.. _air: Ray AI Runtime (AIR) ==================== .. tip:: AIR is currently in **beta**. Fill out `this short form `__ to get involved. We'll be holding office hours, development sprints, and other activities as we get closer to the GA release. Join us! Ray AI Runtime (AIR) is a scalable and unified toolkit for ML applications. AIR enables easy scaling of individual workloads, end-to-end workflows, and popular ecosystem frameworks, all in just Python. .. https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1atB1dLjZIi8ibJ2-CoHdd3Zzyl_hDRWyK2CJAVBBLdU/edit .. image:: images/ray-air.svg AIR builds on best-in-class Ray libraries for :ref:`Preprocessing `, :ref:`Training `, :ref:`Tuning `, :ref:`Scoring `, :ref:`Serving `, and :ref:`Reinforcement Learning `, which bring together an ecosystem of integrations. Why AIR? -------- Ray AIR aims to simplify the ecosystem of machine learning frameworks, platforms, and tools. It does this by leveraging Ray to provide a seamless, unified, and open experience for scalable ML: .. image:: images/why-air-2.svg .. https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1oi_JwNHXVgtR_9iTdbecquesUd4hOk0dWgHaTaFj6gk/edit **1. Seamless Dev to Prod**: AIR reduces friction going from development to production. With Ray and AIR, the same Python code scales seamlessly from a laptop to a large cluster. **2. Unified ML API**: AIR's unified ML API enables swapping between popular frameworks, such as XGBoost, PyTorch, and HuggingFace, with just a single class change in your code. **3. Open and Extensible**: AIR and Ray are fully open-source and can run on any cluster, cloud, or Kubernetes. Build custom components and integrations on top of scalable developer APIs. When to use AIR? ---------------- AIR is for both data scientists and ML engineers alike. .. image:: images/when-air.svg .. https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1Qw_h457v921jWQkx63tmKAsOsJ-qemhwhCZvhkxWrWo/edit For data scientists, AIR can be used to scale individual workloads, and also end-to-end ML applications. For ML Engineers, AIR provides scalable platform abstractions that can be used to easily onboard and integrate tooling from the broader ML ecosystem. Quick Start ----------- Below, we walk through how AIR's unified ML API enables scaling of end-to-end ML workflows, focusing on a few of the popular frameworks AIR integrates with (XGBoost, Pytorch, and Tensorflow). The ML workflow we're going to build is summarized by the following diagram: .. https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1z0r_Yc7-0NAPVsP2jWUkLV2jHVHdcJHdt9uN1GDANSY/edit .. figure:: images/why-air.svg AIR provides a unified API for the ML ecosystem. This diagram shows how AIR enables an ecosystem of libraries to be run at scale in just a few lines of code. Get started by installing Ray AIR: .. code:: bash pip install -U "ray[air]" # The below Ray AIR tutorial was written with the following libraries. # Consider running the following to ensure that the code below runs properly: pip install -U pandas>=1.3.5 pip install -U torch>=1.12 pip install -U numpy>=1.19.5 pip install -U tensorflow>=2.6.2 pip install -U pyarrow>=6.0.1 Preprocessing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First, let's start by loading a dataset from storage: .. literalinclude:: examples/xgboost_starter.py :language: python :start-after: __air_generic_preprocess_start__ :end-before: __air_generic_preprocess_end__ Then, we define a ``Preprocessor`` pipeline for our task: .. tabbed:: XGBoost .. literalinclude:: examples/xgboost_starter.py :language: python :start-after: __air_xgb_preprocess_start__ :end-before: __air_xgb_preprocess_end__ .. tabbed:: Pytorch .. literalinclude:: examples/pytorch_tabular_starter.py :language: python :start-after: __air_pytorch_preprocess_start__ :end-before: __air_pytorch_preprocess_end__ .. tabbed:: Tensorflow .. literalinclude:: examples/tf_tabular_starter.py :language: python :start-after: __air_tf_preprocess_start__ :end-before: __air_tf_preprocess_end__ Training ~~~~~~~~ Train a model with a ``Trainer`` with common ML frameworks: .. tabbed:: XGBoost .. literalinclude:: examples/xgboost_starter.py :language: python :start-after: __air_xgb_train_start__ :end-before: __air_xgb_train_end__ .. tabbed:: Pytorch .. literalinclude:: examples/pytorch_tabular_starter.py :language: python :start-after: __air_pytorch_train_start__ :end-before: __air_pytorch_train_end__ .. tabbed:: Tensorflow .. literalinclude:: examples/tf_tabular_starter.py :language: python :start-after: __air_tf_train_start__ :end-before: __air_tf_train_end__ Hyperparameter Tuning ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can specify a hyperparameter space to search over for each trainer: .. tabbed:: XGBoost .. literalinclude:: examples/xgboost_starter.py :language: python :start-after: __air_xgb_tuner_start__ :end-before: __air_xgb_tuner_end__ .. tabbed:: Pytorch .. literalinclude:: examples/pytorch_tabular_starter.py :language: python :start-after: __air_pytorch_tuner_start__ :end-before: __air_pytorch_tuner_end__ .. tabbed:: Tensorflow .. literalinclude:: examples/tf_tabular_starter.py :language: python :start-after: __air_tf_tuner_start__ :end-before: __air_tf_tuner_end__ Then use the ``Tuner`` to run the search: .. literalinclude:: examples/pytorch_tabular_starter.py :language: python :start-after: __air_tune_generic_start__ :end-before: __air_tune_generic_end__ Batch Inference ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Use the trained model for scalable batch prediction with a ``BatchPredictor``. .. tabbed:: XGBoost .. literalinclude:: examples/xgboost_starter.py :language: python :start-after: __air_xgb_batchpred_start__ :end-before: __air_xgb_batchpred_end__ .. tabbed:: Pytorch .. literalinclude:: examples/pytorch_tabular_starter.py :language: python :start-after: __air_pytorch_batchpred_start__ :end-before: __air_pytorch_batchpred_end__ .. tabbed:: Tensorflow .. literalinclude:: examples/tf_tabular_starter.py :language: python :start-after: __air_tf_batchpred_start__ :end-before: __air_tf_batchpred_end__ Project Status -------------- AIR is currently in **beta**. If you have questions for the team or are interested in getting involved in the development process, fill out `this short form `__. For an overview of the AIR libraries, ecosystem integrations, and their readiness, check out the latest :ref:`AIR ecosystem map `. Next Steps ---------- - :ref:`air-key-concepts` - `Examples `__ - :ref:`Deployment Guide ` - :ref:`API reference `