
641 lines
22 KiB

import collections
import numpy as np
import sys
import itertools
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, Union
from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import PublicAPI, DeveloperAPI
from ray.rllib.utils.compression import pack, unpack, is_compressed
from ray.rllib.utils.memory import concat_aligned
from ray.rllib.utils.typing import PolicyID, TensorType
# Default policy id for single agent environments
DEFAULT_POLICY_ID = "default_policy"
class SampleBatch:
"""Wrapper around a dictionary with string keys and array-like values.
For example, {"obs": [1, 2, 3], "reward": [0, -1, 1]} is a batch of three
samples, each with an "obs" and "reward" attribute.
# Outputs from interacting with the environment
OBS = "obs"
CUR_OBS = "obs"
NEXT_OBS = "new_obs"
ACTIONS = "actions"
REWARDS = "rewards"
PREV_ACTIONS = "prev_actions"
PREV_REWARDS = "prev_rewards"
DONES = "dones"
INFOS = "infos"
# Extra action fetches keys.
ACTION_DIST_INPUTS = "action_dist_inputs"
ACTION_PROB = "action_prob"
ACTION_LOGP = "action_logp"
# Uniquely identifies an episode.
EPS_ID = "eps_id"
# Uniquely identifies a sample batch. This is important to distinguish RNN
# sequences from the same episode when multiple sample batches are
# concatenated (fusing sequences across batches can be unsafe).
UNROLL_ID = "unroll_id"
# Uniquely identifies an agent within an episode.
AGENT_INDEX = "agent_index"
# Value function predictions emitted by the behaviour policy.
VF_PREDS = "vf_preds"
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Constructs a sample batch (same params as dict constructor)."""
# Possible seq_lens (TxB or BxT) setup.
self.time_major = kwargs.pop("_time_major", None)
self.seq_lens = kwargs.pop("_seq_lens", None)
self.dont_check_lens = kwargs.pop("_dont_check_lens", False)
self.max_seq_len = None
if self.seq_lens is not None and len(self.seq_lens) > 0:
self.max_seq_len = max(self.seq_lens)
# The actual data, accessible by column name (str).
self.data = dict(*args, **kwargs)
lengths = []
for k, v in self.data.copy().items():
assert isinstance(k, str), self
if isinstance(v, list):
self.data[k] = np.array(v)
if not lengths:
raise ValueError("Empty sample batch")
if not self.dont_check_lens:
assert len(set(lengths)) == 1, \
"Data columns must be same length, but lens are " \
if self.seq_lens is not None and len(self.seq_lens) > 0:
self.count = sum(self.seq_lens)
self.count = len(next(iter(self.data.values())))
# Keeps track of new columns added after initial ones.
self.new_columns = []
def concat_samples(samples: List["SampleBatch"]) -> \
Union["SampleBatch", "MultiAgentBatch"]:
"""Concatenates n data dicts or MultiAgentBatches.
samples (List[Dict[TensorType]]]): List of dicts of data (numpy).
Union[SampleBatch, MultiAgentBatch]: A new (compressed)
SampleBatch or MultiAgentBatch.
if isinstance(samples[0], MultiAgentBatch):
return MultiAgentBatch.concat_samples(samples)
seq_lens = []
concat_samples = []
for s in samples:
if s.count > 0:
if s.seq_lens is not None:
out = {}
for k in concat_samples[0].keys():
out[k] = concat_aligned(
[s[k] for s in concat_samples],
return SampleBatch(
_seq_lens=np.array(seq_lens, dtype=np.int32),
def concat(self, other: "SampleBatch") -> "SampleBatch":
"""Returns a new SampleBatch with each data column concatenated.
other (SampleBatch): The other SampleBatch object to concat to this
SampleBatch: The new SampleBatch, resulting from concating `other`
to `self`.
>>> b1 = SampleBatch({"a": [1, 2]})
>>> b2 = SampleBatch({"a": [3, 4, 5]})
>>> print(b1.concat(b2))
{"a": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}
if self.keys() != other.keys():
raise ValueError(
"SampleBatches to concat must have same columns! {} vs {}".
format(list(self.keys()), list(other.keys())))
out = {}
for k in self.keys():
out[k] = concat_aligned([self[k], other[k]])
return SampleBatch(out)
def copy(self) -> "SampleBatch":
"""Creates a (deep) copy of this SampleBatch and returns it.
