Robert Nishihara c21e189371 Allow scheduling with arbitrary user-defined resource labels. (#1236)
* Enable scheduling with custom resource labels.

* Fix.

* Minor fixes and ref counting fix.

* Linting

* Use .data() instead of .c_str().

* Fix linting.

* Fix ResourcesTest.testGPUIDs test by waiting for workers to start up.

* Sleep in test so that all tasks are submitted before any completes.
2017-12-01 11:41:40 -08:00

434 lines
13 KiB

#include <limits.h>
#include "common_protocol.h"
#include "task.h"
extern "C" {
#include "sha256.h"
ObjectID task_compute_return_id(TaskID task_id, int64_t return_index) {
/* Here, return_indices need to be >= 0, so we can use negative
* indices for put. */
RAY_DCHECK(return_index >= 0);
/* TODO(rkn): This line requires object and task IDs to be the same size. */
ObjectID return_id = task_id;
int64_t *first_bytes = (int64_t *) &return_id;
/* XOR the first bytes of the object ID with the return index. We add one so
* the first return ID is not the same as the task ID. */
*first_bytes = *first_bytes ^ (return_index + 1);
return return_id;
ObjectID task_compute_put_id(TaskID task_id, int64_t put_index) {
RAY_DCHECK(put_index >= 0);
/* TODO(pcm): This line requires object and task IDs to be the same size. */
ObjectID put_id = task_id;
int64_t *first_bytes = (int64_t *) &put_id;
/* XOR the first bytes of the object ID with the return index. We add one so
* the first return ID is not the same as the task ID. */
*first_bytes = *first_bytes ^ (-put_index - 1);
return put_id;
class TaskBuilder {
void Start(UniqueID driver_id,
TaskID parent_task_id,
int64_t parent_counter,
ActorID actor_id,
ActorID actor_handle_id,
int64_t actor_counter,
bool is_actor_checkpoint_method,
FunctionID function_id,
int64_t num_returns) {
driver_id_ = driver_id;
parent_task_id_ = parent_task_id;
parent_counter_ = parent_counter;
actor_id_ = actor_id;
actor_handle_id_ = actor_handle_id;
actor_counter_ = actor_counter;
is_actor_checkpoint_method_ = is_actor_checkpoint_method;
function_id_ = function_id;
num_returns_ = num_returns;
/* Compute hashes. */
sha256_update(&ctx, (BYTE *) &driver_id, sizeof(driver_id));
sha256_update(&ctx, (BYTE *) &parent_task_id, sizeof(parent_task_id));
sha256_update(&ctx, (BYTE *) &parent_counter, sizeof(parent_counter));
sha256_update(&ctx, (BYTE *) &actor_id, sizeof(actor_id));
sha256_update(&ctx, (BYTE *) &actor_counter, sizeof(actor_counter));
sha256_update(&ctx, (BYTE *) &is_actor_checkpoint_method,
sha256_update(&ctx, (BYTE *) &function_id, sizeof(function_id));
void NextReferenceArgument(ObjectID object_ids[], int num_object_ids) {
CreateArg(fbb, to_flatbuf(fbb, &object_ids[0], num_object_ids)));
sha256_update(&ctx, (BYTE *) &object_ids[0],
sizeof(object_ids[0]) * num_object_ids);
void NextValueArgument(uint8_t *value, int64_t length) {
auto arg = fbb.CreateString((const char *) value, length);
auto empty_ids = fbb.CreateVectorOfStrings({});
args.push_back(CreateArg(fbb, empty_ids, arg));
sha256_update(&ctx, (BYTE *) value, length);
void SetRequiredResource(const std::string &resource_name, double value) {
CHECK(resource_map_.count(resource_name) == 0);
resource_map_[resource_name] = value;
uint8_t *Finish(int64_t *size) {
/* Add arguments. */
auto arguments = fbb.CreateVector(args);
/* Update hash. */
sha256_final(&ctx, buff);
TaskID task_id;
CHECK(sizeof(task_id) <= DIGEST_SIZE);
memcpy(&task_id, buff, sizeof(task_id));
/* Add return object IDs. */
std::vector<flatbuffers::Offset<flatbuffers::String>> returns;
for (int64_t i = 0; i < num_returns_; i++) {
ObjectID return_id = task_compute_return_id(task_id, i);
returns.push_back(to_flatbuf(fbb, return_id));
/* Create TaskInfo. */
auto message = CreateTaskInfo(
fbb, to_flatbuf(fbb, driver_id_), to_flatbuf(fbb, task_id),
to_flatbuf(fbb, parent_task_id_), parent_counter_,
to_flatbuf(fbb, actor_id_), to_flatbuf(fbb, actor_handle_id_),
actor_counter_, is_actor_checkpoint_method_,
to_flatbuf(fbb, function_id_), arguments, fbb.CreateVector(returns),
