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# flake8: noqa: E501
Example: Large-scale ML Ingest
In this example, you will learn how to build, deploy and scale up a machine
learning shuffle ingestion pipeline using
`Ray Dataset <https://docs.ray.io/en/latest/data/dataset.html>`_ and
`Dataset Pipelines <https://docs.ray.io/en/latest/data/dataset-pipeline.html>`_.
In particular, we will show you:
* How to build a shuffle ingestion pipeline that loads, shuffles and feeds data
into distributed trainers in a few lines of code;
* How to scale the pipeline from ingesting 100MiB data to
500GiB data.
.. image:: ../../data/dataset-repeat-2.svg
:align: center
# Python Setup
# ------------
# First, we'll import all of the libraries we'll be using. This step also helps us
# verify that the environment is configured correctly. If any of the imports
# are missing, an exception will be raised.
import argparse
import tempfile
import time
from typing import List
import pandas
import pyarrow
import ray
from ray.data.dataset_pipeline import DatasetPipeline
from ray.data.datasource.datasource import RandomIntRowDatasource
# Build shuffle ingestion pipeline
# ----------------------------------
# A typical machine learning ingestion pipeline consists of the following 4
# steps:
# 1. Load the training data from external storage;
# 2. Iterate over the data for multiple epochs;
# 3. In each epoch, applying global shuffle to decorrelate the data;
# 4. In each epoch, split the shuffled data into shards, and feed shards to
# distributed trainers;
# Let’s see how we implement such pipeline using Ray Dataset:
def create_shuffle_pipeline(training_data_dir: str, num_epochs: int,
num_shards: int) -> List[DatasetPipeline]:
return ray.data.read_parquet(training_data_dir) \
.repeat(num_epochs) \
.random_shuffle_each_window() \
.split(num_shards, equal=True)
# We’ve now defined a ``create_shuffle_pipeline`` function that creates an
# ingestion pipeline.
# It reads ``training_data_dir``, iterates for ``num_epochs`` times,
# where in each epoch it
# shuffles and splits the training data into ``num_shards``.
# Feed the pipeline into trainers
# -----------------------------------
# Let’s also implement a ``TrainingWorker`` which consumes the shuffled data
# from each shard.
# For simplicity, we will define a
# `Ray Actor <https://docs.ray.io/en/latest/actors.html>`_ that emulates
# training workers. Specifically,
# 1. It takes one shard of the shuffle pipeline for training;
# 2. It iterates over the shard to get a training dataset per epoch;
# 3. It then consumes the dataset by batches;
class TrainingWorker:
def __init__(self, rank: int, shard: DatasetPipeline):
self.rank = rank
self.shard = shard
def train(self):
for epoch, training_dataset in enumerate(self.shard.iter_epochs()):
# Following code emulates epoch based SGD training.
print(f"Training... worker: {self.rank}, epoch: {epoch}")
for i, batch in enumerate(training_dataset.iter_batches()):
# TODO: replace the code for real training.
# Let's run it
# -----------------------------
# Now let’s run the data pipeline end-to-end:
# First, let's parse some arguments.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help="Run large scale test (500GiB of data).")
args, _ = parser.parse_known_args()
# After that, let's generate 100MiB of Parquet files,
# create the shuffle pipeline by reading those generated Parquet files,
# and use training workers to consume the pipeline.
if not args.large_scale_test:
SIZE_100MiB = 100 * 1024 * 1024
# create a local ray cluster.
def generate_example_files(size_bytes: int) -> str:
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
n=size_bytes // 8 // NUM_COLUMNS,
return tmpdir
example_files_dir = generate_example_files(SIZE_100MiB)
splits = create_shuffle_pipeline(example_files_dir, NUM_EPOCHS,
training_workers = [
TrainingWorker.remote(rank, shard) for rank, shard in enumerate(splits)
# Let's run the e2e pipeline
start = time.time()
ray.get([worker.train.remote() for worker in training_workers])
print(f"total ingestion time: {int(time.time() - start)}s")
