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from functools import partial
import gym
from gym.spaces import Box, Dict, Discrete, MultiDiscrete, Tuple
import logging
import numpy as np
import tree # pip install dm_tree
from typing import List, Optional, Type, Union
from ray.tune.registry import (
from ray.rllib.models.action_dist import ActionDistribution
from ray.rllib.models.modelv2 import ModelV2
from ray.rllib.models.preprocessors import get_preprocessor, Preprocessor
from ray.rllib.models.tf.tf_action_dist import (
from ray.rllib.models.torch.torch_action_dist import (
from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import DeveloperAPI, PublicAPI
from ray.rllib.utils.deprecation import (
from ray.rllib.utils.error import UnsupportedSpaceException
from ray.rllib.utils.framework import try_import_tf, try_import_torch
from ray.rllib.utils.spaces.simplex import Simplex
from ray.rllib.utils.spaces.space_utils import flatten_space
from ray.rllib.utils.typing import ModelConfigDict, TensorType
tf1, tf, tfv = try_import_tf()
torch, _ = try_import_torch()
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# fmt: off
# __sphinx_doc_begin__
MODEL_DEFAULTS: ModelConfigDict = {
# Experimental flag.
# If True, try to use a native (tf.keras.Model or torch.Module) default
# model instead of our built-in ModelV2 defaults.
# If False (default), use "classic" ModelV2 default models.
# Note that this currently only works for:
# 1) framework != torch AND
# 2) fully connected and CNN default networks as well as
# auto-wrapped LSTM- and attention nets.
"_use_default_native_models": False,
# Experimental flag.
# If True, user specified no preprocessor to be created
# (via config._disable_preprocessor_api=True). If True, observations
# will arrive in model as they are returned by the env.
"_disable_preprocessor_api": False,
# Experimental flag.
# If True, RLlib will no longer flatten the policy-computed actions into
# a single tensor (for storage in SampleCollectors/output files/etc..),
# but leave (possibly nested) actions as-is. Disabling flattening affects:
# - SampleCollectors: Have to store possibly nested action structs.
# - Models that have the previous action(s) as part of their input.
# - Algorithms reading from offline files (incl. action information).
"_disable_action_flattening": False,
# === Built-in options ===
# FullyConnectedNetwork (tf and torch): rllib.models.tf|torch.fcnet.py
# These are used if no custom model is specified and the input space is 1D.
# Number of hidden layers to be used.
"fcnet_hiddens": [256, 256],
# Activation function descriptor.
# Supported values are: "tanh", "relu", "swish" (or "silu"),
# "linear" (or None).
"fcnet_activation": "tanh",
# VisionNetwork (tf and torch): rllib.models.tf|torch.visionnet.py
# These are used if no custom model is specified and the input space is 2D.
# Filter config: List of [out_channels, kernel, stride] for each filter.
# Example:
# Use None for making RLlib try to find a default filter setup given the
# observation space.
"conv_filters": None,
# Activation function descriptor.
# Supported values are: "tanh", "relu", "swish" (or "silu"),
# "linear" (or None).
"conv_activation": "relu",
# Some default models support a final FC stack of n Dense layers with given
# activation:
# - Complex observation spaces: Image components are fed through
# VisionNets, flat Boxes are left as-is, Discrete are one-hot'd, then
# everything is concated and pushed through this final FC stack.
# - VisionNets (CNNs), e.g. after the CNN stack, there may be
# additional Dense layers.
# - FullyConnectedNetworks will have this additional FCStack as well
# (that's why it's empty by default).
"post_fcnet_hiddens": [],
"post_fcnet_activation": "relu",
# For DiagGaussian action distributions, make the second half of the model
# outputs floating bias variables instead of state-dependent. This only
# has an effect is using the default fully connected net.
"free_log_std": False,
