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**Ray provides a simple and universal API for building distributed applications.**
Ray accomplishes this mission by:
1. Providing simple primitives for building and running distributed applications.
2. Enabling end users to parallelize single machine code, with little to zero code changes.
3. Including a large ecosystem of applications, libraries, and tools on top of the core Ray to enable complex applications.
**Ray Core** provides the simple primitives for application building.
On top of **Ray Core** are several libraries for solving problems in machine learning:
- :doc:`../tune/index`
- :ref:`rllib-index`
- :ref:`sgd-index`
- :ref:`rayserve`
Ray also has a number of other community contributed libraries:
- :doc:`../dask-on-ray`
- `Mars on Ray <https://github.com/mars-project/mars/pull/1508>`__
- :doc:`../pandas_on_ray`
- :doc:`../joblib`
- :doc:`../multiprocessing`