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Policy Optimizers
RLlib supports using its policy optimizer implementations from external algorithms.
Example of constructing and using a policy optimizer `(link to full example) <https://github.com/ericl/baselines/blob/rllib-example/baselines/deepq/run_simple_loop.py>`__:
.. code-block:: python
env_creator = lambda env_config: gym.make("PongNoFrameskip-v4")
optimizer = LocalSyncReplayOptimizer.make(
YourEvaluatorClass, [env_creator], num_workers=0, optimizer_config={})
i = 0
while optimizer.num_steps_sampled < 100000:
i += 1
print("== optimizer step {} ==".format(i))
print("optimizer stats", optimizer.stats())
print("local evaluator stats", optimizer.local_evaluator.stats())
Read more about policy optimizers in this post: `Distributed Policy Optimizers for Scalable and Reproducible Deep RL <https://rise.cs.berkeley.edu/blog/distributed-policy-optimizers-for-scalable-and-reproducible-deep-rl/>`__.
Here are the steps for using a RLlib policy optimizer with an existing algorithm.
1. Implement the `Policy evaluator interface <rllib-dev.html#policy-evaluators-and-optimizers>`__.
- Here is an example of porting a `PyTorch Rainbow implementation <https://github.com/ericl/Rainbow/blob/rllib-example/rainbow_evaluator.py>`__.
- Another example porting a `TensorFlow DQN implementation <https://github.com/ericl/baselines/blob/rllib-example/baselines/deepq/dqn_evaluator.py>`__.
2. Pick a `Policy optimizer class <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/tree/master/python/ray/rllib/optimizers>`__. The `LocalSyncOptimizer <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/python/ray/rllib/optimizers/local_sync.py>`__ is a reasonable choice for local testing. You can also implement your own. Policy optimizers can be constructed using their ``make`` method (e.g., ``LocalSyncOptimizer.make(evaluator_cls, evaluator_args, num_workers, optimizer_config)``), or you can construct them by passing in a list of evaluators instantiated as Ray actors.
- Here is code showing the `simple Policy Gradient agent <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/python/ray/rllib/pg/pg.py>`__ using ``make()``.
- A different example showing an `A3C agent <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/python/ray/rllib/a3c/a3c.py>`__ passing in Ray actors directly.
3. Decide how you want to drive the training loop.
- Option 1: call ``optimizer.step()`` from some existing training code. Training statistics can be retrieved by querying the ``optimizer.local_evaluator`` evaluator instance, or mapping over the remote evaluators (e.g., ``ray.get([ev.some_fn.remote() for ev in optimizer.remote_evaluators])``) if you are running with multiple workers.
- Option 2: define a full RLlib `Agent class <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/python/ray/rllib/agent.py>`__. This might be preferable if you don't have an existing training harness or want to use features provided by `Ray Tune <tune.html>`__.
Available Policy Optimizers
| **Policy optimizer class** | **Operating range** | **Works with** | **Description** |
|AsyncOptimizer |1-10s of CPUs |(any) |Asynchronous gradient-based |
| | | |optimization (e.g., A3C) |
|LocalSyncOptimizer |0-1 GPUs + |(any) |Synchronous gradient-based |
| |1-100s of CPUs | |optimization with parallel |
| | | |sample collection |
|LocalSyncReplayOptimizer |0-1 GPUs + | Off-policy |Adds a replay buffer |
| |1-100s of CPUs | algorithms |to LocalSyncOptimizer |
|LocalMultiGPUOptimizer |0-10 GPUs + | Algorithms |Implements data-parallel |
| |1-100s of CPUs | written in |optimization over multiple |
| | | TensorFlow |GPUs, e.g., for PPO |
|ApexOptimizer |1 GPU + | Off-policy |Implements the Ape-X |
| |10-100s of CPUs | algorithms |distributed prioritization |
| | | w/sample |algorithm |
| | | prioritization | |