clarng 922bd1ed69
Don't use local files / headers when using Bazel's sandboxed execution (#25752)
Why are these changes needed?

Wasn't able to build Ray following these instructions : https://docs.ray.io/en/latest/ray-contribute/development.html#building-ray

It fails to run
pip install -e . --verbose # Add --user if you see a permission denied error.

I have a local installation of protobuf via Homebrew and bazel is using its headers against the protobuf that it is pulling into its sandbox. It is a known issue with bazel and one of the workarounds is to block the local dir so it doesn't accidentally pick up the header if someone happens to have it installed locally.

Manually tested by running

bazel build --verbose_failures --sandbox_debug -- //:ray_pkg

Without the fix I would get an error similar to https://gist.github.com/clarng/ff7b7bf7672802d1e3e07b4b509e4fc8
With the fix it builds
2022-06-14 10:00:30 -07:00

199 lines
9.5 KiB

# Must be first. Enables build:windows, build:linux, build:macos, build:freebsd, build:openbsd
build --enable_platform_specific_config
# On Windows, provide: BAZEL_SH, and BAZEL_LLVM (if using clang-cl)
# On all platforms, provide: PYTHON3_BIN_PATH=python
build:windows --action_env=PATH
# For --compilation_mode=dbg, consider enabling checks in the standard library as well (below).
build --compilation_mode=opt
# Using C++ 17 on all platforms.
build:linux --cxxopt="-std=c++17"
build:macos --cxxopt="-std=c++17"
build:clang-cl --cxxopt="-std=c++17"
build:msvc-cl --cxxopt="/std:c++17"
build:windows --cxxopt="/std:c++17"
# This workaround is needed to prevent Bazel from compiling the same file twice (once PIC and once not).
build:linux --force_pic
build:macos --force_pic
build:clang-cl --compiler=clang-cl
build:msvc-cl --compiler=msvc-cl
# `LC_ALL` and `LANG` is needed for cpp worker tests, because they will call "ray start".
# If we don't add them, python's `click` library will raise an error.
test --test_env=LC_ALL
test --test_env=LANG
# Allow C++ worker tests to execute "ray start" with the correct version of Python.
test --test_env=VIRTUAL_ENV
test --test_env=PYENV_VIRTUAL_ENV
test --test_env=PYENV_VERSION
test --test_env=PYENV_SHELL
# Do not send usage stats to the server for tests
test --test_env=RAY_USAGE_STATS_REPORT_URL=""
# This is needed for some core tests to run correctly
build:windows --enable_runfiles
# TODO(mehrdadn): Revert the "-\\.(asm|S)$" exclusion when this Bazel bug
# for compiling assembly files is fixed on Windows:
# https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/8924
# Warnings should be errors
build:linux --per_file_copt="-\\.(asm|S)$@-Werror"
build:macos --per_file_copt="-\\.(asm|S)$@-Werror"
build:clang-cl --per_file_copt="-\\.(asm|S)$@-Werror"
build:msvc-cl --per_file_copt="-\\.(asm|S)$@-WX"
# Ignore warnings for protobuf generated files and external projects.
build --per_file_copt="\\.pb\\.cc$@-w"
build --per_file_copt="-\\.(asm|S)$,external/.*@-w"
#build --per_file_copt="external/.*@-Wno-unused-result"
# Ignore minor warnings for host tools, which we generally can't control
build:clang-cl --host_copt="-Wno-inconsistent-missing-override"
build:clang-cl --host_copt="-Wno-microsoft-unqualified-friend"
# This workaround is needed due to https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/4341
build --per_file_copt="-\\.(asm|S)$,external/com_github_grpc_grpc/.*@-DGRPC_BAZEL_BUILD"
# Don't generate warnings about kernel features we don't need https://github.com/ray-project/ray/issues/6832
build:linux --per_file_copt="-\\.(asm|S)$,external/com_github_grpc_grpc/.*@-DGPR_MANYLINUX1"