# -> Write Progress: 100%|████████████████████| 201/201 [00:00<00:00, 228.67it/s]
# -> Stage 0: 0%| | 0/5 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
# -> Stage 0: 40%|████ | 2/5 [00:11<00:17, 5.75s/it]
# -> Stage 0: 60%|██████ | 3/5 [00:23<00:16, 8.15s/it]
# -> ...
# -> (TrainingWorker pid=1651600) Training... worker: 2, epoch: 0
# -> Stage 0: 80%|████████ | 4/5 [00:35<00:09, 9.59s/it]
# -> ...
# -> (TrainingWorker pid=1651599) Training... worker: 0, epoch: 1
# -> Stage 0: 100%|██████████| 5/5 [00:46<00:00, 10.34s/it]
# -> ...
# -> (TrainingWorker pid=1651387) Training... worker: 3, epoch: 4
# -> total ingestion time: 61s
# Scale the shuffle ingestion pipeline
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Scaling the shuffle ingestion pipeline is simple. With Ray, we can linearly
# scale the pipeline from ingesting 100MiB of data to 500GiB of data by adding
# more machines.
# To ingest 500GiB of data, we'll set up a Ray Cluster.
# The provided :download:`big_data_ingestion.yaml <../big_data_ingestion.yaml>`
# cluster config can be used to set up an AWS cluster with 70 CPU nodes and
# 16 GPU nodes. Using following command to bring up the Ray cluster.
# .. code-block:: bash
# $ pip install ray boto3
# $ ray up big_data_ingestion.yaml
# After the cluster is started, let's implement our large scale ingestion test:
# First, since we are runing on a cluster, let's create the pipeline from
# RandomIntRowDatasource directly. In this way we don't need to set up S3 for storing
# generated data.
def create_large_shuffle_pipeline(data_size_bytes: int, num_epochs: int,
num_columns: int,
num_shards: int) -> List[DatasetPipeline]:
# _spread_resource_prefix is used to ensure tasks are evenly spread to all
# CPU nodes.
return ray.data.read_datasource(
RandomIntRowDatasource(), n=data_size_bytes // 8 // num_columns,
_spread_resource_prefix="node:") \
.repeat(num_epochs) \
.random_shuffle_each_window(_spread_resource_prefix="node:") \
.split(num_shards, equal=True)
# Now, it's time to implement the 500GiB shuffle ingestion pipeline.
if args.large_scale_test:
GiB = 1024 * 1024 * 1024
SIZE_500GiB = 500 * GiB
TOTAL_NUM_NODES = 70 + 16 + 1
# use the AWS cluster we just set up.
# waiting for cluster nodes to come up.
while len(ray.nodes()) < TOTAL_NUM_NODES:
f"waiting for nodes to start up: {len(ray.nodes())}/{TOTAL_NUM_NODES}"
splits = create_large_shuffle_pipeline(SIZE_500GiB, NUM_EPOCHS,
# Note we set num_gpus=1 for workers so that
# the workers will only run on GPU nodes.
training_workers = [
TrainingWorker.options(num_gpus=1) \
.remote(rank, shard) for rank, shard in enumerate(splits)
start = time.time()
# Let's run the large scale test.
ray.get([worker.train.remote() for worker in training_workers])
print(f"total ingestion time: {int(time.time() - start)}s")
throughput = SIZE_500GiB * NUM_EPOCHS / (time.time() - start) / GiB
print("throughput: {0:0.2f}GiB/s".format(throughput))
# Finally, let's run our pipeline on the cluster we just started:
# .. code-block:: bash
# $ ray submit ./big_data_ingestion.yaml ./big_data_ingestion.py --large-scale-test
# # -> Connecting to existing Ray cluster at address:
# # -> waiting for nodes to start up: 1/87
# # -> ...
# # -> waiting for nodes to start up: 87/87
# # -> Stage 0: 0%| | 0/5 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
# # -> Stage 0: 20%|██ | 1/5 [00:00<00:02, 1.77it/s]
# # -> Stage 0: 40%|████ | 2/5 [00:38<00:35, 11.67s/it]
# # -> Stage 0: 60%|██████ | 3/5 [01:13<00:37, 18.83s/it]
# # -> ...
# # -> (TrainingWorker pid=5084, ip= Training... worker: 12, epoch: 0
# # -> Stage 0: 80%|████████ | 4/5 [03:15<00:49, 49.63s/it]
# # -> ...
# # -> (TrainingWorker pid=5076, ip= Training... worker: 9, epoch: 1
# # -> Stage 0: 100%|██████████| 5/5 [05:02<00:00, 67.01s/it]
# # -> ...
# # -> (TrainingWorker pid=5074, ip= Training... worker: 0, epoch: 4
# # -> total ingestion time: 291s
# # -> throughput: 8.56GiB/s