# Whether to skip the final linear layer used to resize the hidden layer
# outputs to size `num_outputs`. If True, then the last hidden layer
# should already match num_outputs.
"no_final_linear": False,
# Whether layers should be shared for the value function.
"vf_share_layers": True,
# == LSTM ==
# Whether to wrap the model with an LSTM.
"use_lstm": False,
# Max seq len for training the LSTM, defaults to 20.
"max_seq_len": 20,
# Size of the LSTM cell.
"lstm_cell_size": 256,
# Whether to feed a_{t-1} to LSTM (one-hot encoded if discrete).
"lstm_use_prev_action": False,
# Whether to feed r_{t-1} to LSTM.
"lstm_use_prev_reward": False,
# Whether the LSTM is time-major (TxBx..) or batch-major (BxTx..).
"_time_major": False,
# == Attention Nets (experimental: torch-version is untested) ==
# Whether to use a GTrXL ("Gru transformer XL"; attention net) as the
# wrapper Model around the default Model.
"use_attention": False,
# The number of transformer units within GTrXL.
# A transformer unit in GTrXL consists of a) MultiHeadAttention module and
# b) a position-wise MLP.
"attention_num_transformer_units": 1,
# The input and output size of each transformer unit.
"attention_dim": 64,
# The number of attention heads within the MultiHeadAttention units.
"attention_num_heads": 1,
# The dim of a single head (within the MultiHeadAttention units).
"attention_head_dim": 32,
# The memory sizes for inference and training.
"attention_memory_inference": 50,
"attention_memory_training": 50,
# The output dim of the position-wise MLP.
"attention_position_wise_mlp_dim": 32,
# The initial bias values for the 2 GRU gates within a transformer unit.
"attention_init_gru_gate_bias": 2.0,
# Whether to feed a_{t-n:t-1} to GTrXL (one-hot encoded if discrete).
"attention_use_n_prev_actions": 0,
# Whether to feed r_{t-n:t-1} to GTrXL.
"attention_use_n_prev_rewards": 0,
# == Atari ==
# Set to True to enable 4x stacking behavior.
"framestack": True,
# Final resized frame dimension
"dim": 84,
# (deprecated) Converts ATARI frame to 1 Channel Grayscale image
"grayscale": False,
# (deprecated) Changes frame to range from [-1, 1] if true
"zero_mean": True,
# === Options for custom models ===
# Name of a custom model to use
"custom_model": None,
# Extra options to pass to the custom classes. These will be available to
# the Model's constructor in the model_config field. Also, they will be
# attempted to be passed as **kwargs to ModelV2 models. For an example,
# see rllib/models/[tf|torch]/attention_net.py.
"custom_model_config": {},
# Name of a custom action distribution to use.
"custom_action_dist": None,
# Custom preprocessors are deprecated. Please use a wrapper class around
# your environment instead to preprocess observations.
"custom_preprocessor": None,
# Deprecated keys:
# Use `lstm_use_prev_action` or `lstm_use_prev_reward` instead.
"lstm_use_prev_action_reward": DEPRECATED_VALUE,
# __sphinx_doc_end__
# fmt: on
class ModelCatalog:
"""Registry of models, preprocessors, and action distributions for envs.
>>> prep = ModelCatalog.get_preprocessor(env)
>>> observation = prep.transform(raw_observation)
>>> dist_class, dist_dim = ModelCatalog.get_action_dist(
... env.action_space, {})
>>> model = ModelCatalog.get_model_v2(
... obs_space, action_space, num_outputs, options)
>>> dist = dist_class(model.outputs, model)
>>> action = dist.sample()
def get_action_dist(
action_space: gym.Space,
config: ModelConfigDict,
dist_type: Optional[Union[str, Type[ActionDistribution]]] = None,
framework: str = "tf",
) -> (type, int):
"""Returns a distribution class and size for the given action space.
action_space (Space): Action space of the target gym env.
config (Optional[dict]): Optional model config.
dist_type (Optional[Union[str, Type[ActionDistribution]]]):
Identifier of the action distribution (str) interpreted as a
hint or the actual ActionDistribution class to use.
framework (str): One of "tf2", "tf", "tfe", "torch", or "jax".