SampleBatch: A (deep) copy of this SampleBatch object.
return SampleBatch(
{k: np.array(v, copy=True)
for (k, v) in self.data.items()},
def rows(self) -> Dict[str, TensorType]:
"""Returns an iterator over data rows, i.e. dicts with column values.
Dict[str, TensorType]: The column values of the row in this
>>> batch = SampleBatch({"a": [1, 2, 3], "b": [4, 5, 6]})
>>> for row in batch.rows():
{"a": 1, "b": 4}
{"a": 2, "b": 5}
{"a": 3, "b": 6}
for i in range(self.count):
row = {}
for k in self.keys():
row[k] = self[k][i]
yield row
def columns(self, keys: List[str]) -> List[any]:
"""Returns a list of the batch-data in the specified columns.
keys (List[str]): List of column names fo which to return the data.
List[any]: The list of data items ordered by the order of column
names in `keys`.
>>> batch = SampleBatch({"a": [1], "b": [2], "c": [3]})
>>> print(batch.columns(["a", "b"]))
[[1], [2]]
out = []
for k in keys:
return out
def shuffle(self) -> None:
"""Shuffles the rows of this batch in-place."""
permutation = np.random.permutation(self.count)
for key, val in self.items():
self[key] = val[permutation]
def split_by_episode(self) -> List["SampleBatch"]:
"""Splits this batch's data by `eps_id`.
List[SampleBatch]: List of batches, one per distinct episode.
slices = []
cur_eps_id = self.data["eps_id"][0]
offset = 0
for i in range(self.count):
next_eps_id = self.data["eps_id"][i]
if next_eps_id != cur_eps_id:
slices.append(self.slice(offset, i))
offset = i
cur_eps_id = next_eps_id
slices.append(self.slice(offset, self.count))
for s in slices:
slen = len(set(s["eps_id"]))
assert slen == 1, (s, slen)
assert sum(s.count for s in slices) == self.count, (slices, self.count)
return slices
def slice(self, start: int, end: int) -> "SampleBatch":
"""Returns a slice of the row data of this batch (w/o copying).
start (int): Starting index.
end (int): Ending index.
SampleBatch: A new SampleBatch, which has a slice of this batch's
if self.seq_lens is not None and len(self.seq_lens) > 0:
data = {k: v[start:end] for k, v in self.data.items()}
# Fix state_in_x data.
count = 0
state_start = None
seq_lens = None
for i, seq_len in enumerate(self.seq_lens):
count += seq_len
if count >= end:
state_idx = 0
state_key = "state_in_{}".format(state_idx)
while state_key in self.data:
data[state_key] = self.data[state_key][state_start:i +
state_idx += 1
state_key = "state_in_{}".format(state_idx)
seq_lens = list(self.seq_lens[state_start:i]) + [
seq_len - (count - end)
assert sum(seq_lens) == (end - start)
elif state_start is None and count > start:
state_start = i
return SampleBatch(
_seq_lens=np.array(seq_lens, dtype=np.int32),
return SampleBatch(
{k: v[start:end]
for k, v in self.data.items()},
def timeslices(self, k: int) -> List["SampleBatch"]:
"""Returns SampleBatches, each one representing a k-slice of this one.
Will start from timestep 0 and produce slices of size=k.
k (int): The size (in timesteps) of each returned SampleBatch.
List[SampleBatch]: The list of (new) SampleBatches (each one of
size k).
out = []
i = 0
while i < self.count:
out.append(self.slice(i, i + k))
i += k
return out
def keys(self) -> Iterable[str]:
Iterable[str]: The keys() iterable over `self.data`.
return self.data.keys()
def items(self) -> Iterable[TensorType]:
Iterable[TensorType]: The values() iterable over `self.data`.
return self.data.items()
def get(self, key: str) -> Optional[TensorType]:
"""Returns one column (by key) from the data or None if key not found.
key (str): The key (column name) to return.
