Kai Fricke 3b73a62dad
[ci/release] Increase long running timeout, fix artifacts copy (#21905)
With the new job-based file copy, fetching results takes longer. We thus have to increase the long running update test check times in order not to run into bogus release test failures.
Also fixes artifact uploading issues.
2022-01-26 21:25:03 +00:00

40 lines
1.3 KiB

import datetime
from typing import Dict, Optional
def handle_result(created_on: datetime.datetime, category: str,
test_suite: str, test_name: str, status: str, results: Dict,
artifacts: Dict, last_logs: str, team: str) -> Optional[str]:
assert test_suite == "long_running_tests"
# elapsed_time = results.get("elapsed_time", 0.)
last_update_diff = results.get("last_update_diff", float("inf"))
if test_name in [
# Core tests
target_update_diff = 300
elif test_name in ["apex", "impala", "many_ppo", "pbt"]:
# Tune/RLLib style tests
target_update_diff = 480
elif test_name in ["serve", "serve_failure"]:
# Serve tests have workload logs every five minutes.
# Leave up to 180 seconds overhead.
target_update_diff = 480
return None
if last_update_diff > target_update_diff:
return f"Last update to results json was too long ago " \
f"({last_update_diff:.2f} > {target_update_diff})"
return None