kwargs (dict): Optional kwargs to pass on to the Distribution's
- dist_class (ActionDistribution): Python class of the
- dist_dim (int): The size of the input vector to the
dist_cls = None
config = config or MODEL_DEFAULTS
# Custom distribution given.
if config.get("custom_action_dist"):
custom_action_config = config.copy()
action_dist_name = custom_action_config.pop("custom_action_dist")
logger.debug("Using custom action distribution {}".format(action_dist_name))
dist_cls = _global_registry.get(RLLIB_ACTION_DIST, action_dist_name)
return ModelCatalog._get_multi_action_distribution(
dist_cls, action_space, custom_action_config, framework
# Dist_type is given directly as a class.
elif (
type(dist_type) is type
and issubclass(dist_type, ActionDistribution)
and dist_type not in (MultiActionDistribution, TorchMultiActionDistribution)
dist_cls = dist_type
# Box space -> DiagGaussian OR Deterministic.
elif isinstance(action_space, Box):
if action_space.dtype.name.startswith("int"):
low_ = np.min(action_space.low)
high_ = np.max(action_space.high)
dist_cls = (
TorchMultiCategorical if framework == "torch" else MultiCategorical
num_cats = int(np.product(action_space.shape))
return (
input_lens=[high_ - low_ + 1 for _ in range(num_cats)],
num_cats * (high_ - low_ + 1),
if len(action_space.shape) > 1:
raise UnsupportedSpaceException(
"Action space has multiple dimensions "
"{}. ".format(action_space.shape)
+ "Consider reshaping this into a single dimension, "
"using a custom action distribution, "
"using a Tuple action space, or the multi-agent API."
# TODO(sven): Check for bounds and return SquashedNormal, etc..
if dist_type is None:
return (
TorchDiagGaussian if framework == "torch" else DiagGaussian,
DiagGaussian.required_model_output_shape(action_space, config),
elif dist_type == "deterministic":
dist_cls = (
TorchDeterministic if framework == "torch" else Deterministic
# Discrete Space -> Categorical.
elif isinstance(action_space, Discrete):
if framework == "torch":
dist_cls = TorchCategorical
elif framework == "jax":
from ray.rllib.models.jax.jax_action_dist import JAXCategorical
dist_cls = JAXCategorical
dist_cls = Categorical
# Tuple/Dict Spaces -> MultiAction.
elif (
in (
or isinstance(action_space, (Tuple, Dict))
return ModelCatalog._get_multi_action_distribution(
if framework == "tf"
else TorchMultiActionDistribution
# Simplex -> Dirichlet.
elif isinstance(action_space, Simplex):
if framework == "torch":
# TODO(sven): implement
raise NotImplementedError(
"Simplex action spaces not supported for torch."
dist_cls = Dirichlet
# MultiDiscrete -> MultiCategorical.
elif isinstance(action_space, MultiDiscrete):
dist_cls = (
TorchMultiCategorical if framework == "torch" else MultiCategorical
return partial(dist_cls, input_lens=action_space.nvec), int(
# Unknown type -> Error.
raise NotImplementedError(
"Unsupported args: {} {}".format(action_space, dist_type)
return dist_cls, dist_cls.required_model_output_shape(action_space, config)
def get_action_shape(
action_space: gym.Space, framework: str = "tf"
) -> (np.dtype, List[int]):
"""Returns action tensor dtype and shape for the action space.
action_space (Space): Action space of the target gym env.
framework (str): The framework identifier. One of "tf" or "torch".
(dtype, shape): Dtype and shape of the actions tensor.
dl_lib = torch if framework == "torch" else tf
if isinstance(action_space, Discrete):
return action_space.dtype, (None,)
elif isinstance(action_space, (Box, Simplex)):
if np.issubdtype(action_space.dtype, np.floating):
return dl_lib.float32, (None,) + action_space.shape
elif np.issubdtype(action_space.dtype, np.integer):
return dl_lib.int32, (None,) + action_space.shape
raise ValueError("RLlib doesn't support non int or float box spaces")
elif isinstance(action_space, MultiDiscrete):
return action_space.dtype, (None,) + action_space.shape
elif isinstance(action_space, (Tuple, Dict)):
flat_action_space = flatten_space(action_space)
size = 0
all_discrete = True
for i in range(len(flat_action_space)):
if isinstance(flat_action_space[i], Discrete):
size += 1
all_discrete = False
size += np.product(flat_action_space[i].shape)
size = int(size)
return dl_lib.int32 if all_discrete else dl_lib.float32, (None, size)
raise NotImplementedError(
"Action space {} not supported".format(action_space)
def get_action_placeholder(
action_space: gym.Space, name: str = "action"
) -> TensorType:
"""Returns an action placeholder consistent with the action space
action_space (Space): Action space of the target gym env.
name (str): An optional string to name the placeholder by.
