2016-06-21 17:39:48 -07:00

338 lines
12 KiB

import unittest
import ray
import ray.serialization as serialization
import ray.services as services
import ray.worker as worker
import numpy as np
import time
import subprocess32 as subprocess
import os
import test_functions
import ray.arrays.remote as ra
import ray.arrays.distributed as da
RAY_TEST_OBJECTS = [[1, "hello", 3.0], 42, "hello world", 42.0,
(1.0, "hi"), None, (None, None), ("hello", None),
True, False, (True, False),
{True: "hello", False: "world"},
{"hello" : "world", 1: 42, 1.0: 45}, {}]
class UserDefinedType(object):
def __init__(self):
def deserialize(self, primitives):
return "user defined type"
def serialize(self):
return "user defined type"
class SerializationTest(unittest.TestCase):
def roundTripTest(self, worker, data):
serialized, _ = serialization.serialize(worker.handle, data)
result = serialization.deserialize(worker.handle, serialized)
self.assertEqual(data, result)
def numpyTypeTest(self, worker, typ):
a = np.random.randint(0, 10, size=(100, 100)).astype(typ)
b, _ = serialization.serialize(worker.handle, a)
c = serialization.deserialize(worker.handle, b)
self.assertTrue((a == c).all())
def testSerialize(self):
[w] = services.start_singlenode_cluster(return_drivers=True)
for val in RAY_TEST_OBJECTS:
self.roundTripTest(w, val)
a = np.zeros((100, 100))
res, _ = serialization.serialize(w.handle, a)
b = serialization.deserialize(w.handle, res)
self.assertTrue((a == b).all())
self.numpyTypeTest(w, 'int8')
self.numpyTypeTest(w, 'uint8')
# self.numpyTypeTest('int16') # TODO(pcm): implement this
# self.numpyTypeTest('int32') # TODO(pcm): implement this
self.numpyTypeTest(w, 'float32')
self.numpyTypeTest(w, 'float64')
ref0 = ray.push(0, w)
ref1 = ray.push(0, w)
ref2 = ray.push(0, w)
ref3 = ray.push(0, w)
a = np.array([[ref0, ref1], [ref2, ref3]])
capsule, _ = serialization.serialize(w.handle, a)
result = serialization.deserialize(w.handle, capsule)
self.assertTrue((a == result).all())
self.roundTripTest(w, ref0)
self.roundTripTest(w, [ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3])
self.roundTripTest(w, {'0': ref0, '1': ref1, '2': ref2, '3': ref3})
self.roundTripTest(w, (ref0, 1))
class ObjStoreTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Test setting up object stores, transfering data between them and retrieving data to a client
def testObjStore(self):
[w1, w2] = services.start_singlenode_cluster(return_drivers=True, num_objstores=2, num_workers_per_objstore=0)
# pushing and pulling an object shouldn't change it
for data in ["h", "h" * 10000, 0, 0.0]:
objref = ray.push(data, w1)
result = ray.pull(objref, w1)
self.assertEqual(result, data)
# pushing an object, shipping it to another worker, and pulling it shouldn't change it
for data in ["h", "h" * 10000, 0, 0.0, [1, 2, 3, "a", (1, 2)], ("a", ("b", 3))]:
objref = worker.push(data, w1)
result = worker.pull(objref, w2)
self.assertEqual(result, data)
# pushing an array, shipping it to another worker, and pulling it shouldn't change it
for data in [np.zeros([10, 20]), np.random.normal(size=[45, 25])]:
objref = worker.push(data, w1)
result = worker.pull(objref, w2)
self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(result == data))
# pulling multiple times shouldn't matter
for data in [np.zeros([10, 20]), np.random.normal(size=[45, 25]), np.zeros([10, 20], dtype=np.dtype("float64")), np.zeros([10, 20], dtype=np.dtype("float32")), np.zeros([10, 20], dtype=np.dtype("int64")), np.zeros([10, 20], dtype=np.dtype("int32"))]:
objref = worker.push(data, w1)
result = worker.pull(objref, w2)
result = worker.pull(objref, w2)
result = worker.pull(objref, w2)
self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(result == data))
# shipping a numpy array inside something else should be fine
data = ("a", np.random.normal(size=[10, 10]))
objref = worker.push(data, w1)
result = worker.pull(objref, w2)
self.assertTrue(data[0] == result[0])
self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(data[1] == result[1]))
