', raw('', 'whatever')))
node = self._generate('1.0.2', fake)
assert 'Bug' in str(node[0][0])
assert 'whatever' in str(node[0][3])
def issues_remain_wrapped_in_unordered_list_nodes(self):
node = self._generate('1.0.2', self.b, raw=True)[0][1]
_expect_type(node, bullet_list)
_expect_type(node[0], list_item)
def release_headers_have_local_style_tweaks(self):
node = self._generate('1.0.2', self.b, raw=True)[0][0]
_expect_type(node, raw)
# Header w/ bottom margin
assert '<h2 style="margin-bottom' in str(node)
# Date span w/ font-size
assert '<span style="font-size' in str(node)
def descriptions_are_preserved(self):
# Changelog containing an issue item w/ trailing node
issue = list_item('',
paragraph('', '', self.b.deepcopy(), raw('', 'x')),
# Trailing nodes should appear post-processing after the link/etc
rest = self._generate('1.0.2', issue)[0]
eq_(len(rest), 5)
_expect_type(rest[4], raw)
eq_(rest[4].astext(), 'x')
def complex_descriptions_are_preserved(self):
# Complex 'entry' mapping to an outer list_item (list) containing two
# paragraphs, one w/ the real issue + desc, another simply a 2nd text
# paragraph. Using 'raw' nodes for filler as needed.
issue = list_item('',
paragraph('', '', self.b.deepcopy(), raw('', 'x')),
paragraph('', '', raw('', 'y')),
li = self._generate('1.0.2', issue)
# Expect that the machinery parsing issue nodes/nodelists, is not
# discarding our 2nd 'paragraph'
eq_(len(li), 2)
p1, p2 = li
# Last item in 1st para is our 1st raw node
_expect_type(p1[4], raw)
eq_(p1[4].astext(), 'x')
# Only item in 2nd para is our 2nd raw node
_expect_type(p2[0], raw)
eq_(p2[0].astext(), 'y')
def descriptions_are_parsed_for_issue_roles(self):
item = list_item('',
paragraph('', '', self.b.deepcopy(), _issue('support', '5'))
para = self._generate('1.0.2', item)[0]
# Sanity check - in a broken parsing scenarion, the 4th child will be a
# raw issue object
assert not isinstance(para[4], issue)
# First/primary link
_expect_type(para[2], reference)
eq_(para[2].astext(), '#15')
assert 'Bug' in para[0].astext()
# Second/inline link
_expect_type(para[6], reference)
eq_(para[6].astext(), '#5')
assert 'Support' in para[4].astext()