Default: "action".
action_placeholder (Tensor): A placeholder for the actions
dtype, shape = ModelCatalog.get_action_shape(action_space, framework="tf")
return tf1.placeholder(dtype, shape=shape, name=name)
def get_model_v2(
obs_space: gym.Space,
action_space: gym.Space,
num_outputs: int,
model_config: ModelConfigDict,
framework: str = "tf",
name: str = "default_model",
model_interface: type = None,
default_model: type = None,
) -> ModelV2:
"""Returns a suitable model compatible with given spaces and output.
obs_space (Space): Observation space of the target gym env. This
may have an `original_space` attribute that specifies how to
unflatten the tensor into a ragged tensor.
action_space (Space): Action space of the target gym env.
num_outputs (int): The size of the output vector of the model.
model_config (ModelConfigDict): The "model" sub-config dict
within the Trainer's config dict.
framework (str): One of "tf2", "tf", "tfe", "torch", or "jax".
name (str): Name (scope) for the model.
model_interface (cls): Interface required for the model
default_model (cls): Override the default class for the model. This
only has an effect when not using a custom model
model_kwargs (dict): args to pass to the ModelV2 constructor
model (ModelV2): Model to use for the policy.
# Validate the given config dict.
config=model_config, action_space=action_space, framework=framework
if model_config.get("custom_model"):
# Allow model kwargs to be overridden / augmented by
# custom_model_config.
customized_model_kwargs = dict(
model_kwargs, **model_config.get("custom_model_config", {})
if isinstance(model_config["custom_model"], type):
model_cls = model_config["custom_model"]
model_cls = _global_registry.get(
RLLIB_MODEL, model_config["custom_model"]
# Only allow ModelV2 or native keras Models.
if not issubclass(model_cls, ModelV2):
if framework not in ["tf", "tf2", "tfe"] or not issubclass(
model_cls, tf.keras.Model
raise ValueError(
"`model_cls` must be a ModelV2 sub-class, but is"
" {}!".format(model_cls)
logger.info("Wrapping {} as {}".format(model_cls, model_interface))
model_cls = ModelCatalog._wrap_if_needed(model_cls, model_interface)
if framework in ["tf2", "tf", "tfe"]:
# Try wrapping custom model with LSTM/attention, if required.
if model_config.get("use_lstm") or model_config.get("use_attention"):
from ray.rllib.models.tf.attention_net import (
from ray.rllib.models.tf.recurrent_net import (
wrapped_cls = model_cls
# Wrapped (custom) model is itself a keras Model ->
# wrap with keras LSTM/GTrXL (attention) wrappers.
if issubclass(wrapped_cls, tf.keras.Model):
model_cls = (
if model_config.get("use_lstm")
else Keras_AttentionWrapper
model_config["wrapped_cls"] = wrapped_cls
# Wrapped (custom) model is ModelV2 ->
# wrap with ModelV2 LSTM/GTrXL (attention) wrappers.
forward = wrapped_cls.forward
model_cls = ModelCatalog._wrap_if_needed(
if model_config.get("use_lstm")
else AttentionWrapper,
model_cls._wrapped_forward = forward
# Obsolete: Track and warn if vars were created but not
# registered. Only still do this, if users do register their
# variables. If not (which they shouldn't), don't check here.
created = set()
def track_var_creation(next_creator, **kw):
v = next_creator(**kw)
return v
with tf.variable_creator_scope(track_var_creation):
if issubclass(model_cls, tf.keras.Model):
instance = model_cls(
# Try calling with kwargs first (custom ModelV2 should
# accept these as kwargs, not get them from
# config["custom_model_config"] anymore).
instance = model_cls(
except TypeError as e:
# Keyword error: Try old way w/o kwargs.
if "__init__() got an unexpected " in e.args[0]:
instance = model_cls(
"Custom ModelV2 should accept all custom "
"options as **kwargs, instead of expecting"
" them in config['custom_model_config']!"
