2017-09-08 13:39:54 -07:00

1780 lines
68 KiB

/* PLASMA MANAGER: Local to a node, connects to other managers to send and
* receive objects from them
* The storage manager listens on its main listening port, and if a request for
* transfering an object to another object store comes in, it ships the data
* using a new connection to the target object manager. */
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
/* C++ includes. */
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "uthash.h"
#include "utlist.h"
#include "utstring.h"
#include "common_protocol.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "event_loop.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "plasma/plasma.h"
#include "plasma/events.h"
#include "plasma/protocol.h"
#include "plasma/client.h"
#include "plasma_manager.h"
#include "state/db.h"
#include "state/object_table.h"
#include "state/error_table.h"
#include "state/task_table.h"
#include "state/db_client_table.h"
int handle_sigpipe(Status s, int fd) {
if (s.ok()) {
return 0;
switch (errno) {
case EPIPE: {
<< "Received EPIPE when sending a message to client on fd " << fd
<< ". The client on the other end may have hung up.";
} break;
case EBADF: {
<< "Received EBADF when sending a message to client on fd " << fd
<< ". The client on the other end may have hung up.";
} break;
<< "Received ECONNRESET when sending a message to client on fd " << fd
<< ". The client on the other end may have hung up.";
} break;
/* TODO(rkn): What triggers this case? */
<< "Received EPROTOTYPE when sending a message to client on fd " << fd
<< ". The client on the other end may have hung up.";
} break;
/* This code should be unreachable. */
LOG_FATAL("Failed to write message to client on fd %d", fd);
* Process either the fetch or the status request.
* @param client_conn Client connection.
* @param object_id ID of the object for which we process this request.
* @return Void.
void process_status_request(ClientConnection *client_conn, ObjectID object_id);
* Request the transfer from a remote node or get the status of
* a given object. This is called for an object that is stored at
* a remote Plasma Store.
* @param object_id ID of the object to transfer or to get its status.
* @param manager_cont Number of remote nodes object_id is stored at.
* @param manager_vector Array containing the Plasma Managers
* running at the nodes where object_id is stored.
* @param context Client connection.
* @return Status of object_id as defined in plasma.h
int request_status(ObjectID object_id,
int manager_count,
const char *manager_vector[],
void *context);
* Send requested object_id back to the Plasma Manager identified
* by (addr, port) which requested it. This is done via a
* data Request message.
* @param loop
* @param object_id The ID of the object being transferred to (addr, port).
* @param addr The address of the Plasma Manager object_id is sent to.
* @param port The port number of the Plasma Manager object_id is sent to.
* @param conn The client connection object.
void process_transfer_request(event_loop *loop,
ObjectID object_id,
const char *addr,
int port,
ClientConnection *conn);
* Receive object_id requested by this Plamsa Manager from the remote Plasma
* Manager identified by client_sock. The object_id is sent via the data request
* message.
* @param loop The event data structure.
* @param client_sock The sender's socket.
* @param object_id ID of the object being received.
* @param data_size Size of the data of object_id.
* @param metadata_size Size of the metadata of object_id.
* @param conn The connection object.
void process_data_request(event_loop *loop,
int client_sock,
ObjectID object_id,
int64_t data_size,
int64_t metadata_size,
ClientConnection *conn);
/** Entry of the hashtable of objects that are available locally. */
typedef struct {
/** Object id of this object. */
ObjectID object_id;
/** Handle for the uthash table. */
UT_hash_handle hh;
} AvailableObject;
typedef struct {
/** The ID of the object we are fetching or waiting for. */
ObjectID object_id;
/** Pointer to the array containing the manager locations of this object. This
* struct owns and must free each entry. */
char **manager_vector;
/** The number of manager locations in the array manager_vector. */
int manager_count;
/** The next manager we should try to contact. This is set to an index in
* manager_vector in the retry handler, in case the current attempt fails to
* contact a manager. */
int next_manager;
/** Handle for the uthash table in the manager state that keeps track of
* outstanding fetch requests. */
UT_hash_handle hh;
} FetchRequest;
* There are fundamentally two data structures used for handling wait requests.
* There is the "wait_request" struct and the "ObjectWaitRequests" struct. A
* WaitRequest keeps track of all of the object IDs that a WaitRequest is
* waiting for. An ObjectWaitRequests struct keeps track of all of the
* WaitRequest structs that are waiting for a particular object iD. The
* PlasmaManagerState contains a hash table mapping object IDs to their
* coresponding ObjectWaitRequests structs.
* These data structures are updated by several methods:
* - add_wait_request_for_object adds a WaitRequest to the
* ObjectWaitRequests struct corresponding to a particular object ID. This
* is called when a client calls plasma_wait.
* - remove_wait_request_for_object removes a WaitRequest from an
* ObjectWaitRequests struct. When a wait request returns, this method is
* called for all of the object IDs involved in that WaitRequest.
* - update_object_wait_requests removes an ObjectWaitRequests struct and
* does some processing for each WaitRequest involved in that
* ObjectWaitRequests struct.
struct WaitRequest {
WaitRequest(ClientConnection *client_conn,
int64_t timer,
int64_t num_object_requests,
plasma::ObjectRequestMap &&object_requests,
int64_t num_objects_to_wait_for,
int64_t num_satisfied)
: client_conn(client_conn),
num_satisfied(num_satisfied) {}
/** The client connection that called wait. */
ClientConnection *client_conn;
/** The ID of the timer that will time out and cause this wait to return to
* the client if it hasn't already returned. */
int64_t timer;
/** The number of objects in this wait request. */
int64_t num_object_requests;
/** The object requests for this wait request. Each object request has a
* status field which is either PLASMA_QUERY_LOCAL or PLASMA_QUERY_ANYWHERE.
