Stephanie Wang 241b539ff8 Reconstruction for evicted objects (#181)
* First pass at reconstruction in the worker

Modify reconstruction stress testing to start Plasma service before rest of Ray cluster

TODO about reconstructing ray.puts

Fix ray.put error for double creates

Distinguish between empty entry and no entry in object table

Fix test case

Fix Python test

Fix tests

* Only call reconstruct on objects we have not yet received

* Address review comments

* Fix reconstruction for Python3

* remove unused code

* Address Robert's comments, stress tests are crashing

* Test and update the task's scheduling state to suppress duplicate
reconstruction requests.

* Split result table into two lookups, one for task ID and the other as a
test-and-set for the task state

* Fix object table tests

* Fix redis module result_table_lookup test case

* Multinode reconstruction tests

* Fix python3 test case

* rename

* Use new start_redis

* Remove unused code

* lint

* indent

* Address Robert's comments

* Use start_redis from ray.services in state table tests

* Remove unnecessary memset
2017-02-01 19:18:46 -08:00

276 lines
15 KiB

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import random
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import unittest
import redis
import ray.services
# Check if the redis-server binary is present.
redis_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "../../core/src/common/thirdparty/redis/src/redis-server")
if not os.path.exists(redis_path):
raise Exception("You do not have the redis-server binary. Run `make test` in the plasma directory to get it.")
# Absolute path of the ray redis module.
module_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "../../core/src/common/redis_module/libray_redis_module.so")
print("path to the redis module is {}".format(module_path))
def integerToAsciiHex(num, numbytes):
retstr = b""
# Support 32 and 64 bit architecture.
assert(numbytes == 4 or numbytes == 8)
for i in range(numbytes):
curbyte = num & 0xff
if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
retstr += bytes([curbyte])
retstr += chr(curbyte)
num = num >> 8
return retstr
class TestGlobalStateStore(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
redis_port = ray.services.start_redis()
self.redis = redis.StrictRedis(host="localhost", port=redis_port, db=0)
def tearDown(self):
def testInvalidObjectTableAdd(self):
# Check that Redis returns an error when RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_ADD is called with
# the wrong arguments.
with self.assertRaises(redis.ResponseError):
with self.assertRaises(redis.ResponseError):
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_ADD", "hello")
with self.assertRaises(redis.ResponseError):
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_ADD", "object_id2", "one", "hash2", "manager_id1")
with self.assertRaises(redis.ResponseError):
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_ADD", "object_id2", 1, "hash2", "manager_id1", "extra argument")
# Check that Redis returns an error when RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_ADD adds an object
# ID that is already present with a different hash.
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_ADD", "object_id1", 1, "hash1", "manager_id1")
with self.assertRaises(redis.ResponseError):
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_ADD", "object_id1", 1, "hash2", "manager_id1")
# Check that it is fine if we add the same object ID multiple times with the
# same hash.
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_ADD", "object_id1", 1, "hash1", "manager_id1")
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_ADD", "object_id1", 1, "hash1", "manager_id1")
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_ADD", "object_id1", 1, "hash1", "manager_id2")
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_ADD", "object_id1", 2, "hash1", "manager_id2")
def testObjectTableAddAndLookup(self):
# Try calling RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_LOOKUP with an object ID that has not been
# added yet.
response = self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_LOOKUP", "object_id1")
self.assertEqual(response, None)
# Add some managers and try again.
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_ADD", "object_id1", 1, "hash1", "manager_id1")
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_ADD", "object_id1", 1, "hash1", "manager_id2")
response = self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_LOOKUP", "object_id1")
self.assertEqual(set(response), {b"manager_id1", b"manager_id2"})
# Add a manager that already exists again and try again.
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_ADD", "object_id1", 1, "hash1", "manager_id2")
response = self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_LOOKUP", "object_id1")
self.assertEqual(set(response), {b"manager_id1", b"manager_id2"})
