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.. _cluster-index:
Distributed Ray Overview
One of Ray's strengths is the ability to leverage multiple machines in the same program. Ray can, of course, be run on a single machine (and is done so often) but the real power is using Ray on a cluster of machines.
Key Concepts
* **Ray Nodes**: A Ray cluster consists of a **head node** and a set of **worker nodes**. The head node needs to be started first, and the worker nodes are given the address of the head node to form the cluster. The Ray cluster itself can also "auto-scale," meaning that it can interact with a Cloud Provider to request or release instances according to application workload.
* **Ports**: Ray processes communicate via TCP ports. When starting a Ray cluster, either on prem or on the cloud, it is important to open the right ports so that Ray functions correctly. See :ref:`the Ray Ports documentation <ray-ports>` for more details.
* **Ray Cluster Launcher**: The :ref:`Ray Cluster Launcher <ref-automatic-cluster>` is a simple tool that automatically provisions machines and launches a multi-node Ray cluster. You can use the cluster launcher on GCP, Amazon EC2, Azure, or even Kubernetes.
Clusters are started with the :ref:`Ray Cluster Launcher <ref-automatic-cluster>` or :ref:`manually <manual-cluster>`.
You can also create a Ray cluster using a standard cluster manager such as :ref:`Kubernetes <ray-k8s-deploy>`, :ref:`YARN <ray-yarn-deploy>`, or :ref:`SLURM <ray-slurm-deploy>`.
After a cluster is started, you need to connect your program to the Ray cluster by starting a driver process on the same node as where you ran ``ray start``:
.. tabs::
.. code-tab:: python
# This must
import ray
.. group-tab:: java
.. code-block:: java
import io.ray.api.Ray;
public class MyRayApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
.. code-block:: bash
java -classpath <classpath> \
-Dray.address=<address> \
<classname> <args>
and then the rest of your script should be able to leverage Ray as a distributed framework!
Using the cluster launcher
The ``ray up`` command uses the :ref:`Ray Cluster Launcher <ref-automatic-cluster>` to start a cluster on the cloud, creating a designated "head node" and worker nodes. Any Python process that runs ``ray.init(address=...)`` on any of the cluster nodes will connect to the ray cluster.
.. important:: Calling ``ray.init`` on your laptop will not work if using ``ray up``, since your laptop will not be the head node.
Here is an example of using the Cluster Launcher on AWS:
.. code-block:: shell
# First, run `pip install boto3` and `aws configure`
# Create or update the cluster. When the command finishes, it will print
# out the command that can be used to SSH into the cluster head node.
$ ray up ray/python/ray/autoscaler/aws/example-full.yaml
You can monitor the Ray cluster status with ``ray monitor cluster.yaml`` and ssh into the head node with ``ray attach cluster.yaml``.
.. _manual-cluster:
Manual Ray Cluster Setup
The most preferable way to run a Ray cluster is via the :ref:`Ray Cluster Launcher <ref-automatic-cluster>`. However, it is also possible to start a Ray cluster by hand.
This section assumes that you have a list of machines and that the nodes in the cluster can communicate with each other. It also assumes that Ray is installed
on each machine. To install Ray, follow the `installation instructions`_.
.. _`installation instructions`: http://docs.ray.io/en/master/installation.html
Starting Ray on each machine
On the head node (just choose some node to be the head node), run the following.
If the ``--port`` argument is omitted, Ray will choose port 6379, falling back to a
random port.
.. code-block:: bash
$ ray start --head --port=6379
Next steps
To connect to this Ray runtime from another node, run
ray start --address='<ip address>:6379' --redis-password='<password>'
If connection fails, check your firewall settings and network configuration.
The command will print out the address of the Redis server that was started
(the local node IP address plus the port number you specified).
**Then on each of the other nodes**, run the following. Make sure to replace
``<address>`` with the value printed by the command on the head node (it
should look something like ````).
