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# Contribution by the Center on Long-Term Risk:
# https://github.com/longtermrisk/marltoolbox
# Some parts are originally from:
# https://github.com/julianstastny/openspiel-social-dilemmas/
# blob/master/games/coin_game_gym.py
import copy
from collections import Iterable
import numpy as np
from numba import jit, prange
from numba.typed import List
from ray.rllib.examples.env.coin_game_non_vectorized_env import CoinGame
from ray.rllib.utils import override
class VectorizedCoinGame(CoinGame):
Vectorized Coin Game environment.
def __init__(self, config={}):
self.batch_size = config.get("batch_size", 1)
self.force_vectorized = config.get("force_vectorize", False)
assert self.grid_size == 3, "hardcoded in the generate_state function"
def _randomize_color_and_player_positions(self):
# Reset coin color and the players and coin positions
self.red_coin = np.random.randint(2, size=self.batch_size)
self.red_pos = np.random.randint(
self.grid_size, size=(self.batch_size, 2))
self.blue_pos = np.random.randint(
self.grid_size, size=(self.batch_size, 2))
self.coin_pos = np.zeros((self.batch_size, 2), dtype=np.int8)
def _players_do_not_overlap_at_start(self):
for i in range(self.batch_size):
while _same_pos(self.red_pos[i], self.blue_pos[i]):
self.blue_pos[i] = np.random.randint(self.grid_size, size=2)
def _generate_coin(self):
generate = np.ones(self.batch_size, dtype=bool)
self.coin_pos = generate_coin(self.batch_size, generate, self.red_coin,
self.red_pos, self.blue_pos,
self.coin_pos, self.grid_size)
def _generate_observation(self):
obs = generate_observations_wt_numba_optimization(
self.batch_size, self.red_pos, self.blue_pos, self.coin_pos,
self.red_coin, self.grid_size)
obs = self._get_obs_invariant_to_the_player_trained(obs)
obs, _ = self._optional_unvectorize(obs)
return obs
def _optional_unvectorize(self, obs, rewards=None):
if self.batch_size == 1 and not self.force_vectorized:
obs = [one_obs[0, ...] for one_obs in obs]
if rewards is not None:
rewards[0], rewards[1] = rewards[0][0], rewards[1][0]
return obs, rewards
def step(self, actions: Iterable):
actions = self._from_RLLib_API_to_list(actions)
self.step_count_in_current_episode += 1
(self.red_pos, self.blue_pos, rewards, self.coin_pos, observation,
self.red_coin, red_pick_any, red_pick_red, blue_pick_any,
blue_pick_blue) = vectorized_step_wt_numba_optimization(
actions, self.batch_size, self.red_pos, self.blue_pos,
self.coin_pos, self.red_coin, self.grid_size, self.asymmetric,
self.max_steps, self.both_players_can_pick_the_same_coin)
if self.output_additional_info:
self._accumulate_info(red_pick_any, red_pick_red, blue_pick_any,
obs = \
obs, rewards = self._optional_unvectorize(obs, rewards)
return self._to_RLLib_API(obs, rewards)
def _get_episode_info(self):
player_red_info, player_blue_info = {}, {}
if len(self.red_pick) > 0:
red_pick = sum(self.red_pick)
player_red_info["pick_speed"] = \
red_pick / (len(self.red_pick) * self.batch_size)
if red_pick > 0:
player_red_info["pick_own_color"] = \
sum(self.red_pick_own) / red_pick
if len(self.blue_pick) > 0:
blue_pick = sum(self.blue_pick)
player_blue_info["pick_speed"] = \
blue_pick / (len(self.blue_pick) * self.batch_size)
if blue_pick > 0:
player_blue_info["pick_own_color"] = \
sum(self.blue_pick_own) / blue_pick
return player_red_info, player_blue_info
def _from_RLLib_API_to_list(self, actions):
ac_red = actions[self.player_red_id]
ac_blue = actions[self.player_blue_id]
if not isinstance(ac_red, Iterable):
assert not isinstance(ac_blue, Iterable)
ac_red, ac_blue = [ac_red], [ac_blue]
actions = [ac_red, ac_blue]
actions = np.array(actions).T
return actions
def _save_env(self):
env_save_state = {
"red_pos": self.red_pos,
"blue_pos": self.blue_pos,
"coin_pos": self.coin_pos,
"red_coin": self.red_coin,
"grid_size": self.grid_size,
"asymmetric": self.asymmetric,
"batch_size": self.batch_size,
"step_count_in_current_episode": self.
