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SlateQ (Reinforcement Learning for Recommendation)
This file defines the trainer class for the SlateQ algorithm from the
`"Reinforcement Learning for Slate-based Recommender Systems: A Tractable
Decomposition and Practical Methodology" <https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.12767>`_
See `slateq_torch_policy.py` for the definition of the policy. Currently, only
PyTorch is supported. The algorithm is written and tested for Google's RecSim
environment (https://github.com/google-research/recsim).
import logging
from typing import List, Type
from ray.rllib.agents.dqn.dqn import DQNTrainer
from ray.rllib.agents.slateq.slateq_tf_policy import SlateQTFPolicy
from ray.rllib.agents.slateq.slateq_torch_policy import SlateQTorchPolicy
from ray.rllib.agents.trainer import with_common_config
from ray.rllib.policy.policy import Policy
from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import override
from ray.rllib.utils.deprecation import DEPRECATED_VALUE
from ray.rllib.utils.typing import TrainerConfigDict
from ray.rllib.utils.replay_buffers.utils import validate_buffer_config
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# fmt: off
# __sphinx_doc_begin__
DEFAULT_CONFIG = with_common_config({
# === Model ===
# Dense-layer setup for each the n (document) candidate Q-network stacks.
"fcnet_hiddens_per_candidate": [256, 32],
# === Exploration Settings ===
"exploration_config": {
# The Exploration class to use.
# Must be SlateEpsilonGreedy or SlateSoftQ to handle the problem that
# the action space of the policy is different from the space used inside
# the exploration component.
# E.g.: action_space=MultiDiscrete([5, 5]) <- slate-size=2, num-docs=5,
# but action distribution is Categorical(5*4) -> all possible unique slates.
"type": "SlateEpsilonGreedy",
"warmup_timesteps": 20000,
"epsilon_timesteps": 250000,
"final_epsilon": 0.01,
# Switch to greedy actions in evaluation workers.
"evaluation_config": {
"explore": False,
# Minimum env sampling timesteps to accumulate within a single `train()` call. This
# value does not affect learning, only the number of times `Trainer.step_attempt()`
# is called by `Trauber.train()`. If - after one `step_attempt()`, the env sampling
# timestep count has not been reached, will perform n more `step_attempt()` calls
# until the minimum timesteps have been executed. Set to 0 for no minimum timesteps.
"min_sample_timesteps_per_reporting": 1000,
# Update the target network every `target_network_update_freq` steps.
"target_network_update_freq": 3200,
# Update the target by \tau * policy + (1-\tau) * target_policy.
"tau": 1.0,
# If True, use huber loss instead of squared loss for critic network
# Conventionally, no need to clip gradients if using a huber loss
"use_huber": False,
# Threshold of the huber loss.
"huber_threshold": 1.0,
# === Replay buffer ===
"replay_buffer_config": {
# Enable the new ReplayBuffer API.
"_enable_replay_buffer_api": True,
"type": "MultiAgentPrioritizedReplayBuffer",
"capacity": 100000,
"prioritized_replay_alpha": 0.6,
# Beta parameter for sampling from prioritized replay buffer.
"prioritized_replay_beta": 0.4,
# Epsilon to add to the TD errors when updating priorities.
"prioritized_replay_eps": 1e-6,
# The number of continuous environment steps to replay at once. This may
# be set to greater than 1 to support recurrent models.
"replay_sequence_length": 1,
# Whether to LZ4 compress observations
"compress_observations": False,
# If set, this will fix the ratio of replayed from a buffer and learned on
# timesteps to sampled from an environment and stored in the replay buffer
# timesteps. Otherwise, the replay will proceed at the native ratio
# determined by (train_batch_size / rollout_fragment_length).
"training_intensity": None,
# === Optimization ===
# Learning rate for RMSprop optimizer for the q-model.
"lr": 0.00025,
# Learning rate schedule.
# In the format of [[timestep, value], [timestep, value], ...]
# A schedule should normally start from timestep 0.
"lr_schedule": None,
# Learning rate for adam optimizer for the user choice model.
"lr_choice_model": 1e-3, # Only relevant for framework=torch.
# RMSProp epsilon hyper parameter.
"rmsprop_epsilon": 1e-5,
# If not None, clip gradients during optimization at this value
"grad_clip": None,
# How many steps of the model to sample before learning starts.
"learning_starts": 20000,
# Update the replay buffer with this many samples at once. Note that
# this setting applies per-worker if num_workers > 1.
"rollout_fragment_length": 4,
# Size of a batch sampled from replay buffer for training. Note that
# if async_updates is set, then each worker returns gradients for a
# batch of this size.
"train_batch_size": 32,
# N-step Q learning
"n_step": 1,
# === Parallelism ===
# Number of workers for collecting samples with. This only makes sense
# to increase if your environment is particularly slow to sample, or if
# you"re using the Async or Ape-X optimizers.
"num_workers": 0,
# Whether to compute priorities on workers.
"worker_side_prioritization": False,
# Prevent reporting frequency from going lower than this time span.
"min_time_s_per_reporting": 1,
# Switch on no-preprocessors for easier Q-model coding.
"_disable_preprocessor_api": True,
# Deprecated keys:
# Use `capacity` in `replay_buffer_config` instead.
"buffer_size": DEPRECATED_VALUE,
# Use `replay_sequence_length` in `replay_buffer_config` instead.
"replay_sequence_length": DEPRECATED_VALUE,
# __sphinx_doc_end__
# fmt: on
def calculate_round_robin_weights(config: TrainerConfigDict) -> List[float]:
"""Calculate the round robin weights for the rollout and train steps"""
if not config["training_intensity"]:
return [1, 1]
# e.g., 32 / 4 -> native ratio of 8.0
native_ratio = config["train_batch_size"] / config["rollout_fragment_length"]
# Training intensity is specified in terms of
# (steps_replayed / steps_sampled), so adjust for the native ratio.
weights = [1, config["training_intensity"] / native_ratio]
return weights
class SlateQTrainer(DQNTrainer):
def get_default_config(cls) -> TrainerConfigDict:
def validate_config(self, config: TrainerConfigDict) -> None:
def get_default_policy_class(self, config: TrainerConfigDict) -> Type[Policy]:
if config["framework"] == "torch":
return SlateQTorchPolicy
return SlateQTFPolicy