import base64 import gym import io import numpy as np from typing import Dict import zlib from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import DeveloperAPI def _serialize_ndarray(array: np.ndarray) -> str: """Pack numpy ndarray into Base64 encoded strings for serialization. This function uses instead of pickling to ensure compatibility. Args: array: numpy ndarray. Returns: b64 escaped string. """ buf = io.BytesIO(), array) return base64.b64encode(zlib.compress(buf.getvalue())).decode("ascii") def _deserialize_ndarray(b64_string: str) -> np.ndarray: """Unpack b64 escaped string into numpy ndarray. This function assumes the unescaped bytes are of npy format. Args: b64_string: Base64 escaped string. Returns: numpy ndarray. """ return np.load(io.BytesIO(zlib.decompress(base64.b64decode(b64_string)))) @DeveloperAPI def gym_space_to_dict(space: gym.spaces.Space) -> Dict: """Serialize a gym Space into JSON-serializable dict. Args: space: gym.spaces.Space Returns: Serialized JSON string. """ def _box(sp: gym.spaces.Box) -> Dict: return { "space": "box", "low": _serialize_ndarray(sp.low), "high": _serialize_ndarray(sp.high), "shape": sp._shape, # shape is a tuple. "dtype": sp.dtype.str, } def _discrete(sp: gym.spaces.Discrete) -> Dict: d = { "space": "discrete", "n": sp.n, } # Offset is a relatively new Discrete space feature. if hasattr(sp, "start"): d["start"] = sp.start return d def _multi_discrete(sp: gym.spaces.MultiDiscrete) -> Dict: return { "space": "multi-discrete", "nvec": _serialize_ndarray(sp.nvec), "dtype": sp.dtype.str, } def _tuple(sp: gym.spaces.Tuple) -> Dict: return { "space": "tuple", "spaces": [gym_space_to_dict(sp) for sp in sp.spaces], } def _dict(sp: gym.spaces.Dict) -> Dict: return { "space": "dict", "spaces": {k: gym_space_to_dict(sp) for k, sp in sp.spaces.items()}, } if isinstance(space, gym.spaces.Box): return _box(space) elif isinstance(space, gym.spaces.Discrete): return _discrete(space) elif isinstance(space, gym.spaces.MultiDiscrete): return _multi_discrete(space) elif isinstance(space, gym.spaces.Tuple): return _tuple(space) elif isinstance(space, gym.spaces.Dict): return _dict(space) else: raise ValueError("Unknown space type for serialization, ", type(space)) @DeveloperAPI def gym_space_from_dict(d: Dict) -> gym.spaces.Space: """De-serialize a dict into gym Space. Args: str: serialized JSON str. Returns: De-serialized gym space. """ def __common(d: Dict): """Common updates to the dict before we use it to construct spaces""" del d["space"] if "dtype" in d: d["dtype"] = np.dtype(d["dtype"]) return d def _box(d: Dict) -> gym.spaces.Box: d.update( { "low": _deserialize_ndarray(d["low"]), "high": _deserialize_ndarray(d["high"]), } ) return gym.spaces.Box(**__common(d)) def _discrete(d: Dict) -> gym.spaces.Discrete: return gym.spaces.Discrete(**__common(d)) def _multi_discrete(d: Dict) -> gym.spaces.Discrete: d.update( { "nvec": _deserialize_ndarray(d["nvec"]), } ) return gym.spaces.MultiDiscrete(**__common(d)) def _tuple(d: Dict) -> gym.spaces.Discrete: spaces = [gym_space_from_dict(sp) for sp in d["spaces"]] return gym.spaces.Tuple(spaces=spaces) def _dict(d: Dict) -> gym.spaces.Discrete: spaces = {k: gym_space_from_dict(sp) for k, sp in d["spaces"].items()} return gym.spaces.Dict(spaces=spaces) space_map = { "box": _box, "discrete": _discrete, "multi-discrete": _multi_discrete, "tuple": _tuple, "dict": _dict, } space_type = d["space"] if space_type not in space_map: raise ValueError("Unknown space type for de-serialization, ", space_type) return space_map[space_type](d)