Wapaul1 362ffa1f3c Changing hard coded ports for objstore and workers to choose unused ports (#365)
* let grpc choose unused worker and object store ports

* Add objstore addresses to scheduler info to bring back test
2016-08-10 19:08:38 -07:00

300 lines
12 KiB
Protocol Buffer

// This file defines the GRPC interface between scheduler, object stores and
// workers. These are used for communication over the network.
// Terminology:
// Worker: A cluster consists of multiple worker processes (typically one
// per core) which execute tasks that can access objects from object stores.
// Object store: Typically there is one object store per node which holds the
// objects locally stored on that node.
// Scheduler: The scheduler process keeps track of a mapping from object
// IDs to object stores, orchestrates data transfer between object
// stores and assigns tasks to workers.
syntax = "proto3";
import "graph.proto";
import "types.proto";
// Scheduler
service Scheduler {
// Register a new worker with the scheduler
rpc RegisterWorker(RegisterWorkerRequest) returns (RegisterWorkerReply);
// Register an object store with the scheduler
rpc RegisterObjStore(RegisterObjStoreRequest) returns (RegisterObjStoreReply);
// Tell the scheduler that a worker successfully imported a remote function.
rpc RegisterRemoteFunction(RegisterRemoteFunctionRequest) returns (AckReply);
// Asks the scheduler to execute a task, immediately returns an object ID to the result
rpc SubmitTask(SubmitTaskRequest) returns (SubmitTaskReply);
// Increment the count of the object ID
rpc IncrementCount(ChangeCountRequest) returns (AckReply);
// Decrement the count of the object ID
rpc DecrementCount(ChangeCountRequest) returns (AckReply);
// Request an object ID for an object that will be put in an object store
rpc PutObj(PutObjRequest) returns (PutObjReply);
// Request delivery of an object from an object store that holds the object to the local object store
rpc RequestObj(RequestObjRequest) returns (AckReply);
// Used by the worker to tell the scheduler that two objectids should refer to the same object
rpc AliasObjectIDs(AliasObjectIDsRequest) returns (AckReply);
// Used by an object store to tell the scheduler that an object is ready (i.e. has been finalized and can be shared)
rpc ObjReady(ObjReadyRequest) returns (AckReply);
// Increments the reference count of a particular object ID
rpc IncrementRefCount(IncrementRefCountRequest) returns (AckReply);
// Decrements the reference count of a particular object ID
rpc DecrementRefCount(DecrementRefCountRequest) returns (AckReply);
// Used by the worker to notify the scheduler about which objectids a particular object contains
rpc AddContainedObjectIDs(AddContainedObjectIDsRequest) returns (AckReply);
// Used by the worker to ask for work, this also returns the status of the previous task if there was one
rpc ReadyForNewTask(ReadyForNewTaskRequest) returns (AckReply);
// Get information about the scheduler state
rpc SchedulerInfo(SchedulerInfoRequest) returns (SchedulerInfoReply);
// Get information about tasks
rpc TaskInfo(TaskInfoRequest) returns (TaskInfoReply);
// Kills the workers
rpc KillWorkers(KillWorkersRequest) returns (KillWorkersReply);
// Exports function to the workers
rpc ExportRemoteFunction(ExportRemoteFunctionRequest) returns (AckReply);
// Ship an initializer and reinitializer for a reusable variable to the workers
rpc ExportReusableVariable(ExportReusableVariableRequest) returns (AckReply);
// Notify the scheduler that a failure occurred while running a task, importing a remote function, or importing a reusable variable.
rpc NotifyFailure(NotifyFailureRequest) returns (AckReply);
message AckReply {
message RegisterWorkerRequest {
string node_ip_address = 1; // The IP address of the node the worker is running on.
string worker_address = 2; // The address of the worker.
string objstore_address = 3; // The address of the object store the worker should connect to. If omitted, this will be assigned by the scheduler.
bool is_driver = 4; // True if the worker is a driver, and false otherwise.
message RegisterWorkerReply {
uint64 workerid = 1; // Worker ID assigned by the scheduler
uint64 objstoreid = 2; // The Object store ID of the worker's local object store
string objstore_address = 3; // IP address of the object store the worker should connect to
message RegisterObjStoreRequest {
string objstore_address = 1; // IP address of the object store being registered
message RegisterObjStoreReply {
uint64 objstoreid = 1; // Object store ID assigned by the scheduler
message RegisterRemoteFunctionRequest {
uint64 workerid = 1; // Worker that can execute the function
string function_name = 2; // Name of the remote function
uint64 num_return_vals = 3; // Number of return values of the function. This is only present if the function was successfully imported.
message NotifyFailure {
Failure failure = 1; // The failure object.
message SubmitTaskRequest {
uint64 workerid = 1; // The ID of the worker submitting the task
Task task = 2; // Contains name of the function to be executed and arguments
message SubmitTaskReply {
repeated uint64 result = 1; // Object IDs of the function return values
bool function_registered = 2; // True if the function was registered; false otherwise
message RequestObjRequest {
uint64 workerid = 1; // Worker that tries to request the object
uint64 objectid = 2; // Object ID of the object being requested
message PutObjRequest {
uint64 workerid = 1; // Worker that tries to put an object
message PutObjReply {
uint64 objectid = 1; // Object ID assigned by the scheduler to the object
message AliasObjectIDsRequest {
uint64 alias_objectid = 1; // ObjectID which will be aliased
uint64 target_objectid = 2; // The target ObjectID
message ObjReadyRequest {
uint64 objectid = 1; // Object ID of the object that has been finalized
uint64 objstoreid = 2; // ID of the object store the object lives on
message IncrementRefCountRequest {
