import argparse import asyncio import logging import logging.handlers import os import platform import sys import socket import json import traceback from grpc.experimental import aio as aiogrpc from distutils.version import LooseVersion import ray import ray.dashboard.consts as dashboard_consts import ray.dashboard.utils as dashboard_utils import ray.ray_constants as ray_constants import import ray._private.utils from ray.core.generated import agent_manager_pb2 from ray.core.generated import agent_manager_pb2_grpc from ray._private.ray_logging import setup_component_logger from ray._raylet import connect_to_gcs # All third-party dependencies that are not included in the minimal Ray # installation must be included in this file. This allows us to determine if # the agent has the necessary dependencies to be started. from ray.dashboard.optional_deps import aiohttp, aiohttp_cors, hdrs # Import psutil after ray so the packaged version is used. import psutil try: create_task = asyncio.create_task except AttributeError: create_task = asyncio.ensure_future logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) routes = dashboard_utils.ClassMethodRouteTable aiogrpc.init_grpc_aio() class DashboardAgent(object): def __init__(self, node_ip_address, redis_address, dashboard_agent_port, redis_password=None, temp_dir=None, session_dir=None, runtime_env_dir=None, log_dir=None, metrics_export_port=None, node_manager_port=None, listen_port=0, object_store_name=None, raylet_name=None, logging_params=None): """Initialize the DashboardAgent object.""" # Public attributes are accessible for all agent modules. self.ip = node_ip_address self.redis_address = dashboard_utils.address_tuple(redis_address) self.redis_password = redis_password self.temp_dir = temp_dir self.session_dir = session_dir self.runtime_env_dir = runtime_env_dir self.log_dir = log_dir self.dashboard_agent_port = dashboard_agent_port self.metrics_export_port = metrics_export_port self.node_manager_port = node_manager_port self.listen_port = listen_port self.object_store_name = object_store_name self.raylet_name = raylet_name self.logging_params = logging_params self.node_id = os.environ["RAY_NODE_ID"] # TODO(edoakes): RAY_RAYLET_PID isn't properly set on Windows. This is # only used for fate-sharing with the raylet and we need a different # fate-sharing mechanism for Windows anyways. if sys.platform not in ["win32", "cygwin"]: self.ppid = int(os.environ["RAY_RAYLET_PID"]) assert self.ppid > 0"Parent pid is %s", self.ppid) self.server = aiogrpc.server(options=(("grpc.so_reuseport", 0), )) self.grpc_port = self.server.add_insecure_port( f"[::]:{self.dashboard_agent_port}")"Dashboard agent grpc address: %s:%s", self.ip, self.grpc_port) self.aioredis_client = None options = (("grpc.enable_http_proxy", 0), ) self.aiogrpc_raylet_channel = aiogrpc.insecure_channel( f"{self.ip}:{self.node_manager_port}", options=options) self.http_session = None ip, port = redis_address.split(":") self.gcs_client = connect_to_gcs(ip, int(port), redis_password) def _load_modules(self): """Load dashboard agent modules.""" modules = [] agent_cls_list = dashboard_utils.get_all_modules( dashboard_utils.DashboardAgentModule) for cls in agent_cls_list:"Loading %s: %s", dashboard_utils.DashboardAgentModule.__name__, cls) c = cls(self) dashboard_utils.ClassMethodRouteTable.bind(c) modules.append(c)"Loaded %d modules.", len(modules)) return modules async def run(self): async def _check_parent(): """Check if raylet is dead and fate-share if it is.""" try: curr_proc = psutil.Process() while True: parent = curr_proc.parent() if (parent is None or == 1 or self.ppid != logger.error("Raylet is dead, exiting.") sys.exit(0) await asyncio.sleep( dashboard_consts. DASHBOARD_AGENT_CHECK_PARENT_INTERVAL_SECONDS) except Exception: logger.error("Failed to check parent PID, exiting.") sys.exit(1) if sys.platform not in ["win32", "cygwin"]: check_parent_task = create_task(_check_parent()) # Create an aioredis client for all modules. try: self.aioredis_client = await dashboard_utils.get_aioredis_client( self.redis_address, self.redis_password, dashboard_consts.CONNECT_REDIS_INTERNAL_SECONDS, dashboard_consts.RETRY_REDIS_CONNECTION_TIMES) except (socket.gaierror, ConnectionRefusedError): logger.error( "Dashboard agent exiting: " "Failed to connect to redis at %s", self.redis_address) sys.exit(-1) # Create a http session for all modules. # aiohttp<4.0.0 uses a 'loop' variable, aiohttp>=4.0.0 doesn't anymore if LooseVersion(aiohttp.__version__) < LooseVersion("4.0.0"): self.http_session = aiohttp.ClientSession( loop=asyncio.get_event_loop()) else: self.http_session = aiohttp.ClientSession() # Start a grpc asyncio server. await self.server.start() modules = self._load_modules() # Http server should be initialized after all modules loaded. app = aiohttp.web.Application() app.add_routes(routes=routes.bound_routes()) # Enable CORS on all routes. cors = aiohttp_cors.setup( app, defaults={ "*": aiohttp_cors.ResourceOptions( allow_credentials=True, expose_headers="*", allow_methods="*", allow_headers=("Content-Type", "X-Header"), ) }) for route in list(app.router.routes()): cors.add(route) runner = aiohttp.web.AppRunner(app) await runner.setup() site = aiohttp.web.TCPSite(runner, "", self.listen_port) await site.start() http_host, http_port, *_ = site._server.sockets[0].getsockname()"Dashboard agent http address: %s:%s", http_host, http_port) # Dump registered http routes. dump_routes = [ r for r in app.router.routes() if r.method != hdrs.METH_HEAD ] for r in