map_to_flatbuf(fbb, resource_map_));
/* Finish the TaskInfo. */
*size = fbb.GetSize();
uint8_t *result = (uint8_t *) malloc(*size);
memcpy(result, fbb.GetBufferPointer(), *size);
return result;
flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb;
std::vector<flatbuffers::Offset<Arg>> args;
SHA256_CTX ctx;
/* Data for the builder. */
UniqueID driver_id_;
TaskID parent_task_id_;
int64_t parent_counter_;
ActorID actor_id_;
ActorID actor_handle_id_;
int64_t actor_counter_;
bool is_actor_checkpoint_method_;
FunctionID function_id_;
int64_t num_returns_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, double> resource_map_;
TaskBuilder *make_task_builder(void) {
return new TaskBuilder();
void free_task_builder(TaskBuilder *builder) {
delete builder;
bool TaskID_equal(TaskID first_id, TaskID second_id) {
return UNIQUE_ID_EQ(first_id, second_id);
bool TaskID_is_nil(TaskID id) {
return TaskID_equal(id, NIL_TASK_ID);
bool ActorID_equal(ActorID first_id, ActorID second_id) {
return UNIQUE_ID_EQ(first_id, second_id);
bool FunctionID_equal(FunctionID first_id, FunctionID second_id) {
return UNIQUE_ID_EQ(first_id, second_id);
bool FunctionID_is_nil(FunctionID id) {
return FunctionID_equal(id, NIL_FUNCTION_ID);
/* Functions for building tasks. */
void TaskSpec_start_construct(TaskBuilder *builder,
UniqueID driver_id,
TaskID parent_task_id,
int64_t parent_counter,
ActorID actor_id,
ActorID actor_handle_id,
int64_t actor_counter,
bool is_actor_checkpoint_method,
FunctionID function_id,
int64_t num_returns) {
builder->Start(driver_id, parent_task_id, parent_counter, actor_id,
actor_handle_id, actor_counter, is_actor_checkpoint_method,
function_id, num_returns);
uint8_t *TaskSpec_finish_construct(TaskBuilder *builder, int64_t *size) {
return builder->Finish(size);
void TaskSpec_args_add_ref(TaskBuilder *builder,
ObjectID object_ids[],
int num_object_ids) {
builder->NextReferenceArgument(&object_ids[0], num_object_ids);
void TaskSpec_args_add_val(TaskBuilder *builder,
uint8_t *value,
int64_t length) {
builder->NextValueArgument(value, length);
void TaskSpec_set_required_resource(TaskBuilder *builder,
const std::string &resource_name,
double value) {
builder->SetRequiredResource(resource_name, value);
/* Functions for reading tasks. */
TaskID TaskSpec_task_id(TaskSpec *spec) {
auto message = flatbuffers::GetRoot<TaskInfo>(spec);
return from_flatbuf(*message->task_id());
FunctionID TaskSpec_function(TaskSpec *spec) {
auto message = flatbuffers::GetRoot<TaskInfo>(spec);
return from_flatbuf(*message->function_id());
ActorID TaskSpec_actor_id(TaskSpec *spec) {
auto message = flatbuffers::GetRoot<TaskInfo>(spec);
return from_flatbuf(*message->actor_id());
ActorID TaskSpec_actor_handle_id(TaskSpec *spec) {
auto message = flatbuffers::GetRoot<TaskInfo>(spec);
return from_flatbuf(*message->actor_handle_id());
bool TaskSpec_is_actor_task(TaskSpec *spec) {
return !ActorID_equal(TaskSpec_actor_id(spec), NIL_ACTOR_ID);
int64_t TaskSpec_actor_counter(TaskSpec *spec) {
auto message = flatbuffers::GetRoot<TaskInfo>(spec);
return std::abs(message->actor_counter());
bool TaskSpec_is_actor_checkpoint_method(TaskSpec *spec) {
auto message = flatbuffers::GetRoot<TaskInfo>(spec);
return message->is_actor_checkpoint_method();
bool TaskSpec_arg_is_actor_dummy_object(TaskSpec *spec, int64_t arg_index) {
if (TaskSpec_actor_counter(spec) == 0) {
/* The first task does not have any dependencies. */
return false;
} else if (TaskSpec_is_actor_checkpoint_method(spec)) {
/* Checkpoint tasks do not have any dependencies. */
return false;
} else {
/* For all other tasks, the last argument is the dummy object. */
return arg_index == (TaskSpec_num_args(spec) - 1);
UniqueID TaskSpec_driver_id(TaskSpec *spec) {
auto message = flatbuffers::GetRoot<TaskInfo>(spec);
return from_flatbuf(*message->driver_id());
TaskID TaskSpec_parent_task_id(TaskSpec *spec) {
auto message = flatbuffers::GetRoot<TaskInfo>(spec);
return from_flatbuf(*message->parent_task_id());
int64_t TaskSpec_parent_counter(TaskSpec *spec) {