# Other error -> re-raise.
raise e
# User still registered TFModelV2's variables: Check, whether
# ok.
registered = []
if not isinstance(instance, tf.keras.Model):
registered = set(instance.var_list)
if len(registered) > 0:
not_registered = set()
for var in created:
if var not in registered:
if not_registered:
raise ValueError(
"It looks like you are still using "
"`{}.register_variables()` to register your "
"model's weights. This is no longer required, but "
"if you are still calling this method at least "
"once, you must make sure to register all created "
"variables properly. The missing variables are {},"
" and you only registered {}. "
"Did you forget to call `register_variables()` on "
"some of the variables in question?".format(
instance, not_registered, registered
elif framework == "torch":
# Try wrapping custom model with LSTM/attention, if required.
if model_config.get("use_lstm") or model_config.get("use_attention"):
from ray.rllib.models.torch.attention_net import AttentionWrapper
from ray.rllib.models.torch.recurrent_net import LSTMWrapper
wrapped_cls = model_cls
forward = wrapped_cls.forward
model_cls = ModelCatalog._wrap_if_needed(
if model_config.get("use_lstm")
else AttentionWrapper,
model_cls._wrapped_forward = forward
# PyTorch automatically tracks nn.Modules inside the parent
# nn.Module's constructor.
# Try calling with kwargs first (custom ModelV2 should
# accept these as kwargs, not get them from
# config["custom_model_config"] anymore).
instance = model_cls(
except TypeError as e:
# Keyword error: Try old way w/o kwargs.
if "__init__() got an unexpected " in e.args[0]:
instance = model_cls(
"Custom ModelV2 should accept all custom "
"options as **kwargs, instead of expecting"
" them in config['custom_model_config']!"
# Other error -> re-raise.
raise e
raise NotImplementedError(
"`framework` must be 'tf2|tf|tfe|torch', but is "
return instance
# Find a default TFModelV2 and wrap with model_interface.
if framework in ["tf", "tfe", "tf2"]:
v2_class = None
# Try to get a default v2 model.
if not model_config.get("custom_model"):
v2_class = default_model or ModelCatalog._get_v2_model_class(
obs_space, model_config, framework=framework
if not v2_class:
raise ValueError("ModelV2 class could not be determined!")
if model_config.get("use_lstm") or model_config.get("use_attention"):
from ray.rllib.models.tf.attention_net import (
from ray.rllib.models.tf.recurrent_net import (
wrapped_cls = v2_class
if model_config.get("use_lstm"):
if issubclass(wrapped_cls, tf.keras.Model):
v2_class = Keras_LSTMWrapper
model_config["wrapped_cls"] = wrapped_cls
v2_class = ModelCatalog._wrap_if_needed(
wrapped_cls, LSTMWrapper
v2_class._wrapped_forward = wrapped_cls.forward
if issubclass(wrapped_cls, tf.keras.Model):
v2_class = Keras_AttentionWrapper
model_config["wrapped_cls"] = wrapped_cls
v2_class = ModelCatalog._wrap_if_needed(
wrapped_cls, AttentionWrapper
v2_class._wrapped_forward = wrapped_cls.forward
# Wrap in the requested interface.
wrapper = ModelCatalog._wrap_if_needed(v2_class, model_interface)
if issubclass(wrapper, tf.keras.Model):
model = wrapper(
**dict(model_kwargs, **model_config),
return model
return wrapper(
obs_space, action_space, num_outputs, model_config, name, **model_kwargs
# Find a default TorchModelV2 and wrap with model_interface.
elif framework == "torch":
# Try to get a default v2 model.
if not model_config.get("custom_model"):
v2_class = default_model or ModelCatalog._get_v2_model_class(
obs_space, model_config, framework=framework
if not v2_class:
raise ValueError("ModelV2 class could not be determined!")
