import json import os import random import string import time import requests import ray from ray import serve from ray.cluster_utils import Cluster # Global variables / constants appear only right after imports. # Ray serve deployment setup constants NUM_REPLICAS = 7 MAX_BATCH_SIZE = 16 # Cluster setup constants NUM_REDIS_SHARDS = 1 REDIS_MAX_MEMORY = 10 ** 8 OBJECT_STORE_MEMORY = 10 ** 8 NUM_NODES = 4 # RandomTest setup constants CPUS_PER_NODE = 10 RAY_UNIT_TEST = "RAY_UNIT_TEST" in os.environ def update_progress(result): """ Write test result json to /tmp/, which will be read from anyscale product runs in each releaser test """ result["last_update"] = time.time() test_output_json = os.environ.get( "TEST_OUTPUT_JSON", "/tmp/release_test_output.json" ) with open(test_output_json, "wt") as f: json.dump(result, f) cluster = Cluster() for i in range(NUM_NODES): cluster.add_node( redis_port=6379 if i == 0 else None, num_redis_shards=NUM_REDIS_SHARDS if i == 0 else None, num_cpus=16, num_gpus=0, resources={str(i): 2}, object_store_memory=OBJECT_STORE_MEMORY, redis_max_memory=REDIS_MAX_MEMORY, dashboard_host="", ) ray.init( namespace="serve_failure_test", address=cluster.address, dashboard_host="", log_to_driver=True, ) serve.start(detached=True) @ray.remote class RandomKiller: def __init__(self, kill_period_s=1): self.kill_period_s = kill_period_s def _get_all_serve_actors(self): controller = serve.context.get_global_client()._controller routers = list(ray.get(controller.get_http_proxies.remote()).values()) all_handles = routers + [controller] worker_handle_dict = ray.get(controller._all_running_replicas.remote()) for _, replica_info_list in worker_handle_dict.items(): for replica_info in replica_info_list: all_handles.append(replica_info.actor_handle) return all_handles def run(self): while True: chosen = random.choice(self._get_all_serve_actors()) print(f"Killing {chosen}") ray.kill(chosen, no_restart=False) time.sleep(self.kill_period_s) class RandomTest: def __init__(self, max_deployments=1): self.max_deployments = max_deployments self.weighted_actions = [ (self.create_deployment, 1), (self.verify_deployment, 4), ] self.deployments = [] for _ in range(max_deployments): self.create_deployment() def create_deployment(self): if len(self.deployments) == self.max_deployments: deployment_to_delete = self.deployments.pop() serve.get_deployment(deployment_to_delete).delete() new_name = "".join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(10)]) @serve.deployment(name=new_name) def handler(self, *args): return new_name handler.deploy() self.deployments.append(new_name) def verify_deployment(self): deployment = random.choice(self.deployments) for _ in range(100): try: r = requests.get("" + deployment) assert r.text == deployment except Exception: print("Request to {} failed.".format(deployment)) time.sleep(0.01) def run(self): iteration = 0 start_time = time.time() previous_time = start_time while True: for _ in range(20): actions, weights = zip(*self.weighted_actions) action_chosen = random.choices(actions, weights=weights)[0] print(f"Executing {action_chosen}") action_chosen() new_time = time.time() print( "Iteration {}:\n" " - Iteration time: {}.\n" " - Absolute time: {}.\n" " - Total elapsed time: {}.".format( iteration, new_time - previous_time, new_time, new_time - start_time ) ) update_progress( { "iteration": iteration, "iteration_time": new_time - previous_time, "absolute_time": new_time, "elapsed_time": new_time - start_time, } ) previous_time = new_time iteration += 1 if RAY_UNIT_TEST: break tester = RandomTest(max_deployments=NUM_NODES * CPUS_PER_NODE) random_killer = RandomKiller.remote()