repeated uint64 objectid = 1; // Object IDs whose reference count should be incremented. Duplicates will be incremented multiple times.
message AddContainedObjectIDsRequest {
uint64 objectid = 1; // The objectid of the object in question
repeated uint64 contained_objectid = 2; // Object IDs contained in the object
message DecrementRefCountRequest {
repeated uint64 objectid = 1; // Object IDs whose reference count should be decremented. Duplicates will be decremented multiple times.
message ReadyForNewTaskRequest {
uint64 workerid = 1; // ID of the worker which executed the task
message ChangeCountRequest {
uint64 objectid = 1; // Object ID of the object whose reference count is increased or decreased
// The following messages are used to get information about the scheduler state
message SchedulerInfoRequest {
message FnTableEntry {
repeated uint64 workerid = 1; // ID of the worker that can execute the function
uint64 num_return_vals = 2; // Number of return values of the function
message SchedulerInfoReply {
repeated uint64 operationid = 1; // OperationIds of the tasks on the task queue
repeated uint64 avail_worker = 3; // List of workers waiting to get a task assigned
map<string, FnTableEntry> function_table = 2; // Table of all available remote function
repeated uint64 target_objectid = 4; // The target_objectids_ data structure
repeated uint64 reference_count = 5; // The reference_counts_ data structure
CompGraph computation_graph = 6; // The computation graph constructed so far
repeated ObjstoreData objstore = 7; // Information about the object stores
// Object stores
service ObjStore {
// Tell the object store to begin getting an object from another object store (called by the scheduler)
rpc StartDelivery(StartDeliveryRequest) returns (AckReply);
// Accept incoming data from another object store, as a stream of object chunks
rpc StreamObjTo(StreamObjToRequest) returns (stream ObjChunk);
// Notify the object store about objectid aliasing. This is called by the scheduler
rpc NotifyAlias(NotifyAliasRequest) returns (AckReply);
// Tell the object store to deallocate an object held by the object store. This is called by the scheduler.
rpc DeallocateObject(DeallocateObjectRequest) returns (AckReply);
// Get info about the object store state
rpc ObjStoreInfo(ObjStoreInfoRequest) returns (ObjStoreInfoReply);
message StartDeliveryRequest {
string objstore_address = 1; // Object store to get the object from
uint64 objectid = 2; // ID of object that gets delivered
message RegisterObjRequest {
uint64 objectid = 1; // ID of object that gets registered
message RegisterObjReply {
uint64 handle = 1; // Handle to memory segment where object is stored
message StreamObjToRequest {
uint64 objectid = 1; // Object ID of the object being streamed
message ObjChunk {
uint64 total_size = 1; // Total size of the object
uint64 metadata_offset = 2; // Offset of the arrow metadata
bytes data = 3; // Data for this chunk of the object
message NotifyAliasRequest {
uint64 alias_objectid = 1; // The objectid being aliased
uint64 canonical_objectid = 2; // The canonical objectid that points to the actual object
message DeallocateObjectRequest {
uint64 canonical_objectid = 1; // The canonical objectid of the object to deallocate
message GetObjRequest {
uint64 objectid = 1; // Object ID of the object being requested by the worker
message TaskInfoRequest {
message TaskInfoReply {
repeated TaskStatus failed_task = 1; // The tasks that have failed.
repeated TaskStatus running_task = 2; // The tasks that are currently running.
repeated Failure failed_remote_function_import = 3; // The remote function imports that failed.
repeated Failure failed_reusable_variable_import = 4; // The reusable variable imports that failed.
repeated Failure failed_reinitialize_reusable_variable = 5; // The reusable variable reinitializations that failed.
message KillWorkersRequest {
message KillWorkersReply {
bool success = 1; // Currently, the only reason to fail is if there are workers still executing tasks
message ExportRemoteFunctionRequest {
Function function = 1;
message ExportReusableVariableRequest {
ReusableVar reusable_variable = 1; // The reusable variable to export.
message NotifyFailureRequest {
Failure failure = 1; // The failure object.
// These messages are for getting information about the object store state
message ObjStoreInfoRequest {
repeated uint64 objectid = 1; // Object IDs we want to retrieve from the store for inspection
message ObjStoreInfoReply {
repeated uint64 objectid = 1; // List of object IDs in the store
repeated Obj obj = 2; // Protocol buffer objects that were requested
// Workers
service WorkerService {
rpc ExecuteTask(ExecuteTaskRequest) returns (AckReply); // Scheduler calls a function from the worker
rpc ImportRemoteFunction(ImportRemoteFunctionRequest) returns (AckReply); // Scheduler imports a function into the worker
rpc ImportReusableVariable(ImportReusableVariableRequest) returns (AckReply); // Scheduler imports a reusable variable into the worker
rpc Die(DieRequest) returns (AckReply); // Kills this worker
rpc PrintErrorMessage(PrintErrorMessageRequest) returns (AckReply); // Causes an error message to be printed.
message ExecuteTaskRequest {
Task task = 1; // Contains name of the function to be executed and arguments
message ImportRemoteFunctionRequest {
Function function = 1;
message ImportReusableVariableRequest {
ReusableVar reusable_variable = 1; // The reusable variable to export.
message DieRequest {
// This message is used by the worker service to send messages to the worker
// that are processed by the worker's main loop.
message WorkerMessage {
oneof worker_item {
Task task = 1; // A task for the worker to execute.
Function function = 2; // A remote function to import on the worker.
ReusableVar reusable_variable = 3; // A reusable variable to import on the worker.
message PrintErrorMessageRequest {
Failure failure = 1; // The failure object.