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.. _tune-tutorial:
A Basic Tune Tutorial
This tutorial will walk you through the process of setting up Tune. Specifically, we'll leverage early stopping and Bayesian Optimization (via HyperOpt) to optimize your PyTorch model.
.. tip:: If you have suggestions as to how to improve this tutorial, please `let us know <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/issues/new/choose>`_!
To run this example, you will need to install the following:
.. code-block:: bash
$ pip install ray torch torchvision
Pytorch Model Setup
To start off, let's first import some dependencies:
.. literalinclude:: /../../python/ray/tune/tests/tutorial.py
:language: python
:start-after: __tutorial_imports_begin__
:end-before: __tutorial_imports_end__
Then, let's define the PyTorch model that we'll be training.
.. literalinclude:: /../../python/ray/tune/tests/tutorial.py
:language: python
:start-after: __model_def_begin__
:end-before: __model_def_end__
Below, we have some boiler plate code for training and evaluating your model in Pytorch. :ref:`Skip ahead to the Tune usage <tutorial-tune-setup>`.
.. literalinclude:: /../../python/ray/tune/tests/tutorial.py
:language: python
:start-after: __train_def_begin__
:end-before: __train_def_end__
.. _tutorial-tune-setup:
Setting up Tune
Below, we define a function that trains the Pytorch model for multiple epochs. This function will be executed on a separate :ref:`Ray Actor (process) <actor-guide>` underneath the hood, so we need to communicate the performance of the model back to Tune (which is on the main Python process).
To do this, we call :ref:`tune.report <tune-function-docstring>` in our training function, which sends the performance value back to Tune.
.. tip:: Since the function is executed on the separate process, make sure that the function is :ref:`serializable by Ray <serialization-guide>`.
.. literalinclude:: /../../python/ray/tune/tests/tutorial.py
:language: python
:start-after: __train_func_begin__
:end-before: __train_func_end__
Let's run 1 trial by calling :ref:`tune.run <tune-run-ref>` and :ref:`randomly sample <tune-sample-docs>` from a uniform distribution for learning rate and momentum.
.. literalinclude:: /../../python/ray/tune/tests/tutorial.py
:language: python
:start-after: __eval_func_begin__
:end-before: __eval_func_end__
``tune.run`` returns an :ref:`Analysis object <tune-analysis-docs>`. You can use this to plot the performance of this trial.
.. literalinclude:: /../../python/ray/tune/tests/tutorial.py
:language: python
:start-after: __plot_begin__
:end-before: __plot_end__
.. note:: Tune will automatically run parallel trials across all available cores/GPUs on your machine or cluster. To limit the number of cores that Tune uses, you can call ``ray.init(num_cpus=<int>, num_gpus=<int>)`` before ``tune.run``. If you're using a Search Algorithm like Bayesian Optimization, you'll want to use the :ref:`ConcurrencyLimiter <limiter>`.
Early Stopping with ASHA
Let's integrate early stopping into our optimization process. Let's use :ref:`ASHA <tune-scheduler-hyperband>`, a scalable algorithm for `principled early stopping`_.
.. _`principled early stopping`: https://blog.ml.cmu.edu/2018/12/12/massively-parallel-hyperparameter-optimization/
On a high level, ASHA terminates trials that are less promising and allocates more time and resources to more promising trials. As our optimization process becomes more efficient, we can afford to **increase the search space by 5x**, by adjusting the parameter ``num_samples``.
ASHA is implemented in Tune as a "Trial Scheduler". These Trial Schedulers can early terminate bad trials, pause trials, clone trials, and alter hyperparameters of a running trial. See :ref:`the TrialScheduler documentation <tune-schedulers>` for more details of available schedulers and library integrations.
.. literalinclude:: /../../python/ray/tune/tests/tutorial.py
:language: python
:start-after: __run_scheduler_begin__
:end-before: __run_scheduler_end__
You can run the below in a Jupyter notebook to visualize trial progress.
.. literalinclude:: /../../python/ray/tune/tests/tutorial.py
:language: python
:start-after: __plot_scheduler_begin__
:end-before: __plot_scheduler_end__
.. image:: /images/tune-df-plot.png
:scale: 50%
:align: center
You can also use :ref:`Tensorboard <tensorboard>` for visualizing results.
.. code:: bash
$ tensorboard --logdir {logdir}
Search Algorithms in Tune
In addition to :ref:`TrialSchedulers <tune-schedulers>`, you can further optimize your hyperparameters by using an intelligent search technique like Bayesian Optimization. To do this, you can use a Tune :ref:`Search Algorithm <tune-search-alg>`. Search Algorithms leverage optimization algorithms to intelligently navigate the given hyperparameter space.
Note that each library has a specific way of defining the search space.
.. literalinclude:: /../../python/ray/tune/tests/tutorial.py
:language: python
:start-after: __run_searchalg_begin__
:end-before: __run_searchalg_end__
.. note:: Tune allows you to use some search algorithms in combination with different trial schedulers. See :ref:`this page for more details <tune-schedulers>`.
Evaluate your model
You can evaluate best trained model using the :ref:`Analysis object <tune-analysis-docs>` to retrieve the best model:
.. literalinclude:: /../../python/ray/tune/tests/tutorial.py
:language: python
:start-after: __run_analysis_begin__
:end-before: __run_analysis_end__
Next Steps
* Take a look at the :doc:`/tune/user-guide` for a more comprehensive overview of Tune's features.
* Check out the :ref:`Tune tutorials <tune-guides>` for guides on using Tune with your preferred machine learning library.
* Browse our :ref:`gallery of examples <tune-general-examples>` to see how to use Tune with PyTorch, XGBoost, Tensorflow, etc.
* `Let us know <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/issues>`__ if you ran into issues or have any questions by opening an issue on our Github.