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import gym
from gym.spaces import Tuple, Dict
import numpy as np
from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import DeveloperAPI
import tree # pip install dm_tree
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Union
def flatten_space(space: gym.Space) -> List[gym.Space]:
"""Flattens a gym.Space into its primitive components.
Primitive components are any non Tuple/Dict spaces.
space (gym.Space): The gym.Space to flatten. This may be any
supported type (including nested Tuples and Dicts).
List[gym.Space]: The flattened list of primitive Spaces. This list
does not contain Tuples or Dicts anymore.
def _helper_flatten(space_, return_list):
from ray.rllib.utils.spaces.flexdict import FlexDict
if isinstance(space_, Tuple):
for s in space_:
_helper_flatten(s, return_list)
elif isinstance(space_, (Dict, FlexDict)):
for k in sorted(space_.spaces):
_helper_flatten(space_[k], return_list)
ret = []
_helper_flatten(space, ret)
return ret
def get_base_struct_from_space(space):
"""Returns a Tuple/Dict Space as native (equally structured) py tuple/dict.
space (gym.Space): The Space to get the python struct for.
Union[dict,tuple,gym.Space]: The struct equivalent to the given Space.
Note that the returned struct still contains all original
"primitive" Spaces (e.g. Box, Discrete).
>>> get_base_struct_from_space(Dict({
>>> "a": Box(),
>>> "b": Tuple([Discrete(2), Discrete(3)])
>>> }))
>>> # Will return: dict(a=Box(), b=tuple(Discrete(2), Discrete(3)))
def _helper_struct(space_):
if isinstance(space_, Tuple):
return tuple(_helper_struct(s) for s in space_)
elif isinstance(space_, Dict):
return {k: _helper_struct(space_[k]) for k in space_.spaces}
return space_
return _helper_struct(space)
def get_dummy_batch_for_space(
space: gym.Space,
batch_size: int = 32,
fill_value: Union[float, int, str] = 0.0,
time_size: Optional[int] = None,
time_major: bool = False,
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Returns batched dummy data (using `batch_size`) for the given `space`.
Note: The returned batch will not pass a `space.contains(batch)` test
as an additional batch dimension has to be added as dim=0.
space (gym.Space): The space to get a dummy batch for.
batch_size(int): The required batch size (B). Note that this can also
be 0 (only if `time_size` is None!), which will result in a
non-batched sample for the given space (no batch dim).
fill_value (Union[float, int, str]): The value to fill the batch with
or "random" for random values.
time_size (Optional[int]): If not None, add an optional time axis
of `time_size` size to the returned batch.
time_major: If True AND `time_size` is not None, return batch
as shape [T x B x ...], otherwise as [B x T x ...]. If `time_size`
if None, ignore this setting and return [B x ...].
The dummy batch of size `bqtch_size` matching the given space.
# Complex spaces. Perform recursive calls of this function.
if isinstance(space, (gym.spaces.Dict, gym.spaces.Tuple)):
return tree.map_structure(
lambda s: get_dummy_batch_for_space(s, batch_size, fill_value),
# Primivite spaces: Box, Discrete, MultiDiscrete.
# Random values: Use gym's sample() method.
elif fill_value == "random":
if time_size is not None:
assert batch_size > 0 and time_size > 0
if time_major:
return np.array(
[space.sample() for _ in range(batch_size)]
for t in range(time_size)
return np.array(
[space.sample() for t in range(time_size)]
for _ in range(batch_size)
return np.array(
[space.sample() for _ in range(batch_size)]
if batch_size > 0
else space.sample(),
# Fill value given: Use np.full.
if time_size is not None:
assert batch_size > 0 and time_size > 0
if time_major:
shape = [time_size, batch_size]
shape = [batch_size, time_size]
shape = [batch_size] if batch_size > 0 else []
return np.full(
shape + list(space.shape), fill_value=fill_value, dtype=space.dtype
def flatten_to_single_ndarray(input_):
"""Returns a single np.ndarray given a list/tuple of np.ndarrays.
input_ (Union[List[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]): The list of ndarrays or
a single ndarray.
np.ndarray: The result after concatenating all single arrays in input_.
>>> flatten_to_single_ndarray([
>>> np.array([[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0], [5.0, 6.0]]),
>>> np.array([7, 8, 9]),
>>> ])
>>> # Will return:
>>> # np.array([
>>> # 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0
>>> # ])
# Concatenate complex inputs.
if isinstance(input_, (list, tuple, dict)):
expanded = []
for in_ in tree.flatten(input_):
expanded.append(np.reshape(in_, [-1]))
input_ = np.concatenate(expanded, axis=0).flatten()
return input_
def unbatch(batches_struct):
"""Converts input from (nested) struct of batches to batch of structs.
