
1009 lines
37 KiB

import collections
import numpy as np
import sys
import itertools
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set, Union
from ray.util import log_once
from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import Deprecated, DeveloperAPI, \
from ray.rllib.utils.compression import pack, unpack, is_compressed
from ray.rllib.utils.deprecation import deprecation_warning
from ray.rllib.utils.framework import try_import_tf, try_import_torch
from ray.rllib.utils.memory import concat_aligned
from ray.rllib.utils.typing import PolicyID, TensorType
tf1, tf, tfv = try_import_tf()
torch, _ = try_import_torch()
# Default policy id for single agent environments
DEFAULT_POLICY_ID = "default_policy"
class SampleBatch(dict):
"""Wrapper around a dictionary with string keys and array-like values.
For example, {"obs": [1, 2, 3], "reward": [0, -1, 1]} is a batch of three
samples, each with an "obs" and "reward" attribute.
# Outputs from interacting with the environment
OBS = "obs"
CUR_OBS = "obs"
NEXT_OBS = "new_obs"
ACTIONS = "actions"
REWARDS = "rewards"
PREV_ACTIONS = "prev_actions"
PREV_REWARDS = "prev_rewards"
DONES = "dones"
INFOS = "infos"
# Extra action fetches keys.
ACTION_DIST_INPUTS = "action_dist_inputs"
ACTION_PROB = "action_prob"
ACTION_LOGP = "action_logp"
# Uniquely identifies an episode.
EPS_ID = "eps_id"
# Uniquely identifies a sample batch. This is important to distinguish RNN
# sequences from the same episode when multiple sample batches are
# concatenated (fusing sequences across batches can be unsafe).
UNROLL_ID = "unroll_id"
# Uniquely identifies an agent within an episode.
AGENT_INDEX = "agent_index"
# Value function predictions emitted by the behaviour policy.
VF_PREDS = "vf_preds"
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Constructs a sample batch (same params as dict constructor)."""
# Possible seq_lens (TxB or BxT) setup.
self.time_major = kwargs.pop("_time_major", None)
self.max_seq_len = kwargs.pop("_max_seq_len", None)
self.zero_padded = kwargs.pop("_zero_padded", False)
self.is_training = kwargs.pop("_is_training", None)
# Call super constructor. This will make the actual data accessible
# by column name (str) via e.g. self["some-col"].
dict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.accessed_keys = set()
self.added_keys = set()
self.deleted_keys = set()
self.intercepted_values = {}
self.get_interceptor = None
# Clear out None seq-lens.
seq_lens_ = self.get("seq_lens")
if seq_lens_ is None or \
(isinstance(seq_lens_, list) and len(seq_lens_) == 0):
self.pop("seq_lens", None)
# Numpyfy seq_lens if list.
elif isinstance(seq_lens_, list):
self["seq_lens"] = seq_lens_ = np.array(seq_lens_, dtype=np.int32)
if self.max_seq_len is None and seq_lens_ is not None and \
not (tf and tf.is_tensor(seq_lens_)) and \
len(seq_lens_) > 0:
self.max_seq_len = max(seq_lens_)
if self.is_training is None:
self.is_training = self.pop("is_training", False)
lengths = []
copy_ = {k: v for k, v in self.items() if k != "seq_lens"}
for k, v in copy_.items():
assert isinstance(k, str), self
len_ = len(v) if isinstance(
(list, np.ndarray)) or (torch and torch.is_tensor(v)) else None
if isinstance(v, list):
self[k] = np.array(v)
if self.get("seq_lens") is not None and \
not (tf and tf.is_tensor(self["seq_lens"])) and \
len(self["seq_lens"]) > 0:
self.count = sum(self["seq_lens"])
self.count = lengths[0] if lengths else 0
# A convenience map for slicing this batch into sub-batches along
# the time axis. This helps reduce repeated iterations through the
# batch's seq_lens array to find good slicing points. Built lazily
# when needed.
self._slice_map = []
def __len__(self):
"""Returns the amount of samples in the sample batch."""