# Check that we properly handle NULL characters. In the past, NULL
# characters were handled improperly causing a "hash mismatch" error if two
# object IDs that agreed up to the NULL character were inserted with
# different hashes.
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_ADD", "\x00object_id3", 1, "hash1", "manager_id1")
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_ADD", "\x00object_id4", 1, "hash2", "manager_id1")
# Check that NULL characters in the hash are handled properly.
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_ADD", "object_id3", 1, "\x00hash1", "manager_id1")
with self.assertRaises(redis.ResponseError):
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_ADD", "object_id3", 1, "\x00hash2", "manager_id1")
def testObjectTableAddAndRemove(self):
# Try removing a manager from an object ID that has not been added yet.
with self.assertRaises(redis.ResponseError):
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_REMOVE", "object_id1", "manager_id1")
# Try calling RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_LOOKUP with an object ID that has not been
# added yet.
response = self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_LOOKUP", "object_id1")
self.assertEqual(response, None)
# Add some managers and try again.
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_ADD", "object_id1", 1, "hash1", "manager_id1")
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_ADD", "object_id1", 1, "hash1", "manager_id2")
response = self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_LOOKUP", "object_id1")
self.assertEqual(set(response), {b"manager_id1", b"manager_id2"})
# Remove a manager that doesn't exist, and make sure we still have the same set.
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_REMOVE", "object_id1", "manager_id3")
response = self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_LOOKUP", "object_id1")
self.assertEqual(set(response), {b"manager_id1", b"manager_id2"})
# Remove a manager that does exist. Make sure it gets removed the first
# time and does nothing the second time.
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_REMOVE", "object_id1", "manager_id1")
response = self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_LOOKUP", "object_id1")
self.assertEqual(set(response), {b"manager_id2"})
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_REMOVE", "object_id1", "manager_id1")
response = self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_LOOKUP", "object_id1")
self.assertEqual(set(response), {b"manager_id2"})
# Remove the last manager, and make sure we have an empty set.
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_REMOVE", "object_id1", "manager_id2")
response = self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_LOOKUP", "object_id1")
self.assertEqual(set(response), set())
# Remove a manager from an empty set, and make sure we now have an empty set.
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_REMOVE", "object_id1", "manager_id3")
response = self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_LOOKUP", "object_id1")
self.assertEqual(set(response), set())
def testObjectTableSubscribeToNotifications(self):
data_size = 0xf1f0
p = self.redis.pubsub()
# Subscribe to an object ID.
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_ADD", "object_id1", data_size, "hash1", "manager_id2")
# Receive the acknowledgement message.
self.assertEqual(p.get_message()["data"], 1)
# Request a notification and receive the data.
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_REQUEST_NOTIFICATIONS", "manager_id1", "object_id1")
self.assertEqual(p.get_message()["data"], b"object_id1 %s MANAGERS manager_id2"\
%integerToAsciiHex(data_size, 8))
# Request a notification for an object that isn't there. Then add the object
# and receive the data. Only the first call to RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_ADD should
# trigger notifications.
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_REQUEST_NOTIFICATIONS", "manager_id1", "object_id2", "object_id3")
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_ADD", "object_id3", data_size, "hash1", "manager_id1")
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_ADD", "object_id3", data_size, "hash1", "manager_id2")
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_ADD", "object_id3", data_size, "hash1", "manager_id3")
self.assertEqual(p.get_message()["data"], b"object_id3 %s MANAGERS manager_id1"\
%integerToAsciiHex(data_size, 8))
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_ADD", "object_id2", data_size, "hash1", "manager_id3")
self.assertEqual(p.get_message()["data"], b"object_id2 %s MANAGERS manager_id3"\
%integerToAsciiHex(data_size, 8))
# Request notifications for object_id3 again.
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_REQUEST_NOTIFICATIONS", "manager_id1", "object_id3")
self.assertEqual(p.get_message()["data"], b"object_id3 %s MANAGERS manager_id1 manager_id2 manager_id3"\