plasma::ObjectRequestMap object_requests;
/** The minimum number of objects to wait for in this request. */
int64_t num_objects_to_wait_for;
/** The number of object requests in this wait request that are already
* satisfied. */
int64_t num_satisfied;
typedef struct {
/** The ID of the object. This is used as a key in a hash table. */
ObjectID object_id;
/** An array of the wait requests involving this object ID. */
std::vector<WaitRequest *> wait_requests;
/** Handle for the uthash table in the manager state that keeps track of the
* wait requests involving this object ID. */
UT_hash_handle hh;
} ObjectWaitRequests;
struct PlasmaManagerState {
/** Event loop. */
event_loop *loop;
/** Connection to the local plasma store for reading or writing data. */
plasma::PlasmaClient *plasma_conn;
/** Hash table of all contexts for active connections to
* other plasma managers. These are used for writing data to
* other plasma stores. */
ClientConnection *manager_connections;
DBHandle *db;
/** Our address. */
const char *addr;
/** Our port. */
int port;
/** Hash table of outstanding fetch requests. The key is the object ID. The
* value is the data needed to perform the fetch. */
FetchRequest *fetch_requests;
/** A hash table mapping object IDs to a vector of the wait requests that
* are waiting for the object to arrive locally. */
ObjectWaitRequests *object_wait_requests_local;
/** A hash table mapping object IDs to a vector of the wait requests that
* are waiting for the object to be available somewhere in the system. */
ObjectWaitRequests *object_wait_requests_remote;
/** Initialize an empty hash map for the cache of local available object. */
AvailableObject *local_available_objects;
/** The time (in milliseconds since the Unix epoch) when the most recent
* heartbeat was sent. */
int64_t previous_heartbeat_time;
PlasmaManagerState *g_manager_state = NULL;
/* The context for fetch and wait requests. These are per client, per object. */
struct ClientObjectRequest {
/** The ID of the object we are fetching or waiting for. */
ObjectID object_id;
/** The client connection context, shared between other ClientObjectRequest
* structs for the same client. */
ClientConnection *client_conn;
/** The ID for the timer that will time out the current request to the state
* database or another plasma manager. */
int64_t timer;
/** How many retries we have left for the request. Decremented on every
* timeout. */
int num_retries;
/** Handle for a linked list. */
ClientObjectRequest *next;
/** Pointer to the array containing the manager locations of
* this object. */
char **manager_vector;
/** The number of manager locations in the array manager_vector. */
int manager_count;
/** The next manager we should try to contact. This is set to an index in
* manager_vector in the retry handler, in case the current attempt fails to
* contact a manager. */
int next_manager;
/** Handle for the uthash table in the client connection
* context that keeps track of active object connection
* contexts. */
UT_hash_handle active_hh;
/** Handle for the uthash table in the manager state that
* keeps track of outstanding fetch requests. */
UT_hash_handle fetch_hh;
/* Context for a client connection to another plasma manager. */
struct ClientConnection {
/** Current state for this plasma manager. This is shared
* between all client connections to the plasma manager. */
PlasmaManagerState *manager_state;
/** Current position in the buffer. */
int64_t cursor;
/** Buffer that this connection is reading from. If this is a connection to
* write data to another plasma store, then it is a linked
* list of buffers to write. */
/* TODO(swang): Split into two queues, data transfers and data requests. */
PlasmaRequestBuffer *transfer_queue;
/* A set of object IDs which are queued in the transfer_queue and waiting to
* be sent. This is used to avoid sending the same object ID to the same
* manager multiple times. */
PlasmaRequestBuffer *pending_object_transfers;
/** Buffer used to receive transfers (data fetches) we want to ignore */
PlasmaRequestBuffer *ignore_buffer;
/** File descriptor for the socket connected to the other
* plasma manager. */
int fd;
/** Timer id for timing out wait (or fetch). */
int64_t timer_id;
/** The number of objects that we have left to return for
* this fetch or wait operation. */
int num_return_objects;
/** Fields specific to connections to plasma managers. Key that uniquely
* identifies the plasma manager that we're connected to. We will use the
* string <address>:<port> as an identifier. */
char *ip_addr_port;
/** Handle for the uthash table. */
UT_hash_handle manager_hh;
* Initializes the state for a plasma client connection.
* @param state The plasma manager state.
* @param client_sock The socket that we use to communicate with the client.
* @param client_key A string uniquely identifying the client. If the client is
* another plasma manager, this is the manager's IP address and port.
* Else, the client is the string of the client's socket.
* @return A pointer to the initialized client state.
ClientConnection *ClientConnection_init(PlasmaManagerState *state,
int client_sock,
char *client_key);
* Destroys a plasma client and its connection.
* @param client_conn The client's state.
* @return Void.
void ClientConnection_free(ClientConnection *client_conn);
void object_table_subscribe_callback(ObjectID object_id,
int64_t data_size,
int manager_count,
const char *manager_vector[],
void *context);
ObjectWaitRequests **object_wait_requests_table_ptr_from_type(
PlasmaManagerState *manager_state,
int type) {
/* We use different types of hash tables for different requests. */
if (type == plasma::PLASMA_QUERY_LOCAL) {
return &manager_state->object_wait_requests_local;
} else if (type == plasma::PLASMA_QUERY_ANYWHERE) {
return &manager_state->object_wait_requests_remote;
} else {
LOG_FATAL("This code should be unreachable.");
void add_wait_request_for_object(PlasmaManagerState *manager_state,
ObjectID object_id,
int type,
WaitRequest *wait_req) {
ObjectWaitRequests **object_wait_requests_table_ptr =
object_wait_requests_table_ptr_from_type(manager_state, type);
ObjectWaitRequests *object_wait_reqs;
HASH_FIND(hh, *object_wait_requests_table_ptr, &object_id, sizeof(object_id),
/* If there are currently no wait requests involving this object ID, create a
* new ObjectWaitRequests struct for this object ID and add it to the hash
* table. */
if (object_wait_reqs == NULL) {
object_wait_reqs = new ObjectWaitRequests();
object_wait_reqs->object_id = object_id;
HASH_ADD(hh, *object_wait_requests_table_ptr, object_id,
sizeof(object_wait_reqs->object_id), object_wait_reqs);
/* Add this wait request to the vector of wait requests involving this object
* ID. */
void remove_wait_request_for_object(PlasmaManagerState *manager_state,
ObjectID object_id,
int type,
WaitRequest *wait_req) {
ObjectWaitRequests **object_wait_requests_table_ptr =
object_wait_requests_table_ptr_from_type(manager_state, type);
ObjectWaitRequests *object_wait_reqs;
HASH_FIND(hh, *object_wait_requests_table_ptr, &object_id, sizeof(object_id),
/* If there is a vector of wait requests for this object ID, and if this
* vector contains the wait request, then remove the wait request from the
* vector. */
if (object_wait_reqs != NULL) {
for (int i = 0; i < object_wait_reqs->wait_requests.size(); ++i) {
if (object_wait_reqs->wait_requests[i] == wait_req) {
/* Remove the wait request from the array. */
object_wait_reqs->wait_requests.begin() + i);
/* In principle, if there are no more wait requests involving this object
* ID, then we could remove the object_wait_reqs struct. However, the
* object_wait_reqs struct gets removed in update_object_wait_requests. */
void remove_wait_request(PlasmaManagerState *manager_state,
WaitRequest *wait_req) {
if (wait_req->timer != -1) {
CHECK(event_loop_remove_timer(manager_state->loop, wait_req->timer) ==
delete wait_req;
void return_from_wait(PlasmaManagerState *manager_state,
WaitRequest *wait_req) {
/* Send the reply to the client. */
/* Iterate over all object IDs requested as part of this wait request.