return self.count
def concat_samples(samples: List["SampleBatch"]) -> \
Union["SampleBatch", "MultiAgentBatch"]:
"""Concatenates n data dicts or MultiAgentBatches.
samples (List[Dict[str, TensorType]]]): List of dicts of data
Union[SampleBatch, MultiAgentBatch]: A new (compressed)
SampleBatch or MultiAgentBatch.
if isinstance(samples[0], MultiAgentBatch):
return MultiAgentBatch.concat_samples(samples)
seq_lens = []
concat_samples = []
zero_padded = samples[0].zero_padded
max_seq_len = samples[0].max_seq_len
for s in samples:
if s.count > 0:
assert s.zero_padded == zero_padded
if zero_padded:
assert s.max_seq_len == max_seq_len
if s.get("seq_lens") is not None:
# If we don't have any samples (no or only empty SampleBatches),
# return an empty SampleBatch here.
if len(concat_samples) == 0:
return SampleBatch()
# Collect the concat'd data.
concatd_data = {}
for k in concat_samples[0].keys():
concatd_data[k] = concat_aligned(
[s[k] for s in concat_samples],
# Return a new (concat'd) SampleBatch.
return SampleBatch(
def concat(self, other: "SampleBatch") -> "SampleBatch":
"""Returns a new SampleBatch with each data column concatenated.
other (SampleBatch): The other SampleBatch object to concat to this
SampleBatch: The new SampleBatch, resulting from concating `other`
to `self`.
>>> b1 = SampleBatch({"a": [1, 2]})
>>> b2 = SampleBatch({"a": [3, 4, 5]})
>>> print(b1.concat(b2))
{"a": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}
if self.keys() != other.keys():
raise ValueError(
"SampleBatches to concat must have same columns! {} vs {}".
format(list(self.keys()), list(other.keys())))
out = {}
for k in self.keys():
out[k] = concat_aligned([self[k], other[k]])
return SampleBatch(out)
def copy(self, shallow: bool = False) -> "SampleBatch":
"""Creates a (deep) copy of this SampleBatch and returns it.
shallow (bool): Whether the copying should be done shallowly.
SampleBatch: A (deep) copy of this SampleBatch object.
copy_ = SampleBatch(
k: np.array(v, copy=not shallow)
if isinstance(v, np.ndarray) else v
for (k, v) in self.items()
return copy_
def rows(self) -> Dict[str, TensorType]:
"""Returns an iterator over data rows, i.e. dicts with column values.
Dict[str, TensorType]: The column values of the row in this
>>> batch = SampleBatch({"a": [1, 2, 3], "b": [4, 5, 6]})
>>> for row in batch.rows():
{"a": 1, "b": 4}
{"a": 2, "b": 5}
{"a": 3, "b": 6}
for i in range(self.count):
row = {}
for k in self.keys():
row[k] = self[k][i]
yield row
def columns(self, keys: List[str]) -> List[any]:
"""Returns a list of the batch-data in the specified columns.
keys (List[str]): List of column names fo which to return the data.
List[any]: The list of data items ordered by the order of column
names in `keys`.
>>> batch = SampleBatch({"a": [1], "b": [2], "c": [3]})
>>> print(batch.columns(["a", "b"]))
[[1], [2]]
out = []
for k in keys:
return out
def shuffle(self) -> None:
"""Shuffles the rows of this batch in-place."""
permutation = np.random.permutation(self.count)
for key, val in self.items():
self[key] = val[permutation]
def split_by_episode(self) -> List["SampleBatch"]:
"""Splits this batch's data by `eps_id`.
List[SampleBatch]: List of batches, one per distinct episode.
