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import abc
import logging
import os
import shutil
import random
import urllib
from collections import namedtuple
from typing import List, IO, Tuple
import ray
from ray.ray_constants import DEFAULT_OBJECT_PREFIX
from ray._raylet import ObjectRef
ParsedURL = namedtuple("ParsedURL", "base_url, offset, size")
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def create_url_with_offset(*, url: str, offset: int, size: int) -> str:
"""Methods to create a URL with offset.
When ray spills objects, it fuses multiple objects
into one file to optimize the performance. That says, each object
needs to keep tracking of its own special url to store metadata.
This method creates an url_with_offset, which is used internally
by Ray.
Created url_with_offset can be passed to the self._get_base_url method
to parse the filename used to store files.
Example) file://path/to/file?offset=""&size=""
url(str): url to the object stored in the external storage.
offset(int): Offset from the beginning of the file to
the first bytes of this object.
size(int): Size of the object that is stored in the url.
It is used to calculate the last offset.
url_with_offset stored internally to find
objects from external storage.
return f"{url}?offset={offset}&size={size}"
def parse_url_with_offset(url_with_offset: str) -> Tuple[str, int, int]:
"""Parse url_with_offset to retrieve information.
base_url is the url where the object ref
is stored in the external storage.
url_with_offset(str): url created by create_url_with_offset.
named tuple of base_url, offset, and size.
parsed_result = urllib.parse.urlparse(url_with_offset)
query_dict = urllib.parse.parse_qs(parsed_result.query)
# Split by ? to remove the query from the url.
base_url = parsed_result.geturl().split("?")[0]
offset = int(query_dict["offset"][0])
size = int(query_dict["size"][0])
return ParsedURL(base_url=base_url, offset=offset, size=size)
class ExternalStorage(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
"""The base class for external storage.
This class provides some useful functions for zero-copy object
put/get from plasma store. Also it specifies the interface for
object spilling.
When inheriting this class, please make sure to implement validation
logic inside __init__ method. When ray instance starts, it will
instantiating external storage to validate the config.
ValueError: when given configuration for
the external storage is invalid.
def _get_objects_from_store(self, object_refs):
worker = ray.worker.global_worker
# Since the object should always exist in the plasma store before
# spilling, it can directly get the object from the local plasma
# store.
# issue: https://github.com/ray-project/ray/pull/13831
ray_object_pairs = worker.core_worker.get_if_local(object_refs)
return ray_object_pairs
def _put_object_to_store(self, metadata, data_size, file_like, object_ref,
worker = ray.worker.global_worker
worker.core_worker.put_file_like_object(metadata, data_size, file_like,
object_ref, owner_address)
def _write_multiple_objects(self, f: IO, object_refs: List[ObjectRef],
owner_addresses: List[str],
url: str) -> List[str]:
"""Fuse all given objects into a given file handle.
f(IO): File handle to fusion all given object refs.
object_refs(list): Object references to fusion to a single file.
owner_addresses(list): Owner addresses for the provided objects.
url(str): url where the object ref is stored
in the external storage.
List of urls_with_offset of fusioned objects.
The order of returned keys are equivalent to the one
with given object_refs.
keys = []
offset = 0
ray_object_pairs = self._get_objects_from_store(object_refs)
for ref, (buf, metadata), owner_address in zip(
object_refs, ray_object_pairs, owner_addresses):
address_len = len(owner_address)
metadata_len = len(metadata)
buf_len = len(buf)
# 24 bytes to store owner address, metadata, and buffer lengths.
data_size_in_bytes = (
address_len + metadata_len + buf_len + self.HEADER_LENGTH)
f.write(address_len.to_bytes(8, byteorder="little"))
f.write(metadata_len.to_bytes(8, byteorder="little"))
f.write(buf_len.to_bytes(8, byteorder="little"))
url_with_offset = create_url_with_offset(
url=url, offset=offset, size=data_size_in_bytes)
offset += data_size_in_bytes
return keys
def _size_check(self, address_len, metadata_len, buffer_len,
"""Check whether or not the obtained_data_size is as expected.
metadata_len(int): Actual metadata length of the object.
buffer_len(int): Actual buffer length of the object.
obtained_data_size(int): Data size specified in the
ValueError if obtained_data_size is different from
address_len + metadata_len + buffer_len +
24 (first 8 bytes to store length).
data_size_in_bytes = (
address_len + metadata_len + buffer_len + self.HEADER_LENGTH)
if data_size_in_bytes != obtained_data_size:
raise ValueError(
f"Obtained data has a size of {data_size_in_bytes}, "
"although it is supposed to have the "
f"size of {obtained_data_size}.")
def spill_objects(self, object_refs, owner_addresses) -> List[str]:
"""Spill objects to the external storage. Objects are specified
by their object refs.
object_refs: The list of the refs of the objects to be spilled.