# Ignore wchar_t -> char conversion warning on MSVC
build:msvc-cl --per_file_copt="external/boost/libs/regex/src/wc_regex_traits\\.cpp@-wd4244"
build --http_timeout_scaling=5.0
build --verbose_failures
build:iwyu --experimental_action_listener=//:iwyu_cpp
# Print relative paths when possible
build:windows --attempt_to_print_relative_paths
# Save disk space by hardlinking cache hits instead of copying
build:windows --experimental_repository_cache_hardlinks
# Clean the environment before building, to make builds more deterministic
build:windows --incompatible_strict_action_env
# For colored output (seems necessary on Windows)
build:windows --color=yes
# For compiler colored output (seems necessary on Windows)
build:clang-cl --per_file_copt="-\\.(asm|S)$@-fansi-escape-codes"
build:clang-cl --per_file_copt="-\\.(asm|S)$@-fcolor-diagnostics"
build:manylinux2010 --copt="-Wno-unused-result"
build:manylinux2010 --linkopt="-lrt"
# Debug build flags. Uncomment in '-c dbg' builds to enable checks in the C++ standard library:
#build:linux --cxxopt="-D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG=1"
#build:linux --cxxopt="-D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG_PEDANTIC=1"
#build:linux --cxxopt="-D_LIBCPP_DEBUG=1"
#build:macos --cxxopt="-D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG=1"
#build:macos --cxxopt="-D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG_PEDANTIC=1"
#build:windows --cxxopt="-D_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL=2"
# LLVM (clang & libc++) build flags common across Linux installations and systems.
# On Ubuntu, the remaining configurations can be generated by running ci/env/install-llvm-binaries.sh
build:llvm --action_env=CXXFLAGS=-stdlib=libc++
build:llvm --action_env=LDFLAGS=-stdlib=libc++
build:llvm --action_env=BAZEL_CXXOPTS=-stdlib=libc++
build:llvm --action_env=BAZEL_LINKLIBS=-l%:libc++.a:-l%:libc++abi.a
build:llvm --action_env=BAZEL_LINKOPTS=-lm:-pthread
build:llvm --define force_libcpp=enabled
# Thread sanitizer configuration:
build:tsan --strip=never
build:tsan --copt -fsanitize=thread
build:tsan --copt -DTHREAD_SANITIZER
build:tsan --copt -O2
build:tsan --copt -g
build:tsan --copt -fno-omit-frame-pointer
build:tsan --copt -Wno-uninitialized
build:tsan --linkopt -fsanitize=thread
# This config is only for running TSAN with LLVM toolchain on Linux.
build:tsan-clang --config=tsan
build:tsan-clang --config=llvm
test:tsan --test_env=TSAN_OPTIONS="report_atomic_races=0"
# Memory sanitizer configuration
build:asan --strip=never
build:asan --copt -g
build:asan --copt -fsanitize=address
build:asan --copt -DADDRESS_SANITIZER
build:asan --copt -fno-omit-frame-pointer
build:asan --linkopt -fsanitize=address
test:asan --jobs=1
test:asan --test_env=ASAN_OPTIONS="detect_leaks=0"
# This config is only for running ASAN with LLVM toolchain on Linux.
# https://github.com/google/sanitizers/issues/1017
build:asan-clang --config=asan
build:asan-clang --config=llvm
build:asan-clang --copt -mllvm
build:asan-clang --copt -asan-use-private-alias=1
build:asan-build --strip=never
build:asan-build -c dbg
build:asan-build --copt -fsanitize=address
build:asan-build --copt -DADDRESS_SANITIZER
build:asan-build --copt -O1
build:asan-build --copt -g
build:asan-build --copt -fno-omit-frame-pointer
build:asan-build --copt -static-libasan
build:asan-build --linkopt -fsanitize=address
build:asan-build --linkopt -static-libasan
