a2c-breakoutnoframeskip-v4: env: BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4 run: A2C # Minimum reward and total ts (in given time_total_s) to pass this test. pass_criteria: episode_reward_mean: 50.0 timesteps_total: 5000000 stop: time_total_s: 7200 config: rollout_fragment_length: 20 clip_rewards: True num_workers: 5 num_envs_per_worker: 5 num_gpus: 1 lr_schedule: [ [0, 0.0007], [20000000, 0.000000000001], ] a3c-pongdeterministic-v4: env: PongDeterministic-v4 run: A3C # Minimum reward and total ts (in given time_total_s) to pass this test. pass_criteria: episode_reward_mean: 18.0 timesteps_total: 5000000 stop: time_total_s: 3600 config: num_gpus: 0 num_workers: 16 rollout_fragment_length: 20 vf_loss_coeff: 0.5 entropy_coeff: 0.01 gamma: 0.99 grad_clip: 40.0 lambda: 1.0 lr: 0.0001 observation_filter: NoFilter preprocessor_pref: rllib model: use_lstm: true conv_activation: elu dim: 42 grayscale: true zero_mean: false # Reduced channel depth and kernel size from default. conv_filters: [ [32, [3, 3], 2], [32, [3, 3], 2], [32, [3, 3], 2], [32, [3, 3], 2], ] apex-breakoutnoframeskip-v4: env: BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4 run: APEX # Minimum reward and total ts (in given time_total_s) to pass this test. pass_criteria: episode_reward_mean: 20.0 timesteps_total: 10000000 stop: time_total_s: 7200 config: double_q: false dueling: false num_atoms: 1 noisy: false n_step: 3 lr: .0001 adam_epsilon: .00015 hiddens: [512] buffer_size: 1000000 exploration_config: epsilon_timesteps: 200000 final_epsilon: 0.01 prioritized_replay_alpha: 0.5 final_prioritized_replay_beta: 1.0 prioritized_replay_beta_annealing_timesteps: 2000000 num_gpus: 1 num_workers: 8 num_envs_per_worker: 8 rollout_fragment_length: 20 train_batch_size: 512 target_network_update_freq: 50000 timesteps_per_iteration: 25000 appo-pongnoframeskip-v4: env: PongNoFrameskip-v4 run: APPO # Minimum reward and total ts (in given time_total_s) to pass this test. pass_criteria: episode_reward_mean: 18.0 timesteps_total: 5000000 stop: time_total_s: 2000 config: vtrace: True use_kl_loss: False rollout_fragment_length: 50 train_batch_size: 750 num_workers: 31 broadcast_interval: 1 max_sample_requests_in_flight_per_worker: 1 num_multi_gpu_tower_stacks: 1 num_envs_per_worker: 8 num_sgd_iter: 2 vf_loss_coeff: 1.0 clip_param: 0.3 num_gpus: 1 grad_clip: 10 model: dim: 42 ars-hopperbulletenv-v0: env: HopperBulletEnv-v0 run: ARS # Minimum reward and total ts (in given time_total_s) to pass this test. pass_criteria: episode_reward_mean: 100.0 timesteps_total: 2000000 stop: time_total_s: 2000 config: noise_stdev: 0.01 num_rollouts: 1 rollouts_used: 1 num_workers: 1 sgd_stepsize: 0.02 noise_size: 250000000 eval_prob: 0.2 offset: 0 observation_filter: NoFilter report_length: 3 # bc-halfcheetahbulletenv-v0: # env: HalfCheetahBulletEnv-v0 # run: BC # pass_criteria: # episode_reward_mean: 400.0 # timesteps_total: 10000000 # stop: # time_total_s: 3600 # config: # # Use input produced by expert SAC algo. # input: ["~/halfcheetah_expert_sac.zip"] # actions_in_input_normalized: true # num_gpus: 1 # model: # fcnet_activation: relu # fcnet_hiddens: [256, 256, 256] # evaluation_num_workers: 1 # evaluation_interval: 3 # evaluation_config: # input: sampler cql-halfcheetahbulletenv-v0: env: HalfCheetahBulletEnv-v0 run: CQL pass_criteria: episode_reward_mean: 400.0 timesteps_total: 10000000 stop: time_total_s: 