A list of internal URLs with object offset.
def restore_spilled_objects(self, object_refs: List[ObjectRef],
url_with_offset_list: List[str]) -> int:
"""Restore objects from the external storage.
object_refs: List of object IDs (note that it is not ref).
url_with_offset_list: List of url_with_offset.
The total number of bytes restored.
def delete_spilled_objects(self, urls: List[str]):
"""Delete objects that are spilled to the external storage.
urls: URLs that store spilled object files.
def destroy_external_storage(self):
"""Destroy external storage when a head node is down.
NOTE: This is currently working when the cluster is
started by ray.init
class NullStorage(ExternalStorage):
"""The class that represents an uninitialized external storage."""
def spill_objects(self, object_refs, owner_addresses) -> List[str]:
raise NotImplementedError("External storage is not initialized")
def restore_spilled_objects(self, object_refs, url_with_offset_list):
raise NotImplementedError("External storage is not initialized")
def delete_spilled_objects(self, urls: List[str]):
raise NotImplementedError("External storage is not initialized")
def destroy_external_storage(self):
raise NotImplementedError("External storage is not initialized")
class FileSystemStorage(ExternalStorage):
"""The class for filesystem-like external storage.
ValueError: Raises directory path to
spill objects doesn't exist.
def __init__(self, directory_path):
# -- sub directory name --
self.spill_dir_name = DEFAULT_OBJECT_PREFIX
# -- A list of directory paths to spill objects --
self.directory_paths = []
# -- Current directory to spill objects --
self.current_directory_index = 0
# Validation.
assert directory_path is not None, (
"directory_path should be provided to use object spilling.")
if isinstance(directory_path, str):
directory_path = [directory_path]
assert isinstance(directory_path,
list), ("Directory_path must be either a single "
"string or a list of strings")
# Create directories.
for path in directory_path:
full_dir_path = os.path.join(path, self.spill_dir_name)
os.makedirs(full_dir_path, exist_ok=True)
if not os.path.exists(full_dir_path):
raise ValueError("The given directory path to store objects, "
f"{full_dir_path}, could not be created.")
assert len(self.directory_paths) == len(directory_path)
# Choose the current directory.
# It chooses a random index to maximize multiple directories that are
# mounted at different point.
self.current_directory_index = random.randrange(
0, len(self.directory_paths))
def spill_objects(self, object_refs, owner_addresses) -> List[str]:
if len(object_refs) == 0:
return []
# Choose the current directory path by round robin order.
self.current_directory_index = (
(self.current_directory_index + 1) % len(self.directory_paths))
directory_path = self.directory_paths[self.current_directory_index]
# Always use the first object ref as a key when fusioning objects.
first_ref = object_refs[0]
filename = f"{first_ref.hex()}-multi-{len(object_refs)}"
url = f"{os.path.join(directory_path, filename)}"
with open(url, "wb") as f:
return self._write_multiple_objects(f, object_refs,
owner_addresses, url)
def restore_spilled_objects(self, object_refs: List[ObjectRef],
url_with_offset_list: List[str]):
total = 0
for i in range(len(object_refs)):
object_ref = object_refs[i]
url_with_offset = url_with_offset_list[i].decode()
# Retrieve the information needed.
parsed_result = parse_url_with_offset(url_with_offset)
base_url = parsed_result.base_url
offset = parsed_result.offset
# Read a part of the file and recover the object.
with open(base_url, "rb") as f:
address_len = int.from_bytes(f.read(8), byteorder="little")
metadata_len = int.from_bytes(f.read(8), byteorder="little")
buf_len = int.from_bytes(f.read(8), byteorder="little")
self._size_check(address_len, metadata_len, buf_len,
total += buf_len
owner_address = f.read(address_len)
metadata = f.read(metadata_len)
# read remaining data to our buffer
self._put_object_to_store(metadata, buf_len, f, object_ref,
return total
def delete_spilled_objects(self, urls: List[str]):
for url in urls:
path = parse_url_with_offset(url.decode()).base_url
def destroy_external_storage(self):
for directory_path in self.directory_paths:
def _destroy_external_storage(self, directory_path):
# There's a race condition where IO workers are still
# deleting each objects while we try deleting the
# whole directory. So we should keep trying it until
# The directory is actually deleted.
while os.path.isdir(directory_path):
except FileNotFoundError:
# If excpetion occurs when other IO workers are
# deleting the file at the same time.
except Exception:
logger.exception("Error cleaning up spill files")
class ExternalStorageSmartOpenImpl(ExternalStorage):
"""The external storage class implemented by smart_open.
