from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from flaky import flaky import shutil import tempfile import threading import time import unittest import yaml import copy import ray import as services from ray.autoscaler.autoscaler import StandardAutoscaler, LoadMetrics, \ fillout_defaults, validate_config from ray.autoscaler.tags import TAG_RAY_NODE_TYPE, TAG_RAY_NODE_STATUS from ray.autoscaler.node_provider import NODE_PROVIDERS, NodeProvider from ray.autoscaler.updater import NodeUpdaterThread import pytest class MockNode(object): def __init__(self, node_id, tags): self.node_id = node_id self.state = "pending" self.tags = tags self.external_ip = "" self.internal_ip = "172.0.0.{}".format(self.node_id) def matches(self, tags): for k, v in tags.items(): if k not in self.tags or self.tags[k] != v: return False return True class MockProcessRunner(object): def __init__(self, fail_cmds=[]): self.calls = [] self.fail_cmds = fail_cmds def check_call(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs): for token in self.fail_cmds: if token in str(cmd): raise Exception("Failing command on purpose") self.calls.append(cmd) class MockProvider(NodeProvider): def __init__(self): self.mock_nodes = {} self.next_id = 0 self.throw = False self.fail_creates = False self.ready_to_create = threading.Event() self.ready_to_create.set() def nodes(self, tag_filters): if self.throw: raise Exception("oops") return [ n.node_id for n in self.mock_nodes.values() if n.matches(tag_filters) and n.state != "terminated" ] def is_running(self, node_id): return self.mock_nodes[node_id].state == "running" def is_terminated(self, node_id): return self.mock_nodes[node_id].state == "terminated" def node_tags(self, node_id): return self.mock_nodes[node_id].tags def internal_ip(self, node_id): return self.mock_nodes[node_id].internal_ip def external_ip(self, node_id): return self.mock_nodes[node_id].external_ip def create_node(self, node_config, tags, count): self.ready_to_create.wait() if self.fail_creates: return for _ in range(count): self.mock_nodes[self.next_id] = MockNode(self.next_id, tags) self.next_id += 1 def set_node_tags(self, node_id, tags): self.mock_nodes[node_id].tags.update(tags) def terminate_node(self, node_id): self.mock_nodes[node_id].state = "terminated" SMALL_CLUSTER = { "cluster_name": "default", "min_workers": 2, "max_workers": 2, "initial_workers": 0, "target_utilization_fraction": 0.8, "idle_timeout_minutes": 5, "provider": { "type": "mock", "region": "us-east-1", "availability_zone": "us-east-1a", }, "docker": { "image": "example", "container_name": "mock", }, "auth": { "ssh_user": "ubuntu", "ssh_private_key": "/dev/null", }, "head_node": { "TestProp": 1, }, "worker_nodes": { "TestProp": 2, }, "file_mounts": {}, "setup_commands": ["cmd1"], "head_setup_commands": ["cmd2"], "worker_setup_commands": ["cmd3"], "head_start_ray_commands": ["start_ray_head"], "worker_start_ray_commands": ["start_ray_worker"], } class LoadMetricsTest(unittest.TestCase): def testUpdate(self): lm = LoadMetrics() lm.update("", {"CPU": 2}, {"CPU": 1}) assert lm.approx_workers_used() == 0.5 lm.update("", {"CPU": 2}, {"CPU": 0}) assert lm.approx_workers_used() == 1.0 lm.update("", {"CPU": 2}, {"CPU": 0}) assert lm.approx_workers_used() == 2.0 def testPruneByNodeIp(self): lm = LoadMetrics() lm.update("", {"CPU": 1}, {"CPU": 0}) lm.update("", {"CPU": 1}, {"CPU": 0}) lm.prune_active_ips({"", ""}) assert lm.approx_workers_used() == 1.0 def testBottleneckResource(self): lm = LoadMetrics() lm.update("", {"CPU": 2}, {"CPU": 0}) lm.update("", {"CPU": 2, "GPU": 16}, {"CPU": 2, "GPU": 2}) assert lm.approx_workers_used() == 1.88 def testHeartbeat(self): lm = LoadMetrics() lm.update("", {"CPU": 2}, {"CPU": 1}) lm.mark_active("") assert "" in lm.last_heartbeat_time_by_ip assert "" in lm.last_heartbeat_time_by_ip assert "" not in lm.last_heartbeat_time_by_ip def testDebugString(self): lm = LoadMetrics() lm.update("", {"CPU": 2}, {"CPU": 0}) lm.update("", {"CPU": 2, "GPU": 