* Remove the wait request from each of the relevant object_wait_requests hash
* tables if it is present there. */
for (const auto &entry : wait_req->object_requests) {
remove_wait_request_for_object(manager_state, entry.second.object_id,
entry.second.type, wait_req);
/* Remove the wait request. */
remove_wait_request(manager_state, wait_req);
void update_object_wait_requests(PlasmaManagerState *manager_state,
ObjectID obj_id,
int type,
int status) {
ObjectWaitRequests **object_wait_requests_table_ptr =
object_wait_requests_table_ptr_from_type(manager_state, type);
/* Update the in-progress wait requests in the specified table. */
ObjectWaitRequests *object_wait_reqs;
HASH_FIND(hh, *object_wait_requests_table_ptr, &obj_id, sizeof(obj_id),
if (object_wait_reqs != NULL) {
/* We compute the number of requests first because the length of the vector
* will change as we iterate over it (because each call to return_from_wait
* will remove one element). */
int num_requests = object_wait_reqs->wait_requests.size();
/* The argument index is the index of the current element of the vector
* that we are processing. It may differ from the counter i when elements
* are removed from the array. */
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_requests; ++i) {
WaitRequest *wait_req = object_wait_reqs->wait_requests[index];
wait_req->num_satisfied += 1;
/* Mark the object as present in the wait request. */
auto object_request =
/* Check that we found the object. */
CHECK(object_request != wait_req->object_requests.end());
/* Check that the object found was not previously known to us. */
CHECK(object_request->second.status == ObjectStatus_Nonexistent);
/* Update the found object's status to a known status. */
object_request->second.status = status;
/* If this wait request is done, reply to the client. */
if (wait_req->num_satisfied == wait_req->num_objects_to_wait_for) {
return_from_wait(manager_state, wait_req);
} else {
/* The call to return_from_wait will remove the current element in the
* array, so we only increment the counter in the else branch. */
index += 1;
DCHECK(index == object_wait_reqs->wait_requests.size());
/* Remove the array of wait requests for this object, since no one should be
* waiting for this object anymore. */
HASH_DELETE(hh, *object_wait_requests_table_ptr, object_wait_reqs);
delete object_wait_reqs;
FetchRequest *create_fetch_request(PlasmaManagerState *manager_state,
ObjectID object_id) {
FetchRequest *fetch_req = (FetchRequest *) malloc(sizeof(FetchRequest));
fetch_req->object_id = object_id;
fetch_req->manager_count = 0;
fetch_req->manager_vector = NULL;
return fetch_req;
void remove_fetch_request(PlasmaManagerState *manager_state,
FetchRequest *fetch_req) {
/* Remove the fetch request from the table of fetch requests. */
HASH_DELETE(hh, manager_state->fetch_requests, fetch_req);
/* Free the fetch request and everything in it. */
for (int i = 0; i < fetch_req->manager_count; ++i) {
if (fetch_req->manager_vector != NULL) {
PlasmaManagerState *PlasmaManagerState_init(const char *store_socket_name,
const char *manager_socket_name,
const char *manager_addr,
int manager_port,
const char *redis_primary_addr,
int redis_primary_port) {
PlasmaManagerState *state =
(PlasmaManagerState *) malloc(sizeof(PlasmaManagerState));
state->loop = event_loop_create();
state->plasma_conn = new plasma::PlasmaClient();
ARROW_CHECK_OK(state->plasma_conn->Connect(store_socket_name, "",
state->manager_connections = NULL;
state->fetch_requests = NULL;
state->object_wait_requests_local = NULL;
state->object_wait_requests_remote = NULL;
if (redis_primary_addr) {
/* Get the manager port as a string. */
UT_string *manager_address_str;
utstring_printf(manager_address_str, "%s:%d", manager_addr, manager_port);
int num_args = 6;
const char **db_connect_args =
(const char **) malloc(sizeof(char *) * num_args);
db_connect_args[0] = "store_socket_name";
db_connect_args[1] = store_socket_name;
db_connect_args[2] = "manager_socket_name";
db_connect_args[3] = manager_socket_name;
db_connect_args[4] = "address";
db_connect_args[5] = utstring_body(manager_address_str);
state->db =
db_connect(std::string(redis_primary_addr), redis_primary_port,
"plasma_manager", manager_addr, num_args, db_connect_args);
db_attach(state->db, state->loop, false);
} else {
state->db = NULL;
LOG_DEBUG("No db connection specified");
state->addr = manager_addr;
state->port = manager_port;
/* Initialize an empty hash map for the cache of local available objects. */
state->local_available_objects = NULL;
/* Subscribe to notifications about sealed objects. */
int plasma_fd;
/* Add the callback that processes the notification to the event loop. */
event_loop_add_file(state->loop, plasma_fd, EVENT_LOOP_READ,
process_object_notification, state);
/* Initialize the time at which the previous heartbeat was sent. */
state->previous_heartbeat_time = current_time_ms();
return state;
void PlasmaManagerState_free(PlasmaManagerState *state) {
/* Reset the SIGTERM handler to default behavior, so we try to clean up the
* plasma manager at most once. */
if (state->db != NULL) {
state->db = NULL;
ClientConnection *manager_conn, *tmp_manager_conn;
HASH_ITER(manager_hh, state->manager_connections, manager_conn,
tmp_manager_conn) {
if (state->fetch_requests != NULL) {
FetchRequest *fetch_req, *tmp;
HASH_ITER(hh, state->fetch_requests, fetch_req, tmp) {
remove_fetch_request(state, fetch_req);
AvailableObject *entry, *tmp_object_entry;
HASH_ITER(hh, state->local_available_objects, entry, tmp_object_entry) {
HASH_DELETE(hh, state->local_available_objects, entry);
ObjectWaitRequests *wait_reqs, *tmp_wait_reqs;
HASH_ITER(hh, state->object_wait_requests_local, wait_reqs, tmp_wait_reqs) {
HASH_DELETE(hh, state->object_wait_requests_local, wait_reqs);
delete wait_reqs;
HASH_ITER(hh, state->object_wait_requests_remote, wait_reqs, tmp_wait_reqs) {
HASH_DELETE(hh, state->object_wait_requests_remote, wait_reqs);
delete wait_reqs;
delete state->plasma_conn;
event_loop *get_event_loop(PlasmaManagerState *state) {
return state->loop;
/* Handle a command request that came in through a socket (transfering data,
* or accepting incoming data). */
void process_message(event_loop *loop,
int client_sock,
void *context,
int events);
int write_object_chunk(ClientConnection *conn, PlasmaRequestBuffer *buf) {
LOG_DEBUG("Writing data to fd %d", conn->fd);
ssize_t r, s;
/* Try to write one BUFSIZE at a time. */
s = buf->data_size + buf->metadata_size - conn->cursor;
if (s > BUFSIZE)
r = write(conn->fd, buf->data + conn->cursor, s);
if (r != s) {
LOG_ERROR("write failed, errno was %d", errno);
if (r > 0) {
LOG_ERROR("partial write on fd %d", conn->fd);
} else {
return errno;
} else {
conn->cursor += r;
if (r == 0) {
/* If we've finished writing this buffer, reset the cursor to zero. */
LOG_DEBUG("writing on channel %d finished", conn->fd);
conn->cursor = 0;
/* We are done sending the object, so release it. The corresponding call to
* plasma_get occurred in process_transfer_request. */
return 0;