if model_config.get("use_lstm") or model_config.get("use_attention"):
from ray.rllib.models.torch.attention_net import AttentionWrapper
from ray.rllib.models.torch.recurrent_net import LSTMWrapper
wrapped_cls = v2_class
forward = wrapped_cls.forward
if model_config.get("use_lstm"):
v2_class = ModelCatalog._wrap_if_needed(wrapped_cls, LSTMWrapper)
v2_class = ModelCatalog._wrap_if_needed(
wrapped_cls, AttentionWrapper
v2_class._wrapped_forward = forward
# Wrap in the requested interface.
wrapper = ModelCatalog._wrap_if_needed(v2_class, model_interface)
return wrapper(
obs_space, action_space, num_outputs, model_config, name, **model_kwargs
# Find a default JAXModelV2 and wrap with model_interface.
elif framework == "jax":
v2_class = default_model or ModelCatalog._get_v2_model_class(
obs_space, model_config, framework=framework
# Wrap in the requested interface.
wrapper = ModelCatalog._wrap_if_needed(v2_class, model_interface)
return wrapper(
obs_space, action_space, num_outputs, model_config, name, **model_kwargs
raise NotImplementedError(
"`framework` must be 'tf2|tf|tfe|torch', but is "
def get_preprocessor(env: gym.Env, options: Optional[dict] = None) -> Preprocessor:
"""Returns a suitable preprocessor for the given env.
This is a wrapper for get_preprocessor_for_space().
return ModelCatalog.get_preprocessor_for_space(env.observation_space, options)
def get_preprocessor_for_space(
observation_space: gym.Space, options: dict = None
) -> Preprocessor:
"""Returns a suitable preprocessor for the given observation space.
observation_space (Space): The input observation space.
options (dict): Options to pass to the preprocessor.
preprocessor (Preprocessor): Preprocessor for the observations.
options = options or MODEL_DEFAULTS
for k in options.keys():
if k not in MODEL_DEFAULTS:
raise Exception(
"Unknown config key `{}`, all keys: {}".format(
if options.get("custom_preprocessor"):
preprocessor = options["custom_preprocessor"]
logger.info("Using custom preprocessor {}".format(preprocessor))
"DeprecationWarning: Custom preprocessors are deprecated, "
"since they sometimes conflict with the built-in "
"preprocessors for handling complex observation spaces. "
"Please use wrapper classes around your environment "
"instead of preprocessors."
prep = _global_registry.get(RLLIB_PREPROCESSOR, preprocessor)(
observation_space, options
cls = get_preprocessor(observation_space)
prep = cls(observation_space, options)
if prep is not None:
"Created preprocessor {}: {} -> {}".format(
prep, observation_space, prep.shape
return prep
def register_custom_preprocessor(
preprocessor_name: str, preprocessor_class: type
) -> None:
"""Register a custom preprocessor class by name.
The preprocessor can be later used by specifying
{"custom_preprocessor": preprocesor_name} in the model config.
preprocessor_name (str): Name to register the preprocessor under.
preprocessor_class (type): Python class of the preprocessor.
RLLIB_PREPROCESSOR, preprocessor_name, preprocessor_class
def register_custom_model(model_name: str, model_class: type) -> None:
"""Register a custom model class by name.
The model can be later used by specifying {"custom_model": model_name}
in the model config.
model_name (str): Name to register the model under.
model_class (type): Python class of the model.
if tf is not None:
if issubclass(model_class, tf.keras.Model):
deprecation_warning(old="register_custom_model", error=False)
_global_registry.register(RLLIB_MODEL, model_name, model_class)
def register_custom_action_dist(
action_dist_name: str, action_dist_class: type
) -> None:
"""Register a custom action distribution class by name.
The model can be later used by specifying
{"custom_action_dist": action_dist_name} in the model config.
model_name (str): Name to register the action distribution under.
model_class (type): Python class of the action distribution.
