Philipp Moritz 3548797202 [API] Implement get for multiple objects (#398)
* [API] Implement get for multiple objects

* Small fixes.
2016-09-02 18:02:44 -07:00
alexnet.py [API] Implement get for multiple objects (#398) 2016-09-02 18:02:44 -07:00
driver.py [API] Implement get for multiple objects (#398) 2016-09-02 18:02:44 -07:00
README.md Allow remote decorator to be used with no parentheses. 2016-08-30 16:38:26 -07:00

Training AlexNet

WARNING: Running this application is fairly involved. In particular, it requires you to download the ImageNet dataset and put it on S3.

This document walks through how to load the ImageNet dataset from S3 and train AlexNet using data parallel stochastic gradient descent.

Running the Application

The instructions in this section must be done before you can run the application.

Install the Dependencies

Install the following dependencies.

In addition, install the following dependencies.

On Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install libjpeg8-dev awscli
sudo pip install boto3 botocore pillow

On Mac OSX

brew install libjpeg awscli
sudo pip install boto3 botocore pillow

Put ImageNet on S3

  1. To run this application, first put the ImageNet tar files on S3 (e.g., in the directory ILSVRC2012_img_train). Also, put the file train.txt on S3. We will use $S3_BUCKET to refer to the name of your S3 bucket.

  2. Use aws configure to enable Boto to connect to S3. If you are using multiple machines, this must be done on all machines.

Run the Application

From the directory ray/examples/alexnet/ run the following

source ../../setup-env.sh
python driver.py --s3-bucket $S3_BUCKET

Parallel Data Loading

To speed up data loading, we will pull data from S3 in parallel with a number of workers. At the core of our loading code is the remote function load_tarfile_from_s3. When executed, this function connects to S3 and retrieves the appropriate object.

def load_tarfile_from_s3(bucket, s3_key, size=[]):
  # Pull the object with the given key and bucket from S3, untar the contents,
  # and return it.
  return images, labels

To load data in parallel, we simply call this function multiple times with the keys of all the objects that we want to retrieve. This returns a list of pairs of object IDs, where the first object ID in each pair refers to a batch of images and the second refers to the corresponding batch of labels.

batches = [load_tarfile_from_s3.remote(bucket, s3_key, size) for s3_key in s3_keys]

By default, this will only fetch objects whose keys have prefix ILSVRC2012_img_train/n015 (this is 13 tar files). To fetch all of the data, pass in --key-prefix ILSVRC2012_img_train/n.

Data Parallel Training

The other parallel component of this application is the training procedure. This is built on top of the remote function compute_grad.

def compute_grad(X, Y, mean, weights):
  # Load the weights into the network.
  # Subtract the mean and crop the images.
  # Compute the gradients.
  return gradients

This function takes training inputs and outputs, the mean image (to subtract off of the input images), and the current network weights.

We can parallelize the computation of the gradient over multiple batches by calling compute_grad multiple times in parallel.

gradient_ids = []
for i in range(num_workers):
  # Choose a random batch and use it to compute the gradient of the loss.
  x_id, y_id = batches[np.random.randint(len(batches))]
  gradient_ids.append(compute_grad.remote(x_id, y_id, mean_id, weights_id))