void send_queued_request(event_loop *loop,
int data_sock,
void *context,
int events) {
ClientConnection *conn = (ClientConnection *) context;
PlasmaManagerState *state = conn->manager_state;
if (conn->transfer_queue == NULL) {
/* If there are no objects to transfer, temporarily remove this connection
* from the event loop. It will be reawoken when we receive another
* data request. */
event_loop_remove_file(loop, conn->fd);
PlasmaRequestBuffer *buf = conn->transfer_queue;
int err = 0;
switch (buf->type) {
case MessageType_PlasmaDataRequest:
err = handle_sigpipe(
plasma::SendDataRequest(conn->fd, buf->object_id.to_plasma_id(),
state->addr, state->port),
case MessageType_PlasmaDataReply:
LOG_DEBUG("Transferring object to manager");
if (conn->cursor == 0) {
/* If the cursor is zero, we haven't sent any requests for this object
* yet, so send the initial data request. */
err = handle_sigpipe(
plasma::SendDataReply(conn->fd, buf->object_id.to_plasma_id(),
buf->data_size, buf->metadata_size),
if (err == 0) {
err = write_object_chunk(conn, buf);
LOG_FATAL("Buffered request has unknown type.");
/* If there was a SIGPIPE, stop sending to this manager. */
if (err != 0) {
/* If there was an ECONNRESET, this means that we haven't finished
* connecting to this manager yet. Resend the request when the socket is
* ready for a write again. */
if (err == ECONNRESET) {
event_loop_remove_file(loop, conn->fd);
/* If we are done sending this request, remove it from the transfer queue. */
if (conn->cursor == 0) {
if (buf->type == MessageType_PlasmaDataReply) {
/* If we just finished sending an object to a remote manager, then remove
* the object from the hash table of pending transfer requests. */
HASH_DELETE(hh, conn->pending_object_transfers, buf);
DL_DELETE(conn->transfer_queue, buf);
int read_object_chunk(ClientConnection *conn, PlasmaRequestBuffer *buf) {
LOG_DEBUG("Reading data from fd %d to %p", conn->fd,
buf->data + conn->cursor);
ssize_t r, s;
CHECK(buf != NULL);
/* Try to read one BUFSIZE at a time. */
s = buf->data_size + buf->metadata_size - conn->cursor;
if (s > BUFSIZE) {
r = read(conn->fd, buf->data + conn->cursor, s);
if (r == -1) {
LOG_ERROR("read error");
} else if (r == 0) {
LOG_DEBUG("end of file");
} else {
conn->cursor += r;
/* If the cursor is equal to the full object size, reset the cursor and we're
* done. */
if (conn->cursor == buf->data_size + buf->metadata_size) {
conn->cursor = 0;
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
void process_data_chunk(event_loop *loop,
int data_sock,
void *context,
int events) {
/* Read the object chunk. */
ClientConnection *conn = (ClientConnection *) context;
PlasmaRequestBuffer *buf = conn->transfer_queue;
int done = read_object_chunk(conn, buf);
if (!done) {
/* Seal the object and release it. The release corresponds to the call to
* plasma_create that occurred in process_data_request. */
LOG_DEBUG("reading on channel %d finished", data_sock);
/* The following seal also triggers notification of clients for fetch or
* wait requests, see process_object_notification. */
/* Remove the request buffer used for reading this object's data. */
DL_DELETE(conn->transfer_queue, buf);
/* Switch to listening for requests from this socket, instead of reading
* object data. */
event_loop_remove_file(loop, data_sock);
event_loop_add_file(loop, data_sock, EVENT_LOOP_READ, process_message, conn);
void ignore_data_chunk(event_loop *loop,
int data_sock,
void *context,
int events) {
/* Read the object chunk. */
ClientConnection *conn = (ClientConnection *) context;
PlasmaRequestBuffer *buf = conn->ignore_buffer;
/* Just read the transferred data into ignore_buf and then drop (free) it. */
int done = read_object_chunk(conn, buf);
if (!done) {
/* Switch to listening for requests from this socket, instead of reading
* object data. */
event_loop_remove_file(loop, data_sock);
event_loop_add_file(loop, data_sock, EVENT_LOOP_READ, process_message, conn);
ClientConnection *get_manager_connection(PlasmaManagerState *state,
const char *ip_addr,
int port) {
/* TODO(swang): Should probably check whether ip_addr and port belong to us.
UT_string *ip_addr_port;
utstring_printf(ip_addr_port, "%s:%d", ip_addr, port);
ClientConnection *manager_conn;
HASH_FIND(manager_hh, state->manager_connections, utstring_body(ip_addr_port),
utstring_len(ip_addr_port), manager_conn);
if (!manager_conn) {
/* If we don't already have a connection to this manager, start one. */
int fd = connect_inet_sock(ip_addr, port);
if (fd < 0) {
return NULL;
manager_conn =
ClientConnection_init(state, fd, utstring_body(ip_addr_port));
return manager_conn;
void process_transfer_request(event_loop *loop,
ObjectID obj_id,
const char *addr,
int port,
ClientConnection *conn) {
ClientConnection *manager_conn =
get_manager_connection(conn->manager_state, addr, port);
if (manager_conn == NULL) {
/* If there is already a request in the transfer queue with the same object
* ID, do not add the transfer request. */
PlasmaRequestBuffer *pending;
HASH_FIND(hh, manager_conn->pending_object_transfers, &obj_id, sizeof(obj_id),
if (pending != NULL) {
/* Allocate and append the request to the transfer queue. */
plasma::ObjectBuffer object_buffer;
plasma::ObjectID object_id = obj_id.to_plasma_id();
/* We pass in 0 to indicate that the command should return immediately. */
conn->manager_state->plasma_conn->Get(&object_id, 1, 0, &object_buffer));
if (object_buffer.data_size == -1) {
/* If the object wasn't locally available, exit immediately. If the object
* later appears locally, the requesting plasma manager should request the
* transfer again. */
"Unable to transfer object to requesting plasma manager, object not "
/* If we already have a connection to this manager and its inactive,
* (re)register it with the event loop again. */
if (manager_conn->transfer_queue == NULL) {
bool success = event_loop_add_file(loop, manager_conn->fd, EVENT_LOOP_WRITE,
send_queued_request, manager_conn);
if (!success) {
DCHECK(object_buffer.metadata ==
object_buffer.data + object_buffer.data_size);
PlasmaRequestBuffer *buf =
(PlasmaRequestBuffer *) malloc(sizeof(PlasmaRequestBuffer));
buf->type = MessageType_PlasmaDataReply;
buf->object_id = obj_id;
/* We treat buf->data as a pointer to the concatenated data and metadata, so
* we don't actually use buf->metadata. */
buf->data = object_buffer.data;
buf->data_size = object_buffer.data_size;
buf->metadata_size = object_buffer.metadata_size;
DL_APPEND(manager_conn->transfer_queue, buf);
HASH_ADD(hh, manager_conn->pending_object_transfers, object_id,
sizeof(buf->object_id), buf);
* Receive object_id requested by this Plamsa Manager from the remote Plasma
* Manager identified by client_sock. The object_id is sent via the data requst
* message.
* @param loop The event data structure.
* @param client_sock The sender's socket.
* @param object_id ID of the object being received.
* @param data_size Size of the data of object_id.
* @param metadata_size Size of the metadata of object_id.
* @param conn The connection object.