# No eps_id in data -> Make sure there are no "dones" in the middle
# and add eps_id automatically.
if SampleBatch.EPS_ID not in self:
if SampleBatch.DONES in self:
assert not any(self[SampleBatch.DONES][:-1])
self[SampleBatch.EPS_ID] = np.repeat(0, self.count)
return [self]
slices = []
cur_eps_id = self[SampleBatch.EPS_ID][0]
offset = 0
for i in range(self.count):
next_eps_id = self[SampleBatch.EPS_ID][i]
if next_eps_id != cur_eps_id:
offset = i
cur_eps_id = next_eps_id
for s in slices:
slen = len(set(s[SampleBatch.EPS_ID]))
assert slen == 1, (s, slen)
assert sum(s.count for s in slices) == self.count, (slices, self.count)
return slices
@Deprecated(new="SampleBatch[start:stop]", error=False)
def slice(self, start: int, end: int, state_start=None,
state_end=None) -> "SampleBatch":
"""Returns a slice of the row data of this batch (w/o copying).
start (int): Starting index. If < 0, will zero-pad.
end (int): Ending index.
SampleBatch: A new SampleBatch, which has a slice of this batch's
if self.get("seq_lens") is not None and len(self["seq_lens"]) > 0:
if start < 0:
data = {
k: np.concatenate([
shape=(-start, ) + v.shape[1:], dtype=v.dtype),
for k, v in self.items()
if k != "seq_lens" and not k.startswith("state_in_")
data = {
k: v[start:end]
for k, v in self.items()
if k != "seq_lens" and not k.startswith("state_in_")
if state_start is not None:
assert state_end is not None
state_idx = 0
state_key = "state_in_{}".format(state_idx)
while state_key in self:
data[state_key] = self[state_key][state_start:state_end]
state_idx += 1
state_key = "state_in_{}".format(state_idx)
seq_lens = list(self["seq_lens"][state_start:state_end])
# Adjust seq_lens if necessary.
data_len = len(data[next(iter(data))])
if sum(seq_lens) != data_len:
assert sum(seq_lens) > data_len
seq_lens[-1] = data_len - sum(seq_lens[:-1])
# Fix state_in_x data.
count = 0
state_start = None
seq_lens = None
for i, seq_len in enumerate(self["seq_lens"]):
count += seq_len
if count >= end:
state_idx = 0
state_key = "state_in_{}".format(state_idx)
if state_start is None:
state_start = i
while state_key in self:
data[state_key] = self[state_key][state_start:i +
state_idx += 1
state_key = "state_in_{}".format(state_idx)
seq_lens = list(self["seq_lens"][state_start:i]) + [
seq_len - (count - end)
if start < 0:
seq_lens[0] += -start
diff = sum(seq_lens) - (end - start)
if diff > 0:
seq_lens[0] -= diff
assert sum(seq_lens) == (end - start)
elif state_start is None and count > start:
state_start = i
return SampleBatch(
return SampleBatch(
{k: v[start:end]
for k, v in self.items()},
def timeslices(self,
size: Optional[int] = None,
num_slices: Optional[int] = None,
k: Optional[int] = None) -> List["SampleBatch"]:
"""Returns SampleBatches, each one representing a k-slice of this one.
Will start from timestep 0 and produce slices of size=k.
size (Optional[int]): The size (in timesteps) of each returned
num_slices (Optional[int]): The number of slices to produce.
k (int): Obsoleted: Use size or num_slices instead!
The size (in timesteps) of each returned SampleBatch.
List[SampleBatch]: The list of `num_slices` (new) SampleBatches
or n (new) SampleBatches each one of size `size`.
if size is None and num_slices is None:
deprecation_warning("k", "size or num_slices")
assert k is not None
size = k
if size is None:
assert isinstance(num_slices, int)
slices = []
left = len(self)
start = 0
while left:
len_ = left // (num_slices - len(slices))
stop = start + len_
left -= len_
start = stop
return slices
assert isinstance(size, int)
slices = []
left = len(self)
start = 0
while left:
stop = start + size
left -= size
start = stop
return slices
def zero_pad(self, max_seq_len: int, exclude_states: bool = True):
"""Zero-pad the data in this SampleBatch in place.
