from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import os from os.path import dirname import sys # MUST add pickle5 to the import path because it will be imported by some # raylet modules. if "pickle5" in sys.modules: raise ImportError("Ray must be imported before pickle5 because Ray " "requires a specific version of pickle5 (which is " "packaged along with Ray).") # Add the directory containing pickle5 to the Python path so that we find the # pickle5 version packaged with ray and not a pre-existing pickle5. pickle5_path = os.path.join( os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "pickle5_files") sys.path.insert(0, pickle5_path) # Expose ray ABI symbols which may be dependent by other shared # libraries such as See BUILD.bazel:_raylet so_path = os.path.join(dirname(__file__), "") if os.path.exists(so_path): import ctypes from ctypes import CDLL CDLL(so_path, ctypes.RTLD_GLOBAL) # MUST import ray._raylet before pyarrow to initialize some global variables. # It seems the library related to memory allocation in pyarrow will destroy the # initialization of grpc if we import pyarrow at first. # NOTE(JoeyJiang): See for more # details. import ray._raylet # noqa: E402 if "pyarrow" in sys.modules: raise ImportError("Ray must be imported before pyarrow because Ray " "requires a specific version of pyarrow (which is " "packaged along with Ray).") # Add the directory containing pyarrow to the Python path so that we find the # pyarrow version packaged with ray and not a pre-existing pyarrow. pyarrow_path = os.path.join( os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "pyarrow_files") sys.path.insert(0, pyarrow_path) # See helpful_message = """ If you are using Anaconda, try fixing this problem by running: conda install libgcc """ try: import pyarrow # noqa: F401 # pyarrow is not imported inside of _raylet because of the issue described # above. In order for Cython to compile _raylet, pyarrow is set to None # in _raylet instead, so we give _raylet a real reference to it here. # We first do the attribute checks here so that building the documentation # succeeds without fully installing ray.. # TODO(edoakes): Fix this. if hasattr(ray, "_raylet") and hasattr(ray._raylet, "pyarrow"): ray._raylet.pyarrow = pyarrow except ImportError as e: if ((hasattr(e, "msg") and isinstance(e.msg, str) and ("libstdc++" in e.msg or "CXX" in e.msg))): # This code path should be taken with Python 3. e.msg += helpful_message elif (hasattr(e, "message") and isinstance(e.message, str) and ("libstdc++" in e.message or "CXX" in e.message)): # This code path should be taken with Python 2. condition = (hasattr(e, "args") and isinstance(e.args, tuple) and len(e.args) == 1 and isinstance(e.args[0], str)) if condition: e.args = (e.args[0] + helpful_message, ) else: if not hasattr(e, "args"): e.args = () elif not isinstance(e.args, tuple): e.args = (e.args, ) e.args += (helpful_message, ) raise from ray._raylet import ( ActorCheckpointID, ActorClassID, ActorID, ClientID, Config as _Config, JobID, WorkerID, FunctionID, ObjectID, TaskID, UniqueID, ) # noqa: E402 _config = _Config() from ray.profiling import profile # noqa: E402 from ray.state import (global_state, jobs, nodes, tasks, objects, timeline, object_transfer_timeline, cluster_resources, available_resources, errors) # noqa: E402 from ray.worker import ( LOCAL_MODE, SCRIPT_MODE, WORKER_MODE, connect, disconnect, get, get_gpu_ids, get_resource_ids, get_webui_url, init, is_initialized, put, register_custom_serializer, remote, shutdown, show_in_webui, wait, ) # noqa: E402 import ray.internal # noqa: E402 import ray.projects # noqa: E402 # We import because some code is run in which initializes # some functions in the worker. import # noqa: F401 from import method # noqa: E402 from ray.runtime_context import _get_runtime_context # noqa: E402 # Ray version string. __version__ = "" __all__ = [ "global_state", "jobs", "nodes", "tasks", "objects", "timeline", "object_transfer_timeline", "cluster_resources", "available_resources", "errors", "LOCAL_MODE", "PYTHON_MODE", "SCRIPT_MODE", "WORKER_MODE", "__version__", "_config", "_get_runtime_context", "actor", "connect", "disconnect", "get", "get_gpu_ids", "get_resource_ids", "get_webui_url", "init", "internal", "is_initialized", "method", "profile", "projects", "put", "register_custom_serializer", "remote", "shutdown", "show_in_webui", "wait", ] # ID types __all__ += [ "ActorCheckpointID", "ActorClassID", "ActorID", "ClientID", "JobID", "WorkerID", "FunctionID", "ObjectID", "TaskID", "UniqueID", ] import ctypes # noqa: E402 # Windows only if hasattr(ctypes, "windll"): # Makes sure that all child processes die when we die. Also makes sure that # fatal crashes result in process termination rather than an error dialog # (the latter is annoying since we have a lot of processes). This is done # by associating all child processes with a "job" object that imposes this # behavior. (lambda kernel32: (lambda job: (lambda n: kernel32.SetInformationJobObject(job, 9, "\0" * 17 + chr(0x8 | 0x4 | 0x20) + "\0" * (n - 18), n))(0x90 if ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_void_p) > ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_int) else 0x70) and kernel32.AssignProcessToJobObject(job, ctypes.c_void_p(kernel32.GetCurrentProcess())))(ctypes.c_void_p(kernel32.CreateJobObjectW(None, None))) if kernel32 is not None else None)(ctypes.windll.kernel32) # noqa: E501