* @return Void.
void process_data_request(event_loop *loop,
int client_sock,
ObjectID object_id,
int64_t data_size,
int64_t metadata_size,
ClientConnection *conn) {
PlasmaRequestBuffer *buf =
(PlasmaRequestBuffer *) malloc(sizeof(PlasmaRequestBuffer));
buf->object_id = object_id;
buf->data_size = data_size;
buf->metadata_size = metadata_size;
/* The corresponding call to plasma_release should happen in
* process_data_chunk. */
Status s = conn->manager_state->plasma_conn->Create(
object_id.to_plasma_id(), data_size, NULL, metadata_size, &(buf->data));
/* If success_create == true, a new object has been created.
* If success_create == false the object creation has failed, possibly
* due to an object with the same ID already existing in the Plasma Store. */
if (s.ok()) {
/* Add buffer where the fetched data is to be stored to
* conn->transfer_queue. */
DL_APPEND(conn->transfer_queue, buf);
CHECK(conn->cursor == 0);
/* Switch to reading the data from this socket, instead of listening for
* other requests. */
event_loop_remove_file(loop, client_sock);
if (s.ok()) {
bool success = event_loop_add_file(loop, client_sock, EVENT_LOOP_READ,
process_data_chunk, conn);
if (!success) {
} else {
/* Since plasma_create() has failed, we ignore the data transfer. We will
* receive this transfer in g_ignore_buf and then drop it. Allocate memory
* for data and metadata, if needed. All memory associated with
* buf/g_ignore_buf will be freed in ignore_data_chunkc(). */
conn->ignore_buffer = buf;
buf->data = (uint8_t *) malloc(buf->data_size + buf->metadata_size);
bool success = event_loop_add_file(loop, client_sock, EVENT_LOOP_READ,
ignore_data_chunk, conn);
if (!success) {
void request_transfer_from(PlasmaManagerState *manager_state,
FetchRequest *fetch_req) {
CHECK(fetch_req->manager_count > 0);
CHECK(fetch_req->next_manager >= 0 &&
fetch_req->next_manager < fetch_req->manager_count);
char addr[16];
int port;
parse_ip_addr_port(fetch_req->manager_vector[fetch_req->next_manager], addr,
ClientConnection *manager_conn =
get_manager_connection(manager_state, addr, port);
if (manager_conn != NULL) {
/* Check that this manager isn't trying to request an object from itself.
* TODO(rkn): Later this should not be fatal. */
uint8_t temp_addr[4];
sscanf(addr, "%hhu.%hhu.%hhu.%hhu", &temp_addr[0], &temp_addr[1],
&temp_addr[2], &temp_addr[3]);
if (memcmp(temp_addr, manager_state->addr, 4) == 0 &&
port == manager_state->port) {
"This manager is attempting to request a transfer from itself.");
PlasmaRequestBuffer *transfer_request =
(PlasmaRequestBuffer *) malloc(sizeof(PlasmaRequestBuffer));
transfer_request->type = MessageType_PlasmaDataRequest;
transfer_request->object_id = fetch_req->object_id;
if (manager_conn->transfer_queue == NULL) {
/* If we already have a connection to this manager and it's inactive,
* (re)register it with the event loop. */
event_loop_add_file(manager_state->loop, manager_conn->fd,
EVENT_LOOP_WRITE, send_queued_request, manager_conn);
/* Add this transfer request to this connection's transfer queue. */
DL_APPEND(manager_conn->transfer_queue, transfer_request);
/* On the next attempt, try the next manager in manager_vector. */
fetch_req->next_manager += 1;
fetch_req->next_manager %= fetch_req->manager_count;
int fetch_timeout_handler(event_loop *loop, timer_id id, void *context) {
PlasmaManagerState *manager_state = (PlasmaManagerState *) context;
/* Allocate a vector of object IDs to resend requests for location
* notifications. */
int num_object_ids_to_request = 0;
int num_object_ids = HASH_COUNT(manager_state->fetch_requests);
/* This is allocating more space than necessary, but we do not know the exact
* number of object IDs to request notifications for yet. */
ObjectID *object_ids_to_request =
(ObjectID *) malloc(num_object_ids * sizeof(ObjectID));
/* Loop over the fetch requests and reissue requests for objects whose
* locations we know. */
FetchRequest *fetch_req, *tmp;
HASH_ITER(hh, manager_state->fetch_requests, fetch_req, tmp) {
if (fetch_req->manager_count > 0) {
request_transfer_from(manager_state, fetch_req);
/* If we've tried all of the managers that we know about for this object,
* add this object to the list to resend requests for. */
if (fetch_req->next_manager == 0) {
object_ids_to_request[num_object_ids_to_request] = fetch_req->object_id;
/* Resend requests for notifications on these objects' locations. */
if (num_object_ids_to_request > 0 && manager_state->db != NULL) {
object_ids_to_request, NULL);
/* Wait at least MANAGER_TIMEOUT before running this timeout handler again.
* But if we're waiting for a large number of objects, wait longer (e.g., 10
* seconds for one million objects) so that we don't overwhelm other
* components like Redis with too many requests (and so that we don't
* overwhelm this manager with responses). */
return std::max(MANAGER_TIMEOUT, int(0.01 * num_object_ids));
bool is_object_local(PlasmaManagerState *state, ObjectID object_id) {
AvailableObject *entry;
HASH_FIND(hh, state->local_available_objects, &object_id, sizeof(object_id),
return entry != NULL;
void request_transfer(ObjectID object_id,
int manager_count,
const char *manager_vector[],
void *context) {
PlasmaManagerState *manager_state = (PlasmaManagerState *) context;
/* This callback is called from object_table_subscribe, which guarantees that
* the manager vector contains at least one element. */
CHECK(manager_count >= 1);
FetchRequest *fetch_req;
HASH_FIND(hh, manager_state->fetch_requests, &object_id, sizeof(object_id),
if (is_object_local(manager_state, object_id)) {
/* If the object is already here, then the fetch request should have been
* removed. */
CHECK(fetch_req == NULL);
/* If the object is not present, then the fetch request should still be here.
