Don't asplode when changelogs have no releases.

Test proving #36 and impl fixes #36
This commit is contained in:
Jeff Forcier 2016-07-25 16:16:47 -07:00
parent 01ffe9db4c
commit f6062b179e
2 changed files with 20 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -421,11 +421,18 @@ def handle_first_release_line(entries, manager):
# It's remotely possible the changelog is totally empty...
if not entries:
# Obtain (short-circuiting) first Release obj.
first_release = None
for obj in entries:
if isinstance(obj, Release):
first_release = obj
# Here, obj must be the 1st release item. Set it up.
# It's also possible it's non-empty but has no releases yet.
if first_release:
# If God did not exist, man would be forced to invent him.
def construct_releases(entries, app):

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@ -426,6 +426,17 @@ class organization(Spec):
expect_releases(entries, expected)
def changelogs_without_any_releases_display_unreleased_normally(self):
changelog = releases(self.f, self.b, skip_initial=True)
# Ensure only the two unreleased 'releases' showed up
eq_(len(changelog), 2)
# And assert that both items appeared in one of them (since there's no
# real releases at all, the bugfixes are treated as 'major' bugs, as
# per concepts doc.)
bugfix, feature = changelog
eq_(len(feature['entries']), 2)
eq_(len(bugfix['entries']), 0)
class unstable_prehistory:
def _expect_releases(self, *args, **kwargs):