mehrdadn 7237ec4124 Windows compatibility (#57)
* Add Python and Redis submodules, and remove old third-party modules

* Update VS projects (WARNING: references files that do not exist yet)

* Update code & add shims for APIs except AF_UNIX/{send,recv}msg()

* Minor style changes.
2016-11-22 17:04:24 -08:00

15 lines
782 B

@Echo Off
@PushD "%~dp0"
git submodule update --init --jobs="%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS%"
@If Not Exist "python\.git" git clone "https://github.com/austinsc/python.git"
Call :GitApply "python" "%CD%/patches/windows/python-pyconfig.patch"
Call :GitApply "redis-windows" "%CD%/patches/windows/redis.patch"
@GoTo :EOF
:GitApply <ChangeToFolder> <Patch>
@REM Check if patch already applied by attempting to apply it in reverse; if not, then force-reapply it
git -C "%~1" apply "%~2" -R --check 2> NUL || git -C "%~1" apply "%~2" --3way 2> NUL || git -C "%~1" reset --hard && git -C "%~1" apply "%~2" --3way
@GoTo :EOF