* TODO(rkn): We actually have to remove this check to handle the rare
* scenario where the object is transferred here and then evicted before this
* callback gets called. */
CHECK(fetch_req != NULL);
/* This method may be run multiple times, so if we are updating the manager
* vector, we need to free the previous manager vector. */
if (fetch_req->manager_count != 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < fetch_req->manager_count; ++i) {
/* Update the manager vector. */
fetch_req->manager_count = manager_count;
fetch_req->manager_vector = (char **) malloc(manager_count * sizeof(char *));
fetch_req->next_manager = 0;
memset(fetch_req->manager_vector, 0, manager_count * sizeof(char *));
for (int i = 0; i < manager_count; ++i) {
int len = strlen(manager_vector[i]);
fetch_req->manager_vector[i] = (char *) malloc(len + 1);
strncpy(fetch_req->manager_vector[i], manager_vector[i], len);
fetch_req->manager_vector[i][len] = '\0';
/* Wait for the object data for the default number of retries, which timeout
* after a default interval. */
request_transfer_from(manager_state, fetch_req);
/* This method is only called from the tests. */
void call_request_transfer(ObjectID object_id,
int manager_count,
const char *manager_vector[],
void *context) {
PlasmaManagerState *manager_state = (PlasmaManagerState *) context;
FetchRequest *fetch_req;
/* Check that there isn't already a fetch request for this object. */
HASH_FIND(hh, manager_state->fetch_requests, &object_id, sizeof(object_id),
CHECK(fetch_req == NULL);
/* Create a fetch request. */
fetch_req = create_fetch_request(manager_state, object_id);
HASH_ADD(hh, manager_state->fetch_requests, object_id,
sizeof(fetch_req->object_id), fetch_req);
request_transfer(object_id, manager_count, manager_vector, context);
void fatal_table_callback(ObjectID id, void *user_context, void *user_data) {
void object_present_callback(ObjectID object_id,
int manager_count,
const char *manager_vector[],
void *context) {
PlasmaManagerState *manager_state = (PlasmaManagerState *) context;
/* This callback is called from object_table_subscribe, which guarantees that
* the manager vector contains at least one element. */
CHECK(manager_count >= 1);
/* Update the in-progress remote wait requests. */
update_object_wait_requests(manager_state, object_id,
/* This callback is used by both fetch and wait. Therefore, it may have to
* handle outstanding fetch and wait requests. */
void object_table_subscribe_callback(ObjectID object_id,
int64_t data_size,
int manager_count,
const char *manager_vector[],
void *context) {
PlasmaManagerState *manager_state = (PlasmaManagerState *) context;
/* Run the callback for fetch requests if there is a fetch request. */
FetchRequest *fetch_req;
HASH_FIND(hh, manager_state->fetch_requests, &object_id, sizeof(object_id),
if (fetch_req != NULL) {
request_transfer(object_id, manager_count, manager_vector, context);
/* Run the callback for wait requests. */
object_present_callback(object_id, manager_count, manager_vector, context);
void process_fetch_requests(ClientConnection *client_conn,
int num_object_ids,
plasma::ObjectID object_ids[]) {
PlasmaManagerState *manager_state = client_conn->manager_state;
int num_object_ids_to_request = 0;
/* This is allocating more space than necessary, but we do not know the exact
* number of object IDs to request notifications for yet. */
ObjectID *object_ids_to_request =
(ObjectID *) malloc(num_object_ids * sizeof(ObjectID));
for (int i = 0; i < num_object_ids; ++i) {
ObjectID obj_id = object_ids[i];
/* Check if this object is already present locally. If so, do nothing. */
if (is_object_local(manager_state, obj_id)) {
/* Check if this object is already being fetched. If so, do nothing. */
FetchRequest *entry;
HASH_FIND(hh, manager_state->fetch_requests, &obj_id, sizeof(obj_id),
if (entry != NULL) {
/* Add an entry to the fetch requests data structure to indidate that the
* object is being fetched. */
entry = create_fetch_request(manager_state, obj_id);
HASH_ADD(hh, manager_state->fetch_requests, object_id,
sizeof(entry->object_id), entry);
/* Add this object ID to the list of object IDs to request notifications for
* from the object table. */
object_ids_to_request[num_object_ids_to_request] = obj_id;
num_object_ids_to_request += 1;
if (num_object_ids_to_request > 0) {
/* Request notifications from the object table when these object IDs become
* available. The notifications will call the callback that was passed to
* object_table_subscribe_to_notifications, which will initiate a transfer
* of the object to this plasma manager. */
object_ids_to_request, NULL);
int wait_timeout_handler(event_loop *loop, timer_id id, void *context) {
WaitRequest *wait_req = (WaitRequest *) context;
return_from_wait(wait_req->client_conn->manager_state, wait_req);
void process_wait_request(ClientConnection *client_conn,
plasma::ObjectRequestMap &&object_requests,
uint64_t timeout_ms,
int num_ready_objects) {
CHECK(client_conn != NULL);
PlasmaManagerState *manager_state = client_conn->manager_state;
int num_object_requests = object_requests.size();
/* Create a wait request for this object. */
WaitRequest *wait_req =
new WaitRequest(client_conn, -1, num_object_requests,
std::move(object_requests), num_ready_objects, 0);
int num_object_ids_to_request = 0;
/* This is allocating more space than necessary, but we do not know the exact
* number of object IDs to request notifications for yet. */
ObjectID *object_ids_to_request =
(ObjectID *) malloc(num_object_requests * sizeof(ObjectID));
for (auto &entry : wait_req->object_requests) {
auto &object_request = entry.second;
ObjectID obj_id = object_request.object_id;
/* Check if this object is already present locally. If so, mark the object
* as present. */
if (is_object_local(manager_state, obj_id)) {
object_request.status = ObjectStatus_Local;
wait_req->num_satisfied += 1;
/* Add the wait request to the relevant data structures. */
add_wait_request_for_object(manager_state, obj_id, object_request.type,
if (object_request.type == plasma::PLASMA_QUERY_LOCAL) {
/* TODO(rkn): If desired, we could issue a fetch command here to retrieve
* the object. */
} else if (object_request.type == plasma::PLASMA_QUERY_ANYWHERE) {
/* Add this object ID to the list of object IDs to request notifications
* for from the object table. */
object_ids_to_request[num_object_ids_to_request] = obj_id;
num_object_ids_to_request += 1;
} else {
/* This code should be unreachable. */
/* If enough of the wait requests have already been satisfied, return to the
* client. */
if (wait_req->num_satisfied >= wait_req->num_objects_to_wait_for) {
return_from_wait(manager_state, wait_req);
} else {
if (num_object_ids_to_request > 0) {
/* Request notifications from the object table when these object IDs
* become available. The notifications will call the callback that was
* passed to object_table_subscribe_to_notifications, which will update
* the wait request. */
object_ids_to_request, NULL);
/* Set a timer that will cause the wait request to return to the client. */
wait_req->timer = event_loop_add_timer(manager_state->loop, timeout_ms,
wait_timeout_handler, wait_req);
* Check whether a non-local object is stored on any remot enote or not.
* @param object_id ID of the object whose status we require.
* @param manager_cont Number of remote nodes object_id is stored at. If
* manager_count > 0, then object_id exists on a remote node an its
* status is ObjectStatus_Remote. Otherwise, if manager_count == 0, the
* object doesn't exist in the system and its status is
* ObjectStatus_Nonexistent.
* @param manager_vector Array containing the Plasma Managers running at the
* nodes where object_id is stored. Not used; it will be eventually
* deallocated.
* @param context Client connection.
