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192 lines
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from typing import List
import numpy as np
import arrays.single as single
import orchpy as op
from core import *
__all__ = ["tsqr", "modified_lu", "tsqr_hr", "qr"]
@op.distributed([DistArray], [DistArray, np.ndarray])
def tsqr(a):
a: a distributed matrix
Suppose that
a.shape == (M, N)
K == min(M, N)
return values:
q: DistArray, if q_full = op.context.pull(DistArray, q).assemble(), then
q_full.shape == (M, K)
np.allclose(np.dot(q_full.T, q_full), np.eye(K)) == True
r: np.ndarray, if r_val = op.context.pull(np.ndarray, r), then
r_val.shape == (K, N)
np.allclose(r, np.triu(r)) == True
if len(a.shape) != 2:
raise Exception("tsqr requires len(a.shape) == 2, but a.shape is {}".format(a.shape))
if a.num_blocks[1] != 1:
raise Exception("tsqr requires a.num_blocks[1] == 1, but a.num_blocks is {}".format(a.num_blocks))
num_blocks = a.num_blocks[0]
K = int(np.ceil(np.log2(num_blocks))) + 1
q_tree = np.empty((num_blocks, K), dtype=object)
current_rs = []
for i in range(num_blocks):
block = a.objrefs[i, 0]
q, r = single.linalg.qr(block)
q_tree[i, 0] = q
for j in range(1, K):
new_rs = []
for i in range(int(np.ceil(1.0 * len(current_rs) / 2))):
stacked_rs = single.vstack(*current_rs[(2 * i):(2 * i + 2)])
q, r = single.linalg.qr(stacked_rs)
q_tree[i, j] = q
current_rs = new_rs
assert len(current_rs) == 1, "len(current_rs) = " + str(len(current_rs))
q_result = DistArray()
# handle the special case in which the whole DistArray "a" fits in one block
# and has fewer rows than columns, this is a bit ugly so think about how to
# remove it
if a.shape[0] >= a.shape[1]:
q_shape = a.shape
q_shape = [a.shape[0], a.shape[0]]
q_num_blocks = DistArray.compute_num_blocks(q_shape)
q_result = DistArray()
q_objrefs = np.empty(q_num_blocks, dtype=object)
q_result.construct(q_shape, q_objrefs)
# reconstruct output
for i in range(num_blocks):
q_block_current = q_tree[i, 0]
ith_index = i
for j in range(1, K):
if np.mod(ith_index, 2) == 0:
lower = [0, 0]
upper = [a.shape[1], BLOCK_SIZE]
lower = [a.shape[1], 0]
upper = [2 * a.shape[1], BLOCK_SIZE]
ith_index /= 2
q_block_current = single.dot(q_block_current, single.subarray(q_tree[ith_index, j], lower, upper))
q_result.objrefs[i] = q_block_current
r = current_rs[0]
