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# This script can be used to start Ray on an existing cluster.
# How to use it: Create a file "nodes.txt" that contains a list of the IP
# addresses of the nodes in the cluster. Put the head node first. This node will
# host the driver and the scheduler.
import os
import subprocess
import socket
import argparse
import threading
import IPython
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Parse information about the cluster.")
parser.add_argument("--nodes", type=str, required=True, help="Test file with node IP addresses, one line per address.")
parser.add_argument("--key-file", type=str, required=True, help="Path to the file that contains the private key.")
parser.add_argument("--username", type=str, required=True, help="User name for logging in.")
parser.add_argument("--installation-directory", type=str, required=True, help="The directory in which to install Ray.")
def run_command_over_ssh(node_ip_address, username, key_file, command):
This method is used for connecting to a node with ssh and running a sequence
of commands.
:param node_ip_address: the ip address of the node to ssh to
:param username: the username used to ssh to the cluster
:param key_file: the key used to ssh to the cluster
:param command: the command to run over ssh, currently this command is not allowed to have any single quotes
if "'" in command:
raise Exception("Commands run over ssh must not contain the single quote character. This command does: {}".format(command))
full_command = "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i {} {}@{} '{}'".format(key_file, username, node_ip_address, command)
subprocess.call([full_command], shell=True)
print "Finished running command '{}' on {}@{}.".format(command, username, node_ip_address)
def _install_ray(node_ip_addresses, username, key_file, installation_directory):
This method is used to install Ray on a cluster. For each node in the cluster,
it will ssh to the node and run the build scripts.
:param node_ip_addresses: ip addresses of the nodes on which to install Ray
:param username: the username used to ssh to the cluster
:param key_file: the key used to ssh to the cluster
:param installation_directory: directory in which Ray is installed, for example "/home/ubuntu/"
def install_ray_over_ssh(node_ip_address, username, key_file, installation_directory):
install_ray_command = """
sudo apt-get update &&
sudo apt-get -y install git &&
mkdir -p "{}" &&
cd "{}" &&
git clone "https://github.com/amplab/ray";
cd ray;
""".format(installation_directory, installation_directory)
run_command_over_ssh(node_ip_address, username, key_file, install_ray_command)
threads = []
for node_ip_address in node_ip_addresses:
t = threading.Thread(target=install_ray_over_ssh, args=(node_ip_address, username, key_file, installation_directory))
for t in threads:
def _start_ray(node_ip_addresses, username, key_file, num_workers_per_node, worker_path, installation_directory):
This method is used to start Ray on a cluster. It will ssh to the head node,
that is, the first node in the list node_ip_addresses, and it will start
the scheduler. Then it will ssh to each node and start an object store and
some workers.
:param node_ip_addresses: ip addresses of the nodes on which to install Ray
:param username: the username used to ssh to the cluster
:param key_file: the key used to ssh to the cluster
:param worker_path: path of the source code to have the workers run
:param installation_directory: directory in which Ray is installed, for example "/home/ubuntu/"
scripts_directory = os.path.join(installation_directory, "ray/scripts")
# Start the scheduler
# The triple backslashes are used for two rounds of escaping, something like \\\" -> \" -> "
start_scheduler_command = """
cd "{}";
source ../setup-env.sh;
python -c "import ray; ray.services.start_scheduler(\\\"{}:10001\\\")" > start_scheduler.out 2> start_scheduler.err < /dev/null &
""".format(scripts_directory, node_ip_addresses[0])
run_command_over_ssh(node_ip_addresses[0], username, key_file, start_scheduler_command)
# Start the workers on each node
# The triple backslashes are used for two rounds of escaping, something like \\\" -> \" -> "
for i, node_ip_address in enumerate(node_ip_addresses):
start_workers_command = """
cd "{}";
source ../setup-env.sh;
python -c "import ray; ray.services.start_node(\\\"{}:10001\\\", \\\"{}\\\", {}, worker_path=\\\"{}\\\")" > start_workers.out 2> start_workers.err < /dev/null &
""".format(scripts_directory, node_ip_addresses[0], node_ip_addresses[i], num_workers_per_node, worker_path)
run_command_over_ssh(node_ip_address, username, key_file, start_workers_command)
print "cluster started; you can start the shell on the head node with:"
setup_env_path = os.path.join(args.installation_directory, "ray/setup-env.sh")
shell_script_path = os.path.join(args.installation_directory, "ray/scripts/shell.py")
print """
source "{}";
python "{}" --scheduler-address={}:10001 --objstore-address={}:20001 --worker-address={}:30001 --attach
""".format(setup_env_path, shell_script_path, node_ip_addresses[0], node_ip_addresses[0], node_ip_addresses[0])
def _restart_workers(node_ip_addresses, username, key_file, num_workers_per_node, worker_path, installation_directory):
This method is used for restarting the workers in the cluster, for example, to
use new application code. This is done without shutting down the scheduler
or the object stores so that work is not thrown away. It also does not shut
down any drivers.