* @return Void.
void request_status_done(ObjectID object_id,
int manager_count,
const char *manager_vector[],
void *context) {
ClientConnection *client_conn = (ClientConnection *) context;
int status =
request_status(object_id, manager_count, manager_vector, context);
plasma::ObjectID object_id_copy = object_id.to_plasma_id();
plasma::SendStatusReply(client_conn->fd, &object_id_copy, &status, 1),
int request_status(ObjectID object_id,
int manager_count,
const char *manager_vector[],
void *context) {
ClientConnection *client_conn = (ClientConnection *) context;
/* Return success immediately if we already have this object. */
if (is_object_local(client_conn->manager_state, object_id)) {
return ObjectStatus_Local;
/* Since object is not stored at the local locally, manager_count > 0 means
* that the object is stored at another remote object. Otherwise, if
* manager_count == 0, the object is not stored anywhere. */
return (manager_count > 0 ? ObjectStatus_Remote : ObjectStatus_Nonexistent);
void object_table_lookup_fail_callback(ObjectID object_id,
void *user_context,
void *user_data) {
/* Fail for now. Later, we may want to send a ObjectStatus_Nonexistent to the
* client. */
void process_status_request(ClientConnection *client_conn,
plasma::ObjectID object_id) {
/* Return success immediately if we already have this object. */
if (is_object_local(client_conn->manager_state, object_id)) {
int status = ObjectStatus_Local;
plasma::SendStatusReply(client_conn->fd, &object_id, &status, 1),
if (client_conn->manager_state->db == NULL) {
int status = ObjectStatus_Nonexistent;
plasma::SendStatusReply(client_conn->fd, &object_id, &status, 1),
/* The object is not local, so check whether it is stored remotely. */
object_table_lookup(client_conn->manager_state->db, object_id, NULL,
request_status_done, client_conn);
void process_delete_object_notification(PlasmaManagerState *state,
ObjectID object_id) {
AvailableObject *entry;
HASH_FIND(hh, state->local_available_objects, &object_id, sizeof(object_id),
if (entry != NULL) {
HASH_DELETE(hh, state->local_available_objects, entry);
/* Remove this object from the (redis) object table. */
if (state->db) {
object_table_remove(state->db, object_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
/* NOTE: There could be pending wait requests for this object that will now
* return when the object is not actually available. For simplicity, we allow
* this scenario rather than try to keep the wait request statuses exactly
* up-to-date. */
void log_object_hash_mismatch_error_task_callback(Task *task,
void *user_context) {
CHECK(task != NULL);
PlasmaManagerState *state = (PlasmaManagerState *) user_context;
TaskSpec *spec = Task_task_spec(task);
FunctionID function = TaskSpec_function(spec);
/* Push the error to the Python driver that caused the nondeterministic task
* to be submitted. */
push_error(state->db, TaskSpec_driver_id(spec),
OBJECT_HASH_MISMATCH_ERROR_INDEX, sizeof(function), function.id);
void log_object_hash_mismatch_error_result_callback(ObjectID object_id,
TaskID task_id,
bool is_put,
void *user_context) {
PlasmaManagerState *state = (PlasmaManagerState *) user_context;
/* Get the specification for the nondeterministic task. */
task_table_get_task(state->db, task_id, NULL,
log_object_hash_mismatch_error_task_callback, state);
void log_object_hash_mismatch_error_object_callback(ObjectID object_id,
bool success,
void *user_context) {
if (success) {
/* The object was added successfully. */
/* The object was added, but there was an object hash mismatch. In this case,
* look up the task that created the object so we can notify the Python
* driver that the task is nondeterministic. */
PlasmaManagerState *state = (PlasmaManagerState *) user_context;
result_table_lookup(state->db, object_id, NULL,
log_object_hash_mismatch_error_result_callback, state);
void process_add_object_notification(PlasmaManagerState *state,
ObjectID object_id,
int64_t data_size,
int64_t metadata_size,
unsigned char *digest) {
AvailableObject *entry = (AvailableObject *) malloc(sizeof(AvailableObject));
entry->object_id = object_id;
HASH_ADD(hh, state->local_available_objects, object_id, sizeof(ObjectID),
/* Add this object to the (redis) object table. */
if (state->db) {
object_table_add(state->db, object_id, data_size + metadata_size, digest,
NULL, log_object_hash_mismatch_error_object_callback,
(void *) state);
/* If we were trying to fetch this object, finish up the fetch request. */
FetchRequest *fetch_req;
HASH_FIND(hh, state->fetch_requests, &object_id, sizeof(object_id),
if (fetch_req != NULL) {
remove_fetch_request(state, fetch_req);
/* TODO(rkn): We also really should unsubscribe from the object table. */
/* Update the in-progress local and remote wait requests. */
update_object_wait_requests(state, object_id, plasma::PLASMA_QUERY_LOCAL,
update_object_wait_requests(state, object_id, plasma::PLASMA_QUERY_ANYWHERE,
void process_object_notification(event_loop *loop,
int client_sock,
void *context,
int events) {
PlasmaManagerState *state = (PlasmaManagerState *) context;
uint8_t *notification = read_message_async(loop, client_sock);
if (notification == NULL) {
"Lost connection to the plasma store, plasma manager is exiting!");
auto object_info = flatbuffers::GetRoot<ObjectInfo>(notification);
/* Add object to locally available object. */
ObjectID object_id = from_flatbuf(object_info->object_id());
if (object_info->is_deletion()) {
process_delete_object_notification(state, object_id);
} else {
state, object_id, object_info->data_size(),
(unsigned char *) object_info->digest()->data());
/* TODO(pcm): Split this into two methods: new_worker_connection
* and new_manager_connection and also split ClientConnection
* into two structs, one for workers and one for other plasma managers. */
ClientConnection *ClientConnection_init(PlasmaManagerState *state,
int client_sock,
char *client_key) {
/* Create a new data connection context per client. */
ClientConnection *conn =
(ClientConnection *) malloc(sizeof(ClientConnection));
conn->manager_state = state;
conn->cursor = 0;
conn->transfer_queue = NULL;
conn->pending_object_transfers = NULL;
conn->fd = client_sock;
conn->num_return_objects = 0;
conn->ip_addr_port = strdup(client_key);
HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(manager_hh, conn->manager_state->manager_connections,
conn->ip_addr_port, strlen(conn->ip_addr_port), conn);
return conn;
ClientConnection *ClientConnection_listen(event_loop *loop,
int listener_sock,
void *context,
int events) {
PlasmaManagerState *state = (PlasmaManagerState *) context;
int new_socket = accept_client(listener_sock);
char client_key[8];
snprintf(client_key, sizeof(client_key), "%d", new_socket);
ClientConnection *conn = ClientConnection_init(state, new_socket, client_key);
event_loop_add_file(loop, new_socket, EVENT_LOOP_READ, process_message, conn);
LOG_DEBUG("New client connection with fd %d", new_socket);
return conn;
void ClientConnection_free(ClientConnection *client_conn) {
PlasmaManagerState *state = client_conn->manager_state;
HASH_DELETE(manager_hh, state->manager_connections, client_conn);
/* Free the hash table of object IDs that are waiting to be transferred. */
PlasmaRequestBuffer *request_buffer, *tmp_buffer;
