Yi Cheng ea1d081aac
[core] Simple chaos testing for asio (#19970)
Right now in ray, a lot of edge cases related to grpc are not tested. This PR is just a simple try to give the developer some way to delay grpc request. It could be used with manual testing and also e2e test since it's supporting delay for specific grpc method.

To use this feature, just simple set os env `RAY_TESTING_ASIO_DELAY_US="method1=10:20,method2=20:30,*=200:200"`

This means, for `method1` it'll delay 10-20us, for method2 it'll delay 20-30us. For all the rest, it'll delay 200us.
2021-12-07 14:47:07 -08:00

148 lines
5.9 KiB

Debugging (internal)
Starting processes in a debugger
When processes are crashing, it is often useful to start them in a debugger.
Ray currently allows processes to be started in the following:
- valgrind
- the valgrind profiler
- the perftools profiler
- gdb
- tmux
To use any of these tools, please make sure that you have them installed on
your machine first (``gdb`` and ``valgrind`` on MacOS are known to have issues).
Then, you can launch a subset of ray processes by adding the environment
variable ``RAY_{PROCESS_NAME}_{DEBUGGER}=1``. For instance, if you wanted to
start the raylet in ``valgrind``, then you simply need to set the environment
variable ``RAY_RAYLET_VALGRIND=1``.
To start a process inside of ``gdb``, the process must also be started inside of
``tmux``. So if you want to start the raylet in ``gdb``, you would start your
Python script with the following:
.. code-block:: bash
You can then list the ``tmux`` sessions with ``tmux ls`` and attach to the
appropriate one.
You can also get a core dump of the ``raylet`` process, which is especially
useful when filing `issues`_. The process to obtain a core dump is OS-specific,
but usually involves running ``ulimit -c unlimited`` before starting Ray to
allow core dump files to be written.
Inspecting Redis shards
To inspect Redis, you can use the global state API. The easiest way to do this
is to start or connect to a Ray cluster with ``ray.init()``, then query the API
like so:
.. code-block:: python
# Returns current information about the nodes in the cluster, such as:
# [{'ClientID': '2a9d2b34ad24a37ed54e4fcd32bf19f915742f5b',
# 'IsInsertion': True,
# 'NodeManagerAddress': '',
# 'NodeManagerPort': 43280,
# 'ObjectManagerPort': 38062,
# 'ObjectStoreSocketName': '/tmp/ray/session_2019-01-21_16-28-05_4216/sockets/plasma_store',
# 'RayletSocketName': '/tmp/ray/session_2019-01-21_16-28-05_4216/sockets/raylet',
# 'Resources': {'CPU': 8.0, 'GPU': 1.0}}]
To inspect the primary Redis shard manually, you can also query with commands
like the following.
.. code-block:: python
r_primary = ray.worker.global_worker.redis_client
To inspect other Redis shards, you will need to create a new Redis client.
For example (assuming the relevant IP address is ```` and the
relevant port is ``1234``), you can do this as follows.
.. code-block:: python
import redis
r = redis.StrictRedis(host='', port=1234)
You can find a list of the relevant IP addresses and ports by running
.. code-block:: python
r_primary.lrange('RedisShards', 0, -1)
.. _backend-logging:
Backend logging
The ``raylet`` process logs detailed information about events like task
execution and object transfers between nodes. To set the logging level at
runtime, you can set the ``RAY_BACKEND_LOG_LEVEL`` environment variable before
starting Ray. For example, you can do:
.. code-block:: shell
ray start
This will print any ``RAY_LOG(DEBUG)`` lines in the source code to the
``raylet.err`` file, which you can find in :ref:`temp-dir-log-files`.
If it worked, you should see as the first line in ``raylet.err``:
.. code-block:: shell
logging.cc:270: Set ray log level from environment variable RAY_BACKEND_LOG_LEVEL to -1
(-1 is defined as RayLogLevel::DEBUG in logging.h.)
.. literalinclude:: /../../src/ray/util/logging.h
:language: C
:lines: 52,54
Backend event stats
The ``raylet`` process also periodically dumps event stats to the ``debug_state.txt`` log
file if the ``RAY_event_stats=1`` environment variable is set. To also enable regular
printing of the stats to log files, you can additional set ``RAY_event_stats_print_interval_ms=1000``.
Event stats include ASIO event handlers, periodic timers, and RPC handlers. Here is a sample
of what the event stats look like:
.. code-block:: shell
Event stats:
Global stats: 739128 total (27 active)
Queueing time: mean = 47.402 ms, max = 1372.219 s, min = -0.000 s, total = 35035.892 s
Execution time: mean = 36.943 us, total = 27.306 s
Handler stats:
ClientConnection.async_read.ReadBufferAsync - 241173 total (19 active), CPU time: mean = 9.999 us, total = 2.411 s
ObjectManager.ObjectAdded - 61215 total (0 active), CPU time: mean = 43.953 us, total = 2.691 s
CoreWorkerService.grpc_client.AddObjectLocationOwner - 61204 total (0 active), CPU time: mean = 3.860 us, total = 236.231 ms
CoreWorkerService.grpc_client.GetObjectLocationsOwner - 51333 total (0 active), CPU time: mean = 25.166 us, total = 1.292 s
ObjectManager.ObjectDeleted - 43188 total (0 active), CPU time: mean = 26.017 us, total = 1.124 s
CoreWorkerService.grpc_client.RemoveObjectLocationOwner - 43177 total (0 active), CPU time: mean = 2.368 us, total = 102.252 ms
NodeManagerService.grpc_server.PinObjectIDs - 40000 total (0 active), CPU time: mean = 194.860 us, total = 7.794 s
Callback latency injection
Sometimes, bugs are caused by RPC issues, for example, due to the delay of some requests, the system goes to a deadlock.
To debug and reproduce this kind of issue, we need to have a way to inject latency for the RPC request. To enable this,
``RAY_testing_asio_delay_us`` is introduced. If you'd like to make the callback of some RPC requests be executed after some time,
you can do it with this variable. For example:
.. code-block:: shell
RAY_testing_asio_delay_us="NodeManagerService.grpc_client.PrepareBundleResources=2000000:2000000" ray start --head
The syntax for this is ``RAY_testing_asio_delay_us="method1=min_us:max_us,method2=min_us:max_us"``. Entries are comma separated.
There is a special method ``*`` which means all methods. It has a lower priority compared with other entries.
.. _`issues`: https://github.com/ray-project/ray/issues