This will set the `self.zero_padded` flag to True and
`self.max_seq_len` to the given `max_seq_len` value.
max_len (int): The max (total) length to zero pad to.
exclude_states (bool): If False, also zero-pad all `state_in_x`
data. If False, leave `state_in_x` keys as-is.
for col in self.keys():
# Skip "state_in_..." columns and "seq_lens".
if (exclude_states is True and col.startswith("state_in_")) or \
col == "seq_lens":
f = self[col]
# Save unnecessary copy.
if not isinstance(f, np.ndarray):
f = np.array(f)
# Already good length, can skip.
if f.shape[0] == max_seq_len:
# Generate zero-filled primer of len=max_seq_len.
length = len(self["seq_lens"]) * max_seq_len
if f.dtype == np.object or f.dtype.type is np.str_:
f_pad = [None] * length
# Make sure type doesn't change.
f_pad = np.zeros((length, ) + np.shape(f)[1:], dtype=f.dtype)
# Fill primer with data.
f_pad_base = f_base = 0
for len_ in self["seq_lens"]:
f_pad[f_pad_base:f_pad_base + len_] = f[f_base:f_base + len_]
f_pad_base += max_seq_len
f_base += len_
assert f_base == len(f), f
# Update our data.
self[col] = f_pad
# Set flags to indicate, we are now zero-padded (and to what extend).
self.zero_padded = True
self.max_seq_len = max_seq_len
# Experimental method.
def to_device(self, device, framework="torch"):
"""TODO: transfer batch to given device as framework tensor."""
if framework == "torch":
assert torch is not None
for k, v in self.items():
if isinstance(v, np.ndarray) and v.dtype != np.object:
self[k] = torch.from_numpy(v).to(device)
raise NotImplementedError
return self
def size_bytes(self) -> int:
int: The overall size in bytes of the data buffer (all columns).
return sum(
v.nbytes if isinstance(v, np.ndarray) else sys.getsizeof(v)
for v in self.values())
def get(self, key, default=None):
return self.__getitem__(key)
except KeyError:
return default
def __getitem__(self, key: Union[str, slice]) -> TensorType:
"""Returns one column (by key) from the data or a sliced new batch.
key (Union[str, slice]): The key (column name) to return or
a slice object for slicing this SampleBatch.
TensorType: The data under the given key or a sliced version of
this batch.
if isinstance(key, slice):
return self._slice(key)
if not hasattr(self, key) and key in self:
# Backward compatibility for when "input-dicts" were used.
if key == "is_training":
if log_once("SampleBatch['is_training']"):
return self.is_training
value = dict.__getitem__(self, key)
if self.get_interceptor is not None:
if key not in self.intercepted_values:
self.intercepted_values[key] = self.get_interceptor(value)
value = self.intercepted_values[key]
return value
def __setitem__(self, key, item) -> None:
"""Inserts (overrides) an entire column (by key) in the data buffer.
key (str): The column name to set a value for.
item (TensorType): The data to insert.
# Defend against creating SampleBatch via pickle (no property
# `added_keys` and first item is already set).
if not hasattr(self, "added_keys"):
dict.__setitem__(self, key, item)
if key not in self:
dict.__setitem__(self, key, item)
if key in self.intercepted_values:
self.intercepted_values[key] = item
def __delitem__(self, key):
dict.__delitem__(self, key)
def compress(self,
bulk: bool = False,
columns: Set[str] = frozenset(["obs", "new_obs"])) -> None:
"""Compresses the data buffers (by column) in place.
bulk (bool): Whether to compress across the batch dimension (0)
as well. If False will compress n separate list items, where n
is the batch size.
columns (Set[str]): The columns to compress. Default: Only
compress the obs and new_obs columns.
for key in columns:
if key in self.keys():
if bulk:
self[key] = pack(self[key])
self[key] = np.array([pack(o) for o in self[key]])
def decompress_if_needed(self,
columns: Set[str] = frozenset(
["obs", "new_obs"])) -> "SampleBatch":
"""Decompresses data buffers (per column if not compressed) in place.
columns (Set[str]): The columns to decompress. Default: Only
decompress the obs and new_obs columns.
