Sven Mika 428516056a
[RLlib] SAC Torch (incl. Atari learning) (#7984)
* Policy-classes cleanup and torch/tf unification.
- Make Policy abstract.
- Add `action_dist` to call to `extra_action_out_fn` (necessary for PPO torch).
- Move some methods and vars to base Policy
  (from TFPolicy): num_state_tensors, ACTION_PROB, ACTION_LOGP and some more.

* Fix `clip_action` import from Policy (should probably be moved into utils altogether).

* - Move `is_recurrent()` and `num_state_tensors()` into TFPolicy (from DynamicTFPolicy).
- Add config to all Policy c'tor calls (as 3rd arg after obs and action spaces).

* Add `config` to c'tor call to TFPolicy.

* Add missing `config` to c'tor call to TFPolicy in marvil_policy.py.

* Fix test_rollout_worker.py::MockPolicy and BadPolicy classes (Policy base class is now abstract).

* Fix LINT errors in Policy classes.

* Implement StatefulPolicy abstract methods in test cases: test_multi_agent_env.py.

* policy.py LINT errors.

* Create a simple TestPolicy to sub-class from when testing Policies (reduces code in some test cases).

* policy.py
- Remove abstractmethod from `apply_gradients` and `compute_gradients` (these are not required iff `learn_on_batch` implemented).
- Fix docstring of `num_state_tensors`.

* Make QMIX torch Policy a child of TorchPolicy (instead of Policy).

* QMixPolicy add empty implementations of abstract Policy methods.

* Store Policy's config in self.config in base Policy c'tor.

* - Make only compute_actions in base Policy's an abstractmethod and provide pass
implementation to all other methods if not defined.
- Fix state_batches=None (most Policies don't have internal states).

* Cartpole tf learning.

* Cartpole tf AND torch learning (in ~ same ts).

* Cartpole tf AND torch learning (in ~ same ts). 2

* Cartpole tf (torch syntax-broken) learning (in ~ same ts). 3

* Cartpole tf AND torch learning (in ~ same ts). 4

* Cartpole tf AND torch learning (in ~ same ts). 5

* Cartpole tf AND torch learning (in ~ same ts). 6

* Cartpole tf AND torch learning (in ~ same ts). Pendulum tf learning.

* WIP.

* WIP.

* SAC torch learning Pendulum.

* WIP.

* SAC torch and tf learning Pendulum and Cartpole after cleanup.

* WIP.



* SAC: Move policy.target_model to policy.device as well.

* Fixes and cleanup.

* Fix data-format of tf keras Conv2d layers (broken for some tf-versions which have data_format="channels_first" as default).

* Fixes and LINT.

* Fixes and LINT.

* Fix and LINT.

* WIP.

* Test fixes and LINT.

* Fixes and LINT.

Co-authored-by: Sven Mika <sven@Svens-MacBook-Pro.local>
2020-04-15 13:25:16 +02:00

36 lines
1,015 B

# Our implementation of SAC can reach 9k reward in 400k timesteps
env: HalfCheetah-v3
run: SAC
episode_reward_mean: 9000
horizon: 1000
soft_horizon: false
fcnet_activation: relu
fcnet_hiddens: [256, 256]
fcnet_activation: relu
fcnet_hiddens: [256, 256]
tau: 0.005
target_entropy: auto
no_done_at_end: true
n_step: 1
rollout_fragment_length: 1
prioritized_replay: true
train_batch_size: 256
target_network_update_freq: 1
timesteps_per_iteration: 1000
learning_starts: 10000
actor_learning_rate: 0.0003
critic_learning_rate: 0.0003
entropy_learning_rate: 0.0003
num_workers: 0
num_gpus: 0
clip_actions: false
normalize_actions: true
evaluation_interval: 1
metrics_smoothing_episodes: 5