Johann Schleier-Smith 583df08957 Docker builds on Travis (#343)
* attempt to build on travis using docker

* run tests in foreground

* add examples to travis tests

* test from current checkout

* attempt to fix docker version issues

* try build with xenial

* attempt docker upgrade

* avoid hang on configuration files

* matrix osx and linux w/ docker

* restore non-test docker builds

* fix typo

* tuning and cleanup

* add missing file

* comment cleanup
2016-08-02 17:03:28 -07:00

20 lines
856 B

# The deploy Docker image build a self-contained Ray instance suitable
# for end users.
FROM ubuntu:xenial
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get -y install apt-utils
RUN apt-get -y install sudo
RUN apt-get install -y git cmake build-essential autoconf curl libtool python-dev python-numpy python-pip libboost-all-dev unzip graphviz
RUN pip install ipython typing funcsigs subprocess32 protobuf==3.0.0a2 colorama graphviz cloudpickle
RUN adduser --gecos --ingroup ray-user --disabled-login --gecos ray-user
RUN adduser ray-user sudo
RUN sed -i "s|%sudo\tALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL|%sudo\tALL=NOPASSWD: ALL|" /etc/sudoers
USER ray-user
WORKDIR /home/ray-user
RUN git clone https://github.com/amplab/ray
WORKDIR /home/ray-user/ray
RUN ./setup.sh
RUN ./build.sh
RUN echo '\n# Ray environment\nsource /home/ray-user/ray/setup-env.sh' >> /home/ray-user/.bashrc