Avnish Narayan 026bf01071
[RLlib] Upgrade gym version to 0.21 and deprecate pendulum-v0. (#19535)
* Fix QMix, SAC, and MADDPA too.

* Unpin gym and deprecate pendulum v0

Many tests in rllib depended on pendulum v0,
however in gym 0.21, pendulum v0 was deprecated
in favor of pendulum v1. This may change reward
thresholds, so will have to potentially rerun
all of the pendulum v1 benchmarks, or use another
environment in favor. The same applies to frozen
lake v0 and frozen lake v1

Lastly, all of the RLlib tests and have
been moved to python 3.7

* Add gym installation based on python version.

Pin python<= 3.6 to gym 0.19 due to install
issues with atari roms in gym 0.20

* Reformatting

* Fixing tests

* Move atari-py install conditional to req.txt

* migrate to new ale install method

* Fix QMix, SAC, and MADDPA too.

* Unpin gym and deprecate pendulum v0

Many tests in rllib depended on pendulum v0,
however in gym 0.21, pendulum v0 was deprecated
in favor of pendulum v1. This may change reward
thresholds, so will have to potentially rerun
all of the pendulum v1 benchmarks, or use another
environment in favor. The same applies to frozen
lake v0 and frozen lake v1

Lastly, all of the RLlib tests and have
been moved to python 3.7
* Add gym installation based on python version.

Pin python<= 3.6 to gym 0.19 due to install
issues with atari roms in gym 0.20

Move atari-py install conditional to req.txt

migrate to new ale install method

Make parametric_actions_cartpole return float32 actions/obs

Adding type conversions if obs/actions don't match space

Add utils to make elements match gym space dtypes

Co-authored-by: Jun Gong <jungong@anyscale.com>
Co-authored-by: sven1977 <svenmika1977@gmail.com>
2021-11-03 16:24:00 +01:00

159 lines
5.3 KiB

import copy
import gym
import numpy as np
from gym import spaces
"num_users": 1,
"num_items": 100,
"feature_dim": 16,
"slate_size": 1,
"num_candidates": 25,
"seed": 1
class ParametricItemRecoEnv(gym.Env):
"""A recommendation environment which generates items with visible features
randomly (parametric actions).
The environment can be configured to be multi-user, i.e. different models
will be learned independently for each user.
To enable slate recommendation, the `slate_size` config parameter can be
set as > 1.
def __init__(self, config=None):
self.config = copy.copy(DEFAULT_RECO_CONFIG)
if config is not None and type(config) == dict:
self.num_users = self.config["num_users"]
self.num_items = self.config["num_items"]
self.feature_dim = self.config["feature_dim"]
self.slate_size = self.config["slate_size"]
self.num_candidates = self.config["num_candidates"]
self.seed = self.config["seed"]
assert self.num_candidates <= self.num_items,\
"Size of candidate pool should be less than total no. of items"
assert self.slate_size < self.num_candidates,\
"Slate size should be less than no. of candidate items"
self.action_space = self._def_action_space()
self.observation_space = self._def_observation_space()
self.current_user_id = 0
self.item_pool = None
self.item_pool_ids = None
self.total_regret = 0
def _init_embeddings(self):
self.item_embeddings = self._gen_normalized_embeddings(
self.num_items, self.feature_dim)
# These are latent user features that will be hidden from the learning
# agent. They will be used for reward generation only
self.user_embeddings = self._gen_normalized_embeddings(
self.num_users, self.feature_dim)
def _sample_user(self):
self.current_user_id = np.random.randint(0, self.num_users)
def _gen_item_pool(self):
# Randomly generate a candidate list of items by sampling without
# replacement
self.item_pool_ids = np.random.choice(
np.arange(self.num_items), self.num_candidates, replace=False)
self.item_pool = self.item_embeddings[self.item_pool_ids].astype(
def _gen_normalized_embeddings(size, dim):
embeddings = np.random.rand(size, dim)
embeddings /= np.linalg.norm(
embeddings, axis=1, keepdims=True).astype(np.float32)
return embeddings
def _def_action_space(self):
if self.slate_size == 1:
return spaces.Discrete(self.num_candidates)
return spaces.MultiDiscrete(
[self.num_candidates] * self.slate_size)
def _def_observation_space(self):
# Embeddings for each item in the candidate pool
item_obs_space = spaces.Box(
shape=(self.num_candidates, self.feature_dim))
# Can be useful for collaborative filtering based agents
item_ids_obs_space = spaces.MultiDiscrete(
[self.num_items] * self.num_candidates)
# Can be either binary (clicks) or continuous feedback (watch time)
resp_space = spaces.Box(low=-1, high=1, shape=(self.slate_size, ))
if self.num_users == 1:
return spaces.Dict({
"item": item_obs_space,
"item_id": item_ids_obs_space,
"response": resp_space
user_obs_space = spaces.Discrete(self.num_users)
return spaces.Dict({
"user": user_obs_space,
"item": item_obs_space,
"item_id": item_ids_obs_space,
"response": resp_space
def step(self, action):
# Action can be a single action or a slate depending on slate size
assert self.action_space.contains(
), "Action cannot be recognized. Please check the type and bounds."
if self.slate_size == 1:
scores = self.item_pool.dot(
reward = scores[action]
regret = np.max(scores) - reward
self.total_regret += regret
info = {"regret": regret}
self.current_user_id = np.random.randint(0, self.num_users)
obs = {
"item": self.item_pool.astype(np.float32),
"item_id": self.item_pool_ids,
"response": [reward]
if self.num_users > 1:
obs["user"] = self.current_user_id
return obs, reward, True, info
# TODO(saurabh3949):Handle slate recommendation using a click model
return None
def reset(self):
obs = {
"item": self.item_pool,
"item_id": self.item_pool_ids,
"response": [0] * self.slate_size
if self.num_users > 1:
obs["user"] = self.current_user_id
return obs
def render(self, mode="human"):
raise NotImplementedError