Input: Struct of different batches (each batch has size=3):
{"a": [1, 2, 3], "b": ([4, 5, 6], [7.0, 8.0, 9.0])}
Output: Batch (list) of structs (each of these structs representing a
single action):
{"a": 1, "b": (4, 7.0)}, <- action 1
{"a": 2, "b": (5, 8.0)}, <- action 2
{"a": 3, "b": (6, 9.0)}, <- action 3
batches_struct: The struct of component batches. Each leaf item
in this struct represents the batch for a single component
(in case struct is tuple/dict).
Alternatively, `batches_struct` may also simply be a batch of
primitives (non tuple/dict).
List[struct[components]]: The list of rows. Each item
in the returned list represents a single (maybe complex) struct.
flat_batches = tree.flatten(batches_struct)
out = []
for batch_pos in range(len(flat_batches[0])):
[flat_batches[i][batch_pos] for i in range(len(flat_batches))],
return out
def clip_action(action, action_space):
"""Clips all components in `action` according to the given Space.
Only applies to Box components within the action space.
action: The action to be clipped. This could be any complex
action, e.g. a dict or tuple.
action_space: The action space struct,
e.g. `{"a": Distrete(2)}` for a space: Dict({"a": Discrete(2)}).
Any: The input action, but clipped by value according to the space's
def map_(a, s):
if isinstance(s, gym.spaces.Box):
a = np.clip(a, s.low, s.high)
return a
return tree.map_structure(map_, action, action_space)
def unsquash_action(action, action_space_struct):
"""Unsquashes all components in `action` according to the given Space.
Inverse of `normalize_action()`. Useful for mapping policy action
outputs (normalized between -1.0 and 1.0) to an env's action space.
Unsquashing results in cont. action component values between the
given Space's bounds (`low` and `high`). This only applies to Box
components within the action space, whose dtype is float32 or float64.
action: The action to be unsquashed. This could be any complex
action, e.g. a dict or tuple.
action_space_struct: The action space struct,
e.g. `{"a": Box()}` for a space: Dict({"a": Box()}).
Any: The input action, but unsquashed, according to the space's
bounds. An unsquashed action is ready to be sent to the
environment (`BaseEnv.send_actions([unsquashed actions])`).
def map_(a, s):
if (
isinstance(s, gym.spaces.Box)
and np.all(s.bounded_below)
and np.all(s.bounded_above)
if s.dtype == np.float32 or s.dtype == np.float64:
# Assuming values are roughly between -1.0 and 1.0 ->
# unsquash them to the given bounds.
a = s.low + (a + 1.0) * (s.high - s.low) / 2.0
# Clip to given bounds, just in case the squashed values were
# outside [-1.0, 1.0].
a = np.clip(a, s.low, s.high)
elif np.issubdtype(s.dtype, np.integer):
# For Categorical and MultiCategorical actions, shift the selection
# into the proper range.
a = s.low + a
return a
return tree.map_structure(map_, action, action_space_struct)
def normalize_action(action, action_space_struct):
"""Normalizes all (Box) components in `action` to be in [-1.0, 1.0].
Inverse of `unsquash_action()`. Useful for mapping an env's action
(arbitrary bounded values) to a [-1.0, 1.0] interval.
This only applies to Box components within the action space, whose
dtype is float32 or float64.
action: The action to be normalized. This could be any complex
action, e.g. a dict or tuple.
action_space_struct: The action space struct,
e.g. `{"a": Box()}` for a space: Dict({"a": Box()}).
Any: The input action, but normalized, according to the space's
def map_(a, s):
if isinstance(s, gym.spaces.Box) and (
s.dtype == np.float32 or s.dtype == np.float64
# Normalize values to be exactly between -1.0 and 1.0.
a = ((a - s.low) * 2.0) / (s.high - s.low) - 1.0
return a
return tree.map_structure(map_, action, action_space_struct)
def convert_element_to_space_type(element: Any, sampled_element: Any) -> Any:
"""Convert all the components of the element to match the space dtypes.
element: The element to be converted.
sampled_element: An element sampled from a space to be matched
The input element, but with all its components converted to match
the space dtypes.
def map_(elem, s):
if isinstance(s, np.ndarray):
if not isinstance(elem, np.ndarray):
assert isinstance(
elem, (float, int)
), f"ERROR: `elem` ({elem}) must be np.array, float or int!"
if s.shape == ():
elem = np.array(elem, dtype=s.dtype)
raise ValueError(
"Element should be of type np.ndarray but is instead of \
type {}".format(
elif s.dtype != elem.dtype:
elem = elem.astype(s.dtype)
elif isinstance(s, int):
if isinstance(elem, float) and elem.is_integer():
elem = int(elem)
return elem
return tree.map_structure(map_, element, sampled_element, check_types=False)