Smart open supports multiple backend with the same APIs.
To use this implementation, you should pre-create the given uri.
For example, if your uri is a local file path, you should pre-create
the directory.
uri(str): Storage URI used for smart open.
prefix(str): Prefix of objects that are stored.
override_transport_params(dict): Overriding the default value of
transport_params for smart-open library.
ModuleNotFoundError: If it fails to setup.
For example, if smart open library
is not downloaded, this will fail.
def __init__(self,
uri: str,
override_transport_params: dict = None):
from smart_open import open # noqa
except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
raise ModuleNotFoundError(
"Smart open is chosen to be a object spilling "
"external storage, but smart_open and boto3 "
f"is not downloaded. Original error: {e}")
self.uri = uri.strip("/")
self.prefix = prefix
self.override_transport_params = override_transport_params or {}
self.is_for_s3 = uri.startswith("s3")
if self.is_for_s3:
import boto3 # noqa
# Setup boto3. It is essential because if we don't create boto
# session, smart_open will create a new session for every
# open call.
self.s3 = boto3.resource(service_name="s3")
# smart_open always seek to 0 if we don't set this argument.
# This will lead us to call a Object.get when it is not necessary,
# so defer seek and call seek before reading objects instead.
self.transport_params = {"defer_seek": True, "resource": self.s3}
def spill_objects(self, object_refs, owner_addresses) -> List[str]:
if len(object_refs) == 0:
return []
from smart_open import open
# Always use the first object ref as a key when fusioning objects.
first_ref = object_refs[0]
key = f"{self.prefix}-{first_ref.hex()}-multi-{len(object_refs)}"
url = f"{self.uri}/{key}"
with open(
url, "wb",
transport_params=self.transport_params) as file_like:
return self._write_multiple_objects(file_like, object_refs,
owner_addresses, url)
def restore_spilled_objects(self, object_refs: List[ObjectRef],
url_with_offset_list: List[str]):
from smart_open import open
total = 0
for i in range(len(object_refs)):
object_ref = object_refs[i]
url_with_offset = url_with_offset_list[i].decode()
# Retrieve the information needed.
parsed_result = parse_url_with_offset(url_with_offset)
base_url = parsed_result.base_url
offset = parsed_result.offset
with open(
base_url, "rb",
transport_params=self.transport_params) as f:
# smart open seek reads the file from offset-end_of_the_file
# when the seek is called.
address_len = int.from_bytes(f.read(8), byteorder="little")
metadata_len = int.from_bytes(f.read(8), byteorder="little")
buf_len = int.from_bytes(f.read(8), byteorder="little")
self._size_check(metadata_len, buf_len, parsed_result.size)
owner_address = f.read(address_len)
total += buf_len
metadata = f.read(metadata_len)
# read remaining data to our buffer
self._put_object_to_store(metadata, buf_len, f, object_ref,
return total
def delete_spilled_objects(self, urls: List[str]):
def destroy_external_storage(self):
_external_storage = NullStorage()
def setup_external_storage(config):
"""Setup the external storage according to the config."""
global _external_storage
if config:
storage_type = config["type"]
if storage_type == "filesystem":
_external_storage = FileSystemStorage(**config["params"])
elif storage_type == "smart_open":
_external_storage = ExternalStorageSmartOpenImpl(
elif storage_type == "mock_distributed_fs":
# This storage is used to unit test distributed external storages.
# TODO(sang): Delete it after introducing the mock S3 test.
_external_storage = FileSystemStorage(**config["params"])
raise ValueError(f"Unknown external storage type: {storage_type}")
_external_storage = NullStorage()
return _external_storage
def reset_external_storage():
global _external_storage
_external_storage = NullStorage()
def spill_objects(object_refs, owner_addresses):
"""Spill objects to the external storage. Objects are specified
by their object refs.
object_refs: The list of the refs of the objects to be spilled.
owner_addresses: The owner addresses of the provided object refs.
A list of keys corresponding to the input object refs.
return _external_storage.spill_objects(object_refs, owner_addresses)
def restore_spilled_objects(object_refs: List[ObjectRef],
url_with_offset_list: List[str]):
"""Restore objects from the external storage.
object_refs: List of object IDs (note that it is not ref).
url_with_offset_list: List of url_with_offset.
return _external_storage.restore_spilled_objects(object_refs,
def delete_spilled_objects(urls: List[str]):
"""Delete objects that are spilled to the external storage.
urls: URLs that store spilled object files.