Amog Kamsetty 15e86581bd
[XGboost] Update Documentation (#13017)
Co-authored-by: Richard Liaw <rliaw@berkeley.edu>
2021-01-04 17:21:04 -08:00

223 lines
8.3 KiB

.. _xgboost-ray:
XGBoost on Ray
This library adds a new backend for XGBoost utilizing Ray.
Please note that this is an early version and both the API and
the behavior can change without prior notice.
We'll switch to a release-based development process once the
implementation has all features for first real world use cases.
You can install XGBoost on Ray (``xgboost_ray``) like this:
.. code-block:: bash
git clone https://github.com/ray-project/xgboost_ray.git
cd xgboost_ray
pip install -e .
After installation, you can import XGBoost on Ray via two ways:
.. code-block:: bash
import xgboost_ray
# or
import ray.util.xgboost
``xgboost_ray`` provides a drop-in replacement for XGBoost's ``train``
function. To pass data, instead of using ``xgb.DMatrix`` you will
have to use ``ray.util.xgboost.RayDMatrix``.
Here is a simplified example:
.. literalinclude:: /../../python/ray/util/xgboost/simple_example.py
:language: python
:start-after: __xgboost_begin__
:end-before: __xgboost_end__
Data loading
Data is passed to ``xgboost_ray`` via a ``RayDMatrix`` object.
The ``RayDMatrix`` lazy loads data and stores it sharded in the
Ray object store. The Ray XGBoost actors then access these
shards to run their training on.
A ``RayDMatrix`` support various data and file types, like
Pandas DataFrames, Numpy Arrays, CSV files and Parquet files.
Example loading multiple parquet files:
.. code-block:: python
import glob
from ray.util.xgboost import RayDMatrix, RayFileType
# We can also pass a list of files
path = list(sorted(glob.glob("/data/nyc-taxi/*/*/*.parquet")))
# This argument will be passed to pd.read_parquet()
columns = [
"trip_distance", "pickup_longitude", "pickup_latitude",
"dropoff_longitude", "dropoff_latitude",
"fare_amount", "extra", "mta_tax", "tip_amount",
"tolls_amount", "total_amount"
dtrain = RayDMatrix(
label="passenger_count", # Will select this column as the label
Hyperparameter Tuning
``xgboost_ray`` integrates with Ray Tune (:ref:`tune-main`) to provide distributed hyperparameter tuning for your
distributed XGBoost models. You can run multiple ``xgboost_ray`` training runs in parallel, each with a different
hyperparameter configuration, with each individual training run parallelized.
First, move your training code into a function. This function should take in a ``config`` argument which specifies the
hyperparameters for the xgboost model.
.. literalinclude:: /../../python/ray/util/xgboost/simple_tune.py
:language: python
:start-after: __train_begin__
:end-before: __train_end__
Then, you import tune and use tune's search primitives to define a hyperparameter search space.
.. literalinclude:: /../../python/ray/util/xgboost/simple_tune.py
:language: python
:start-after: __tune_begin__
:end-before: __tune_end__
Finally, you call ``tune.run`` passing in the training function and the ``config``. Internally, tune will resolve the
hyperparameter search space and invoke the training function multiple times, each with different hyperparameters.
.. literalinclude:: /../../python/ray/util/xgboost/simple_tune.py
:language: python
:start-after: __tune_run_begin__
:end-before: __tune_run_end__
Make sure you set the ``extra_cpu`` field appropriately so tune is aware of the total number of resources each trial
By default, ``xgboost_ray`` tries to determine the number of CPUs
available and distributes them evenly across actors.
In the case of very large clusters or clusters with many different
machine sizes, it makes sense to limit the number of CPUs per actor
by setting the ``cpus_per_actor`` argument. Consider always
setting this explicitly.
The number of XGBoost actors always has to be set manually with
the ``num_actors`` argument.
