Philipp Moritz a30eed452e Change type naming convention. (#315)
* Rename object_id -> ObjectID.

* Rename ray_logger -> RayLogger.

* rename task_id -> TaskID, actor_id -> ActorID, function_id -> FunctionID

* Rename plasma_store_info -> PlasmaStoreInfo.

* Rename plasma_store_state -> PlasmaStoreState.

* Rename plasma_object -> PlasmaObject.

* Rename object_request -> ObjectRequests.

* Rename eviction_state -> EvictionState.

* Bug fix.

* rename db_handle -> DBHandle

* Rename local_scheduler_state -> LocalSchedulerState.

* rename db_client_id -> DBClientID

* rename task -> Task

* make redis.c C++ compatible

* Rename scheduling_algorithm_state -> SchedulingAlgorithmState.

* Rename plasma_connection -> PlasmaConnection.

* Rename client_connection -> ClientConnection.

* Fixes from rebase.

* Rename local_scheduler_client -> LocalSchedulerClient.

* Rename object_buffer -> ObjectBuffer.

* Rename client -> Client.

* Rename notification_queue -> NotificationQueue.

* Rename object_get_requests -> ObjectGetRequests.

* Rename get_request -> GetRequest.

* Rename object_info -> ObjectInfo.

* Rename scheduler_object_info -> SchedulerObjectInfo.

* Rename local_scheduler -> LocalScheduler and some fixes.

* Rename local_scheduler_info -> LocalSchedulerInfo.

* Rename global_scheduler_state -> GlobalSchedulerState.

* Rename global_scheduler_policy_state -> GlobalSchedulerPolicyState.

* Rename object_size_entry -> ObjectSizeEntry.

* Rename aux_address_entry -> AuxAddressEntry.

* Rename various ID helper methods.

* Rename Task helper methods.

* Rename db_client_cache_entry -> DBClientCacheEntry.

* Rename local_actor_info -> LocalActorInfo.

* Rename actor_info -> ActorInfo.

* Rename retry_info -> RetryInfo.

* Rename actor_notification_table_subscribe_data -> ActorNotificationTableSubscribeData.

* Rename local_scheduler_table_send_info_data -> LocalSchedulerTableSendInfoData.

* Rename table_callback_data -> TableCallbackData.

* Rename object_info_subscribe_data -> ObjectInfoSubscribeData.

* Rename local_scheduler_table_subscribe_data -> LocalSchedulerTableSubscribeData.

* Rename more redis call data structures.

* Rename photon_conn PhotonConnection.

* Rename photon_mock -> PhotonMock.