:param node_ip_addresses: ip addresses of the nodes on which to restart the workers
:param username: the username used to ssh to the cluster
:param key_file: the key used to ssh to the cluster
:param worker_path: path of the source code to have the workers run
:param installation_directory: directory in which Ray is installed, for example "/home/ubuntu/"
scripts_directory = os.path.join(installation_directory, "ray/scripts")
head_node_ip_address = node_ip_addresses[0]
scheduler_address = "{}:10001".format(head_node_ip_address) # This needs to be the address of the currently running scheduler, which was presumably created in _start_ray.
objstore_address = "{}:20001".format(head_node_ip_address) # This needs to be the address of the currently running object store, which was presumably created in _start_ray.
shell_address = "{}:30000".format(head_node_ip_address) # This address must be currently unused. In particular, it cannot be the address of any currently running shell.
# Kill the current workers by attaching a driver to the scheduler and calling ray.kill_workers()
# The triple backslashes are used for two rounds of escaping, something like \\\" -> \" -> "
kill_workers_command = """
cd "{}";
source ../setup-env.sh;
python -c "import ray; ray.connect(\\\"{}\\\", \\\"{}\\\", \\\"{}\\\", is_driver=True); ray.kill_workers()"
""".format(scripts_directory, scheduler_address, objstore_address, shell_address)
run_command_over_ssh(head_node_ip_address, username, key_file, kill_workers_command)
# Start new workers on each node
# The triple backslashes are used for two rounds of escaping, something like \\\" -> \" -> "
for i, node_ip_address in enumerate(node_ip_addresses):
start_workers_command = """
cd "{}";
source ../setup-env.sh;
python -c "import ray; ray.services.start_workers(\\\"{}:10001\\\", \\\"{}:20001\\\", {}, worker_path=\\\"{}\\\")" > start_workers.out 2> start_workers.err < /dev/null &
""".format(scripts_directory, node_ip_addresses[0], node_ip_addresses[i], num_workers_per_node, worker_path)
run_command_over_ssh(node_ip_address, username, key_file, start_workers_command)
def _stop_ray(node_ip_addresses, username, key_file):
This method is used for stopping a Ray cluster. It will ssh to each node and
kill every schedule, object store, and Python process.
:param node_ip_addresses: ip addresses of the nodes on which to restart the workers
:param username: the username used to ssh to the cluster
:param key_file: the key used to ssh to the cluster
kill_cluster_command = "killall scheduler objstore python > /dev/null 2> /dev/null"
for node_ip_address in node_ip_addresses:
run_command_over_ssh(node_ip_address, username, key_file, kill_cluster_command)
def _update_ray(node_ip_addresses, username, key_file, installation_directory):
This method is used for updating the Ray source code on a Ray cluster. It
will ssh to each node, will pull the latest source code from the Ray
repository, and will rerun the build script (though currently it will not
rebuild the third party libraries).