Optional[TensorType]: The data under the given key. None if key
not found in data.
return self.data.get(key)
def size_bytes(self) -> int:
int: The overall size in bytes of the data buffer (all columns).
return sum(sys.getsizeof(d) for d in self.data.values())
def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> TensorType:
"""Returns one column (by key) from the data.
key (str): The key (column name) to return.
TensorType: The data under the given key.
return self.data[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, item) -> None:
"""Inserts (overrides) an entire column (by key) in the data buffer.
key (str): The column name to set a value for.
item (TensorType): The data to insert.
if key not in self.data:
self.data[key] = item
def compress(self,
bulk: bool = False,
columns: Set[str] = frozenset(["obs", "new_obs"])) -> None:
"""Compresses the data buffers (by column) in place.
bulk (bool): Whether to compress across the batch dimension (0)
as well. If False will compress n separate list items, where n
is the batch size.
columns (Set[str]): The columns to compress. Default: Only
compress the obs and new_obs columns.
for key in columns:
if key in self.data:
if bulk:
self.data[key] = pack(self.data[key])
self.data[key] = np.array(
[pack(o) for o in self.data[key]])
def decompress_if_needed(self,
columns: Set[str] = frozenset(
["obs", "new_obs"])) -> "SampleBatch":
"""Decompresses data buffers (per column if not compressed) in place.
columns (Set[str]): The columns to decompress. Default: Only
decompress the obs and new_obs columns.
SampleBatch: This very SampleBatch.
for key in columns:
if key in self.data:
arr = self.data[key]
if is_compressed(arr):
self.data[key] = unpack(arr)
elif len(arr) > 0 and is_compressed(arr[0]):
self.data[key] = np.array(
[unpack(o) for o in self.data[key]])
return self
def __str__(self):
return "SampleBatch({})".format(str(self.data))
def __repr__(self):
return "SampleBatch({})".format(str(self.data))
def __iter__(self):
return self.data.__iter__()
def __contains__(self, x):
return x in self.data
class MultiAgentBatch:
"""A batch of experiences from multiple agents in the environment.
policy_batches (Dict[PolicyID, SampleBatch]): Mapping from policy
ids to SampleBatches of experiences.
count (int): The number of env steps in this batch.
def __init__(self, policy_batches: Dict[PolicyID, SampleBatch],
env_steps: int):
"""Initialize a MultiAgentBatch object.
policy_batches (Dict[PolicyID, SampleBatch]): Mapping from policy
ids to SampleBatches of experiences.
env_steps (int): The number of environment steps in the environment
this batch contains. This will be less than the number of
transitions this batch contains across all policies in total.
for v in policy_batches.values():
assert isinstance(v, SampleBatch)
self.policy_batches = policy_batches
# Called "count" for uniformity with SampleBatch.
# Prefer to access this via the `env_steps()` method when possible
# for clarity.
self.count = env_steps
def env_steps(self) -> int:
"""The number of env steps (there are >= 1 agent steps per env step).
int: The number of environment steps contained in this batch.
return self.count
def agent_steps(self) -> int:
"""The number of agent steps (there are >= 1 agent steps per env step).
int: The number of agent steps total in this batch.
ct = 0
for batch in self.policy_batches.values():
ct += batch.count
return ct
def timeslices(self, k: int) -> List["MultiAgentBatch"]:
"""Returns k-step batches holding data for each agent at those steps.
For examples, suppose we have agent1 observations [a1t1, a1t2, a1t3],
for agent2, [a2t1, a2t3], and for agent3, [a3t3] only.
Calling timeslices(1) would return three MultiAgentBatches containing
[a1t1, a2t1], [a1t2], and [a1t3, a2t3, a3t3].
Calling timeslices(2) would return two MultiAgentBatches containing
[a1t1, a1t2, a2t1], and [a1t3, a2t3, a3t3].