* Fix formatting errors.
2017-02-26 00:32:43 -08:00

259 lines
9.3 KiB

#include "common.h"
#include "table.h"
#include "db.h"
#include "task.h"
* ==== Lookup call and callback ====
/* Callback called when the lookup completes. The callback should free
* the manager_vector array, but NOT the strings they are pointing to. If there
* was no entry at all for the object (the object had never been created
* before), then manager_count will be -1.
typedef void (*object_table_lookup_done_callback)(
ObjectID object_id,
int manager_count,
OWNER const char *manager_vector[],
void *user_context);
/* Callback called when object ObjectID is available. */
typedef void (*object_table_object_available_callback)(
ObjectID object_id,
int64_t data_size,
int manager_count,
OWNER const char *manager_vector[],
void *user_context);
* Return the list of nodes storing object_id in their plasma stores.
* @param db_handle Handle to object_table database.
* @param object_id ID of the object being looked up.
* @param retry Information about retrying the request to the database.
* @param done_callback Function to be called when database returns result.
* @param user_context Context passed by the caller.
* @return Void.
void object_table_lookup(DBHandle *db_handle,
ObjectID object_id,
RetryInfo *retry,
object_table_lookup_done_callback done_callback,
void *user_context);
* ==== Add object call and callback ====
/* Callback called when the object add/remove operation completes. */
typedef void (*object_table_done_callback)(ObjectID object_id,
void *user_context);
* Add the plasma manager that created the db_handle to the
* list of plasma managers that have the object_id.
* @param db_handle Handle to db.
* @param object_id Object unique identifier.
* @param data_size Object data size.
* @param retry Information about retrying the request to the database.
* @param done_callback Callback to be called when lookup completes.
* @param user_context User context to be passed in the callbacks.
* @return Void.
void object_table_add(DBHandle *db_handle,
ObjectID object_id,
int64_t object_size,
unsigned char digest[],
RetryInfo *retry,
object_table_done_callback done_callback,
void *user_context);
/** Data that is needed to add new objects to the object table. */
typedef struct {
int64_t object_size;
unsigned char digest[DIGEST_SIZE];
} ObjectTableAddData;
* ==== Remove object call and callback ====
* Object remove function.
* @param db_handle Handle to db.
* @param object_id Object unique identifier.
* @param client_id A pointer to the database client ID to remove. If this is
* set to NULL, then the client ID associated with db_handle will be
* removed.
* @param retry Information about retrying the request to the database.
* @param done_callback Callback to be called when lookup completes.
* @param user_context User context to be passed in the callbacks.
* @return Void.
void object_table_remove(DBHandle *db_handle,
ObjectID object_id,
DBClientID *client_id,
RetryInfo *retry,
object_table_done_callback done_callback,
void *user_context);
* ==== Subscribe to be announced when new object available ====
* Set up a client-specific channel for receiving notifications about available
* objects from the object table. The callback will be called once per
* notification received on this channel.
* @param db_handle Handle to db.
* @param object_available_callback Callback to be called when new object
* becomes available.
* @param subscribe_context Caller context which will be passed to the
* object_available_callback.
* @param retry Information about retrying the request to the database.
* @param done_callback Callback to be called when subscription is installed.
* This is only used for the tests.
* @param user_context User context to be passed into the done callback. This is
* only used for the tests.
* @return Void.
void object_table_subscribe_to_notifications(
DBHandle *db_handle,
bool subscribe_all,
object_table_object_available_callback object_available_callback,
void *subscribe_context,
RetryInfo *retry,
object_table_lookup_done_callback done_callback,
void *user_context);
* Request notifications about the availability of some objects from the object
* table. The notifications will be published to this client's object
* notification channel, which was set up by the method
* object_table_subscribe_to_notifications.
* @param db_handle Handle to db.
* @param object_ids The object IDs to receive notifications about.
* @param retry Information about retrying the request to the database.
* @return Void.
void object_table_request_notifications(DBHandle *db,
int num_object_ids,
ObjectID object_ids[],
RetryInfo *retry);
/** Data that is needed to run object_request_notifications requests. */
typedef struct {
/** The number of object IDs. */
int num_object_ids;
/** This field is used to store a variable number of object IDs. */
ObjectID object_ids[0];
} ObjectTableRequestNotificationsData;
/** Data that is needed to register new object available callbacks with the
* state database. */
typedef struct {
bool subscribe_all;
object_table_object_available_callback object_available_callback;
void *subscribe_context;
} ObjectTableSubscribeData;
* ==== Object info table, contains size of the object ====
typedef void (*object_info_done_callback)(ObjectID object_id,
void *user_context);
typedef void (*object_info_subscribe_callback)(ObjectID object_id,
int64_t object_size,
void *user_context);
* Subcribing to the object info pub/sub channel
* @param db_handle Handle to db.
* @param object_info_subscribe_callback callback triggered when pub/sub channel
* is notified of a new object size.
* @param subscribe_context caller context which will be passed back in the
* object_info_subscribe_callback.
* @param retry Information about retrying the request to the database.
* @param done_callback Callback to be called when subscription is installed.
* @param user_context User context to be passed into the done and fail
* callbacks.
* @return Void.
void object_info_subscribe(DBHandle *db_handle,
object_info_subscribe_callback subscribe_callback,
void *subscribe_context,
RetryInfo *retry,
object_info_done_callback done_callback,
void *user_context);
/* Data that is needed to register new object info callbacks with the state
* database. */
typedef struct {
object_info_subscribe_callback subscribe_callback;
void *subscribe_context;
} ObjectInfoSubscribeData;
* ==== Result table ====
* Callback called when the add/remove operation for a result table entry
* completes. */
typedef void (*result_table_done_callback)(ObjectID object_id,
void *user_context);
* Add information about a new object to the object table. This
* is immutable information like the ID of the task that
* created the object.
* @param db_handle Handle to object_table database.
* @param object_id ID of the object to add.
* @param task_id ID of the task that creates this object.
* @param retry Information about retrying the request to the database.
* @param done_callback Function to be called when database returns result.
* @param user_context Context passed by the caller.
* @return Void.
void result_table_add(DBHandle *db_handle,
ObjectID object_id,
TaskID task_id,
RetryInfo *retry,
result_table_done_callback done_callback,
void *user_context);
/** Callback called when the result table lookup completes. */
typedef void (*result_table_lookup_callback)(ObjectID object_id,
TaskID task_id,
void *user_context);
* Lookup the task that created an object in the result table. The return value
* is the task ID.
* @param db_handle Handle to object_table database.
* @param object_id ID of the object to lookup.
* @param retry Information about retrying the request to the database.
* @param done_callback Function to be called when database returns result.
* @param user_context Context passed by the caller.
* @return Void.
void result_table_lookup(DBHandle *db_handle,
ObjectID object_id,
RetryInfo *retry,
result_table_lookup_callback done_callback,
void *user_context);
#endif /* OBJECT_TABLE_H */