auto message = flatbuffers::GetRoot<TaskInfo>(spec);
return message->parent_counter();
int64_t TaskSpec_num_args(TaskSpec *spec) {
auto message = flatbuffers::GetRoot<TaskInfo>(spec);
return message->args()->size();
int TaskSpec_arg_id_count(TaskSpec *spec, int64_t arg_index) {
auto message = flatbuffers::GetRoot<TaskInfo>(spec);
auto ids = message->args()->Get(arg_index)->object_ids();
return ids->size();
ObjectID TaskSpec_arg_id(TaskSpec *spec, int64_t arg_index, int64_t id_index) {
auto message = flatbuffers::GetRoot<TaskInfo>(spec);
return from_flatbuf(
const uint8_t *TaskSpec_arg_val(TaskSpec *spec, int64_t arg_index) {
auto message = flatbuffers::GetRoot<TaskInfo>(spec);
return (uint8_t *) message->args()->Get(arg_index)->data()->c_str();
int64_t TaskSpec_arg_length(TaskSpec *spec, int64_t arg_index) {
auto message = flatbuffers::GetRoot<TaskInfo>(spec);
return message->args()->Get(arg_index)->data()->size();
int64_t TaskSpec_num_returns(TaskSpec *spec) {
auto message = flatbuffers::GetRoot<TaskInfo>(spec);
return message->returns()->size();
bool TaskSpec_arg_by_ref(TaskSpec *spec, int64_t arg_index) {
auto message = flatbuffers::GetRoot<TaskInfo>(spec);
return message->args()->Get(arg_index)->object_ids()->size() != 0;
ObjectID TaskSpec_return(TaskSpec *spec, int64_t return_index) {
auto message = flatbuffers::GetRoot<TaskInfo>(spec);
return from_flatbuf(*message->returns()->Get(return_index));
double TaskSpec_get_required_resource(const TaskSpec *spec,
const std::string &resource_name) {
// This is a bit ugly. However it shouldn't be much of a performance issue
// because there shouldn't be many distinct resources in a single task spec.
auto message = flatbuffers::GetRoot<TaskInfo>(spec);
for (size_t i = 0; i < message->required_resources()->size(); i++) {
const ResourcePair *resource_pair = message->required_resources()->Get(i);
if (string_from_flatbuf(*resource_pair->key()) == resource_name) {
return resource_pair->value();
return 0;
const std::unordered_map<std::string, double> TaskSpec_get_required_resources(
const TaskSpec *spec) {
auto message = flatbuffers::GetRoot<TaskInfo>(spec);
return map_from_flatbuf(*message->required_resources());
bool TaskSpec_is_dependent_on(TaskSpec *spec, ObjectID object_id) {
int64_t num_args = TaskSpec_num_args(spec);
for (int i = 0; i < num_args; ++i) {
int count = TaskSpec_arg_id_count(spec, i);
for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
ObjectID arg_id = TaskSpec_arg_id(spec, i, j);
if (ObjectID_equal(arg_id, object_id)) {
return true;
return false;
TaskSpec *TaskSpec_copy(TaskSpec *spec, int64_t task_spec_size) {
TaskSpec *copy = (TaskSpec *) malloc(task_spec_size);
memcpy(copy, spec, task_spec_size);
return copy;
void TaskSpec_free(TaskSpec *spec) {
Task *Task_alloc(TaskSpec *spec,
int64_t task_spec_size,
int state,
DBClientID local_scheduler_id) {
int64_t size = sizeof(Task) - sizeof(TaskSpec) + task_spec_size;
Task *result = (Task *) malloc(size);
memset(result, 0, size);
result->state = state;
result->local_scheduler_id = local_scheduler_id;
result->task_spec_size = task_spec_size;
memcpy(&result->spec, spec, task_spec_size);
return result;
Task *Task_copy(Task *other) {
int64_t size = Task_size(other);
Task *copy = (Task *) malloc(size);
CHECK(copy != NULL);
memcpy(copy, other, size);
return copy;
int64_t Task_size(Task *task_arg) {
return sizeof(Task) - sizeof(TaskSpec) + task_arg->task_spec_size;
int Task_state(Task *task) {
return task->state;
void Task_set_state(Task *task, int state) {
task->state = state;
DBClientID Task_local_scheduler(Task *task) {
return task->local_scheduler_id;
void Task_set_local_scheduler(Task *task, DBClientID local_scheduler_id) {
task->local_scheduler_id = local_scheduler_id;
TaskSpec *Task_task_spec(Task *task) {
return &task->spec;
int64_t Task_task_spec_size(Task *task) {
return task->task_spec_size;
TaskID Task_task_id(Task *task) {
TaskSpec *spec = Task_task_spec(task);
return TaskSpec_task_id(spec);
void Task_free(Task *task) {