SampleBatch: This very SampleBatch.
for key in columns:
if key in self.keys():
arr = self[key]
if is_compressed(arr):
self[key] = unpack(arr)
elif len(arr) > 0 and is_compressed(arr[0]):
self[key] = np.array([unpack(o) for o in self[key]])
return self
def set_get_interceptor(self, fn):
# If get-interceptor changes, must erase old intercepted values.
if fn is not self.get_interceptor:
self.intercepted_values = {}
self.get_interceptor = fn
def __repr__(self):
return "SampleBatch({})".format(list(self.keys()))
def _slice(self, slice_: slice):
assert slice_.start >= 0 and slice_.stop >= 0 and \
slice_.step in [1, None]
if self.get("seq_lens") is not None and len(self["seq_lens"]) > 0:
# Build our slice-map if not done already.
if not self._slice_map:
sum_ = 0
for i, l in enumerate(self["seq_lens"]):
for _ in range(l):
self._slice_map.append((i, sum_))
sum_ += l
self._slice_map.append((len(self["seq_lens"]), sum_))
start_seq_len, start = self._slice_map[slice_.start]
stop_seq_len, stop = self._slice_map[slice_.stop]
if self.zero_padded:
start = start_seq_len * self.max_seq_len
stop = stop_seq_len * self.max_seq_len
data = {
k: v[start:stop]
if k != "seq_lens" and not k.startswith("state_in_") else
for k, v in self.items()
return SampleBatch(
start, stop = slice_.start, slice_.stop
data = {k: v[start:stop] for k, v in self.items()}
return SampleBatch(
def _get_slice_indices(self, slice_size):
deprecation_warning("SampleBatch._get_slice_indices", error=False)
data_slices = []
data_slices_states = []
if self.get("seq_lens") is not None and len(self["seq_lens"]) > 0:
assert np.all(self["seq_lens"] < slice_size), \
"ERROR: `slice_size` must be larger than the max. seq-len " \
"in the batch!"
start_pos = 0
current_slize_size = 0
actual_slice_idx = 0
start_idx = 0
idx = 0
while idx < len(self["seq_lens"]):
seq_len = self["seq_lens"][idx]
current_slize_size += seq_len
actual_slice_idx += seq_len if not self.zero_padded else \
# Complete minibatch -> Append to data_slices.
if current_slize_size >= slice_size:
end_idx = idx + 1
# We are not zero-padded yet; all sequences are
# back-to-back.
if not self.zero_padded:
data_slices.append((start_pos, start_pos + slice_size))
start_pos += slice_size
if current_slize_size > slice_size:
overhead = current_slize_size - slice_size
start_pos -= (seq_len - overhead)
idx -= 1
# We are already zero-padded: Cut in chunks of max_seq_len.
data_slices.append((start_pos, actual_slice_idx))
start_pos = actual_slice_idx
data_slices_states.append((start_idx, end_idx))
current_slize_size = 0
start_idx = idx + 1
idx += 1
i = 0
while i < self.count:
data_slices.append((i, i + slice_size))
i += slice_size
return data_slices, data_slices_states
# TODO: deprecate
def data(self):
old="SampleBatch.data[..]", new="SampleBatch[..]", error=True)
return self
# TODO: (sven) Experimental method.
def get_single_step_input_dict(self, view_requirements, index="last"):
"""Creates single ts SampleBatch at given index from `self`.
For usage as input-dict for model calls.
sample_batch (SampleBatch): A single-trajectory SampleBatch object
to generate the compute_actions input dict from.
index (Union[int, str]): An integer index value indicating the
position in the trajectory for which to generate the
compute_actions input dict. Set to "last" to generate the dict
at the very end of the trajectory (e.g. for value estimation).