3600 config: # Use input produced by expert SAC algo. input: ["~/halfcheetah_expert_sac.zip"] actions_in_input_normalized: true soft_horizon: False horizon: 1000 Q_model: fcnet_activation: relu fcnet_hiddens: [256, 256, 256] policy_model: fcnet_activation: relu fcnet_hiddens: [256, 256, 256] tau: 0.005 target_entropy: auto no_done_at_end: false n_step: 3 rollout_fragment_length: 1 prioritized_replay: false train_batch_size: 256 target_network_update_freq: 0 timesteps_per_iteration: 1000 learning_starts: 256 optimization: actor_learning_rate: 0.0001 critic_learning_rate: 0.0003 entropy_learning_rate: 0.0001 num_workers: 0 num_gpus: 1 metrics_smoothing_episodes: 5 # CQL Configs min_q_weight: 5.0 bc_iters: 20000 temperature: 1.0 num_actions: 10 lagrangian: False # Switch on online evaluation. evaluation_interval: 3 evaluation_config: input: sampler ddpg-hopperbulletenv-v0: env: HopperBulletEnv-v0 run: DDPG # Minimum reward and total ts (in given time_total_s) to pass this test. pass_criteria: episode_reward_mean: 120.0 timesteps_total: 50000 stop: time_total_s: 3600 config: actor_hiddens: [256, 256] critic_hiddens: [256, 256] n_step: 3 model: {} gamma: 0.99 env_config: {} exploration_config: initial_scale: 1.0 final_scale: 0.02 scale_timesteps: 10000 ou_base_scale: 0.1 ou_theta: 0.15 ou_sigma: 0.2 timesteps_per_iteration: 1000 target_network_update_freq: 0 tau: 0.001 buffer_size: 10000 prioritized_replay: True prioritized_replay_alpha: 0.6 prioritized_replay_beta: 0.4 prioritized_replay_eps: 0.000001 clip_rewards: false actor_lr: 0.001 critic_lr: 0.001 use_huber: true huber_threshold: 1.0 l2_reg: 0.000001 learning_starts: 500 rollout_fragment_length: 1 train_batch_size: 48 num_gpus: 1 num_workers: 0 num_gpus_per_worker: 0 worker_side_prioritization: false # Basically the same as atari-ppo, but adapted for DDPPO. Note that DDPPO # isn't actually any more efficient on Atari, since the network size is # relatively small and the env doesn't require a GPU. ddppo-breakoutnoframeskip-v4: env: BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4 run: DDPPO # Minimum reward and total ts (in given time_total_s) to pass this test. pass_criteria: episode_reward_mean: 50.0 timesteps_total: 10000000 stop: time_total_s: 3600 config: # DDPPO only supports PyTorch so far. framework: torch # Worker config: 10 workers, each of which requires a GPU. num_workers: 8 # Workers require GPUs, but share 1 GPU amongst 2 workers. num_gpus_per_worker: 0.5 # Each worker will sample 100 * 5 envs per worker steps = 500 steps # per optimization round. This is 5000 steps summed across workers. rollout_fragment_length: 100 num_envs_per_worker: 5 # Each worker will take a minibatch of 50. There are 10 workers total, # so the effective minibatch size will be 500. sgd_minibatch_size: 50 num_sgd_iter: 10 # Params from standard PPO Atari config: lambda: 0.95 kl_coeff: 0.5 clip_rewards: true clip_param: 0.1 vf_clip_param: 10.0 entropy_coeff: 0.01 batch_mode: truncate_episodes observation_filter: NoFilter model: vf_share_layers: true dqn-breakoutnoframeskip-v4: env: BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4 run: DQN # Minimum reward and total ts (in given time_total_s) to pass this test. pass_criteria: episode_reward_mean: 30.0 timesteps_total: 450000 stop: time_total_s: 7200 config: double_q: false dueling: false num_atoms: 1 noisy: false prioritized_replay: false n_step: 