# For example, for Ubuntu 18.04 libasan can be found here:
# test:asan --test_env=LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/libasan.so"
test:asan-buildkite --test_env=LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libasan.so.5"
# CI configuration:
aquery:ci --color=no
aquery:ci --noshow_progress
build:ci --color=yes
build:ci --curses=no
build:ci --keep_going
build:ci --progress_report_interval=100
build:ci --show_progress_rate_limit=15
build:ci --show_task_finish
build:ci --ui_actions_shown=1024
build:ci --show_timestamps
build:ci-travis --disk_cache=~/ray-bazel-cache
build:ci-travis --remote_cache="https://storage.googleapis.com/ray-bazel-cache"
build:ci-github --experimental_repository_cache_hardlinks # GitHub Actions has low disk space, so prefer hardlinks there.
build:ci-github --disk_cache=~/ray-bazel-cache
build:ci-github --remote_cache="https://storage.googleapis.com/ray-bazel-cache"
test:ci --flaky_test_attempts=3
# Disable test result caching because py_test under Bazel can import from outside of sandbox, but Bazel only looks at
# declared dependencies to determine if a result should be cached. More details at:
# https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/7091, https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_python/issues/382
test:ci --nocache_test_results
test:ci --spawn_strategy=local
test:ci --test_output=errors
test:ci --test_verbose_timeout_warnings
test:ci-debug -c dbg
test:ci-debug --copt="-g"
test:ci-debug --flaky_test_attempts=3
# Disable test result caching for the same reason above.
test:ci-debug --nocache_test_results
test:ci-debug --spawn_strategy=local
test:ci-debug --test_output=errors
test:ci-debug --test_verbose_timeout_warnings
aquery:get-toolchain --include_commandline=false
aquery:get-toolchain --noimplicit_deps
# [Linux] Uncomment this line (or use --config) to print a stack trace on exit.
#test:linux --config=strace
test:strace --run_under="bash -c 'if command -v strace >/dev/null && strace -qq -k -e exit true 2>/dev/null; then strace -qq -k -e exit -e trace=\"!all\" -s 32768 -f -o >(awk \"/^[0-9]+ / { y = \\$3 != \\\"SIGCHLD\\\" && \\$3 != \\\"SIGTERM\\\" && \\$5 != \\\"SIGTERM\\\" && \\$5 != \\\"SIGKILL2\\\"; } y { print; }\" 1>&2 && cat 1>&2) -- \"$@\"; else \"$@\"; fi' -"
# [Linux] Uncomment this line (or use --config) to preload libSegFault.so if available, to print a stack trace on aborts and segfault. (Note: This doesn't always work.)
#test:linux --config=segfault
test:segfault --run_under="bash -c 'unset GREP_OPTIONS && if ! grep -q -o Microsoft /proc/version 2>/dev/null; then libs=\"$(command -v ldconfig >/dev/null && ldconfig -p | grep -F -o -e \"libSegFault.so\" | uniq | tr \"\\\\n\" :)\" && if [ -n \"${libs%:}\" ]; then export SEGFAULT_SIGNALS=\"abrt segv\" LD_PRELOAD=\"${libs}${LD_PRELOAD-}\"; fi; fi && \"$@\"' -"
# Debug build:
build:debug -c dbg
build:debug --copt="-g"
build:debug --strip="never"
# Undefined Behavior Sanitizer
build:ubsan --strip=never
build:ubsan --copt -fsanitize=undefined
build:ubsan --copt -fno-sanitize=vptr
build:ubsan --copt -fno-sanitize-recover=all
build:ubsan --copt -g
build:ubsan --linkopt -fsanitize=undefined
build:ubsan --linkopt -fno-sanitize-recover=all
# Import local specific llvm config options, which can be generated by
# ci/env/install-llvm-dependencies.sh
try-import %workspace%/.llvm-local.bazelrc
# Even with sandbox mode bazel prioritizes system headers over the ones in the sandbox.
# It picks up the system headers when someone has protobuf installed via Homebrew.
# Work around for https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/8053
build:macos --sandbox_block_path=/usr/local/