# shipping a numpy array inside something else should be fine
data = ["a", np.random.normal(size=[10, 10])]
objref = worker.push(data, w1)
result = worker.pull(objref, w2)
self.assertTrue(data[0] == result[0])
self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(data[1] == result[1]))
class WorkerTest(unittest.TestCase):
def testPushPull(self):
[w] = services.start_singlenode_cluster(return_drivers=True)
for i in range(100):
value_before = i * 10 ** 6
objref = ray.push(value_before, w)
value_after = ray.pull(objref, w)
self.assertEqual(value_before, value_after)
for i in range(100):
value_before = i * 10 ** 6 * 1.0
objref = ray.push(value_before, w)
value_after = ray.pull(objref, w)
self.assertEqual(value_before, value_after)
for i in range(100):
value_before = "h" * i
objref = ray.push(value_before, w)
value_after = ray.pull(objref, w)
self.assertEqual(value_before, value_after)
for i in range(100):
value_before = [1] * i
objref = ray.push(value_before, w)
value_after = ray.pull(objref, w)
self.assertEqual(value_before, value_after)
class APITest(unittest.TestCase):
def testObjRefAliasing(self):
worker_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "test_worker.py")
[w] = services.start_singlenode_cluster(return_drivers=True, num_workers_per_objstore=3, worker_path=worker_path)
objref = w.submit_task("test_functions.test_alias_f", [])
self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(ray.pull(objref[0], w) == np.ones([3, 4, 5])))
objref = w.submit_task("test_functions.test_alias_g", [])
self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(ray.pull(objref[0], w) == np.ones([3, 4, 5])))
objref = w.submit_task("test_functions.test_alias_h", [])
self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(ray.pull(objref[0], w) == np.ones([3, 4, 5])))
def testKeywordArgs(self):
worker_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "test_worker.py")
services.start_singlenode_cluster(return_drivers=False, num_workers_per_objstore=1, worker_path=worker_path)
x = test_functions.keyword_fct1(1)
self.assertEqual(ray.pull(x), "1 hello")
x = test_functions.keyword_fct1(1, "hi")
self.assertEqual(ray.pull(x), "1 hi")
x = test_functions.keyword_fct1(1, b="world")
self.assertEqual(ray.pull(x), "1 world")
x = test_functions.keyword_fct2(a="w", b="hi")
self.assertEqual(ray.pull(x), "w hi")
x = test_functions.keyword_fct2(b="hi", a="w")
self.assertEqual(ray.pull(x), "w hi")
x = test_functions.keyword_fct2(a="w")
self.assertEqual(ray.pull(x), "w world")
x = test_functions.keyword_fct2(b="hi")
self.assertEqual(ray.pull(x), "hello hi")
x = test_functions.keyword_fct2("w")
self.assertEqual(ray.pull(x), "w world")
x = test_functions.keyword_fct2("w", "hi")
self.assertEqual(ray.pull(x), "w hi")
x = test_functions.keyword_fct3(0, 1, c="w", d="hi")
self.assertEqual(ray.pull(x), "0 1 w hi")
x = test_functions.keyword_fct3(0, 1, d="hi", c="w")
self.assertEqual(ray.pull(x), "0 1 w hi")
x = test_functions.keyword_fct3(0, 1, c="w")
self.assertEqual(ray.pull(x), "0 1 w world")
x = test_functions.keyword_fct3(0, 1, d="hi")
self.assertEqual(ray.pull(x), "0 1 hello hi")
x = test_functions.keyword_fct3(0, 1)
self.assertEqual(ray.pull(x), "0 1 hello world")
def testVariableNumberOfArgs(self):
worker_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "test_worker.py")
services.start_singlenode_cluster(return_drivers=False, num_workers_per_objstore=1, worker_path=worker_path)
x = test_functions.varargs_fct1(0, 1, 2)
self.assertEqual(ray.pull(x), "0 1 2")
x = test_functions.varargs_fct2(0, 1, 2)
self.assertEqual(ray.pull(x), "1 2")
class TaskStatusTest(unittest.TestCase):
def testFailedTask(self):
worker_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "test_worker.py")
services.start_singlenode_cluster(return_drivers=False, num_workers_per_objstore=3, worker_path=worker_path)
result = ray.task_info()
self.assertTrue(len(result['failed_tasks']) == 2)
task_ids = set()
for task in result['failed_tasks']:
self.assertEqual(task.get('error_message'), "Test function intentionally failed.")