HASH_ITER(hh, client_conn->pending_object_transfers, request_buffer,
tmp_buffer) {
/* We do not free the PlasmaRequestBuffer here because it is also in the
* transfer queue and will be freed below. */
HASH_DELETE(hh, client_conn->pending_object_transfers, request_buffer);
/* Free the transfer queue. */
PlasmaRequestBuffer *head = client_conn->transfer_queue;
while (head) {
DL_DELETE(client_conn->transfer_queue, head);
head = client_conn->transfer_queue;
/* Close the manager connection and free the remaining state. */
void handle_new_client(event_loop *loop,
int listener_sock,
void *context,
int events) {
(void) ClientConnection_listen(loop, listener_sock, context, events);
int get_client_sock(ClientConnection *conn) {
return conn->fd;
void process_message(event_loop *loop,
int client_sock,
void *context,
int events) {
int64_t start_time = current_time_ms();
ClientConnection *conn = (ClientConnection *) context;
int64_t length;
int64_t type;
uint8_t *data;
read_message(client_sock, &type, &length, &data);
switch (type) {
case MessageType_PlasmaDataRequest: {
LOG_DEBUG("Processing data request");
plasma::ObjectID object_id;
char *address;
int port;
plasma::ReadDataRequest(data, length, &object_id, &address, &port));
process_transfer_request(loop, object_id, address, port, conn);
} break;
case MessageType_PlasmaDataReply: {
LOG_DEBUG("Processing data reply");
plasma::ObjectID object_id;
int64_t object_size;
int64_t metadata_size;
ARROW_CHECK_OK(plasma::ReadDataReply(data, length, &object_id, &object_size,
process_data_request(loop, client_sock, object_id, object_size,
metadata_size, conn);
} break;
case MessageType_PlasmaFetchRequest: {
LOG_DEBUG("Processing fetch remote");
std::vector<plasma::ObjectID> object_ids_to_fetch;
/* TODO(pcm): process_fetch_requests allocates an array of num_objects
* object_ids too so these should be shared in the future. */
ARROW_CHECK_OK(plasma::ReadFetchRequest(data, length, object_ids_to_fetch));
process_fetch_requests(conn, object_ids_to_fetch.size(),
} break;
case MessageType_PlasmaWaitRequest: {
LOG_DEBUG("Processing wait");
plasma::ObjectRequestMap object_requests;
int64_t timeout_ms;
int num_ready_objects;
ARROW_CHECK_OK(plasma::ReadWaitRequest(data, length, object_requests,
&timeout_ms, &num_ready_objects));
process_wait_request(conn, std::move(object_requests), timeout_ms,
} break;
case MessageType_PlasmaStatusRequest: {
LOG_DEBUG("Processing status");
plasma::ObjectID object_id;
ARROW_CHECK_OK(plasma::ReadStatusRequest(data, length, &object_id, 1));
process_status_request(conn, object_id);
} break;
LOG_INFO("Disconnecting client on fd %d", client_sock);
event_loop_remove_file(loop, client_sock);
} break;
LOG_FATAL("invalid request %" PRId64, type);
/* Print a warning if this method took too long. */
int64_t end_time = current_time_ms();
int64_t max_time_for_handler = 1000;
if (end_time - start_time > max_time_for_handler) {
LOG_WARN("process_message of type %" PRId64 " took %" PRId64
" milliseconds.",
type, end_time - start_time);
int heartbeat_handler(event_loop *loop, timer_id id, void *context) {
PlasmaManagerState *state = (PlasmaManagerState *) context;
/* Check that the last heartbeat was not sent too long ago. */
int64_t current_time = current_time_ms();
CHECK(current_time >= state->previous_heartbeat_time);
if (current_time - state->previous_heartbeat_time >
LOG_FATAL("The last heartbeat was sent %" PRId64 " milliseconds ago.",
current_time - state->previous_heartbeat_time);
state->previous_heartbeat_time = current_time;
void start_server(const char *store_socket_name,
const char *manager_socket_name,
const char *master_addr,
int port,
const char *redis_primary_addr,
int redis_primary_port) {
/* Ignore SIGPIPE signals. If we don't do this, then when we attempt to write
* to a client that has already died, the manager could die. */
/* Bind the sockets before we try to connect to the plasma store.
* In case the bind does not succeed, we want to be able to exit
* without breaking the pipe to the store. */
int remote_sock = bind_inet_sock(port, false);
if (remote_sock < 0) {
int local_sock = bind_ipc_sock(manager_socket_name, false);
CHECKM(local_sock >= 0, "Unable to bind local manager socket");
g_manager_state = PlasmaManagerState_init(
store_socket_name, manager_socket_name, master_addr, port,
redis_primary_addr, redis_primary_port);
CHECK(listen(remote_sock, 128) != -1);
CHECK(listen(local_sock, 128) != -1);
LOG_DEBUG("Started server connected to store %s, listening on port %d",
store_socket_name, port);
event_loop_add_file(g_manager_state->loop, local_sock, EVENT_LOOP_READ,
handle_new_client, g_manager_state);
event_loop_add_file(g_manager_state->loop, remote_sock, EVENT_LOOP_READ,
handle_new_client, g_manager_state);
/* Set up a client-specific channel to receive notifications from the object
* table. */
object_table_subscribe_to_notifications(g_manager_state->db, false,
g_manager_state, NULL, NULL, NULL);
/* Set up a recurring timer that will loop through the outstanding fetch
* requests and reissue requests for transfers of those objects. */
event_loop_add_timer(g_manager_state->loop, MANAGER_TIMEOUT,
fetch_timeout_handler, g_manager_state);
/* Publish the heartbeats to all subscribers of the plasma manager table. */
event_loop_add_timer(g_manager_state->loop, HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS,
heartbeat_handler, g_manager_state);
/* Run the event loop. */
/* Report "success" to valgrind. */
void signal_handler(int signal) {
LOG_DEBUG("Signal was %d", signal);
if (signal == SIGTERM) {
if (g_manager_state) {
/* Only declare the main function if we are not in testing mode, since the test
* suite has its own declaration of main. */
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler);
/* Socket name of the plasma store this manager is connected to. */
char *store_socket_name = NULL;
/* Socket name this manager will bind to. */
char *manager_socket_name = NULL;
/* IP address of this node. */
char *master_addr = NULL;
/* Port number the manager should use. */
int port = -1;
/* IP address and port of the primary redis instance. */
char *redis_primary_addr_port = NULL;
int c;
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "s:m:h:p:r:")) != -1) {
switch (c) {
case 's':
store_socket_name = optarg;
case 'm':
manager_socket_name = optarg;
case 'h':
master_addr = optarg;
case 'p':
port = atoi(optarg);
case 'r':
redis_primary_addr_port = optarg;
LOG_FATAL("unknown option %c", c);
if (!store_socket_name) {
"please specify socket for connecting to the plasma store with -s "
if (!manager_socket_name) {
"please specify socket name of the manager's local socket with -m "
if (!master_addr) {
"please specify ip address of the current host in the format "
"123.456.789.10 with -h switch");
if (port == -1) {
"please specify port the plasma manager shall listen to in the"
"format 12345 with -p switch");
char redis_primary_addr[16];
int redis_primary_port;
if (!redis_primary_addr_port ||
parse_ip_addr_port(redis_primary_addr_port, redis_primary_addr,
&redis_primary_port) == -1) {
"specify the primary redis address like with the -r "
start_server(store_socket_name, manager_socket_name, master_addr, port,
redis_primary_addr, redis_primary_port);