16}, {"CPU": 2, "GPU": 2}) debug = lm.info_string() assert "ResourceUsage: 2.0/4.0 CPU, 14.0/16.0 GPU" in debug assert "NumNodesConnected: 2" in debug assert "NumNodesUsed: 1.88" in debug class AutoscalingTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): NODE_PROVIDERS["mock"] = \ lambda: (None, self.create_provider) self.provider = None self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() def tearDown(self): del NODE_PROVIDERS["mock"] shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) ray.shutdown() def waitFor(self, condition, num_retries=50): for _ in range(num_retries): if condition(): return time.sleep(.1) raise Exception("Timed out waiting for {}".format(condition)) def waitForNodes(self, expected, comparison=None, tag_filters={}): MAX_ITER = 50 for i in range(MAX_ITER): n = len(self.provider.nodes(tag_filters)) if comparison is None: comparison = self.assertEqual try: comparison(n, expected) return except Exception: if i == MAX_ITER - 1: raise time.sleep(.1) def create_provider(self, config, cluster_name): assert self.provider return self.provider def write_config(self, config): path = self.tmpdir + "/simple.yaml" with open(path, "w") as f: f.write(yaml.dump(config)) return path def testInvalidConfig(self): invalid_config = "/dev/null" with pytest.raises(ValueError): StandardAutoscaler( invalid_config, LoadMetrics(), update_interval_s=0) def testValidation(self): """Ensures that schema validation is working.""" config = copy.deepcopy(SMALL_CLUSTER) try: validate_config(config) except Exception:"Test config did not pass validation test!") config["blah"] = "blah" with pytest.raises(ValueError): validate_config(config) del config["blah"] config["provider"]["blah"] = "blah" with pytest.raises(ValueError): validate_config(config) del config["provider"]["blah"] del config["provider"] with pytest.raises(ValueError): validate_config(config) def testValidateDefaultConfig(self): config = {} config["provider"] = { "type": "aws", "region": "us-east-1", "availability_zone": "us-east-1a", } config = fillout_defaults(config) try: validate_config(config) except Exception:"Default config did not pass validation test!") def testScaleUp(self): config_path = self.write_config(SMALL_CLUSTER) self.provider = MockProvider() autoscaler = StandardAutoscaler( config_path, LoadMetrics(), max_failures=0, update_interval_s=0) assert len(self.provider.nodes({})) == 0 autoscaler.update() self.waitForNodes(2) autoscaler.update() self.waitForNodes(2) def testTerminateOutdatedNodesGracefully(self): config = SMALL_CLUSTER.copy() config["min_workers"] = 5 config["max_workers"] = 5 config_path = self.write_config(config) self.provider = MockProvider() self.provider.create_node({}, {TAG_RAY_NODE_TYPE: "worker"}, 10) autoscaler = StandardAutoscaler( config_path, LoadMetrics(), max_failures=0, update_interval_s=0) self.waitForNodes(10) # Gradually scales down to meet target size, never going too low for _ in range(10): autoscaler.update() self.waitForNodes(5, comparison=self.assertLessEqual) self.waitForNodes(4, comparison=self.assertGreaterEqual) # Eventually reaches steady state self.waitForNodes(5) def testDynamicScaling(self): config_path = self.write_config(SMALL_CLUSTER) self.provider = MockProvider() autoscaler = StandardAutoscaler( config_path, LoadMetrics(), max_launch_batch=5, max_concurrent_launches=5, max_failures=0, update_interval_s=0) self.waitForNodes(0) autoscaler.update() self.waitForNodes(2) # Update the config to reduce the cluster size new_config = SMALL_CLUSTER.copy() new_config["max_workers"] = 1 self.write_config(new_config) autoscaler.update() self.waitForNodes(1) # Update the config to reduce the cluster size new_config["min_workers"] = 10 new_config["max_workers"] = 10 self.write_config(new_config) autoscaler.update() self.waitForNodes(6) autoscaler.update() self.waitForNodes(10) def testInitialWorkers(self): config = SMALL_CLUSTER.copy() config["min_workers"] = 0 config["max_workers"] = 20 config["initial_workers"] = 