This method is used to implement "lockstep" replay mode. Note that this
method does not guarantee each batch contains only data from a single
unroll. Batches might contain data from multiple different envs.
from ray.rllib.evaluation.sample_batch_builder import \
# Build a sorted set of (eps_id, t, policy_id, data...)
steps = []
for policy_id, batch in self.policy_batches.items():
for row in batch.rows():
steps.append((row[SampleBatch.EPS_ID], row["t"],
row["agent_index"], policy_id, row))
finished_slices = []
cur_slice = collections.defaultdict(SampleBatchBuilder)
cur_slice_size = 0
def finish_slice():
nonlocal cur_slice_size
assert cur_slice_size > 0
batch = MultiAgentBatch(
{k: v.build_and_reset()
for k, v in cur_slice.items()}, cur_slice_size)
cur_slice_size = 0
# For each unique env timestep.
for _, group in itertools.groupby(steps, lambda x: x[:2]):
# Accumulate into the current slice.
for _, _, _, policy_id, row in group:
cur_slice_size += 1
# Slice has reached target number of env steps.
if cur_slice_size >= k:
assert cur_slice_size == 0
if cur_slice_size > 0:
assert len(finished_slices) > 0, finished_slices
return finished_slices
def wrap_as_needed(
policy_batches: Dict[PolicyID, SampleBatch],
env_steps: int) -> Union[SampleBatch, "MultiAgentBatch"]:
"""Returns SampleBatch or MultiAgentBatch, depending on given policies.
policy_batches (Dict[PolicyID, SampleBatch]): Mapping from policy
ids to SampleBatch.
env_steps (int): Number of env steps in the batch.
Union[SampleBatch, MultiAgentBatch]: The single default policy's
SampleBatch or a MultiAgentBatch (more than one policy).
if len(policy_batches) == 1 and DEFAULT_POLICY_ID in policy_batches:
return policy_batches[DEFAULT_POLICY_ID]
return MultiAgentBatch(
policy_batches=policy_batches, env_steps=env_steps)
def concat_samples(samples: List["MultiAgentBatch"]) -> "MultiAgentBatch":
"""Concatenates a list of MultiAgentBatches into a new MultiAgentBatch.
samples (List[MultiAgentBatch]): List of MultiagentBatch objects
to concatenate.
MultiAgentBatch: A new MultiAgentBatch consisting of the
concatenated inputs.
policy_batches = collections.defaultdict(list)
env_steps = 0
for s in samples:
if not isinstance(s, MultiAgentBatch):
raise ValueError(
"`MultiAgentBatch.concat_samples()` can only concat "
"MultiAgentBatch types, not {}!".format(type(s).__name__))
for key, batch in s.policy_batches.items():
env_steps += s.env_steps()
out = {}
for key, batches in policy_batches.items():
out[key] = SampleBatch.concat_samples(batches)
return MultiAgentBatch(out, env_steps)
def copy(self) -> "MultiAgentBatch":
"""Deep-copies self into a new MultiAgentBatch.
MultiAgentBatch: The copy of self with deep-copied data.
return MultiAgentBatch(
{k: v.copy()
for (k, v) in self.policy_batches.items()}, self.count)
def size_bytes(self) -> int:
int: The overall size in bytes of all policy batches (all columns).
return sum(b.size_bytes() for b in self.policy_batches.values())
def compress(self,
bulk: bool = False,
columns: Set[str] = frozenset(["obs", "new_obs"])) -> None:
"""Compresses each policy batch (per column) in place.
bulk (bool): Whether to compress across the batch dimension (0)
as well. If False will compress n separate list items, where n
is the batch size.
columns (Set[str]): Set of column names to compress.
for batch in self.policy_batches.values():
batch.compress(bulk=bulk, columns=columns)
def decompress_if_needed(self,
columns: Set[str] = frozenset(
["obs", "new_obs"])) -> "MultiAgentBatch":
"""Decompresses each policy batch (per column), if already compressed.
columns (Set[str]): Set of column names to decompress.
MultiAgentBatch: This very MultiAgentBatch.
for batch in self.policy_batches.values():
return self
def __str__(self):
return "MultiAgentBatch({}, env_steps={})".format(
str(self.policy_batches), self.count)
def __repr__(self):
return "MultiAgentBatch({}, env_steps={})".format(
str(self.policy_batches), self.count)