import ray from ray.rllib.examples.env.simple_corridor import SimpleCorridor class GPURequiringEnv(SimpleCorridor): """A dummy env that requires a GPU in order to work. The env here is a simple corridor env that additionally simulates a GPU check in its constructor via `ray.get_gpu_ids()`. If this returns an empty list, we raise an error. To make this env work, use `num_gpus_per_worker > 0` (RolloutWorkers requesting this many GPUs each) and - maybe - `num_gpus > 0` in case your local worker/driver must have an env as well. However, this is only the case if `create_env_on_driver`=True (default is False). """ def __init__(self, config=None): super().__init__(config) # Fake-require some GPUs (at least one). # If your local worker's env (`create_env_on_driver`=True) does not # necessarily require a GPU, you can perform the below assertion only # if `config.worker_index != 0`. gpus_available = ray.get_gpu_ids() assert len(gpus_available) > 0, "Not enough GPUs for this env!" print("Env can see these GPUs: {}".format(gpus_available))