10 config_path = self.write_config(config) self.provider = MockProvider() autoscaler = StandardAutoscaler( config_path, LoadMetrics(), max_launch_batch=5, max_concurrent_launches=5, max_failures=0, update_interval_s=0) self.waitForNodes(0) autoscaler.update() self.waitForNodes(5) # expected due to batch sizes and concurrency autoscaler.update() self.waitForNodes(10) autoscaler.update() def testDelayedLaunch(self): config_path = self.write_config(SMALL_CLUSTER) self.provider = MockProvider() autoscaler = StandardAutoscaler( config_path, LoadMetrics(), max_launch_batch=5, max_concurrent_launches=5, max_failures=0, update_interval_s=0) assert len(self.provider.nodes({})) == 0 # Update will try to create, but will block until we set the flag self.provider.ready_to_create.clear() autoscaler.update() assert autoscaler.num_launches_pending.value == 2 assert len(self.provider.nodes({})) == 0 # Set the flag, check it updates self.provider.ready_to_create.set() self.waitForNodes(2) assert autoscaler.num_launches_pending.value == 0 # Update the config to reduce the cluster size new_config = SMALL_CLUSTER.copy() new_config["max_workers"] = 1 self.write_config(new_config) autoscaler.update() assert len(self.provider.nodes({})) == 1 def testDelayedLaunchWithFailure(self): config = SMALL_CLUSTER.copy() config["min_workers"] = 10 config["max_workers"] = 10 config_path = self.write_config(config) self.provider = MockProvider() autoscaler = StandardAutoscaler( config_path, LoadMetrics(), max_launch_batch=5, max_concurrent_launches=8, max_failures=0, update_interval_s=0) assert len(self.provider.nodes({})) == 0 # update() should launch a wave of 5 nodes (max_launch_batch) # Force this first wave to block. rtc1 = self.provider.ready_to_create rtc1.clear() autoscaler.update() # Synchronization: wait for launchy thread to be blocked on rtc1 if hasattr(rtc1, '_cond'): # Python 3.5 waiters = rtc1._cond._waiters else: # Python 2.7 waiters = rtc1._Event__cond._Condition__waiters self.waitFor(lambda: len(waiters) == 1) assert autoscaler.num_launches_pending.value == 5 assert len(self.provider.nodes({})) == 0 # Call update() to launch a second wave of 3 nodes, # as 5 + 3 = 8 = max_concurrent_launches. # Make this wave complete immediately. rtc2 = threading.Event() self.provider.ready_to_create = rtc2 rtc2.set() autoscaler.update() self.waitForNodes(3) assert autoscaler.num_launches_pending.value == 5 # The first wave of 5 will now tragically fail self.provider.fail_creates = True rtc1.set() self.waitFor(lambda: autoscaler.num_launches_pending.value == 0) assert len(self.provider.nodes({})) == 3 # Retry the first wave, allowing it to succeed this time self.provider.fail_creates = False autoscaler.update() self.waitForNodes(8) assert autoscaler.num_launches_pending.value == 0 # Final wave of 2 nodes autoscaler.update() self.waitForNodes(10) assert autoscaler.num_launches_pending.value == 0 def testUpdateThrottling(self): config_path = self.write_config(SMALL_CLUSTER) self.provider = MockProvider() autoscaler = StandardAutoscaler( config_path, LoadMetrics(), max_launch_batch=5, max_concurrent_launches=5, max_failures=0, update_interval_s=10) autoscaler.update() self.waitForNodes(2) assert autoscaler.num_launches_pending.value == 0 new_config = SMALL_CLUSTER.copy() new_config["max_workers"] = 1 self.write_config(new_config) autoscaler.update() # not updated yet # note that node termination happens in the main thread, so # we do not need to add any delay here before checking assert len(self.provider.nodes({})) == 2 assert autoscaler.num_launches_pending.value == 0 def testLaunchConfigChange(self): config_path = self.write_config(SMALL_CLUSTER) self.provider = MockProvider() autoscaler = StandardAutoscaler( config_path, LoadMetrics(), max_failures=0, update_interval_s=0) autoscaler.update() self.waitForNodes(2) # Update the config to change the node type new_config = SMALL_CLUSTER.copy() new_config["worker_nodes"]["InstanceType"] = "updated" self.write_config(new_config) self.provider.ready_to_create.clear() for _ in range(5): autoscaler.update() self.waitForNodes(0) self.provider.ready_to_create.set() self.waitForNodes(2) def testIgnoresCorruptedConfig(self): config_path = self.write_config(SMALL_CLUSTER) self.provider = MockProvider() autoscaler = StandardAutoscaler( config_path, LoadMetrics(), max_launch_batch=10, max_concurrent_launches=10, max_failures=0, update_interval_s=0) autoscaler.update() self.waitForNodes(2) # Write a corrupted config self.write_config("asdf") for _ in range(10): autoscaler.update() time.sleep(0.1) assert autoscaler.num_launches_pending.value == 0 assert len(self.provider.nodes({})) == 2 # New a good config again new_config = SMALL_CLUSTER.copy() new_config["min_workers"] = 10 new_config["max_workers"] = 10 self.write_config(new_config) autoscaler.update() self.waitForNodes(10) def testMaxFailures(self): config_path = self.write_config(SMALL_CLUSTER) self.provider = MockProvider() self.provider.throw = True autoscaler = StandardAutoscaler( config_path, LoadMetrics(), max_failures=2, update_interval_s=0) autoscaler.update() autoscaler.update() with pytest.raises(Exception): autoscaler.update() def testLaunchNewNodeOnOutOfBandTerminate(self): config_path = self.write_config(SMALL_CLUSTER) self.provider = MockProvider() autoscaler = StandardAutoscaler( config_path, LoadMetrics(), max_failures=0, update_interval_s=0) autoscaler.update() autoscaler.update() self.waitForNodes(2) for node in self.provider.mock_nodes.values(): node.state = "terminated" assert len(self.provider.nodes({})) == 0 autoscaler.update() self.waitForNodes(2) def testConfiguresNewNodes(self): config_path = self.write_config(SMALL_CLUSTER) self.provider = MockProvider() runner = MockProcessRunner() autoscaler = StandardAutoscaler( config_path, LoadMetrics(), max_failures=0, process_runner=runner, verbose_updates=True, node_updater_cls=NodeUpdaterThread, update_interval_s=0) autoscaler.update() autoscaler.update() self.waitForNodes(2) for node in self.provider.mock_nodes.values(): node.state = "running" assert len( self.provider.nodes({ TAG_RAY_NODE_STATUS: "uninitialized" })) == 2 autoscaler.update() self.waitForNodes(2, tag_filters={TAG_RAY_NODE_STATUS: "up-to-date"}) def testReportsConfigFailures(self): config_path = self.write_config(SMALL_CLUSTER) self.provider = MockProvider() runner = MockProcessRunner(fail_cmds=["cmd1"]) autoscaler = StandardAutoscaler( config_path, LoadMetrics(), max_failures=0, process_runner=runner, verbose_updates=True, node_updater_cls=NodeUpdaterThread, update_interval_s=0) autoscaler.update() autoscaler.update() self.waitForNodes(2) for node in self.provider.mock_nodes.values(): node.state = "running" assert len( self.provider.nodes({ TAG_RAY_NODE_STATUS: "uninitialized" })) == 2 autoscaler.update() self.waitForNodes( 2, tag_filters={TAG_RAY_NODE_STATUS: "update-failed"}) def testConfiguresOutdatedNodes(self): config_path = self.write_config(SMALL_CLUSTER) self.provider = MockProvider() runner = MockProcessRunner() autoscaler = StandardAutoscaler( config_path, LoadMetrics(), max_failures=0, process_runner=runner, verbose_updates=True, node_updater_cls=NodeUpdaterThread, update_interval_s=0) autoscaler.update() autoscaler.update() self.waitForNodes(2) for node in self.provider.mock_nodes.values(): node.state = "running" autoscaler.update() self.waitForNodes(2, tag_filters={TAG_RAY_NODE_STATUS: "up-to-date"}) runner.calls = [] new_config = SMALL_CLUSTER.copy() new_config["worker_setup_commands"] = ["cmdX", "cmdY"] self.write_config(new_config) autoscaler.update() autoscaler.update() self.waitFor(lambda: len(runner.calls) > 0) def testScaleUpBasedOnLoad(self): config = SMALL_CLUSTER.copy() config["min_workers"] = 1 config["max_workers"] = 10 config["target_utilization_fraction"] = 0.5 config_path = self.write_config(config) self.provider = MockProvider() lm = LoadMetrics() autoscaler = StandardAutoscaler( config_path, lm, max_failures=0, update_interval_s=0) assert