Memory usage
XGBoost uses a compute-optimized datastructure, the ``DMatrix``,
to hold training data. When converting a dataset to a ``DMatrix``,
XGBoost creates intermediate copies and ends up
holding a complete copy of the full data. The data will be converted
into the local dataformat (on a 64 bit system these are 64 bit floats.)
Depending on the system and original dataset dtype, this matrix can
thus occupy more memory than the original dataset.
The **peak memory usage** for CPU-based training is at least
**3x** the dataset size (assuming dtype ``float32`` on a 64bit system)
plus about **400,000 KiB** for other resources,
like operating system requirements and storing of intermediate
- Machine type: AWS m5.xlarge (4 vCPUs, 16 GiB RAM)
- Usable RAM: ~15,350,000 KiB
- Dataset: 1,250,000 rows with 1024 features, dtype float32.
Total size: 5,000,000 KiB
- XGBoost DMatrix size: ~10,000,000 KiB
This dataset will fit exactly on this node for training.
Note that the DMatrix size might be lower on a 32 bit system.
Generally, the same memory requirements exist for GPU-based
training. Additionally, the GPU must have enough memory
to hold the dataset.
In the example above, the GPU must have at least
10,000,000 KiB (about 9.6 GiB) memory. However,
empirically we found that using a ``DeviceQuantileDMatrix``
seems to show more peak GPU memory usage, possibly
for intermediate storage when loading data (about 10%).
**Best practices**
In order to reduce peak memory usage, consider the following
- Store data as ``float32`` or less. More precision is often
not needed, and keeping data in a smaller format will
help reduce peak memory usage for initial data loading.
- Pass the ``dtype`` when loading data from CSV. Otherwise,
floating point values will be loaded as ``np.float64``
per default, increasing peak memory usage by 33%.
Placement Strategies
``xgboost_ray`` leverages :ref:`Ray's Placement Group API <ray-placement-group-doc-ref>`
to implement placement strategies for better fault tolerance.
By default, a SPREAD strategy is used for training, which attempts to spread all of the training workers
across the nodes in a cluster on a best-effort basis. This improves fault tolerance since it minimizes the
number of worker failures when a node goes down, but comes at a cost of increased inter-node communication
To disable this strategy, set the ``USE_SPREAD_STRATEGY`` environment variable to 0. If disabled, no
particular placement strategy will be used.
Note that this strategy is used only when ``elastic_training`` is not used. If ``elastic_training`` is set to ``True``,
no placement strategy is used.
When ``xgboost_ray`` is used with Ray Tune for hyperparameter tuning, a PACK strategy is used. This strategy
attempts to place all workers for each trial on the same node on a best-effort basis. This means that if a node
goes down, it will be less likely to impact multiple trials.
When placement strategies are used, ``xgboost_ray`` will wait for 100 seconds for the required resources
to become available, and will fail if the required resources cannot be reserved and the cluster cannot autoscale
to increase the number of resources. You can change the ``PLACEMENT_GROUP_TIMEOUT_S`` environment variable to modify
how long this timeout should be.
More examples
Fore complete end to end examples, please have a look at
the `examples folder <https://github.com/ray-project/xgboost_ray/tree/master/examples/>`__:
* `Simple sklearn breastcancer dataset example <https://github.com/ray-project/xgboost_ray/tree/master/examples/simple.py>`__ (requires `sklearn`)
* `Simple sklearn breastcancer dataset example with Ray Tune <ttps://github.com/ray-project/xgboost_ray/tree/master/examples/simple_tune.py>`__ (requires `sklearn`)
* `HIGGS classification example <https://github.com/ray-project/xgboost_ray/tree/master/examples/higgs.py>`__
* `[download dataset (2.6 GB)] <https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/00280/HIGGS.csv.gz>`__
* `HIGGS classification example with Parquet <https://github.com/ray-project/xgboost_ray/tree/master/examples/higgs_parquet.py>`__ (uses the same dataset)
* `Test data classification <https://github.com/ray-project/xgboost_ray/tree/master/examples/train_on_test_data.py>`__ (uses a self-generated dataset)