Note that "last" is different from -1, as "last" will use the
final NEXT_OBS as observation input.
SampleBatch: The (single-timestep) input dict for ModelV2 calls.
last_mappings = {
SampleBatch.OBS: SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS,
SampleBatch.PREV_ACTIONS: SampleBatch.ACTIONS,
SampleBatch.PREV_REWARDS: SampleBatch.REWARDS,
input_dict = {}
for view_col, view_req in view_requirements.items():
# Create batches of size 1 (single-agent input-dict).
data_col = view_req.data_col or view_col
if index == "last":
data_col = last_mappings.get(data_col, data_col)
# Range needed.
if view_req.shift_from is not None:
data = self[view_col][-1]
traj_len = len(self[data_col])
missing_at_end = traj_len % view_req.batch_repeat_value
obs_shift = -1 if data_col in [
SampleBatch.OBS, SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS
] else 0
from_ = view_req.shift_from + obs_shift
to_ = view_req.shift_to + obs_shift + 1
if to_ == 0:
to_ = None
input_dict[view_col] = np.array([
# Single index.
data = self[data_col][-1]
input_dict[view_col] = np.array([data])
# Index range.
if isinstance(index, tuple):
data = self[data_col][index[0]:index[1] +
1 if index[1] != -1 else None]
input_dict[view_col] = np.array([data])
# Single index.
input_dict[view_col] = self[data_col][
index:index + 1 if index != -1 else None]
return SampleBatch(input_dict, seq_lens=np.array([1], dtype=np.int32))
class MultiAgentBatch:
"""A batch of experiences from multiple agents in the environment.
policy_batches (Dict[PolicyID, SampleBatch]): Mapping from policy
ids to SampleBatches of experiences.
count (int): The number of env steps in this batch.
def __init__(self, policy_batches: Dict[PolicyID, SampleBatch],
env_steps: int):
"""Initialize a MultiAgentBatch object.
policy_batches (Dict[PolicyID, SampleBatch]): Mapping from policy
ids to SampleBatches of experiences.
env_steps (int): The number of environment steps in the environment
this batch contains. This will be less than the number of
transitions this batch contains across all policies in total.
for v in policy_batches.values():
assert isinstance(v, SampleBatch)
self.policy_batches = policy_batches
# Called "count" for uniformity with SampleBatch.
# Prefer to access this via the `env_steps()` method when possible
# for clarity.
self.count = env_steps
def env_steps(self) -> int:
"""The number of env steps (there are >= 1 agent steps per env step).
int: The number of environment steps contained in this batch.
return self.count
def agent_steps(self) -> int:
"""The number of agent steps (there are >= 1 agent steps per env step).
int: The number of agent steps total in this batch.
ct = 0
for batch in self.policy_batches.values():
ct += batch.count
return ct
def timeslices(self, k: int) -> List["MultiAgentBatch"]:
"""Returns k-step batches holding data for each agent at those steps.
For examples, suppose we have agent1 observations [a1t1, a1t2, a1t3],
for agent2, [a2t1, a2t3], and for agent3, [a3t3] only.
Calling timeslices(1) would return three MultiAgentBatches containing
[a1t1, a2t1], [a1t2], and [a1t3, a2t3, a3t3].
Calling timeslices(2) would return two MultiAgentBatches containing
[a1t1, a1t2, a2t1], and [a1t3, a2t3, a3t3].