self.assertTrue(task['operationid'] not in task_ids)
def check_pull_deallocated(data):
x = ray.push(data)
return x.val
def check_pull_not_deallocated(data):
x = ray.push(data)
y = ray.pull(x)
return y, x.val
class ReferenceCountingTest(unittest.TestCase):
def testDeallocation(self):
worker_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "test_worker.py")
services.start_singlenode_cluster(return_drivers=False, num_workers_per_objstore=3, worker_path=worker_path)
x = test_functions.test_alias_f()
objref_val = x.val
self.assertTrue(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objref_val] == 1)
del x
self.assertTrue(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objref_val] == -1) # -1 indicates deallocated
y = test_functions.test_alias_h()
objref_val = y.val
self.assertTrue(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objref_val:(objref_val + 3)] == [1, 0, 0])
del y
self.assertTrue(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objref_val:(objref_val + 3)] == [-1, -1, -1])
z = da.zeros([da.BLOCK_SIZE, 2 * da.BLOCK_SIZE], "float")
objref_val = z.val
self.assertTrue(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objref_val:(objref_val + 3)] == [1, 1, 1])
del z
self.assertTrue(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objref_val:(objref_val + 3)] == [-1, -1, -1])
x = ra.zeros([10, 10], "float")
y = ra.zeros([10, 10], "float")
z = ra.dot(x, y)
objref_val = x.val
self.assertTrue(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objref_val:(objref_val + 3)] == [1, 1, 1])
del x
self.assertTrue(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objref_val:(objref_val + 3)] == [-1, 1, 1])
del y
self.assertTrue(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objref_val:(objref_val + 3)] == [-1, -1, 1])
del z
self.assertTrue(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objref_val:(objref_val + 3)] == [-1, -1, -1])
def testPull(self):
worker_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "test_worker.py")
services.start_singlenode_cluster(return_drivers=False, num_workers_per_objstore=3, worker_path=worker_path)
for val in RAY_TEST_OBJECTS + [np.zeros((2, 2)), UserDefinedType()]:
objref_val = check_pull_deallocated(val)
self.assertEqual(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objref_val], -1)
if not isinstance(val, bool) and val is not None:
x, objref_val = check_pull_not_deallocated(val)
self.assertEqual(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objref_val], 1)
def testPullFailing(self):
worker_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "test_worker.py")
services.start_singlenode_cluster(return_drivers=False, num_workers_per_objstore=3, worker_path=worker_path)
# This is failing, because for bool and None, we cannot track python
# refcounts and therefore cannot keep the refcount up
# (see 5281bd414f6b404f61e1fe25ec5f6651defee206).
# The resulting behavior is still correct however because True, False and
# None are returned by pull "by value" and therefore can be reclaimed from
# the object store safely.
for val in [True, False, None]:
x, objref_val = check_pull_not_deallocated(val)
self.assertEqual(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objref_val], 1)
if __name__ == '__main__':