dump_routes:"Registered %s routes.", len(dump_routes)) # Write the dashboard agent port to redis. await self.aioredis_client.set( f"{dashboard_consts.DASHBOARD_AGENT_PORT_PREFIX}{self.node_id}", json.dumps([http_port, self.grpc_port])) # Register agent to agent manager. raylet_stub = agent_manager_pb2_grpc.AgentManagerServiceStub( self.aiogrpc_raylet_channel) await raylet_stub.RegisterAgent( agent_manager_pb2.RegisterAgentRequest( agent_pid=os.getpid(), agent_port=self.grpc_port, agent_ip_address=self.ip)) tasks = [ for m in modules] if sys.platform not in ["win32", "cygwin"]: tasks.append(check_parent_task) await asyncio.gather(*tasks) await self.server.wait_for_termination() # Wait for finish signal. await runner.cleanup() if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Dashboard agent.") parser.add_argument( "--node-ip-address", required=True, type=str, help="the IP address of this node.") parser.add_argument( "--redis-address", required=True, type=str, help="The address to use for Redis.") parser.add_argument( "--metrics-export-port", required=True, type=int, help="The port to expose metrics through Prometheus.") parser.add_argument( "--dashboard-agent-port", required=True, type=int, help="The port on which the dashboard agent will receive GRPCs.") parser.add_argument( "--node-manager-port", required=True, type=int, help="The port to use for starting the node manager") parser.add_argument( "--object-store-name", required=True, type=str, default=None, help="The socket name of the plasma store") parser.add_argument( "--listen-port", required=False, type=int, default=0, help="Port for HTTP server to listen on") parser.add_argument( "--raylet-name", required=True, type=str, default=None, help="The socket path of the raylet process") parser.add_argument( "--redis-password", required=False, type=str, default=None, help="The password to use for Redis") parser.add_argument( "--logging-level", required=False, type=lambda s: logging.getLevelName(s.upper()), default=ray_constants.LOGGER_LEVEL, choices=ray_constants.LOGGER_LEVEL_CHOICES, help=ray_constants.LOGGER_LEVEL_HELP) parser.add_argument( "--logging-format", required=False, type=str, default=ray_constants.LOGGER_FORMAT, help=ray_constants.LOGGER_FORMAT_HELP) parser.add_argument( "--logging-filename", required=False, type=str, default=dashboard_consts.DASHBOARD_AGENT_LOG_FILENAME, help="Specify the name of log file, " "log to stdout if set empty, default is \"{}\".".format( dashboard_consts.DASHBOARD_AGENT_LOG_FILENAME)) parser.add_argument( "--logging-rotate-bytes", required=False, type=int, default=ray_constants.LOGGING_ROTATE_BYTES, help="Specify the max bytes for rotating " "log file, default is {} bytes.".format( ray_constants.LOGGING_ROTATE_BYTES)) parser.add_argument( "--logging-rotate-backup-count", required=False, type=int, default=ray_constants.LOGGING_ROTATE_BACKUP_COUNT, help="Specify the backup count of rotated log file, default is {}.". format(ray_constants.LOGGING_ROTATE_BACKUP_COUNT)) parser.add_argument( "--log-dir", required=True, type=str, default=None, help="Specify the path of log directory.") parser.add_argument( "--temp-dir", required=True, type=str, default=None, help="Specify the path of the temporary directory use by Ray process.") parser.add_argument( "--session-dir", required=True, type=str, default=None, help="Specify the path of this session.") parser.add_argument( "--runtime-env-dir", required=True, type=str, default=None, help="Specify the path of the resource directory used by runtime_env.") args = parser.parse_args() try: logging_params = dict( logging_level=args.logging_level, logging_format=args.logging_format, log_dir=args.log_dir, filename=args.logging_filename, max_bytes=args.logging_rotate_bytes, backup_count=args.logging_rotate_backup_count) setup_component_logger(**logging_params) agent = DashboardAgent( args.node_ip_address, args.redis_address, args.dashboard_agent_port, redis_password=args.redis_password, temp_dir=args.temp_dir, session_dir=args.session_dir, runtime_env_dir=args.runtime_env_dir, log_dir=args.log_dir, metrics_export_port=args.metrics_export_port, node_manager_port=args.node_manager_port, listen_port=args.listen_port, object_store_name=args.object_store_name, raylet_name=args.raylet_name, logging_params=logging_params) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete( except Exception as e: # All these env vars should be available because # they are provided by the parent raylet. restart_count = os.environ["RESTART_COUNT"] max_restart_count = os.environ["MAX_RESTART_COUNT"] raylet_pid = os.environ["RAY_RAYLET_PID"] node_ip = args.node_ip_address if restart_count >= max_restart_count: # Agent is failed to be started many times. # Push an error to all drivers, so that users can know the # impact of the issue. redis_client = args.redis_address, password=args.redis_password) traceback_str = ray._private.utils.format_error_message( traceback.format_exc()) message = ( f"(ip={node_ip}) " f"The agent on node {platform.uname()[1]} failed to " f"be restarted {max_restart_count} " "times. There are 3 possible problems if you see this error." "\n 1. The dashboard might not display correct " "information on this node." "\n 2. Metrics on this node won't be reported." "\n 3. runtime_env APIs won't work." "\nCheck out the `dashboard_agent.log` to see the " "detailed failure messages.") ray._private.utils.push_error_to_driver_through_redis( redis_client, ray_constants.DASHBOARD_AGENT_DIED_ERROR, message) logger.error(message) logger.exception(e) exit(1)