This method is used to implement "lockstep" replay mode. Note that this
method does not guarantee each batch contains only data from a single
unroll. Batches might contain data from multiple different envs.
from ray.rllib.evaluation.sample_batch_builder import \
# Build a sorted set of (eps_id, t, policy_id, data...)
steps = []
for policy_id, batch in self.policy_batches.items():
for row in batch.rows():
steps.append((row[SampleBatch.EPS_ID], row["t"],
row["agent_index"], policy_id, row))
finished_slices = []
cur_slice = collections.defaultdict(SampleBatchBuilder)
cur_slice_size = 0
def finish_slice():
nonlocal cur_slice_size
assert cur_slice_size > 0
batch = MultiAgentBatch(
{k: v.build_and_reset()
for k, v in cur_slice.items()}, cur_slice_size)
cur_slice_size = 0
# For each unique env timestep.
for _, group in itertools.groupby(steps, lambda x: x[:2]):
# Accumulate into the current slice.
for _, _, _, policy_id, row in group:
cur_slice_size += 1
# Slice has reached target number of env steps.
if cur_slice_size >= k:
assert cur_slice_size == 0
if cur_slice_size > 0:
assert len(finished_slices) > 0, finished_slices
return finished_slices
def wrap_as_needed(
policy_batches: Dict[PolicyID, SampleBatch],
env_steps: int) -> Union[SampleBatch, "MultiAgentBatch"]:
"""Returns SampleBatch or MultiAgentBatch, depending on given policies.
policy_batches (Dict[PolicyID, SampleBatch]): Mapping from policy
ids to SampleBatch.
env_steps (int): Number of env steps in the batch.
Union[SampleBatch, MultiAgentBatch]: The single default policy's
SampleBatch or a MultiAgentBatch (more than one policy).
if len(policy_batches) == 1 and DEFAULT_POLICY_ID in policy_batches:
return policy_batches[DEFAULT_POLICY_ID]
return MultiAgentBatch(
policy_batches=policy_batches, env_steps=env_steps)
def concat_samples(samples: List["MultiAgentBatch"]) -> "MultiAgentBatch":
"""Concatenates a list of MultiAgentBatches into a new MultiAgentBatch.
samples (List[MultiAgentBatch]): List of MultiagentBatch objects
to concatenate.
MultiAgentBatch: A new MultiAgentBatch consisting of the
concatenated inputs.
policy_batches = collections.defaultdict(list)
env_steps = 0
for s in samples:
if not isinstance(s, MultiAgentBatch):
raise ValueError(
"`MultiAgentBatch.concat_samples()` can only concat "
"MultiAgentBatch types, not {}!".format(type(s).__name__))
for key, batch in s.policy_batches.items():
env_steps += s.env_steps()
out = {}
for key, batches in policy_batches.items():
out[key] = SampleBatch.concat_samples(batches)
return MultiAgentBatch(out, env_steps)
def copy(self) -> "MultiAgentBatch":
"""Deep-copies self into a new MultiAgentBatch.
MultiAgentBatch: The copy of self with deep-copied data.
return MultiAgentBatch(
{k: v.copy()
for (k, v) in self.policy_batches.items()}, self.count)
def size_bytes(self) -> int:
int: The overall size in bytes of all policy batches (all columns).
return sum(b.size_bytes() for b in self.policy_batches.values())
def compress(self,
bulk: bool = False,
columns: Set[str] = frozenset(["obs", "new_obs"])) -> None:
"""Compresses each policy batch (per column) in place.
bulk (bool): Whether to compress across the batch dimension (0)
as well. If False will compress n separate list items, where n
is the batch size.
columns (Set[str]): Set of column names to compress.
for batch in self.policy_batches.values():
batch.compress(bulk=bulk, columns=columns)
def decompress_if_needed(self,
columns: Set[str] = frozenset(
["obs", "new_obs"])) -> "MultiAgentBatch":
"""Decompresses each policy batch (per column), if already compressed.
columns (Set[str]): Set of column names to decompress.
MultiAgentBatch: This very MultiAgentBatch.
for batch in self.policy_batches.values():
return self
def __str__(self):
return "MultiAgentBatch({}, env_steps={})".format(
str(self.policy_batches), self.count)
def __repr__(self):
return "MultiAgentBatch({}, env_steps={})".format(
str(self.policy_batches), self.count)