"max_steps": self.max_steps,
"red_pick": self.red_pick,
"red_pick_own": self.red_pick_own,
"blue_pick": self.blue_pick,
"blue_pick_own": self.blue_pick_own,
"both_players_can_pick_the_same_coin": self.
return copy.deepcopy(env_save_state)
def _load_env(self, env_state):
for k, v in env_state.items():
self.__setattr__(k, v)
class AsymVectorizedCoinGame(VectorizedCoinGame):
NAME = "AsymCoinGame"
def __init__(self, config={}):
if "asymmetric" in config:
assert config["asymmetric"]
config["asymmetric"] = True
def move_players(batch_size, actions, red_pos, blue_pos, grid_size):
moves = List([
np.array([0, 1]),
np.array([0, -1]),
np.array([1, 0]),
np.array([-1, 0]),
for j in prange(batch_size):
red_pos[j] = \
(red_pos[j] + moves[actions[j, 0]]) % grid_size
blue_pos[j] = \
(blue_pos[j] + moves[actions[j, 1]]) % grid_size
return red_pos, blue_pos
def compute_reward(batch_size, red_pos, blue_pos, coin_pos, red_coin,
asymmetric, both_players_can_pick_the_same_coin):
reward_red = np.zeros(batch_size)
reward_blue = np.zeros(batch_size)
generate = np.zeros(batch_size, dtype=np.bool_)
red_pick_any, red_pick_red, blue_pick_any, blue_pick_blue = \
0, 0, 0, 0
for i in prange(batch_size):
red_first_if_both = None
if not both_players_can_pick_the_same_coin:
if (_same_pos(red_pos[i], coin_pos[i])
and _same_pos(blue_pos[i], coin_pos[i])):
red_first_if_both = bool(np.random.randint(0, 1))
if red_coin[i]:
if _same_pos(red_pos[i], coin_pos[i]) and \
(red_first_if_both is None or red_first_if_both):
generate[i] = True
reward_red[i] += 1
if asymmetric:
reward_red[i] += 3
red_pick_any += 1
red_pick_red += 1
if _same_pos(blue_pos[i], coin_pos[i]) and \
(red_first_if_both is None or not red_first_if_both):
generate[i] = True
reward_red[i] += -2
reward_blue[i] += 1
blue_pick_any += 1
if _same_pos(red_pos[i], coin_pos[i]) and \
(red_first_if_both is None or red_first_if_both):
generate[i] = True
reward_red[i] += 1
reward_blue[i] += -2
if asymmetric:
reward_red[i] += 3
red_pick_any += 1
if _same_pos(blue_pos[i], coin_pos[i]) and \
(red_first_if_both is None or not red_first_if_both):
generate[i] = True
reward_blue[i] += 1
blue_pick_any += 1
blue_pick_blue += 1
reward = [reward_red, reward_blue]
return reward, generate, \
red_pick_any, red_pick_red, blue_pick_any, blue_pick_blue
def _same_pos(x, y):
return (x == y).all()
def _flatten_index(pos, grid_size):
y_pos, x_pos = pos
idx = grid_size * y_pos
idx += x_pos
return idx
def _unflatten_index(pos, grid_size):
x_idx = pos % grid_size
y_idx = pos // grid_size
return np.array([y_idx, x_idx])
def generate_coin(batch_size, generate, red_coin, red_pos, blue_pos, coin_pos,
red_coin[generate] = 1 - red_coin[generate]
for i in prange(batch_size):
if generate[i]:
coin_pos[i] = place_coin(red_pos[i], blue_pos[i], grid_size)
return coin_pos
def place_coin(red_pos_i, blue_pos_i, grid_size):
red_pos_flat = _flatten_index(red_pos_i, grid_size)
blue_pos_flat = _flatten_index(blue_pos_i, grid_size)
possible_coin_pos = np.array([
x for x in range(9) if ((x != blue_pos_flat) and (x != red_pos_flat))
flat_coin_pos = np.random.choice(possible_coin_pos)
return _unflatten_index(flat_coin_pos, grid_size)
def generate_observations_wt_numba_optimization(batch_size, red_pos, blue_pos,
coin_pos, red_coin, grid_size):
obs = np.zeros((batch_size, grid_size, grid_size, 4))
for i in prange(batch_size):
obs[i, red_pos[i][0], red_pos[i][1], 0] = 1
obs[i, blue_pos[i][0], blue_pos[i][1], 1] = 1
if red_coin[i]:
obs[i, coin_pos[i][0], coin_pos[i][1], 2] = 1
obs[i, coin_pos[i][0], coin_pos[i][1], 3] = 1
return obs
def vectorized_step_wt_numba_optimization(
actions, batch_size, red_pos, blue_pos, coin_pos, red_coin,
grid_size: int, asymmetric: bool, max_steps: int,
both_players_can_pick_the_same_coin: bool):
red_pos, blue_pos = move_players(batch_size, actions, red_pos, blue_pos,
reward, generate, red_pick_any, red_pick_red, \
blue_pick_any, blue_pick_blue = compute_reward(
batch_size, red_pos, blue_pos, coin_pos, red_coin,
asymmetric, both_players_can_pick_the_same_coin)
coin_pos = generate_coin(batch_size, generate, red_coin, red_pos, blue_pos,
coin_pos, grid_size)
obs = generate_observations_wt_numba_optimization(
batch_size, red_pos, blue_pos, coin_pos, red_coin, grid_size)
return red_pos, blue_pos, reward, coin_pos, obs, red_coin, red_pick_any, \
red_pick_red, blue_pick_any, blue_pick_blue