Note that if your compute nodes are on their own subnetwork with Network
Address Translation, to connect from a regular machine outside that subnetwork,
the command printed by the head node will not work. You need to find the
address that will reach the head node from the second machine. If the head node
has a domain address like compute04.berkeley.edu, you can simply use that in
place of an IP address and rely on the DNS.
.. code-block:: bash
$ ray start --address=<address> --redis-password='<password>'
Ray runtime started.
To terminate the Ray runtime, run
ray stop
If you wish to specify that a machine has 10 CPUs and 1 GPU, you can do this
with the flags ``--num-cpus=10`` and ``--num-gpus=1``. See the :ref:`Configuration <configuring-ray>` page for more information.
If you see ``Unable to connect to Redis. If the Redis instance is on a
different machine, check that your firewall is configured properly.``,
this means the ``--port`` is inaccessible at the given IP address (because, for
example, the head node is not actually running Ray, or you have the wrong IP
If you see ``Ray runtime started.``, then the node successfully connected to
the IP address at the ``--port``. You should now be able to connect to the
cluster with ``ray.init(address='auto')``.
If ``ray.init(address='auto')`` keeps repeating
``redis_context.cc:303: Failed to connect to Redis, retrying.``, then the node
is failing to connect to some other port(s) besides the main port.
.. code-block:: bash
If connection fails, check your firewall settings and network configuration.
If the connection fails, to check whether each port can be reached from a node,
you can use a tool such as ``nmap`` or ``nc``.
.. code-block:: bash
$ nmap -sV --reason -p $PORT $HEAD_ADDRESS
Nmap scan report for compute04.berkeley.edu (123.456.78.910)
Host is up, received echo-reply ttl 60 (0.00087s latency).
rDNS record for 123.456.78.910: compute04.berkeley.edu
6379/tcp open redis syn-ack ttl 60 Redis key-value store
Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at https://nmap.org/submit/ .
$ nc -vv -z $HEAD_ADDRESS $PORT
Connection to compute04.berkeley.edu 6379 port [tcp/*] succeeded!
If the node cannot access that port at that IP address, you might see
.. code-block:: bash
$ nmap -sV --reason -p $PORT $HEAD_ADDRESS
Nmap scan report for compute04.berkeley.edu (123.456.78.910)
Host is up (0.0011s latency).
rDNS record for 123.456.78.910: compute04.berkeley.edu
6379/tcp closed redis reset ttl 60
Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at https://nmap.org/submit/ .
$ nc -vv -z $HEAD_ADDRESS $PORT
nc: connect to compute04.berkeley.edu port 6379 (tcp) failed: Connection refused
Stopping Ray
When you want to stop the Ray processes, run ``ray stop`` on each node.
.. _using-ray-on-a-cluster:
Running a Ray program on the Ray cluster
To run a distributed Ray program, you'll need to execute your program on the same machine as one of the nodes.
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: Python
Within your program/script, you must call ``ray.init`` and add the ``address`` parameter to ``ray.init`` (like ``ray.init(address=...)``). This causes Ray to connect to the existing cluster. For example:
.. code-block:: python
.. group-tab:: Java
You need to add the ``ray.address`` parameter to your command line (like ``-Dray.address=...``).
To connect your program to the Ray cluster, run it like this:
.. code-block:: bash
java -classpath <classpath> \
-Dray.address=<address> \
<classname> <args>
.. note:: Specifying ``auto`` as the address hasn't been implemented in Java yet. You need to provide the actual address. You can find the address of the server from the output of the ``ray up`` command.
.. note:: A common mistake is setting the address to be a cluster node while running the script on your laptop. This will not work because the script needs to be started/executed on one of the Ray nodes.
To verify that the correct number of nodes have joined the cluster, you can run the following.
.. code-block:: python
import time
def f():
return ray.services.get_node_ip_address()
# Get a list of the IP addresses of the nodes that have joined the cluster.
set(ray.get([f.remote() for _ in range(1000)]))