RLLIB_ACTION_DIST, action_dist_name, action_dist_class
def _wrap_if_needed(model_cls: type, model_interface: type) -> type:
if not model_interface or issubclass(model_cls, model_interface):
return model_cls
assert issubclass(model_cls, ModelV2), model_cls
class wrapper(model_interface, model_cls):
name = "{}_as_{}".format(model_cls.__name__, model_interface.__name__)
wrapper.__name__ = name
wrapper.__qualname__ = name
return wrapper
def _get_v2_model_class(
input_space: gym.Space, model_config: ModelConfigDict, framework: str = "tf"
) -> Type[ModelV2]:
VisionNet = None
ComplexNet = None
Keras_FCNet = None
Keras_VisionNet = None
if framework in ["tf2", "tf", "tfe"]:
from ray.rllib.models.tf.fcnet import (
FullyConnectedNetwork as FCNet,
Keras_FullyConnectedNetwork as Keras_FCNet,
from ray.rllib.models.tf.visionnet import (
VisionNetwork as VisionNet,
Keras_VisionNetwork as Keras_VisionNet,
from ray.rllib.models.tf.complex_input_net import (
ComplexInputNetwork as ComplexNet,
elif framework == "torch":
from ray.rllib.models.torch.fcnet import FullyConnectedNetwork as FCNet
from ray.rllib.models.torch.visionnet import VisionNetwork as VisionNet
from ray.rllib.models.torch.complex_input_net import (
ComplexInputNetwork as ComplexNet,
elif framework == "jax":
from ray.rllib.models.jax.fcnet import FullyConnectedNetwork as FCNet
raise ValueError(
"framework={} not supported in `ModelCatalog._get_v2_model_"
orig_space = (
if not hasattr(input_space, "original_space")
else input_space.original_space
# `input_space` is 3D Box -> VisionNet.
if isinstance(input_space, Box) and len(input_space.shape) == 3:
if framework == "jax":
raise NotImplementedError("No non-FC default net for JAX yet!")
elif model_config.get("_use_default_native_models") and Keras_VisionNet:
return Keras_VisionNet
return VisionNet
# `input_space` is 1D Box -> FCNet.
elif (
isinstance(input_space, Box)
and len(input_space.shape) == 1
and (
not isinstance(orig_space, (Dict, Tuple))
or not any(
isinstance(s, Box) and len(s.shape) >= 2
for s in tree.flatten(orig_space.spaces)
# Keras native requested AND no auto-rnn-wrapping.
if model_config.get("_use_default_native_models") and Keras_FCNet:
return Keras_FCNet
# Classic ModelV2 FCNet.
return FCNet
# Complex (Dict, Tuple, 2D Box (flatten), Discrete, MultiDiscrete).
if framework == "jax":
raise NotImplementedError("No non-FC default net for JAX yet!")
return ComplexNet
def _get_multi_action_distribution(dist_class, action_space, config, framework):
# In case the custom distribution is a child of MultiActionDistr.
# If users want to completely ignore the suggested child
# distributions, they should simply do so in their custom class'
# constructor.
if issubclass(
dist_class, (MultiActionDistribution, TorchMultiActionDistribution)
flat_action_space = flatten_space(action_space)
child_dists_and_in_lens = tree.map_structure(
lambda s: ModelCatalog.get_action_dist(s, config, framework=framework),
child_dists = [e[0] for e in child_dists_and_in_lens]
input_lens = [int(e[1]) for e in child_dists_and_in_lens]
return (
return dist_class, dist_class.required_model_output_shape(action_space, config)
def _validate_config(
config: ModelConfigDict, action_space: gym.spaces.Space, framework: str
) -> None:
"""Validates a given model config dict.
config: The "model" sub-config dict
within the Trainer's config dict.
action_space: The action space of the model, whose config are
framework: One of "jax", "tf2", "tf", "tfe", or "torch".
ValueError: If something is wrong with the given config.
# Soft-deprecate custom preprocessors.
if config.get("custom_preprocessor") is not None:
new="gym.ObservationWrapper around your env or handle complex "
"inputs inside your Model",
if config.get("use_attention") and config.get("use_lstm"):
raise ValueError(
"Only one of `use_lstm` or `use_attention` may be set to True!"
# For complex action spaces, only allow prev action inputs to
# LSTMs and attention nets iff `_disable_action_flattening=True`.
# TODO: `_disable_action_flattening=True` will be the default in
# the future.
if (
or config.get("attention_use_n_prev_actions", 0) > 0
and not config.get("_disable_action_flattening")
and isinstance(action_space, (Tuple, Dict))
raise ValueError(
"For your complex action space (Tuple|Dict) and your model's "
"`prev-actions` setup of your model, you must set "
"`_disable_action_flattening=True` in your main config dict!"
if framework == "jax":
if config.get("use_attention"):
raise ValueError(
"`use_attention` not available for framework=jax so far!"
elif config.get("use_lstm"):
raise ValueError("`use_lstm` not available for framework=jax so far!")