1 target_network_update_freq: 8000 lr: .0000625 adam_epsilon: .00015 hiddens: [512] learning_starts: 20000 buffer_size: 1000000 rollout_fragment_length: 4 train_batch_size: 32 exploration_config: epsilon_timesteps: 200000 final_epsilon: 0.01 prioritized_replay_alpha: 0.5 final_prioritized_replay_beta: 1.0 prioritized_replay_beta_annealing_timesteps: 2000000 num_gpus: 0.5 timesteps_per_iteration: 10000 es-humanoid-v2: env: Humanoid-v2 run: ES # Minimum reward and total ts (in given time_total_s) to pass this test. pass_criteria: episode_reward_mean: 6000.0 timesteps_total: 10000000 stop: time_total_s: 3600 config: num_workers: 50 impala-breakoutnoframeskip-v4: env: BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4 run: IMPALA # Minimum reward and total ts (in given time_total_s) to pass this test. pass_criteria: episode_reward_mean: 300.0 timesteps_total: 6000000 stop: time_total_s: 3600 config: rollout_fragment_length: 50 train_batch_size: 500 num_workers: 10 num_envs_per_worker: 5 clip_rewards: True lr_schedule: [ [0, 0.0005], [20000000, 0.000000000001], ] num_gpus: 1 # marwil-halfcheetahbulletenv-v0: # env: HalfCheetahBulletEnv-v0 # run: MARWIL # pass_criteria: # episode_reward_mean: 400.0 # timesteps_total: 10000000 # stop: # time_total_s: 3600 # config: # # Use input produced by expert SAC algo. # input: ["~/halfcheetah_expert_sac.zip"] # actions_in_input_normalized: true # # Switch off input evaluation (data does not contain action probs). # input_evaluation: [] # num_gpus: 1 # model: # fcnet_activation: relu # fcnet_hiddens: [256, 256, 256] # evaluation_num_workers: 1 # evaluation_interval: 1 # evaluation_config: # input: sampler ppo-breakoutnoframeskip-v4: env: BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4 run: PPO # Minimum reward and total ts (in given time_total_s) to pass this test. pass_criteria: episode_reward_mean: 50.0 timesteps_total: 10000000 stop: time_total_s: 7200 config: lambda: 0.95 kl_coeff: 0.5 clip_rewards: True clip_param: 0.1 vf_clip_param: 10.0 entropy_coeff: 0.01 train_batch_size: 5000 rollout_fragment_length: 100 sgd_minibatch_size: 500 num_sgd_iter: 10 num_workers: 10 num_envs_per_worker: 5 batch_mode: truncate_episodes observation_filter: NoFilter model: vf_share_layers: true num_gpus: 1 # Expect roughly 1000 reward after 1h on 1GPU sac-halfcheetahbulletenv-v0: env: HalfCheetahBulletEnv-v0 run: SAC # Minimum reward and total ts (in given time_total_s) to pass this test. pass_criteria: episode_reward_mean: 600.0 timesteps_total: 100000 stop: time_total_s: 7200 config: horizon: 1000 soft_horizon: false Q_model: fcnet_activation: relu fcnet_hiddens: [256, 256] policy_model: fcnet_activation: relu fcnet_hiddens: [256, 256] tau: 0.005 target_entropy: auto no_done_at_end: false n_step: 3 rollout_fragment_length: 1 prioritized_replay: true train_batch_size: 256 target_network_update_freq: 1 timesteps_per_iteration: 1000 learning_starts: 10000 optimization: actor_learning_rate: 0.0003 critic_learning_rate: 0.0003 entropy_learning_rate: 0.0003 num_workers: 0 num_gpus: 1 metrics_smoothing_episodes: 5 td3-halfcheetahbulletenv-v0: env: HalfCheetahBulletEnv-v0 run: TD3 # Minimum reward and total ts (in given time_total_s) to pass this test. pass_criteria: episode_reward_mean: 400.0 timesteps_total: 1000000 stop: time_total_s: 7200 config: num_gpus: 1 learning_starts: 10000 exploration_config: random_timesteps: 10000