return q_result, r
# TODO(rkn): This is unoptimized, we really want a block version of this.
@op.distributed([DistArray], [DistArray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray])
def modified_lu(q):
Algorithm 5 from http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/Pubs/TechRpts/2013/EECS-2013-175.pdf
takes a matrix q with orthonormal columns, returns l, u, s such that q - s = l * u
q: a two dimensional orthonormal q
return values:
l: lower triangular
u: upper triangular
s: a diagonal matrix represented by its diagonal
q = q.assemble()
m, b = q.shape[0], q.shape[1]
S = np.zeros(b)
q_work = np.copy(q)
for i in range(b):
S[i] = -1 * np.sign(q_work[i, i])
q_work[i, i] -= S[i]
q_work[(i + 1):m, i] /= q_work[i, i] # scale ith column of L by diagonal element
q_work[(i + 1):m, (i + 1):b] -= np.outer(q_work[(i + 1):m, i], q_work[i, (i + 1):b]) # perform Schur complement update
L = np.tril(q_work)
for i in range(b):
L[i, i] = 1
U = np.triu(q_work)[:b, :]
return numpy_to_dist(op.push(L)), U, S # TODO(rkn): get rid of push and pull
@op.distributed([np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, int], [np.ndarray, np.ndarray])
def tsqr_hr_helper1(u, s, y_top_block, b):
y_top = y_top_block[:b, :b]
s_full = np.diag(s)
t = -1 * np.dot(u, np.dot(s_full, np.linalg.inv(y_top).T))
return t, y_top
@op.distributed([np.ndarray, np.ndarray], [np.ndarray])
def tsqr_hr_helper2(s, r_temp):
s_full = np.diag(s)
return np.dot(s_full, r_temp)
@op.distributed([DistArray], [DistArray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray])
def tsqr_hr(a):
"""Algorithm 6 from http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/Pubs/TechRpts/2013/EECS-2013-175.pdf"""
q, r_temp = tsqr(a)
y, u, s = modified_lu(q)
y_blocked = op.pull(y)
t, y_top = tsqr_hr_helper1(u, s, y_blocked.objrefs[0, 0], a.shape[1])
r = tsqr_hr_helper2(s, r_temp)
return y, t, y_top, r
@op.distributed([np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray], [np.ndarray])
def qr_helper1(a_rc, y_ri, t, W_c):
return a_rc - np.dot(y_ri, np.dot(t.T, W_c))
@op.distributed([np.ndarray, np.ndarray], [np.ndarray])
def qr_helper2(y_ri, a_rc):
return np.dot(y_ri.T, a_rc)
@op.distributed([DistArray], [DistArray, DistArray])
def qr(a):
"""Algorithm 7 from http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/Pubs/TechRpts/2013/EECS-2013-175.pdf"""
m, n = a.shape[0], a.shape[1]
k = min(m, n)
# we will store our scratch work in a_work
a_work = DistArray()
a_work.construct(a.shape, np.copy(a.objrefs))
result_dtype = np.linalg.qr(op.pull(a.objrefs[0, 0]))[0].dtype.name
r_res = op.pull(zeros([k, n], result_dtype)) # TODO(rkn): It would be preferable not to pull this right after creating it.
y_res = op.pull(zeros([m, k], result_dtype)) # TODO(rkn): It would be preferable not to pull this right after creating it.
Ts = []
for i in range(min(a.num_blocks[0], a.num_blocks[1])): # this differs from the paper, which says "for i in range(a.num_blocks[1])", but that doesn't seem to make any sense when a.num_blocks[1] > a.num_blocks[0]
sub_dist_array = subblocks(a_work, range(i, a_work.num_blocks[0]), [i])
y, t, _, R = tsqr_hr(sub_dist_array)
y_val = op.pull(y)
for j in range(i, a.num_blocks[0]):
y_res.objrefs[j, i] = y_val.objrefs[j - i, 0]
if a.shape[0] > a.shape[1]:
# in this case, R needs to be square
R_shape = op.pull(single.shape(R))
eye_temp = single.eye2(R_shape[1], R_shape[0], result_dtype)
r_res.objrefs[i, i] = single.dot(eye_temp, R)
r_res.objrefs[i, i] = R
for c in range(i + 1, a.num_blocks[1]):
W_rcs = []
for r in range(i, a.num_blocks[0]):
y_ri = y_val.objrefs[r - i, 0]
W_rcs.append(qr_helper2(y_ri, a_work.objrefs[r, c]))
W_c = single.sum(0, *W_rcs)
for r in range(i, a.num_blocks[0]):
y_ri = y_val.objrefs[r - i, 0]
A_rc = qr_helper1(a_work.objrefs[r, c], y_ri, t, W_c)
a_work.objrefs[r, c] = A_rc
r_res.objrefs[i, c] = a_work.objrefs[i, c]
# construct q_res from Ys and Ts
q = eye2(m, k, result_dtype)
for i in range(len(Ts))[::-1]:
y_col_block = subblocks(y_res, [], [i])
q = subtract(q, dot(y_col_block, dot(Ts[i], dot(transpose(y_col_block), q))))
return q, r_res