%integerToAsciiHex(data_size, 8))
def testResultTableAddAndLookup(self):
# Try looking up something in the result table before anything is added.
response = self.redis.execute_command("RAY.RESULT_TABLE_LOOKUP", "object_id1")
# Adding the object to the object table should have no effect.
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_ADD", "object_id1", 1, "hash1", "manager_id1")
response = self.redis.execute_command("RAY.RESULT_TABLE_LOOKUP", "object_id1")
# Add the result to the result table. The lookup now returns the task ID.
task_id = b"task_id1"
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.RESULT_TABLE_ADD", "object_id1", task_id)
response = self.redis.execute_command("RAY.RESULT_TABLE_LOOKUP", "object_id1")
self.assertEqual(response, task_id)
# Doing it again should still work.
response = self.redis.execute_command("RAY.RESULT_TABLE_LOOKUP", "object_id1")
self.assertEqual(response, task_id)
# Try another result table lookup. This should succeed.
task_id = b"task_id2"
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.RESULT_TABLE_ADD", "object_id2", task_id)
response = self.redis.execute_command("RAY.RESULT_TABLE_LOOKUP", "object_id2")
self.assertEqual(response, task_id)
def testInvalidTaskTableAdd(self):
# Check that Redis returns an error when RAY.TASK_TABLE_ADD is called with
# the wrong arguments.
with self.assertRaises(redis.ResponseError):
with self.assertRaises(redis.ResponseError):
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.TASK_TABLE_ADD", "hello")
with self.assertRaises(redis.ResponseError):
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.TASK_TABLE_ADD", "task_id", 3, "node_id")
with self.assertRaises(redis.ResponseError):
# Non-integer scheduling states should not be added.
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.TASK_TABLE_ADD", "task_id",
"invalid_state", "node_id", "task_spec")
with self.assertRaises(redis.ResponseError):
# Scheduling states with invalid width should not be added.
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.TASK_TABLE_ADD", "task_id", 101,
"node_id", "task_spec")
with self.assertRaises(redis.ResponseError):
# Should not be able to update a non-existent task.
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.TASK_TABLE_UPDATE", "task_id", 10,
def testTaskTableAddAndLookup(self):
# Check that task table adds, updates, and lookups work correctly.
task_args = [1, b"node_id", b"task_spec"]
response = self.redis.execute_command("RAY.TASK_TABLE_ADD", "task_id",
response = self.redis.execute_command("RAY.TASK_TABLE_GET", "task_id")
self.assertEqual(response, task_args)
task_args[0] = 2
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.TASK_TABLE_UPDATE", "task_id", *task_args[:2])
response = self.redis.execute_command("RAY.TASK_TABLE_GET", "task_id")
self.assertEqual(response, task_args)
# If the current value, test value, and set value are all the same, the
# update happens, and the response is still the same task.
task_args = [task_args[0]] + task_args
response = self.redis.execute_command("RAY.TASK_TABLE_TEST_AND_UPDATE",
self.assertEqual(response, task_args[1:])
# Check that the task entry is still the same.
get_response = self.redis.execute_command("RAY.TASK_TABLE_GET", "task_id")
self.assertEqual(get_response, task_args[1:])
# If the current value is the same as the test value, and the set value is
# different, the update happens, and the response is the entire task.
task_args[1] += 1
response = self.redis.execute_command("RAY.TASK_TABLE_TEST_AND_UPDATE",
self.assertEqual(response, task_args[1:])
# Check that the update happened.
get_response = self.redis.execute_command("RAY.TASK_TABLE_GET", "task_id")
self.assertEqual(get_response, task_args[1:])
# If the current value is no longer the same as the test value, the
# response is nil.
task_args[1] += 1
response = self.redis.execute_command("RAY.TASK_TABLE_TEST_AND_UPDATE",
self.assertEqual(response, None)
# Check that the update did not happen.
get_response2 = self.redis.execute_command("RAY.TASK_TABLE_GET", "task_id")
self.assertEqual(get_response2, get_response)
self.assertNotEqual(get_response2, task_args[1:])
def testTaskTableSubscribe(self):
scheduling_state = 1
node_id = "node_id"
# Subscribe to the task table.
p = self.redis.pubsub()
p.psubscribe("{prefix}*:{state: >2}".format(prefix=TASK_PREFIX, state=scheduling_state))
p.psubscribe("{prefix}{node}:*".format(prefix=TASK_PREFIX, node=node_id))
task_args = [b"task_id", scheduling_state, node_id.encode("ascii"), b"task_spec"]
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.TASK_TABLE_ADD", *task_args)
# Receive the acknowledgement message.
self.assertEqual(p.get_message()["data"], 1)
self.assertEqual(p.get_message()["data"], 2)
self.assertEqual(p.get_message()["data"], 3)
# Receive the actual data.
for i in range(3):
message = p.get_message()["data"]
message = message.split()
message[1] = int(message[1])
self.assertEqual(message, task_args)
if __name__ == "__main__":