:param node_ip_addresses: ip addresses of the nodes on which to restart the workers
:param username: the username used to ssh to the cluster
:param key_file: the key used to ssh to the cluster
:param installation_directory: directory in which Ray is installed, for example "/home/ubuntu/"
ray_directory = os.path.join(installation_directory, "ray")
update_cluster_command = """
cd "{}" &&
git fetch &&
git reset --hard "@{{upstream}}" -- &&
(make -C "./build" clean || rm -rf "./build") &&
for node_ip_address in node_ip_addresses:
run_command_over_ssh(node_ip_address, username, key_file, update_cluster_command)
def is_valid_ip(ip_address):
This method returns true if an address is a valid IPv4 address and returns
false otherwise.
:param ip_address: the ip address to check
return True
except socket.error:
return False
def check_ip_addresses(node_ip_addresses):
This method checks if all of the addresses in a list are valid IPv4 address.
If not, it returns false and prints an error message for each invalid
:param node_ip_addresses: the list of ip addresses to check
addresses_valid = True
for index, node_ip_address in enumerate(node_ip_addresses):
if not is_valid_ip(node_ip_address):
print "ERROR: node_ip_addresses[{}] is '{}', which is not a valid IP address.".format(index, node_ip_address)
addresses_valid = False
return addresses_valid
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = parser.parse_args()
username = args.username
key_file = args.key_file
installation_directory = args.installation_directory
node_ip_addresses = map(lambda s: str(s.strip()), open(args.nodes).readlines())
def install_ray(node_ip_addresses=node_ip_addresses):
This method is used to install Ray on a cluster. For each node in the cluster,
it will ssh to the node and run the build scripts.
:param node_ip_addresses: ip addresses of the nodes on which to install Ray
if check_ip_addresses(node_ip_addresses):
_install_ray(node_ip_addresses, username, key_file, installation_directory)
def start_ray(worker_path, num_workers_per_node=10, node_ip_addresses=node_ip_addresses):
This method is used to start Ray on a cluster. It will ssh to the head node,
that is, the first node in the list node_ip_addresses, and it will start
the scheduler. Then it will ssh to each node and start an object store and
some workers.
:param worker_path: path of the source code to have the workers run
:param node_ip_addresses: ip addresses of the nodes on which to install Ray
if check_ip_addresses(node_ip_addresses):
_start_ray(node_ip_addresses, username, key_file, num_workers_per_node, worker_path, installation_directory)
def restart_workers(worker_path, num_workers_per_node=10, node_ip_addresses=node_ip_addresses):
This method is used for restarting the workers in the cluster, for example, to
use new application code. This is done without shutting down the scheduler
or the object stores so that work is not thrown away. It also does not
shut down any drivers.
:param node_ip_addresses: ip addresses of the nodes on which to restart the workers
:param worker_path: path of the source code to have the workers run
:param installation_directory: directory in which Ray is installed, for example "/home/ubuntu/"
if check_ip_addresses(node_ip_addresses):
_restart_workers(node_ip_addresses, username, key_file, num_workers_per_node, worker_path, installation_directory)
def stop_ray(node_ip_addresses=node_ip_addresses):
This method is used for stopping a Ray cluster. It will ssh to each node and
kill every schedule, object store, and Python process.
:param node_ip_addresses: ip addresses of the nodes on which to restart the workers
if check_ip_addresses(node_ip_addresses):
_stop_ray(node_ip_addresses, username, key_file)
def update_ray(node_ip_addresses=node_ip_addresses):
This method is used for updating the Ray source code on a Ray cluster. It
will ssh to each node, will pull the latest source code from the Ray
repository, and will rerun the build script (though currently it will not
rebuild the third party libraries).
:param node_ip_addresses: ip addresses of the nodes on which to restart the workers
if check_ip_addresses(node_ip_addresses):
_update_ray(node_ip_addresses, username, key_file, installation_directory)