# remarkdown, a markdown parser based on `docutils` **Note that this code is still alpha, some markdown features might not work yet** ## Why another markdown library? remarkdown is not just only another markdown library. It mostly contains a parser that outputs a [`docutils` document tree][docutils]. The different scripts bundled then use `docutils` for generation of different types of documents. Why is this important? Many python tools (mostly for documentation creation) rely on `docutils`. But `docutils` only supports a ReStructuredText syntax. For instance [this issue][sphinx-issue] and [this StackOverflow question][so-question] show that there is an interest in allowing `docutils` to use markdown as an alternative syntax. [docutils]: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/ref/doctree.html [sphinx-issue]: https://bitbucket.org/birkenfeld/sphinx/issue/825/markdown-capable-sphinx [so-question]: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2471804/using-sphinx-with-markdown-instead-of-rst ## Acknowledgement The remarkdown PEG is heavily inspired by [peg-markdown by John MacFarlane][peg-md]. [peg-md]: https://github.com/jgm/peg-markdown