Amog Kamsetty b01e11d721
[Docker] Add support for Cuda 11.3 (#26233)
Start building Ray docker images with cuda 11.3
2022-07-10 21:50:42 -07:00
cuda_versions.txt [Docker] Add support for Cuda 11.3 (#26233) 2022-07-10 21:50:42 -07:00
lambda_function.py [Docker] Start building ray-ml CPU Docker image again (#24266) 2022-04-28 15:29:23 -07:00
python_versions.txt [python3.10] Build py310 images (#24859) 2022-05-18 08:48:20 -07:00
README.md [Docker] Explain how to update tagging lambda (#24862) 2022-05-16 16:16:49 -07:00

Updating this Lambda Function

  1. Get Docker Retag via wget:
pushd docker/retag-lambda
wget -q https://github.com/joshdk/docker-retag/releases/download/0.0.2/docker-retag
  1. Package this folder:
pushd docker/retag-lambda
zip retag-lambda.zip *
  1. Head to the AWS Management console & select the DockerTagLatest function. Select Upload from, then .zip file and then select the zip file created in Step 2.