len(self.provider.nodes({})) == 0 autoscaler.update() self.waitForNodes(1) autoscaler.update() assert autoscaler.num_launches_pending.value == 0 assert len(self.provider.nodes({})) == 1 # Scales up as nodes are reported as used local_ip = services.get_node_ip_address() lm.update(local_ip, {"CPU": 2}, {"CPU": 0}) # head lm.update("", {"CPU": 2}, {"CPU": 0}) # worker 1 autoscaler.update() self.waitForNodes(3) lm.update("", {"CPU": 2}, {"CPU": 0}) autoscaler.update() self.waitForNodes(5) # Holds steady when load is removed lm.update("", {"CPU": 2}, {"CPU": 2}) lm.update("", {"CPU": 2}, {"CPU": 2}) autoscaler.update() assert autoscaler.num_launches_pending.value == 0 assert len(self.provider.nodes({})) == 5 # Scales down as nodes become unused lm.last_used_time_by_ip[""] = 0 lm.last_used_time_by_ip[""] = 0 autoscaler.update() assert autoscaler.num_launches_pending.value == 0 assert len(self.provider.nodes({})) == 3 lm.last_used_time_by_ip[""] = 0 lm.last_used_time_by_ip[""] = 0 autoscaler.update() assert autoscaler.num_launches_pending.value == 0 assert len(self.provider.nodes({})) == 1 def testDontScaleBelowTarget(self): config = SMALL_CLUSTER.copy() config["min_workers"] = 0 config["max_workers"] = 2 config["target_utilization_fraction"] = 0.5 config_path = self.write_config(config) self.provider = MockProvider() lm = LoadMetrics() autoscaler = StandardAutoscaler( config_path, lm, max_failures=0, update_interval_s=0) assert len(self.provider.nodes({})) == 0 autoscaler.update() assert autoscaler.num_launches_pending.value == 0 assert len(self.provider.nodes({})) == 0 # Scales up as nodes are reported as used local_ip = services.get_node_ip_address() lm.update(local_ip, {"CPU": 2}, {"CPU": 0}) # head # 1.0 nodes used => target nodes = 2 => target workers = 1 autoscaler.update() self.waitForNodes(1) # Make new node idle, and never used. # Should hold steady as target is still 2. lm.update("", {"CPU": 0}, {"CPU": 0}) lm.last_used_time_by_ip[""] = 0 autoscaler.update() assert len(self.provider.nodes({})) == 1 # Reduce load on head => target nodes = 1 => target workers = 0 lm.update(local_ip, {"CPU": 2}, {"CPU": 1}) autoscaler.update() assert len(self.provider.nodes({})) == 0 @flaky(max_runs=4) def testRecoverUnhealthyWorkers(self): config_path = self.write_config(SMALL_CLUSTER) self.provider = MockProvider() runner = MockProcessRunner() lm = LoadMetrics() autoscaler = StandardAutoscaler( config_path, lm, max_failures=0, process_runner=runner, verbose_updates=True, node_updater_cls=NodeUpdaterThread, update_interval_s=0) autoscaler.update() self.waitForNodes(2) for node in self.provider.mock_nodes.values(): node.state = "running" autoscaler.update() self.waitForNodes(2, tag_filters={TAG_RAY_NODE_STATUS: "up-to-date"}) # Mark a node as unhealthy lm.last_heartbeat_time_by_ip[""] = 0 num_calls = len(runner.calls) autoscaler.update() self.waitFor(lambda: len(runner.calls) > num_calls, num_retries=150) def testExternalNodeScaler(self): config = SMALL_CLUSTER.copy() config["provider"] = { "type": "external", "module": "ray.autoscaler.node_provider.NodeProvider", } config_path = self.write_config(config) autoscaler = StandardAutoscaler( config_path, LoadMetrics(), max_failures=0, update_interval_s=0) assert isinstance(autoscaler.provider, NodeProvider) def testExternalNodeScalerWrongImport(self): config = SMALL_CLUSTER.copy() config["provider"] = { "type": "external", "module": "mymodule.provider_class", } invalid_provider = self.write_config(config) with pytest.raises(ImportError): StandardAutoscaler( invalid_provider, LoadMetrics(), update_interval_s=0) def testExternalNodeScalerWrongModuleFormat(self): config = SMALL_CLUSTER.copy() config["provider"] = { "type": "external", "module": "does-not-exist", } invalid_provider = self.write_config(config) with pytest.raises(ValueError): StandardAutoscaler( invalid_provider, LoadMetrics(), update_interval_s=0) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main(verbosity=2)